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Text Chapter 498 The Pope¡¯s Teachings (Please subscribe)

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    The Red Leaf Army is a powerful army with fanatical beliefs.  Their belief is in the omnipotent Emperor Ling, an extremely powerful and domineering tyrant. At least in the eyes of foreigners, this Emperor Ling is a dangerous war element.  At three o'clock in the morning, on a hill not far from Tianjin City, tens of thousands of Daling soldiers lay down in the withered grass, waiting quietly.  At four o'clock in the morning, the 30,000 British troops marching from Tianjin Port gradually approached the city. The leader of the British army, Captain Ward, ordered his men to march quickly and captured Tianjin at five o'clock in the morning, giving the Daling Kingdom a warning.  According to Captain Ward¡¯s inference, as long as the opponent is beaten painfully, the people of this country will become cowardly and honest.  "General Ward, should we rest the troops first?" At this time, an army captain walked up to General Ward and asked.  Captain Ward shook his head and said: "Soldiers need to be quick. When two armies are fighting, they must be surprised in order to kill them with one blow. This is like a naval battle. If you want to severely damage the enemy fleet, you must attack it unprepared first." The army captain's name is Danny.  Bert, who was born in the British Army Academy, is a top student in land warfare. He sneered at Captain Ward's words, but he did not dare to refute. He just said a few words and left it at that.  In his view, the prerequisite for rapid military speed and unpreparedness is to first understand the terrain of the combat area. The reason why Captain Ward is invincible in naval battles is because he knows everything about that sea area, even the climate,  The strength of the waves is as high as a few.  But in the Daling Kingdom, they were completely blind. When they attacked the Qing Dynasty, they could still find a lot of tour guides, but in the Daling Kingdom, they couldn't even find a single tour guide. Everyone in this land would  Emperor Ling regarded him as a god-like being, fearing that he would anger God and make his descendants do nothing but work as cows and horses.  Regarding this point, Danny Bott was also very depressed. He was very depressed about why the people of this country were so ignorant. How could the death of a person drag down future generations?  The most you can do is go to hell.  A person does not dare to die himself, but is afraid of harming his children and grandchildren. This is a cultural difference in this country, and there is no way to solve it.  Previously, they forced a tour guide to lead the way, but the tour guide committed suicide in the military camp the next day. The same happened to the three or four tour guides captured afterwards, which made several British generals extremely troubled.  According to Danny Bott¡¯s wishes, scouts must be sent out to familiarize themselves with the terrain before the offensive can finally be launched.  But Captain Ward didn¡¯t take these experiences seriously.  Thirty thousand British troops formed a long dragon, draped in the bright moonlight, and began to enter a narrow path with undulating mountains.  Somehow, Danny Bott felt more and more uneasy as he walked forward. He looked at the dark mountain trail in front of him, and a trace of fear actually arose in his heart. Even if there were 30,000 people accompanying him, he still felt  Can't get rid of the panic in my heart.  The pitch black roared at him like a ferocious beast.  "General Ward." Danny Bote also wanted to advise Captain Ward to stop.  To be honest, Captain Ward is really not interested in Danny Bott, and even looks down on Danny Bott in his heart. There is nothing that can be done about it. In this era, the status of the Navy is always higher than that of the Army, and the Army only serves as a  Just a second-in-command in the Navy.  Captain Ward glanced at Danny Bote coldly and said, "Bot, if you are still worried, why not go to the rear and take charge of the flank." Danny Bote's expression was slightly suffocated, and he saw it.  Captain Ward felt disdain in his heart. He felt that Captain Ward was looking down on him, so he couldn't help but said with enthusiasm: "General Ward, we should send scouts to explore the road first. I am willing to lead people to explore the road!" Captain Ward was impatient.  He waved his hand and said: "Oh, Mr. Captain, I still think you are most suitable for the rear flank, because you are too careful and are very suitable for that job, don't you think?" Danny Bott was completely disappointed, he  He sighed secretly, saluted with a military salute, and said: "Take the order!" Captain Ward moved Danny Bott to the rear and immediately shouted loudly: "Go forward at full speed, and strive to be at the gate of the city at five o'clock!!!" Thirty thousand British troops  Entering the mountain trail in an orderly manner, Danny Bott walked to the back and watched the long queue slowly slip into the night.  He is now leading a group of more than 300 people in the logistics camp who belong to the rear group. As soon as Danny Bott stepped onto the entrance of the mountain trail, the fear in his heart suddenly hit him again. He raised his hand and shouted: "Wait first  "Just a moment!" More than three hundred soldiers carrying artillery and ammunition stopped and looked at the captain with some confusion.  