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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 120 Vomiting and Vomiting

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    Chapter 120: Vomiting and vomiting

    Fang Jie stayed in Qionglu until the morning of the next day, although his conversation with the emperor only lasted about half an hour and ended.  But the gate of Changchun Garden has been closed. No one can open the gate without His Majesty's will.  Fang Jie was arranged to sleep in an unused room for one night. Early the next morning, he found that no one paid attention to him at all.

    His Majesty asked about Fan Gu for the second time, but Fang Jie had his own excuse and had already spoken to Zhuo Buyi. He knew the answer given to His Majesty by the Ouchi Guards, and he did not have the courage yet.  Expose this lie.  He had left before the Fan Gu tragedy occurred, and he did not see Li Yuanshan leading his army to massacre the city.  Zhuo Buyi did not deceive him and told him what really happened, but now he has no ability to avenge Fan Gu's villagers.

    ¡°If he had been more impulsive, maybe he would have told the truth about this matter.  But there is no doubt that the first person to die was definitely not Li Xiaozong or Li Yuanshan.  But him, because he killed the inspector sent by the imperial court to Fan Gu.  No one can testify for him. He was wrongly accused by Li Yuanshan.

    With his current status, it is impossible for him to influence His Majesty's decision.

    The imperial court is about to start a war in the northwest, and the northwest is where the Youxiao Guards are stationed. In this battle, the first one to lead the army to charge forward must be Li Yuanshan's Youxiao Guards!  At this time, it was not difficult for the emperor to make a choice.  Did he slaughter a first-class family for the sake of so-called justice to avenge Fan Gu's 2,000 people and 800 frontier troops? Or did he pretend to know nothing, encourage and even reward Li Yuanshan, and let him lead the troops to build the largest empire in the Sui Dynasty in a century?  achievements!

    There was a moment when Fang Jie felt that the truth was about to slip out of his mouth.  But he bit his lip and forced himself to swallow those words back into his stomach.

    While lying on the bed in the room, Fang Jie even thought of a possibility.

    That is to say, His Majesty most likely knew what happened to Fan Gu from beginning to end, but it was precisely because of the upcoming war, for the supreme glory of the empire, and to achieve the true ambition of the Sui Dynasty that the emperor chose tolerance.  He tolerated Li Yuanshan, the general of the right Xiaowei who deceived him, and forgave Li Xiaozong, the fang general of Fan Gu who had committed the crime.

    What he needs now is a general who can win the war, not a criminal who affects the foundation of the Sui Dynasty.  When he thought of this, Fang Jie couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.  If the facts are true as he speculated, then once he tells Fan Gu, will the emperor kill him mercilessly?

    Fang Jie knew that he had done something that the emperor would appreciate, such as contributing the small calligraphy method for arithmetic, pinyin calligraphy, and the nondescript eighth set of radio gymnastics.  But compared with the glory of the empire and the stability of the court, what do these mean?

    If Fang Jie were the emperor, he could easily make a choice.

    Fortunately, Fang Jie even lost sleep.

    The young man lying on the bed murmured to himself, maybe even he didn't hear clearly what he said.

    The porridge tastes so good that you can¡¯t just drink it once.

    Porridge is just porridge, no matter how exquisite it is, it is just porridge.

    But the place to drink porridge is unusual.

    He got up from the bed and exercised crazily in the small room.  He punched a few times, and then practiced the one-style sword that the old cripple taught him a few times with his bare hands.  It wasn't until after midnight that Fang Jie threw himself exhausted on the bed.  Fatigue prevented him from thinking about Fan Gu's folks for the time being.

    When Fang Jie opened his eyes, the sky was not completely bright yet.  The east has just turned white. In summer, the sky always gets bright very early, and it is already twilight before the sun rises.  But in fact, Fang Jie guessed that it would be around five o'clock in the morning.

    He got up and packed his clothes, then found water in the house and washed his face.  When he went out, he politely greeted the patrolling Feiyupao, although no one responded to him.  The eunuchs, maids, and guards watched the young man leave with a smile on his lips. No one understood why he looked so happy.

