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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 130 Only an idiot doesn¡¯t feel like an idiot

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    Chapter 130 Only idiots don¡¯t think they are idiots

    The professor of the Martial Arts Academy called Fang Jie's behavior a flexible use of tactics because he was really too embarrassed to say the word shameless.  However, it is undeniable that everyone present knows that Dean Zhou's shameless comment has absolutely no derogatory meaning. On the contrary, it is full of praise.

    Prince Yi Yang Yin, who was sitting next to Dean Zhou and came to watch the competition on behalf of the Emperor, even couldn't help but smile with appreciation and whispered to Dean Zhou next to him: "This is what smart people do.  There is never a shortage of arrogant men, but there are really not many people who are as clever as Fang Jie. "

    Dean Zhou hummed and said nothing, staring at the young man from the small border town with interest.

    The professor who asked the question before shook his head and said with some disappointment: "But in my opinion, since you are a soldier, you should be more bloody. You should not be afraid even if you know that there will be a very difficult situation waiting for you ahead. And  We should face it bravely. This is the spirit that the Sui soldiers have always advocated. Aren't people like Fang Jie too timid? "

    Prince Yi Yang Yin smiled and shook his head and said: "I'll make a bet with you. When it comes to the actual fighting on the battlefield, do you think a person with blood will have a greater chance of surviving, or a person like Fang Jie will survive?"  What¡¯s the first thing you need to do to win?¡±

    he asks.

    Mo Wanwu, a professor at the Yanwu Academy on the side, thought for a while and replied: "Strength."

    Prince Yi shook his head again but did not speak. Instead, he waited for others to give a different answer.

    "It's preparation"

    Another professor answered seriously: "Although the battle situation changes rapidly on the battlefield, adequate preparation is the greatest guarantee of victory. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle."

    Prince Yi hummed and said: "If you only have strength but no preparation, there will indeed be times when the boat capsizes in the gutter."

    Everyone nodded. At this time, the female professor Qiu Yu, who had been sitting quietly aside, said three words in a very soft voice. Although it was very soft, Prince Yi Yang Yin still heard it and nodded and said the correct answer.


    This is Qiu Yu¡¯s answer.

    Prince Yi couldn't help but sigh: "If you want to win, you must first survive. You may think that Fang Jie's performance is a little cowardly and cunning, and does not have the vigor that a Sui soldier should have. But there is no doubt that this is the most correct  The opponent in the first round of the battle will definitely not be too strong. Use such an opponent to quickly enter the fighting state, and then you cannot end the battle in a hurry, because the first to end the battle are the strongest candidates.  It¡¯s only the second round of the competition and so many strong people are meeting in advance. How fierce will the battle be? Even if you defeat a strong opponent, you will definitely consume a lot of energy and even get injured.¡±

    "After you eliminated a powerful opponent in the second round, you were also injured. How difficult will it be to face a stronger enemy in the third round?"

    Yang Yin smiled and said: "If Fang Jie delays the first round of fighting, the opponent he will face in the second round will not be too strong. If he delays the second round for some time, the opponent he will face in the third round will still be  It won't be very strong. He has been eliminating others, but the consumption is the least. In this way, he can use his full strength in the final round, and at this time, his opponent is eliminated.  I am exhausted after fighting many powerful opponents.¡±

    "Then, he is very likely to win in the end."

    Yang Yin paused and said: "What is the most beautiful tactic? Winning is the most beautiful tactic."

    Dean Zhou, who had been silent, nodded and said with some emotion: "This little guy reminds me of a person. Nowadays, when people mention that guy, they often use a respectful tone. Because he created the history of the Yanwu Academy  The most abnormal result in my life, getting straight A¡¯s in all nine subjects¡­¡±

    When he talked about this game, everyone knew who he was talking about.

    Only one person has achieved excellent scores in all nine subjects.  That was Li Xiao, who later became the first general in the Taizong period.  Mentioning this name, what inevitably comes to mind is his abnormally excellent results in nine subjects during the examination at the Yanwu Academy, and his abnormal record of never losing a single battle when leading troops.  These brilliance were not only written into the Li family's genealogy, but also into the history books of the Sui Dynasty.  Even if people mention this person again many years later, they still respect him.

