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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 126 Come on, let the dogs out!

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    Chapter 126: Come, let the dogs out!

    The test of the President Institute, the five doors of the liberal arts department, it seems that the liberal arts seems to be more important than the martial arts, but in fact, although the martial arts test is one less, its weight is much heavier than the liberal arts.  You must know that it was during the reign of Emperor Taizong that liberal arts were added to the examination of the Yanwu Academy. When Taizu first started, the Yanwu Academy had only had four subjects: martial arts.

    As the national power of the Sui Dynasty became stronger and stronger, and the national foundation became more and more stable, the emperor gradually paid more attention to the literati. The Sui Dynasty established the country with force, but in the end it was the literati who governed the country.  If a country is governed by warriors, it will only lead to chaos.  The throne of the Sui Dynasty came into the hands of Taizong. The first thing he did when he ascended the throne was to set the rule that liberal arts must be included in the examination of the Yanwu Academy.  Although it was quite controversial at the time, Emperor Taizong insisted on his decision against all opinions.

    So, there was the amazing beauty of Li Xiao's nine outstanding talents.

    Later, Emperor Taizong¡¯s foresight had to be admired.  If the students recruited by the Yanwu Academy were all pure martial artists, it would not be a good thing for the Sui army and even the country.  A person with advanced cultivation may not be a general, but a fierce general who can charge into battle and take the head of an admiral in the midst of thousands of troops is like a man in a bag, after all, he is just a strong general, not a handsome man.

    The Sui Dynasty has always had no shortage of powerful generals.

    But even though the liberal arts exam has been accepted by people.  But in the martial arts academy, performance in martial arts is still the most important thing.  For example, Fang Jie's excellence in five liberal arts subjects is definitely not as good as his excellence in four subjects in martial arts, or even as good as three excellences in martial arts.  No matter how good you are in liberal arts, if you fail in the martial arts exam, you can only get a civilian job at most.  Although there is an essential difference between civilians in the military and civil servants in the imperial court, it is a big pity that you cannot lead troops after joining the army.

    "Excellent in five liberal arts subjects, this result is very impressive."  If His Majesty hadn't cherished his talent and held Fang Jie up with one hand, it would have been pretty good if Fang Jie could have scored three high marks in the liberal arts exam based on his true ability.  Because he knew this, Fang Jie attached great importance to the martial arts examination.

    Before arriving at the Yanwu Academy, Fang Jie came out of Changchun Garden.  And just the night before, the emperor's words at the end of the conversation made Fang Jie even more afraid to slack off.

    "Since I have met you twice, it is because I know that you have some abilities. But the abilities you have shown now are not enough to impress me. I want to have a good future and win the martial arts exam tomorrow.  Let me take a look at some outstanding achievements. I am never stingy with rewards. If you have the ability, take more from me."

    These words are not without the intention of motivating generals, but they also clearly tell Fang Jie that as long as you show your abilities and satisfy me, I will definitely reuse you.

    How could Fang Jie miss such an opportunity?

    Since we are in this era of the world, it is by no means just a mentality of taking things as they come.

    The young man who looked a little silly lying on the ground laughing loudly outside Tucheng, the martial arts training ground, at least proved himself in the martial arts examination.  He didn't bother to pay attention to the disdainful or resentful looks from the children of the aristocratic families. He only enjoyed his further sense of accomplishment.  Being envied by others, isn¡¯t it success?

    Of the four martial arts exams, the first two should actually be counted as one.  However, the assessment results are still calculated based on two subjects. If you can get two more excellent ones, there will be no suspense about entering the Martial Arts Academy.  If being excellent in seven disciplines does not guarantee him entry into the martial arts academy, it can only be said that there is no justice in this world.

    After lying on the ground and resting for half an hour, the professor of the Yanwu Academy standing on the wall of Tucheng announced preparations for the third exam.

    The third item is riding and shooting.

    The war horses raised by the martial arts academy are all in the martial arts field, and the wide and flat school grounds of the martial arts field are enough for the candidates to show off their riding and archery skills.  Regardless of whether they have rested from the exhaustion of the first two exams, the candidates know that they no longer have the right to stay on the ground.  Unless they want to give up the exam right now, but as Sui people, the pride in their bones prevents them from making such a choice.

    You can fail, but you can never give up.

    Zhang Kuang, who had almost recovered his energy, stood up, stretched out his hand to pull Fang Jie and said with a smile: "I told you before the exam that all the candidates from our military background are staring at you. Ever since His Majesty allowed us to wear uniforms to participate in the martial arts academy  Since the exam, no soldier has been ranked among the top three in the exam, and no soldier has even been among the top ten. Although this is not a shame, it still makes people feel uncomfortable. "

    He pulled Fang Jie up, patted Fang Jie on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Keep working hard, brothers are watching you!"