    Are you happy?

    When he left Changchun Garden, there was a smile on his lips, and he smiled until the muscles on his face became stiff and sore.  He walked to the door and found his red horse in colorful clothes, and then graciously gave the groom who kept the horse a silver note of one hundred taels.  Seeing the smile on the corner of the groom's mouth, Fang Jie also laughed.

    He left with a smile from beginning to end.

    His Majesty the Emperor, who also got up early to do some bodybuilding boxing, took the towel handed over by Su Buwei, wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked, "Is Fang Jie leaving?"

    "Back to Your Majesty, he has left. Fang Jie slept very late last night and kept boxing in the room. It seems that he shouldI'm preparing for today's martial arts exam.  He went to bed around midnight, but got up before dawn.  After washing himself, he found the place where his cold-blooded horse was stored, and gave the groom a silver note of one hundred taels.  I smiled and greeted everyone I met along the way, looking very happy.  I was so happy that I felt a little overwhelmed, and I looked back from time to time after going out, as if reluctant to leave.  "

    After hearing what Su Buwei said, the emperor was slightly startled. He picked up the tea cup on the stone table and took a sip to rinse his mouth, then took a deep breath of the cool morning air.

    "He is a smart man. At least he knows what to say and what not to say. At least he knows when to act and what kind of scenes to play. At least he knows how to leave with a smile and even look a little carried away, and also to pretend to be reluctant to leave. Let everyone  Everyone saw that he was very proud because I saw him.¡±

    The emperor smiled, turned and walked towards the low wooden houses.

    Su Buwei hummed and repeated the emperor's words: "It's true he is a smart man."

    The emperor said as he walked: "I like smart people, and I prefer people who are self-aware. But it takes more than an hour of boxing to exhaust yourself and stop thinking wildly. He obviously still needs to grow up and learn a lot of things."

    Su Buwei was silent for a while and asked: "What about the martial arts exam at the Martial Arts Academy today?"

    The emperor paused for a moment, then turned and looked in the direction of the Martial Arts Academy.  He said something intriguing, but Su Buwei, who thought he understood the emperor, didn't understand it at all.  He didn't understand a word, so he wisely chose not to ask.

    ¡°I don¡¯t know if Dean Zhou will agree to a second time.¡±

    The second time what?

    Su Buwei was very curious, but he didn't dare to show his curiosity on his face.



    By the time Fang Jie arrived at the Yanwu Academy, the sun had already climbed over the tall city walls of Chang'an, the imperial capital. It was only morning, and the weather was already so hot that people felt uncomfortable.  Compared to Chang'an, which has a climate with four distinct seasons, Fang Jie feels that he prefers Fan Gu.  That remote northwest border town seems to have only two climates in a year.

    It¡¯s very cold, and it¡¯s even colder than very cold.

    The four seasons in Chang'an are more beautiful?  Or is Fan Gu's cold more beautiful?

    Fang Jie knows that he can't find the answer yet, and when he finds the answer, maybe this question will be meaningless. By that time, how far away will Fan Gu be from him?

    Is it ever so far away?

    Leading his red horse into the gate of the martial arts academy, Fang Jie no longer deliberately acted in a high-profile manner.  He lined up according to the rules and didn't even mind showing a kind and shy smile to everyone who looked at him.  By this time, he no longer needed to be high-profile.  The emperor gave him a very, very high position yesterday, many, many times higher than the high profile he showed himself.

    Even if he is hiding in the crowd now, people will find him easily.

    When Fang Jie entered the door, he saw the female professor with a pair of crystal white eyes again, so he went over and said hello politely.

    "I have met Mr."

    Fang Jie bowed slightly and saluted.

    Qiu Yu raised his head and glanced at him, smiled and nodded slightly.  Pointing in the direction of the school ground, he said: "The four martial arts exams will start over there soon. You can go and rest for a while. If you haven't eaten yet, you can find the breakfast provided by the martial arts academy for the candidates on the left side of the school ground. It's very nice.  Plenty to choose from. ¡±

    Fang Jie said thank you and walked slowly towards the school grounds with Nishang in hand.  After walking four or five steps, he stopped again, turned around and asked Qiu Yu with a smile: "Can you recommend something that is more delicious?"

