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Text Chapter 531: Lian Jin¡¯s decision (please subscribe)

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    In Ma Dong's villa, only Niu Haoling, Feng Tang, Gao Tao and Lian Jin were left.  Lian Jin saw the seriousness in Niu Haoling's eyes and couldn't help but ask: "Thirteen, what is going on? It shouldn't be as simple as imagined." Niu Haoling smiled bitterly: "It would be nice if it was simple. China is facing  It's a catastrophe, see for yourself!" Niu Haoling released a trace of his soul power and drew it in front of Lian Jin's eyes.  Lian Jin couldn't help being shocked when he saw the scene in front of him. He said, "F*ck, what the hell is this?" Feng Tang and Gao Tao also looked over curiously. Niu Haoling treated them one by one.  People were also stunned by the sight before them.  ¡°Above Lei Xuanxuan¡¯s ward, there lay a huge jellyfish-like monster. The monster¡¯s eight tentacles tightly wrapped around Lei Xuanxuan, and it seemed to be absorbing some nutrients.  Feng Tang was so frightened that he couldn't speak smoothly. He stammered: "Brothers Ten, Ten, Thirteen, what should we do? Is it sucking Mr. Lei's blood?" Niu Haoling shook his head and said: "On the contrary,  "It is providing life force to Mr. Lei." Niu Haoling pointed at the jellyfish and said, "On the one hand, it is providing life force to Mr. Lei, and on the other hand, it is causing him to become unconscious, so that the demons under his command can control each other among the senior executives of Hongye Group.  "Feng Tang murmured: "Is it all his fault?" Niu Haoling nodded and said: "I have dispelled the little devil attached to Dongzi, and now only the senior management on the board of directors are left.  "It's gone." Niu Haoling walked to Lei Xuanxuan's hospital bed and grabbed the void in front of him with his right hand. The jellyfish-like monster also didn't expect Niu Haoling to see it.  It's just that this monster was obviously much stronger than the little devil. It shrank its body and avoided Niu Haoling's claw attack. Then it screamed and its whole body let go of Lei Xuanxuan and fell to the ground.  .  Niu Haoling clasped his hands together, then pulled them apart suddenly, and a simple Changqin full of ancient atmosphere appeared in Niu Haoling's hands.  "Ouch!" The monster jumped up and rushed towards Niu Haoling.  Niu Haoling pulled the strings and heard a ding sound. The strings shot out a series of light blades, which directly penetrated the monster and split the monster in half.  So powerful.  This was the first time Niu Haoling used the Phoenix Qin in actual combat, and its power far exceeded his imagination.  "Solved?" Feng Tang and Lian Jin were dumbfounded.  The jellyfish quickly turned into specks of dust and dissipated in the air.  Niu Haoling took back the Phoenix Qin and walked to Lei Xuanxuan. He raised his hands and pressed his hands with vitality directly on Lei Xuanxuan's forehead. A stream of pure vitality flowed into Lei Xuanxuan's body along Niu Haoling's palms.  .  Nearly three minutes later, Lei Xuanxuan slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was Niu Haoling.  Lei Xuanxuan said softly: "Brother Thirteen? Am I dreaming?" Niu Haoling stroked Lei Xuanxuan's hair and said softly: "Well, you had a nightmare, but you are awake now." Lei Xuanxuan  Sitting up, looking at Feng Tang, Lian Jin and Gao Tao, she asked: "What's wrong with me? Why am I here? No, let me think about it-" Lei Xuanxuan thought for a while and said hesitantly  : "I remember, I seemed to have a headache, and then I went to the hospital for a check-up, but I didn't remember anything after that." Lei Xuanxuan still didn't believe that Niu Haoling would come back. After all, they had not seen each other for so many years, and they all thought that Niu Haoling had completely disappeared.  In order to confirm that she was not dreaming, Lei Xuanxuan pinched herself, and the strong pain made her understand that she was not dreaming.  Lei Xuanxuan looked at Niu Haoling, and all the grievances she had suffered in the past few years suddenly came to mind. Ever since Niu Haoling disappeared, Hongye Group was not as stable as before. Although Lei Xuanxuan had the support of powerful veteran Ma Dong and Fengtang, she was still  I can¡¯t control the giant ship of Hongye Group anymore.  "Brother Thirteen!" Lei Xuanxuan, who had always been strong, couldn't bear it anymore. She lay in Niu Haoling's arms and cried bitterly.  Niu Haoling stroked Lei Xuanxuan's hair and said softly: "Okay, okay, it's okay." Lei Xuanxuan grabbed Niu Haoling's skirt and cried like a child. She choked and said: "You know these days  How did we spend the New Year? You were our backbone, and you disappeared without saying a word, leaving me with such a big responsibility. I was really tired." "I know that." Niu Haoling hugged you lovingly.  Lei Xuanxuan just stood there quietly.  Looking back on the past, whether it is the realm of no realm or the realm of emperors, Niu Haoling's mentality has been changing. From having no desires and seeking to abandoning wisdom, his state of mind can be said to have gone through a journey.?Reincarnation, until now, he realized that he had just gone around in one circle.  Reaching the pinnacle of realm is to return to nature.  Feelings are feelings, family ties are family ties, friendships are friendships, and love is love. When you pick it up, you pick it up, and when you put it away, you let it go. The moment he embraced Lei Xuanxuan, Niu Haoling finally understood the true meaning of Taoism.  