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Text Chapter 540: Crisis in China (please subscribe)

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    Seeing the tragic situation in Xiping City, Jiang Yu was filled with grief. This place used to be the place where he played when he was a child, but now it has been occupied by the beasts. The arrogant beasts have occupied the human residence and are thriving. At this time, there are still some people on the highway.  I saw the corpses of wild beasts and the craters caused by the bombs.  The war between humans and beasts has never stopped.  Jiang Yu sighed softly: "Master, please come back soon and put an end to this hellish scene." According to his own memory, Jiang Yu soon arrived at his hometown in his memory. He opened the courtyard door and saw a giant python entrenched in it.  In the courtyard, when Jiang Yu came in, the giant python raised its head and spat out a snake message towards Jiang Yu.  "Evil beast!" Jiang Yu shook his hand, and the Fire Dragon Spear came out, instantly cutting the giant python into two halves. Jiang Yu stepped into the courtyard, pushed the door in, and felt a little better, at least in the room.  No bodies of loved ones were seen.  Although he knew in his heart that his loved ones had little chance of surviving, he still had some hope.  At this moment, this kind of tragedy is happening in many places around the world.  Somewhere in the north of China, a young man was running away in a hurry. Behind him, a group of terrifying mutated centipedes followed. Although the centipedes did not move very fast, they followed the young man closely, threatening not to swallow him.  The attitude of giving up.  The young man ran to a ditch. He suddenly saw a light above the ditch. Thinking that there was someone there, he immediately ran over to seek help.  As soon as the boy ran to the light, the light suddenly poured into his body. At this moment, the mutated centipedes had already rushed forward. Seeing that the boy was about to become the delicacy of the centipedes, suddenly, countless swords scattered out of the boy's body.  The awn cut all these centipedes into two pieces.  The young man raised his hand, looked at the looming sword light in his palm, and thought to himself: What - what is this?  In the face of adversity, human beings can often burst out with powerful potential. In different places, there are lucky people who have found the lost weapon spirits. Some weapon spirit owners have learned how to control the weapon spirits through constant battles, and obtained  Despite their powerful strength, there are also some lucky ones who have been brutally murdered before they can discover the secret of the weapon spirit. ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡] After Jiang Yu tidied up his hometown, he received a strange phone call.  He answered the phone and heard a man say: "Are you Mr. Niu Haoling's apprentice?" Jiang Yu said: "Yes, who are you?" The man said: "I am the commander of the Southwest Military Region of China. My surname is Han.  "Jiang Yu suddenly stood up solemnly and said, "Hello, Commander Han." Commander Han said, "We need Mr. Niu Haoling's help now. A large number of monsters are coming from the west. With our current strength, we may not be able to withstand this attack.  A group of ferocious monsters. Once there is a mistake in our defense line, the cities behind will become a paradise for monsters, and the number of casualties will exceed 100 million. "Jiang Yu said nervously: "But the master is not out yet."  The commander said: "We know, so we want to ask Mr. Jiang if there is any way to inform Mr. Niu Haoling who is in seclusion." Jiang Yu thought for a while and said: "It's difficult. The whereabouts of the master are not something we can know."  Commander Han sighed: "Oh, we are really facing a big crisis this time. Mr. Jiang, we need help now. Can you come?" Jiang Yu said: "Okay." Commander Han said: "Where are you now?  "Xiping City?" Jiang Yu said, "Xiping City?" Commander Han said slightly surprised: "Planes cannot pass through that place." Jiang Yu said, "If I walk.  If we go to the Southwest Military Region, we may not be able to catch up with the beast tide. "Commander Han said, "Well, can you go to Zhongning City? We also have a surface-to-air missile base in Zhongning City, where you can fly fighter jets through the coastal areas.  To the Southwest Military Region. "Jiang Yu said, "Well, it should take about three days for me to get to Zhongning City." "I'll trouble you," Commander Han said with respect.  If we say the safest city, it should not be Shangquan City. Because of the relationship between Hongye Group, the Heart Organization and the Chivalry League are stationed in Quan City. The protective circle composed of thousands of masters of Anjin and above can protect any Warcraft.  It is difficult to go beyond the limit.  This has also made Quan City now overcrowded, and the government functions have almost failed, relying entirely on Hongye Group to issue orders to the outside world.  In the past few months, Lei Xuanxuan has been very busy. If the faith of the citizens of Huaxia had not been restored, Huaxia would have been facing catastrophe this time. At this timeThe Huaxia Kingdom has long since restored its faith and is united as one.  "Mr. Lei, the new supplies have been transported, what should we do with them?" Lei Xuanxuan's assistant walked up to Lei Xuanxuan and asked.  Lei Xuanxuan rubbed her temples and said softly: "How many people are the supplies enough for?" The assistant said: "Only enough for 100,000 people for a week." Lei Xuanxuan said: "Distribute it to young adults first."  