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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 77 Demon

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    Chapter 77 Demon

    Luo Sanlang has never been as nervous as he is today. He is not nervous because he wants to kill someone, but because he is nervous about killing people in this environment. Of course, there is also some excitement that makes his hands tremble slightly.  This is a martial arts arena, one of the most solemn places inside and outside the imperial capital besides the palace, and he is going to kill someone in this place where ordinary people cannot enter.

    This was not the reason for him to be excited. The reason why he felt his heart beating wildly and breathing heavily was that His Majesty was also in the martial arts arena.

    Killing people under the eyes of the emperor is exciting no matter how you think about it.

    Luo Sanlang is Luo Wen's family general. Ever since Luo Yao, the left-wing general Luo Yao, sent him to Luo Wen as a personal guard before Luo Wen arrived at the Imperial Capital Yanwu Academy, he has become Luo Gongzi's confidant.

    In the imperial capital, a place full of power conspiracies and traps, Mr. Luo had no other choice but to trust him.  Therefore, Luo Sanlang firmly believed that once the young master left the Yanwu Academy and entered the army, he would still be the young master's confidant, because he knew too many of the young master's secrets and helped him do too many shady things in private.  Mr. Luo can't do without him now, and he can't do without him even more in a new environment.

    For example, this time I want to kill the young man who has a broken right arm and looks like a dog.

    When the young master was in the imperial capital, his confidant was just an errand boy at best.  But once the young master enters the military service, he will naturally get a high-level military position.  It is important to know that it is easy to become a sixth-grade captain if you put down the personal troops beside a fourth-grade general. If the young master is willing to recommend him, it is not impossible to become a fifth-grade general.

    Once he had a military position, Luo Sanlang knew that his destiny had really changed.

    In the Luo family, he is just a slave.

    Even though he has some status in Luofu, he is still a slave after all.

    Therefore, he pinned his future on Luo Wen.  As long as the boy with the broken arm is killed, no one will know that the method of breaking through the Tucheng was not Luo Wen's idea.  In this way, Luo Wen can legitimately win the first place, and then directly join the Sixteenth Guards Soldiers to serve.

    Rowan¡¯s future is bright, and so is his.

    With a dozen of Luo Mansion¡¯s slaves, Luo Sanlang urged his horse to go straight to the military camp where he had stationed troops.  That young man was a shady person. He could only hide in the military camp and wait to return to Chang'an City with Mr. Luo Wen.  Besides, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.  He can get in, but he can't get out.

    Without anyone to guide him, let alone whether he can go out, even if he goes out, will the people waiting to kill him outside let him escape again?

    So Luo Sanlang firmly believes that the boy with the broken arm is still hiding in the military camp.

    More than a dozen war horses rushed into the military camp like lightning. The camp that could accommodate 500 people was really not big. Dozens of tents stood scattered like large tombs. When the attack on Tucheng began, Luo Wen asked Fang Jie to be in his big tent.  Waiting for news.  So Luo Sanlang rushed directly to the outside of the big tent with his people. He made a gesture and asked his men to surround the big tent.

    "Little brother, are you still there? I have been ordered by General Luo to come to pick you up. Come out quickly."

    Luo Sanlang called into the tent, then listened quietly and waited for Fang Jie's answer.

    After waiting for almost a minute, there was still no sound in the big tent.  Luo Sanlang's expression changed slightly, and he pointed at the big tent. Three slaves immediately dismounted, drew out their horizontal knives and approached cautiously.  A house slave slowly opened the curtain of the big tent with a knife, leaned forward and took a look inside, then shook his head to indicate that no one was inside.  The two people following behind immediately opened the door curtain and rushed in quickly.

    The moment the door curtain was opened, several crossbow arrows shot out from the tent like lightning.  Before the two slaves could realize what was happening, they were stabbed through the chests by several crossbow arrows.  The huge force generated by the crossbow machine at this distance not only caused almost all of the crossbow arrows to engulf their bodies, but also knocked the two of them out of the tent.

    "He's in the tent!"

    Someone shouted, with a slight vibrato in his voice.

    In just a few seconds, the companion who had been chatting with them just now was shot to death.  Luo Sanlang's expression became extremely cold, and he drew out his sword and pointed at the tent, beckoning everyone to come closer.  A house slave reminded in a low voice: "How about setting fire to the tent and burning him alive!"


