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Text Chapter 534: The Vortex of Greed (please subscribe)

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    No one expected that on the first day Niu Haoling returned to take charge, Hongye Group would restore its original harmony. Although some people suspected that Niu Haoling had killed several directors, it could only become a joke in the public because there was no evidence that Niu Haoling had killed several directors.  Those five directors.  The disappearance of the five directors has become the biggest news in Qizhou this year. You must know that those five directors are all leaders in several industries. Their disappearance has an impact like a hurricane and tsunami.  It¡¯s a pity that no matter how big the hurricane or tsunami is when it encounters Niu Haoling, it will be eclipsed. The government forces behind Xiao Ke initially threatened to sanction Niu Haoling, but in the end it was ignored because they knew their own disadvantages.  On the fourth day, the head of news of Hongye Group held a press conference, claiming that their medical staff had discovered a strange virus that could invade human brain tissue and control human brain nerves, making people violent and murderous.  .  At the same time, many medical institutions in the United States, Britain, and France also made similar reports.  Suddenly, people all over the world were frightened.  Because recently, there have been many more terrorist attacks around the world than in the past year.  Now that it has been confirmed to be a virus that has never appeared before, various countries have begun to get busy with this virus.  On the other hand, there were extremely bad demonstrations in Huaxia. A large number of college students rushed to the streets to protest against the government's education system that abandoned Chinese studies and promoted Western studies. One of the most famous professors in the industry even criticized this education system as mass  A machine that produces traitor lackeys.  This incident reached its climax in the remarks of a senior general. This major general of the Chinese Army named Lian Jin confessed to nearly a hundred news media that some government officials accepted bribes from Western consortiums and vigorously promoted Western policies in the country.  The theory has enabled various educational institutions and industrial consumption under the name of Western consortiums to gain huge profits.  Because government officials promote the theory of Western superiority, Western cars and digital products are often sold at double the price in China. They continue to use these huge profits to bribe government officials and attack China's local industries, eventually completely destroying China's local industries.  , which makes the Chinese people have the morbid idea that local products are inferior and foreign products are high quality.  Then, Hongye Group, one of the Chinese super groups, released a set of data, which showed that Japanese companies paid more than 4 billion yuan in bribes to government officials last year.  The wool comes from the sheep. Due to the payment of bribes, the cost of their products has also been reduced by nearly 30%. With each entry and exit, the cost of Japanese companies' production of products has been reduced by more than 5 billion yuan.  Hongye Group also released a test video titled "Paper Cars Running on Chinese Roads". In the video, a brand new Japanese car was hit by a Chinese bicycle and the front of the car was caved in. Through this video, Hongye Group  He vigorously criticized the foreign automobile industry for lowering quality and disregarding human life, and claimed that it was the lack of education system and the lack of official training that led to the lack of people's hearts.  At this time, the education system incident was completely pushed to its peak. Countless Chinese citizens took to the streets and began demonstrations in support of the students.  Jiuluo Street, Yanjing.  In a high-end office, two men were sitting on the sofa, and a middle-aged man stood in the middle of the office.  This middle-aged man walked back and forth in the office like an ant on a hot pot. As he walked, he roared: "Lian Jin! What on earth does he want to do?" A man sitting on the sofa shook his head and said: "I don't know, I  I feel like Lian Jin is crazy, otherwise he wouldn¡¯t have done such crazy things. ¡°I don¡¯t care if he is crazy or stupid, but what should we do now? Is it really like what those students said, that we cancel English?  ?" Another man sitting on the sofa said softly.  The middle-aged man roared: "Impossible! This is the result of the hard work of our previous leaders. How can we just give up? Think about it, how much have we paid to bring English to this level? We have added English to the high school entrance examination.  Then add the college entrance examination, and finally add the score limit for college admission. Every reform is like a tough battle for us. Finally, we have reached this situation. Can we give up? " The man on the sofa said:  "Minister Chen, sometimes it is better to retreat bravely than to advance bravely. Times change destiny. The Western Group has given you enough benefits in these years. You might as well protect yourself wisely and just go with the flow and cancel English. Even if you cancel English,  You can also support the Chinese Studies Education Group. " "Chinese Studies? Huh, those are only things that poor people are willing to learn. How can rich people learn this?" The middle-aged man said in a disdainful tone.  