Almost at the same moment, there was a sound of artillery shelling from the mountain trail, followed by a deafening cry of killing.The sound of the sharp knife cutting through flesh and blood, and the scream of death, echoed endlessly in the valley.  "Was ambushed?" Danny Bote was stunned. More than 300 people looked at this advanced officer with gratitude in their hearts. A sergeant asked: "Sir, what should we do?"  What to do?" Danny Bote said in a deep voice: "Retreat to the commanding heights above! Hurry!" More than three hundred soldiers quickly moved toward a mound not far away.  As soon as they rushed onto the mound, groups of British soldiers who had stripped off their armor fled in a hurry. Behind them, followed a group of masked men in black, who seemed to be invisible in the night.  , a person has a sharp butcher's knife in his hand. As long as it rubs against the skin, it will cut a wound that can cause bleeding to death.  Completely one-sided, such a close distance, complete hand-to-hand combat, and a sudden attack, these British soldiers did not even have the ability to resist.  The only thought in their minds was to run for their lives. Captain Ward had already been pierced through the head by a long arrow before the battle began.  At this moment, they only regretted that their parents had given them one less leg. Some recruits who had just arrived in China were extremely frightened. They had heard some veterans in the UK mention the country of China earlier, and they all said that the Chinese people were weak and incompetent.  According to the rumors, looking at it now, they are just a pack of jackals. Where is the slightest bit of weakness?  "Don't run around, come and meet us!!!" Danny Bott was anxious and kept firing his gun. The light and sound of the pistol attracted a group of slightly calmer escapees.  But more escapees still died under the swords of these men in black. No matter whether they begged for mercy or escaped, the end was the same, that is, death. ??????? These people are not left alive at all.  By the time the British troops on the hill were assembled, there were only less than 4,000 people left.  More than 20,000 British soldiers died on the mountain trails in less than an hour. Even more than 20,000 pigs could not be killed in an hour, right?  Danny Bott was filled with deep fear about the fighting power of these men in black.  He knew that the people on his side could not hold on for long, so he couldn't help shouting: "Who is the commander on the other side? Can you talk to me?" He had an extravagant hope in his heart, that is, he could negotiate peace with the other party, and at the worst, pay some monetary compensation.  ¡° Spending money to buy your life is not a shameful thing in the eyes of the British.  "My name is Twenty-Three!" "My name is Forty-One!" The team of men in black separated, and a man and a woman walked out of the crowd. The man was carrying an exquisite long bow on his back, and the woman was carrying a bow.  With long swords dripping with blood, the aura of these two people was completely different from the others.  "My fear just now came from these two people!" Danny Bott immediately determined the source of his fear. He had been sensitive to some smells since he was a child, and it was this sensitivity that saved his life.  Danny Bot continued to shout in broken Chinese: "We are willing to pay to redeem our lives. Isn't this the rule of your Chinese country?"  But they are the Imperial Guards of the Daling Kingdom.  Twenty-three laughed loudly and said: "Sorry, we happen to be not short of money!" In one sentence, he rejected Danny Bott's thoughts.  Danny Bot shouted anxiously: "You can't kill me, I am a believer who has been taught by the Pope!" "The Pope?" Twenty-three was stunned for a moment, then laughed wildly: "That has nothing to do with us, does it mean that  Will the old Pope avenge you if I kill you? "You dare to blaspheme the Pope! I have been taught by the Pope and I am invulnerable!" "I dare you to be injured in the head!"  !" Twenty-three sneered, opened his bow and nocked an arrow, and with a whoosh, a pure steel arrow flew towards Danny Bot.  Twenty-three are masters of energy transformation, and equipped with this specially customized dragon tendon bow, they can shoot through ordinary iron armor.  "Ding!" What shocked everyone was that when the arrow flew near Danny Bott, it encountered invisible resistance and was bounced to the ground.     How can it be?  The nearly 10,000 imperial guards were all frightened. They were all superstitious people, and once this thought came out, they couldn't stop it.  Feeling a sense of hesitation and fear among his subordinates, Twenty-three felt something was wrong. He shouted loudly: "What's the use of being able to withstand arrows? Our Lord Ling is not only invulnerable, but also invulnerable to water and fire. No matter you  What kind of evil devil dares to be an enemy of our Emperor Ling? The result is death! ?Hearing Twenty-three mention Emperor Ling, the nearly 10,000 Imperial Guards immediately became energetic. Yes, we are under Emperor Ling. One day, we will also be invulnerable!
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