    Luo Sanlang cursed: "You are a fucking idiot. Once there is a fire, you will attract people over immediately. Your Majesty is in the martial arts arena now. If those people from the Ouchi Guards rush over, we will not be enough."  They¡¯re stuffed between their teeth!¡±

    ¡°?He rushed in with a shield on his head. He was alone and his right arm was broken. As long as he rushed in, could he still block a dozen horizontal knives?  "


    Several house slaves found shields from other tents. Four or five people huddled together, held the shields in front, and slowly squeezed into the big tent.  After the door curtain was opened, no more crossbow arrows were seen.  These people breathed a sigh of relief and rushed in with all their might.


    The screams came from the tent, making Luo Sanlang's face become even more ugly.

    After the few house slaves who rushed in screamed, the people behind dragged the first two people in from the tent.

    The feet of the two men were pierced by something unknown, and blood flowed all over the floor.  I guess the boy must have buried something sharp in the soil where he entered.  There are caltrops in the military camp specially used to deal with infantry charges. If they are scattered all over the ground, they will not even have a place to stay.  Luo Sanlang estimated that this was the thing, and several of his men rushed in without even noticing what was wrong with their feet.

    "He is quite capable."

    He cursed ferociously, jumped off his horse and shouted loudly: "Go find a bow and arrow, and shoot random arrows into it!"



    There is no shortage of anything in the military camp at the martial arts training ground. Basically, the standard equipment of the Sui warriors can be found here.  Not only are there hard bows, there are even repeating crossbows that are not generally equipped with armies.  Because the cost of the repeating crossbow is too high and the production process is complicated, this thing has always been equipped by only the most elite armies.  The martial arts field is a place where the most elite generals and soldiers are trained, and there is almost no shortage of anything related to military weapons.

    The crossbow arrows that were shot from the tent and killed two people should have been shot by a repeating crossbow.  This shows that the young man who lost his right arm became thoroughly familiar with the military camp after the army departed.

    Therefore, Luo Sanlang has a headache.

    If you rush in without fear of death, it is not too difficult to kill the young man, but this will inevitably lead to the loss of manpower. There are too many people who died and there is no way for him to explain to Luo Wen.  And if too many people die, it will be difficult to clean up the scene.  If you leave any clues, it is likely to be discovered.

    So if he was not forced to do so, he would not even order his men to shoot arrows into the tent.

    But at this time, if you worry about those little things, I'm afraid that the longer it takes, the harder it will be to handle.  Tucheng has been destroyed, and it won't be long before Luo Wen and the three of them are received by His Majesty the Emperor.  Then the people from the martial arts field will come back to clean up the military camp and inventory the equipment.

    There is not much time left for Luo Sanlang.

    ¡°Shoot, there¡¯s no need to delay!¡±

    He roared in a low voice, took the lead in drawing a stiff bow and shot into the tent.  Two people were holding the tent curtains on the left and right, while the others stood at the door and poured arrows into the tent one after another like crazy and went out.  After everyone shot at least three feather arrows, Luo Sanlang shouted fiercely and led several people to throw away their bows and rush into the tent with knives.

    They rushed forward as if their feet were wading in the water, and no one dared to take a big step.

    He knew that shooting random arrows might not kill the young man, but it would definitely make him confused.  As long as the young man didn't have a chance to aim and trigger the repeating crossbow, it would be easy for them to rush in and kill people with horizontal swords.  Although they are domestic slaves in Luo Yao's mansion, even the domestic slaves under General Luo are all skilled in bow and horse.

    After rushing into the tent, Luo Sanlang was stunned.

    There was no one in the tent at all. There were several repeating crossbows tied to the table facing the tent door. The ropes on the rifles had been broken. Apparently the person who had rushed in earlier pulled the rope when he lifted the door curtain, and then the crossbows were fired.  The crossbow arrow inside shot out on its own.  There were indeed a lot of caltrops sprinkled on the ground, and some of them were even stained with blood.

    "be cheated!"

    Luo Sanlang was startled and immediately turned around and walked out.

    At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly flashed out from behind the house slaves outside the tent. The dark shadow was hiding in another tent and had been waiting for the opportunity.  As soon as the man appeared, he pulled the trigger of the repeating crossbow on the backs of the slaves. With a muffled pop-pop sound, four or five slaves fell down with a wail of arrows in their hearts.

    The Sui Dynasty's standard repeating crossbow was extremely powerful, and it could easily penetrate the heart from the back.  The man's aim was extremely accurate, and he almost didn't waste a crossbow arrow.