The man sitting on the sofa laughed and said:?Aren¡¯t these all just a few words from your Minister Chen?  Your father used to say that English was a high-level thing, and he praised English to the sky. I remember that even that boy Jin was almost stuck because of the limited English score when he was admitted to the military academy. I was wondering if that boy was applying for the exam.  Qiu, haha, you can definitely imitate your dad. As long as you limit the points for Chinese studies, Chinese studies will naturally become a high-end thing.  " This man was only in his thirties, with handsome features. He was only wearing ordinary casual clothes. But judging from his words, this man's status was definitely not lower than that of this middle-aged man. His name was He Ping.  , was once one of the four famous young masters in the capital like Lian Jin, but He Ping was born a few years earlier than Lian Jin, so he was not in the same era. The identity of this middle-aged man is a bit intriguing.  , the three generations of the Chen family control the education department of China. His name is Chen Hao. He is the deputy minister of education of China. He can be said to be in a high position. His father was the previous minister of education. His grandfather,  They are the heroes who pioneered the college entrance examination in China. It can be said that they have been in education for generations. Chen Hao said coldly: "You think I don't want to?  Nowadays, those who study Chinese studies are all bad ass, and they still have the moral integrity of a poor scholar. If I let them know about my plan, I will probably pack up and leave tomorrow.  " He Ping chuckled and said: "You have to make your own decisions about these. Anyway, I am just here to convey the meaning above. If you can go with the flow, just go with the flow. Isn't there a saying that water can carry a boat and also capsize it?  You are at that juncture now.  " Chen Hao said anxiously: "Director He, is there no other way?  After all, this kid Lian Jin is also a member of the military faction. He interferes in the education system at will. Isn't this considered an overstep?  He Ping smiled and said: "Don't worry about this. This is what the people above are most taboo about. To tell you the truth, Lian Jin's political career is over. No matter how hard his backing is, as long as he crosses the line, he is the person above him."  Intolerable.  " Chen Hao's heart moved and he said happily: "So, we still have room for maneuver?  He Ping said in a deep voice: "Minister Chen, are you crazy about money?"  " Another man who had been silent until now said, "Old Chen, if you don't have to worry about running out of firewood to keep the green hills, just leave this small profit if you can. Don't ask for trouble.  " Chen Hao had a wry smile on his face and said, "Old Zhang, do you think I want to?  "This man's name is Zhang He. He is only forty-three years old. Like Lian Jin, he is also a major general, and he is also a major general of the backbone faction. It can be said that his future is limitless. "The reason why Zhang He came forward was to represent the opinions of the military system, proving that  What Lian Jin did had nothing to do with the military. Chen Hao and Zhang He had a good personal relationship. Chen Hao said: "Abolition of English involves too many problems. You may not know that our country is only a large-scale English education.  There are thousands of institutions, and there are dozens of medium-sized English education institutions in each county and city. If you include small English education institutions, the number will be unimaginable. Once English is abolished, it will represent this chain of interests.  If it breaks completely, the losses caused will be unimaginable, at least over one trillion.  " Zhang He said: "Most of these educational institutions are foreign forces, and the losses caused will be borne by them. What should we worry about?  These over one trillion dollars will not be spent on English training, but will also be spent on other trainings. For the country, there is no loss. Those foreign consortiums have earned so many benefits in recent years, and it is time for them to stop. Here  It is always our country, our territory!  " Chen Hao wanted to say something else, but in the end he didn't say it. He sighed and said, "Let me think about it for two more days.  He Ping stood up and said with a smile: "Okay, then we will wait for your good news. Minister Chen, you must remember that this matter cannot be delayed. If you still do not come to a conclusion, the higher-ups may consider replacing someone."  .  He Ping smiled slightly and left the office with Zhang He. As soon as the two left, Chen Hao slumped down on the sofa, his eyes full of hatred. Entering the elevator, He Ping smiled and said to Zhang He:  "According to my guess, Minister Chen has signed some kind of contract with a Western consortium again, and now he is in a bit of trouble.  " Zhang He nodded and said: "He may choose to carry it on, and then ask the superiors to replace him.  He Ping laughed loudly and said: "Haha, who knows, anyway, I am just a messenger."  " Yanjing Lian Family. Mr. Lian smashed a purple sand teapot to pieces, pointed at Lian Jin's nose and cursed: "This is all your fault!  Starting today, the Lian family will be completely removed from the Chinese military.  " Lian Jin said softly: "If the country is gone, we must lose our family."??What's the use?  "    "What did you say?  "Mr. Lian glared at Lian Jin and was shocked.
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