That means doing whatever you want and doing anything.  Niu Haoling's hand gently moved on Lei Xuanxuan's back, and bursts of pure vitality were injected into Lei Xuanxuan's body. After a while, Lei Xuanxuan, who was already a little weak, slowly fell asleep in Niu Haoling's arms.  Looking at Lei Xuanxuan, whose appearance remains the same as before, Niu Haoling seems to have returned to the days when he was young and frivolous, crying and laughing together, and running for life together.  Thinking of this, Niu Haoling couldn't help but smile.  He gently placed Lei Xuanxuan on the bed.  He stood up and said, "Do you all understand now?" Lian Jin asked, "What on earth are these things?" Niu Haoling said, "These are the filth formed by human desire, resentment, and greed, because of the lack of faith and righteousness.  , so these filth continue to breed, leading to the current situation." Lian Jin asked: "Then¡ª¡ªis there any solution?" Niu Haoling nodded and said, "Although there is a solution, it works.  "It's very slow." "What can we do?" Lian Jin asked.  Niu Haoling said: "Abolish all Western cultural erosion, use Confucianism and Taoism as the foundation, and let the Chinese people rebuild their faith. This is the only solution." "Why is this?" The person who asked this time was Feng Tang.  Before Niu Haoling could explain, Gao Tao explained: "It's very simple. Because of the erosion of Western culture and some high-level figures who worship foreigners, the beliefs of the entire nation have changed. I can feel it from the evil spirit. Every nation  Every nation has a reason for its existence. If a nation is forced to accept the ideas and culture of other nations, no matter how advanced the culture is, it will lead to a lack of faith in the nation. " Lian Jin murmured: "Is it so serious? "  Niu Haoling said: "This is not too serious. If this continues for a long time, the Chinese people will no longer be Chinese, and the Chinese people will not be proud of China. They will lose the nourishment of the Chinese national soul and the dragon pillar that maintains the Chinese land.  There will never be a day of recovery. At that time, the Chinese people will be scattered all over the world, and the Chinese people at that time will lose their skills as human beings." Lian Jin nodded and said, "Well, although I don't know this, I know.  I feel that in recent years, foreign languages ??have become much more important than Mandarin. Almost everyone around me depends on the success or failure of a foreign language. This is indeed abnormal. " Niu Haoling said: "This is the problem. " Lian Jin.  Gritting his teeth, he said: "Okay, leave this matter to me. Even if I have to bear the eternal infamy, I will put an end to this evil trend! We, China, with more than one billion people, do not want to become a foreign colony.  Do you have to learn that bird song? I will return to Yanjing immediately to submit the proposal. Regardless of whether the top management accepts it, I will stop this unhealthy trend. " "What are you going to do?" Niu Haoling asked.  Lian Jin thought for a while and said: "First find a way to abolish all foreign language-related examinations and put an end to this unhealthy trend from the root." "Well, this is a good idea, but you have to be careful. This involves a huge problem.  Interest groups, if you touch their cheese, they won't let you go easily." Niu Haoling said, "I will send Hongtao back to China to help you." "Okay!" Lian Jin looked at Niu Haoling seriously.  : "Even if I die, I will have no regrets. Niu Haoling, knowing you in this life is worth it to me." Niu Haoling patted Lian Jin on the shoulder and said, "Me too, so I have to live well. I'm waiting for you.  News of the triumph. "As a soldier, Lian Jin may have failed because he did not have the bones and muscles of an iron-blooded soldier. As a politician, Lian Jin still failed because he did not have the consciousness to regard human life as dirt. But as a Chinese, Lian Jin failed.  Absolutely enough.  Lian Jin¡¯s life is likely to be in danger when he returns to Beijing this time. Even Gao Tao, who is highly skilled in hexagrams, cannot calculate Lian Jin¡¯s fate.  Lian Jin acted vigorously and resolutely, just as he persuaded Niu Haoling to assassinate the head of state of a small Southeast Asian country.  After Lian Jin left, Niu Haoling said: "We can't wait any longer. Let's convene a council meeting. I will first stabilize Hongye Group, and then I will start to eliminate the four pests!" "Then what do we do?" Feng Tang asked  road.  Niu Haoling looked at Gao Tao and said: "Gao Tao will follow me. He has the foundation of Taoism and knows how to eliminate the ghost clan. You stay in the group. Now that neither Dongzi nor Xuanxuan can take charge of the work, I am counting on you."??Sit down.  " "Okay, I understand.  "Feng Tang nodded. Niu Haoling added: "Don't give Dongzi and Xuanxuan any supplements for these three days. I have instilled some vitality into them. Now their bodies only need to regulate themselves. After three days, their bodies will naturally recover.  will recover.  " Niu Haoling looked at Gao Tao and said, "Junior brother, come with me. I'll teach you some soul power first, and then I'll teach you how to kill the little ghosts from the Ghost Clan with evil energy.  "    "OK.  "Gao Tao witnessed all this and knew the seriousness of the matter.
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