    After killing four or five people in a row, the black shadow flashed and disappeared behind a tent.

    Luo Sanlang's face turned cold, he cursed and chased after him with the remaining people.  The servant who was running at the front turned around the tent and saw a young man smiling at him, then stabbing the spear he was holding with one arm.  PoofWith a sound, the spear pierced the slave's heart fiercely.  After the sneak attack was successful, the boy turned around and ran away.

    When Luo Sanlang turned around, he only saw his men falling down softly and their backs disappearing in a flash.


    Luo Sanlang shouted and led the people to continue chasing.

    After going around three or four tents, the young man disappeared again.  Just as he stopped, a spear was suddenly thrown from nowhere and impaled a house slave to death.  The remaining four or five people turned around to look for them, but no one could be seen anywhere.  When they were frightened, they suddenly heard screams in the distance. They rushed over, only to see that the two slaves who had injured their feet had their necks broken, and blood was still spraying out like a waterfall.

    Luo Sanlang's heart almost jumped out of his throat. He looked around eagerly, but he couldn't see the elusive young man like a demon at all.

    "Third brother let's go. We can't kill him If this continues, we will all die here."

    A house slave said in a trembling voice.

    Before Luo Sanlang could speak, another throwing spear was thrown over, and it stabbed accurately into the back of the talking slave's heart. The sharp tip of the throwing spear came out of the man's chest, bringing out a stream of thick blood.  , sprayed Luo Sanlang in the face.

    Seeing the ferocious-looking corpse fall, Luo Sanlang's heart twitched involuntarily.  So far, he has only three people left, three people who are scared to death.



    "From now on, let's not separate. Let's go back to back. If the four of us are close together, he can't make a sneak attack!"

    Luo Sanlang gave an order, and the four of them leaned together with their backs to each other, and then slowly moved forward to look for traces of the young man. Just as they moved forward, a black shadow climbed to the top of a tent like a gecko.  Although he climbed up with only his left hand, he was still extremely fast and his movements were flexible and vigorous.

    After climbing to the top of the tent, the young man took the throwing gun in his mouth, looked at the four people below and smiled coldly, and then threw the throwing gun down.  From top to bottom, the spear was inserted from the head of a house slave until it was inserted into the neck.  Before he could even cry out, his throat was blocked.  His body went limp, and the slave slowly fell down.  The half-throwing spear exposed above the head was pressed against the tent, and the posture of the dead body looked so weird that it made people tremble.

    Luo Sanlang and the three others were shocked and looked up quickly.  The moment they looked up, they saw the young man leaping down from the tent like a single-winged eagle.  The young man in mid-air drew out the horizontal knife from his back, slashed it down, and with a pop, directly removed the head of a house slave from his shoulders.

    The next second, the boy's knife stabbed straight through the throat of a house slave, and the tip of the knife came out from the back of the slave's neck.

    Sheathing the knife, the young man pointed the bloody tip of the knife at Luo Sanlang who just raised the knife and said coldly: "Be obedient, I won't kill you."

    Luo Sanlang was trembling in his heart and subconsciously threw away the knife in his hand.

    "Hide the corpses in the haystack over there. Move quickly and slowly. I will remove your limbs first and then gouge out your facial features."

    Fang Jie gave the order, and Luo Sanlang immediately stumbled out, pulled all the corpses one by one to the haystack, and covered them with straw.

    "Take off your clothes."

    Fang Jie pointed the tip of the knife at the tip of Luo Sanlang's nose and said, "I won't kill you because you have to go back to your son to report the news and ask him to bring people back to dispose of the body quickly. Otherwise, if the matter is exposed, I will  There is nothing to be afraid of for such a little person, but your young master's future may be ruined. If your young master is smart enough, he will forget about today. If he still wants to kill me, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him Reminder  Your young master will be promoted to general soon, so you should think more about your future."

    Trembling, Luo Sanlang took off the Sui Dynasty Youzhen Guards uniform and knelt on the ground, not daring to move.

    Fang Jie hit Luo Sanlang on the back of the head with a knife, knocking him unconscious, and then quickly changed his clothes.  After changing it, he first cut off Luo Sanlang's ear with a knife, and then severed the tendon of Luo Sanlang's right arm with a knife.  The severe pain made Luo Sanlang wake up, and then he couldn't help but wailed.


    He cursed in a cold voice, then turned over and jumped on a war horse and rushed out.

    In Luo Sanlang's sight, the demon gradually disappeared.
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