    "I am a typical person who is happy when he is rich."

    Fang Jie smiled and said, "Don't put such a heavy burden of proudly serving the soldiers on my shoulders. I can't bear it."

    "Now, if I don't give it to you, who else can I give it to?"

    ¡°??Instead of giving me a burden, you might as well give me some money.  Speaking of which, money definitely gives me more motivation than burden.  "

    Zhang Kuang rolled his eyes at him and then looked at the soldiers who were preparing for the exam, and said with some emotion: "In fact, including myself, which candidate with a military background doesn't want to be the hero that attracts everyone's attention? Who doesn't want to be everyone?  An outstanding person that you admire? Who doesn¡¯t want to enter the top three and write down his name in the history of the martial arts academy? But now we all know that we have no chance to fulfill our dreams. You can.¡±

    "Fortunately, you are still okay, otherwise how could we feel comfortable?"

    Fang Jie looked at the school grounds, splayed his shoulders helplessly and said, "Okay, although I don't want to be pretentious the next assessment is riding and archery, but my horse is still in the city."

    As soon as he finished saying this, Fang Jie saw the beautiful female professor Qiu Yu from the Yanwu Academy slowly walking over from a distance while holding his red horse.  Zhang Kuang couldn't help but laugh, stared at Fang Jie's face and said: "Handsome young man, having a better appearance is indeed useful. If you can deal with the examiner before you deal with the exam, then you will be admired by the brothers.  Your real ability!"

    "Get out!"

    Fang Jie smiled and cursed, dusted himself off a few times and walked towards Qiu Yu.

    "Thank you sir!"

    Fang Jie first leaned down to salute, and then took the reins from Qiu Yu's hand.  The red horse seemed a little uncomfortable with this woman with white eyes, and seemed a little embarrassed.  When he saw Fang Jie, he was obviously a little excited.

    ¡°Well done.¡±

    Qiu Yu nodded to Fang Jie, looked at Fang Jie's haggard expression and suddenly smiled and said: "I will be the examiner later, and now I will give you a chance to bribe me. Don't be stingy and try to make big offers. You should know how to bribe."  My price will definitely not be cheap.¡±

    Fang Jie was silent for a while and then tentatively said: "There is a stall selling hot soup noodles and steamed dumplings in front of my house, which is pretty good."

    Qiu Yu rolled his eyes at him and turned away. Fang Jie smiled and scratched his hair.  After walking four or five steps, the beautiful female professor didn't look back or stop, and her gentle voice floated over: "Tomorrow morning."


    Fang Jie nodded vigorously and smiled stupidly.



    Fang Jie had been looking around when he was preparing for the riding and shooting competition. In fact, he had been looking for him since he arrived at the Yanwu Academy this morning.  He was looking for that moment to not forget to brag - but Xiang Qingniu was as honest and fearful as a quail in front of women, because Xiang Qingniu said that he was the examiner of this year's Martial Arts Academy exam.

    Liberal Arts has ended, and the last two subjects of Martial Arts are left.

    The little fat man was still nowhere to be seen, and Fang Jie even wondered if he had lied again.  Before meeting Shen Qingshan, Fang Jie had never thought that Xiang Qingniu would really be a great person. When Shen Qingshan mentioned that Xiang Qingniu had invited Niubi Taoist Xiao Zhenren to send people to look for him, Fang Jie was really surprised.  Startled.  You must know that the words Xiang Qingniu and the worldly master are not compatible at all. Fang Jie would rather believe that Da Quan is a powerful Taoist sect than believe everything Xiang Qingniu says.

    If Xiang Qingniu had written it, Fang Jie wouldn¡¯t even believe the comma.

    Later, Fang Jiexin accepted the letter, but Xiang Qingniu did not come.

    At the very least, it hasn¡¯t appeared in Fang Jie¡¯s sight yet.  So Fang Jie was sure that Xiang Qingniu was definitely not in the martial arts arena, because with that shameless man's temperament, if he had been in the martial arts arena, he would have come to find Fang Jie Dese.

    Fang Jie couldn¡¯t find him, so he felt a little worried.

    It is definitely not a trivial matter to make Xiang Qingniu not come to the martial arts field and miss the chance to win in front of him.  Not just Xiang Qingniu, Fang Jie didn't see anyone wearing Taoist robes in the martial arts training hall today.  Since Mr. Xiao from Qingleshan came to watch the ceremony on behalf of the Emperor, why didn't he come?

    The reason why Fang Jie was worried was because he had a vague guess in his heart.