    Qiu Yu glanced at him with interest, raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Before I tell you what's delicious, do I have to tell you first that the morning provided by the Yanwu Academy is not free. The more delicious the food, the better.  The more expensive it is. Butthe crab roe porridge and the xiaolongbao with mushroom and egg fillings are both good and not too greasy.¡±

    When she mentioned the word greasy, her tone became slightly more serious.

    "Is it expensive?"

    Fang explained the question.

    ¡°It¡¯s the cheapest.¡±

    Qiu Yu replied.

    Fang Jie hummed and thanked him again.

    After his figure disappeared into the garden, Professor Yan Qing, who was greeting guests at the gate yesterday, walked up to Qiu Yu, looked at the direction Fang Jie was walking in and asked in a low voice: "Do you think you are helping him cheat?"

    Qiu Yu stood up, closed the list of people in his hand with a snap, and said with a smile: "As a professor of the Yanwu Academy, I have always upheld fairness and justice, and will never do anything wrong because of personal preferences."?If any candidate asks me this question, I will give this answer.  But unfortunately, he is the only one who has asked me so far.  Do you think it's cheating?  "

    Yan Qing couldn't help but laugh and shook his head to express his helplessness.

    ¡°Perhaps he¡¯s the only one who¡¯s so bored that he would ask what¡¯s delicious and what¡¯s cheaper for breakfast.¡±

    Yan Qing said.

    "Who knows?"

    Qiu Yu turned around gracefully, hugged the roster and left.  The steps are brisk and the back is graceful.



    When Fang Jie arrived at the left side of the school ground, many candidates were already dining here.  In fact, in order to show respect for the Yanwu Academy, most students did not eat breakfast outside, because at the end of the liberal arts exam yesterday, the invigilator specifically said that the Yanwu Academy would prepare a sumptuous breakfast tomorrow morning, because it was  The martial arts exam may take longer and be more tiring, so it is recommended that you have breakfast after arriving at the martial arts academy. If you eat too early, you may not be able to make it through to the end of the exam.

    No one knows that this sentence determines the fate of many people.

    And because Fang Jie had a boring-sounding conversation with Qiu Yu when he entered, his fate was different from that of many others.  After the exam, everyone who knew about it said that Fang Jie was lucky, but almost no one thought carefully about whether it was really just good luck.

    Fang Jie took a look at the food. It was indeed so rich that people couldn¡¯t help but admire it.  There is a dazzling array of dishes, and there is even golden, crispy and fragrant whole lamb grilled on a wooden rack.  Braised beef, sauced pig's trotters, crystal knuckles, roast goose, and roast chicken were piled on the table on very large plates. The aroma of meat filled the entire school grounds.  In addition to the aroma of meat, there is also the aroma of wine.  It is actually a wine brewed by Shenquan Villa, which is mellow and strong.

    In order to prepare these foods, Fang Jie could not imagine how many people stayed up all night last night.

    Every food is tempting, and so is the wine.  But Fang Jie just chose the cheapest crab roe porridge and buns stuffed with mushrooms and eggs.  And I didn¡¯t eat much, I was only six points full.

    When the examiners arrived to announce the first exam, Fang Jie knew how correct his choice was.  Recalling the time when the female professor named Qiu Yu smiled and said that the crab roe porridge was good, I realized that the little tiger tooth she showed was so cute.

    The first test is running.

    Everyone must rush out of the martial arts academy as fast as possible, rush out of the south gate of Chang'an and then rush to the martial arts field thirty miles away.  After running around the huge martial arts field, it ends at Tucheng.  Whoever arrives first gets the highest score.  The purpose of this assessment is to test the physical fitness of the candidates. How can a soldier not have a good body?

    It¡¯s a very simple rule, but it makes most people suffer.

    Because of what the examiner said yesterday, almost everyone was very full.  One can imagine how painful it is to run for more than forty miles with a stomach full of food.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    People were vomiting along the way.
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