The assistant was startled and said: "Mr. Lei, will this cause public resentment? Generally, it should be allocated to the elderly, weak, women and children first, right?" Lei Xuanxuan said angrily: "At this moment and at that moment, what if there are no young and middle-aged people to kill the monsters?  How can old, weak, women and children live in this world?" The assistant was silent for a while and said, "Many people suggested that we move to coastal cities." Lei Xuanxuan sighed: "Is it safe for us to move to coastal cities?  With the support of the Quan City Military Region, once we move towards the coastal city, the herds that have been eyeing us for a long time will definitely take the opportunity to attack. Once our defense line is disrupted, the tens of millions of people in this city will become food for the herds.  Lei Xuanxuan said worriedly, "Where is Mr. Lian Jin?" The assistant said, "Mr. Lian Jin has just returned from the front line and is resting now." Lei Xuanxuan said, "Notify me when Mr. Lian Jin wakes up."  "I need to talk to him. If this continues, Quan City won't last long." Lei Xuanxuan looked at the map in front of her, her eyes becoming confused. Judging from this map, Quan City has already become an isolated city.  city ??of.  The cities around Quan City have either moved to coastal areas or evacuated to Quan City. Quan City has a radius of nearly a thousand miles and has already become the world of Warcraft.  The main reason why Quan City is called the safest city is that Quan City has withstood every attack from the monster group and appeared to be able to do so with ease.  Only a few core people know in their hearts that Quan City is about to be unable to hold on. Quan City, which cannot communicate with the outside world, cannot even solve the most basic food problem, so there is no need to talk about resisting World of Warcraft.  Recently, people in the Quan City Military Region and the Heart Organization have been eating the skin and flesh of Warcraft. However, eating too much Warcraft meat can also cause some problems with the digestive system.  Lei Xuanxuan sat on the sofa and sighed: "Let's hold on for one day. It's really not possible. We can only break through to the coastal cities." Lei Xuanxuan opened a newspaper distractedly. The contents of the newspaper were almost  They are all the same, either reporting on the demise of a certain country or the fall of a large city, which makes people feel even more upset after reading it.  "Mr. Lei, bad news!" Half an hour later, the assistant hurriedly rushed in and said nervously.  Lei Xuanxuan asked: "What's wrong?" The assistant said: "You'd better make a phone call with Commander Chen first." The assistant dialed the mobile phone and handed it to Lei Xuanxuan.  Lei Xuanxuan took the phone and said: "Hello, Commander Chen." Commander Chen's voice was very chaotic. He shouted loudly: "Xuanxuan, the situation is urgent now. The Southwest Military Region has collapsed." Lei Xuanxuan was heartbroken.  Shockingly, the Southwest Military Region is China's only line of defense against the west. If that line is defeated, the southern coastal areas will be nakedly exposed to the beasts.  Lei Xuanxuan's face turned a little pale and she said: "Commander Chen, what are the casualties?" Commander Chen said slightly thankfully: "Fortunately, Yun Wanli and Mr. Niu Haoling's disciples arrived and barely stopped the attack of the herd.  The beast wave is divided into two waves, one wave is coming to Southeast Asia, and the other is coming to our North China region. ""What?" Lei Xuanxuan's face changed greatly.  Commander Chen said: "We also need to be prepared, alas." Lei Xuanxuan said solemnly: "Commander Chen, how sure are we that we can withstand this beast tide?" Commander Chen said: "50-50, maybe.  The military strength of the Southwest Military Region is not inferior to ours. Even since the outbreak of the beast tide, the central government has been strengthening the defense force of the Southwest Military Region. The fact that this group of monsters can defeat the Southwest Military Region shows that it is not an ordinary group of monsters, and there is likely to be an advanced mutation among them.  "Warcraft." Lei Xuanxuan said softly: "I hope we can survive this disaster. How long will this last? Even if this is nature's punishment for us, it should be enough now," Commander Chen said.  : "Heaven will not abandon us. Don't worry. One day, we will clean up these monsters." Lei Xuanxuan turned off the phone, took a deep breath, and quickly regained her capable look. She picked up the phone,  I made a call to Li Ling, the leader of the Heart Organization, and Wei Lao, the leader of the Chivalry Alliance, to report the attack of the monsters.The information conveys the past.  Sure enough, after receiving this news, both Li Ling and Wei Lao felt very stressed. After all, the current Quan City is different from a month ago. The supply of materials in Quan City is now extremely scarce. It would be okay if these beasts are monsters, but if they are insects  Qun, Quan City may not be able to survive this cold winter.  At this time, everyone is missing Niu Haoling, especially in Quan City. Niu Haoling's status is like a godfather. Even if Niu Haoling has no fighting ability, as long as he shows up, he can make these people become extremely fanatical. This is his personal charm  , and now, no one can do this except Niu Haoling.
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