    Watching the candidates gather at the school grounds after receiving their horses, Fang Jie shook his head to shake off some messy thoughts in his heart.  He raised his hand and stroked the red horse's neck a few times, smiled and said, "Are you ready?"

    The red horse ignored it. It lowered its head and seemed to be trying to find some tender grass to eat on the bare school grounds. However, it was obviously disappointed, so it was a little dismissive of such a big scene.  In the eyes of horses, many people and many horses are definitely not as good as many fresh and juicy grasses.

    There is a Shenquan Mountain outside Chang'an City. The world-famous Shenquan Villa is located on Shenquan Mountain.  Shenquan Villa is famous for the wine it brews. Even the wine used in His Majesty's banquet was provided by Shenquan Villa.  Shenquan Mountain is not tall.?'e, from a distance looks somewhat similar to Langru Mountain to the west of Fangu City.

    Seen from a distance, the arc of Shenquan Mountain is very gentle.  When people mention mountains, the first impression that comes to their minds is the majestic and rugged beauty, but they rarely think that mountains also have a beautiful side.  This Shenquan Mountain is a model of mountain beauty.

    Shenquan Mountain is not far from the martial arts field, and it takes less than an hour to go back and forth on horseback.

    When the martial arts arena was built, most of the wood and stones used to build Tucheng Tushan were transported from Shenquan Mountain. Including the large forest in the martial arts arena was also transplanted from the mountain, which consumed a lot of manpower and material resources.  .

    Shenquan Villa is located halfway up the Shenquan Mountain. It is said that it was built during the Taizong period of the Sui Dynasty.  It was built by the descendants of a general who had the merit of Conglong when Taizu founded the country. The descendants of that general had no intention of pursuing an official career but preferred to make wine.  More than a hundred years later, his descendants no longer have any titles, but the name of Shenquan Villa is particularly resounding.

    The wine pool is located in the deepest part of Shenquan Villa, and is actually a huge cave.  This cave has a small entrance but is very spacious inside, and the temperature is perfect for storing wine.  The treasure of Shenquan Villa is several jars of old wine that have been stored for decades. They are hidden in this cave. The originally full jars of wine are now more than half full. Of course, no one drank it secretly. It is said that the wine liquid has become sticky.  So thick that you can pull out strands.  Even without entering the wine pool, the aroma of wine can be intoxicating.

    And just when Fang Jie was preparing for the riding and shooting competition, two very special people appeared outside the wine pool of Shenquan Villa.

    ¡° One is a little fat man wearing a black monk¡¯s robe, not very old.  His chubby face was as clean as freshly baked steamed buns. Anyone who saw him wanted to reach out and pinch his face.

    The other is a priest wearing a bright red robe, with a faint crack on his forehead.  He couldn't tell his exact age, and his face was as sharp as a knife or an axe.

    Looking at the entire Sui Taoist sect, there are only three people who are qualified to wear pure black Taoist robes.  One is Master Xiao from Yiqi Temple in Qingle Mountain, the other is Master Zhang from Sanqing Temple in Wudang Mountain, and the other is naturally the fat Taoist Xiang Qingniu who is very unreliable.

    "That's it?"

    Xiang Qingniu looked at the cave, turned his head slightly and asked the red-robed priest standing next to him.

    Taoist Hezi is in charge of Yiqiguan Punishment, and his cold and cold appearance on weekdays is frightening.  Coupled with the noble status of the great priest, it is inevitable that he will have some aura of calmness and self-power.  But in front of Xiang Qingniu, this cold, arrogant and somewhat rigid high priest's attitude was very humble and respectful.

    "When we go back to Junior Master, it should be right here."

    Xiang Qingniu hummed, walked a few steps forward, looked at the cave, cleared his throat and said loudly: "Bald donkeys inside, listen, you are surrounded. There is no point in resisting. Come out and plead guilty."  I'll count to one, and if you don't surrender, I'll let the dogs go!"

    "Uhyoung master uncle, is counting to one too few?"

    ¡°Idiot, I can¡¯t count backwards from ten?¡±

    "My nephew is stupid"

    ¡°Oh my-fuck, do you think I¡¯m farting?!¡±


    Xiang Qingniu didn¡¯t say this to Taoist Hesiao, but to the cave.  He turned around, hooked his fingers and said angrily: "I won't let the dog go, do you really think I'm just trying to scare you?"

    Behind him, a dozen little Taoist boys came up, each holding a very majestic mastiff dog in their hands.  The mastiffs are extremely violent, and although the little Taoist boys have some cultivation, they obviously can't control them.

    ¡°Put it in, put it all in!¡±

    Xiang Qingniu curled his lips and said, "Bald donkeys are most afraid of dogs. This is what the second senior brother said back then!"
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