    Dean Zhou said with a smile: "But you have all forgotten, how did Li Xiao get excellent grades in nine subjects? Needless to say, five subjects in liberal arts, if you really want to distinguish carefully, Li Xiao should have been a scholar. What's in his belly  In terms of knowledge, it may not be inferior to that of the bachelors at that time. In the martial arts assessment,The tactics Li Xiao used in the end were the tactics Fang Jie was using now.  He was originally an elegant man, and in terms of cultivation, he was not even ranked in the top thirty among the candidates at that time.  But in the end, he won the first place. Why?  "

    "Because the candidates who could beat him were too energetic, no one was convinced by anyone, and no one was willing to lose to anyone. They all stood out in the first round of competition, and then started fighting among themselves. When it came to the final round of competition,  There are only a few people left who can defeat Li Xiao and they have long since lost the energy to fight again."

    He looked at the young man on the field and said: "That was a hundred years ago. We have all forgotten this cunning method and only remember the brilliant results. Fang's solution is good, he has not forgotten it."



    And at this time, on Shenquan Mountain, which is not far from the martial arts arena, a large number of Ouchi guards in flying fish robes have blocked the town at the foot of the mountain and the only road down the mountain.  No one is allowed to go up the mountain, including people from Shenquan Villa. Those who go down the mountain must wait until the blockade is lifted before going back.

    At the foot of the mountain, Meng Wudi, deputy commander of the Ouchi Guards Department, looked up at the mountain with a gloomy expression.  Even with his status, he couldn't easily go up the mountain, because the enemy whose traces were discovered at this time was very advanced.  One of them was the Buddhist disciple who killed the horizontal stick under his nose that night and then left quietly. Meng Wudi's greatest advantage is that he has self-awareness. He knew that with his own cultivation, he might not be able to make the slightest move in a battle like today.  effect.

    Of the three people who had gone up the mountain, none of them could be offended by Meng Wudi.

    One is from the Ouchi Guards Department, although he has no official status.  But there is no doubt that he is the third person in the Ouchi Guards Department and Love Office.  Zhuo Buyi, this man of the world could make the emperor and his majesty love talents without being put to death.  You must know that the crime he was originally convicted of was treason!

    Taoist Heji, the great priest in charge of punishment at Yiqi Temple in Qingle Mountain, ranks second among the four great priests in Qingle Mountain.  In fact, this person's prestige in Yiqiguan is higher than that of his senior brother, Taoist Fengming, the great priest.  Because he is in charge of punishment, there is no one who is not afraid of him.

    The third one is the old man in blue robe who often stays with His Majesty.  He does not belong to the Ouchi Guards, nor does he belong to the military. If we have to say who he belongs to, then we can only say that he is from the palace and His Majesty's.

    Meng Wudi¡¯s status is already high, so he has access to some secrets.  He knew that in His Majesty's eyes, this old man's identity was equal to that of Commander Luo.  It's just that Commander Luo is in charge of the Ouchi Guards Department and has too many mundane matters.  And this old man only protects the nobles in the palace, so very few people know about it.

    Meng Wudi had only vaguely heard of this old man, who seemed to be called Li Nan.  He didn't know why the old man called such an unlucky name. You must know that many things are taboo in the palace.  His name itself is taboo.

    Meng Wudi also knew that he was definitely not the only one in the palace with a master like Ru Linan who had a secretive identity and unknown origins.  On the surface, it seems that the people from the Imperial Guard are responsible for guarding the imperial city and protecting His Majesty's safety.  But I don¡¯t know how many masters were hidden around the emperor. Otherwise, how could it be that there were many people who wanted to assassinate the Sui Emperor over the years, but none of them could really threaten the emperor.

    Thinking of Li Nan, Meng Wudi naturally thought of Su Buwei.

    That eunuch seems to be a hidden master.

    The longer he stayed at the Ouchi Guards, the more Meng Wudi felt his own insignificance.  He had been proud when he had just been promoted to deputy commander. He felt that he had finally come into his own and would have a bright future.  But later he realized that he had underestimated the Ouchi Guards Department and the Taiji Palace too much.

    He has an eighth-level cultivation, and if he travels around the world, he will definitely cause a storm. At least he will be able to defeat a few leaders of small sects.  He originally thought that even if his cultivation level was not too high among the Ouchi guards, at least he could still stand in a very front position.  But later he finally understood that he was able to become the deputy commander of the Ouchi Guards Department not because of his eighth-level cultivation, but because he was smooth and self-aware.

    ¡°If a person without self-awareness were to sit in the deputy commander¡¯s seat, would he be talking down to Zhuo Buyi, who doesn¡¯t even have an official position?

    Others may not be able to, but he definitely can.

    And he is an expert at handling complicated and trivial matters. Rather than saying that what Luo Weiran values ????is his cultivation, it is better to say that what Luo Weiran values ????is his ability. He is a qualified manager, but by no means a strong man.

    Therefore, even though Meng Wudi was curious about what exciting stories would happen on the mountain, what shocking fights would unfold, and what bizarre facts would be discovered, he still stood at the foot of the mountain honestly and commanded Feiyu.Roads and villages were cordoned off.

    The enemies on the mountain should be proud that the Ouchi Guards Department can be so aggressive.

    The man whose traces were found on the mountain is indeed very proud. He has been very proud since he joined the Buddhist sect.  In fact, he is not only proud of himself, but also makes others proud of him.  He is the favorite disciple of the Second Heavenly Lord, Wisdom Lord, under the throne of the Buddha's Maharaja. Wisdom Lord once said that among his many disciples, Chenya is the one who has the most hope of achieving perfection in practice and the person who has the most hope of attaining the status of a god.

    But it was precisely because of this pride that Chen Ya almost fell into Chang'an City in the Sui Dynasty.

    This arrogant and proud man, known as the Miao Monk, had no power to resist in front of Taoist Heji that night.  If he hadn't been rescued at the critical moment, he would have been imprisoned in a dungeon somewhere and tortured.  Those who dare to detain and insult Buddhist disciples will be called Buddha-killers in other places, and they will be burned with fire and their entire family will be slaughtered.  But in the Sui Dynasty, this was a normal thing.

    So at this time, Chen Ya finally understood why the master, Wisdom Tianzun, evaluated Sui Dynasty as a place where demons were rampant.  At that time, the Wisdom Heavenly Lord once wanted to go to Sui Dynasty to spread Buddhism, but the people in Sui Dynasty did not take him seriously at all.  This is unimaginable in other places. If the Wisdom God wants to go somewhere, the local royal family will even kneel down to welcome him!

    And in the Sui Dynasty, a place where demons are rampant, anyone who kneels down to the people of the Buddhist sect will be despised or even maimed.



    Chen Ya was sitting cross-legged on a big tree, using the thick branches and leaves to cover his figure.  The injuries on his body were very serious. If anyone else had received those two blows from Taoist Heji, he would have died a long time ago.  But even so, he actually preferred to give up the elixir that could help him regain his strength in the shortest time, and collected other medicinal materials on the mountain and combined them with the old wine from Shenquan Villa to make a big killer weapon.

    He thought that the first person to find him would still be the red-robed high priest of Dao Sect, and he was not wrong.  But what he didn't expect was that Xiang Qingniu was also traveling with him.

    Even if he thought about it, he didn't think that the stupid, fat Taoist could see through the murder weapon he had laid.

    He gave up the elixir and his injury did not improve.  Taoist Heji's repulsive force could not be driven away from his body, wreaking havoc in his body like mosquitoes, rats, and ants.  Ever since he started practicing, Miao Monk has never been in such a miserable state.

    Chen Ya closed his eyes and kept thinking about how to get out of today's predicament.  A cicada kept chirping not far from where he was hiding, which made him a little upset.  Just when he couldn't help but want to drive the cicada away, the cicada suddenly stopped vibrating its wings and made no sound.

    Chen Ya couldn't help but open his eyes to look. The moment he opened his eyes, a sense of crisis suddenly emerged in his heart.  He fled from his hiding place without hesitation and jumped down from the tree like lightning.  Just as he landed, the cicada that was still chirping before fell to the ground with a clatter.

    Still alive, but unable to move.

    Not far away, the vertical eye on the forehead of the red-robed great priest Heji Taoist was open, and the dark red light inside flickered faintly.

    If Chen Ya hadn¡¯t reacted so quickly, he would have ended up like that cicada, losing his freedom and falling from the tree to be slaughtered.

    "With this method, I can make a sneak attack once, but it would be too stupid if I were restrained by you the second time."

    Although Chen Ya was seriously injured, he still said forcefully.

    Taoist Hezi sneered and said, "Only idiots think they are not idiots."

    Chen Ya was startled. When he tried to move again, how could he move at all?  He clearly didn't look at Taoist Heji's eyes and hid away, but why was he still restrained?

    The answer didn¡¯t make him wait too long.

    A dozen meters away from him, a middle-aged man in civilian clothes slowly walked out from behind a big tree.  His face was calm and his pace was calm.

    Draw the ground as a prison
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