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Text Chapter 474 The King of the Night (Please subscribe)

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    Forgive you MLGB!  Stephen wished he could tear the Ice King into pieces and eat his marrow.  Everyone here can see that the Ice King is helping Niu Haoling.  The King of Kung Fu¡¯s current thoughts are different from everyone else¡¯s. First, he has met the biggest opponent in his life. He never imagined that there are such masters hidden in this world.  The appearance of a master of this level is likely to have a great impact on him.  Before Stephen could say a few words, Niu Haoling's figure disappeared from the spot again.  Now Stephen's heart is in chaos. The illusion of the Beast King has been forcibly broken, and his internal organs have been severely damaged. If he continues to fight, he will die.  He knew very well that Niu Haoling would not show mercy to him.  "I give up!" Stephen shouted loudly at the moment when Niu Haoling's hidden aura approached him.  Count him lucky.  Niu Haoling had the intention of killing the opponent this time. When he saw Stephen shouting to admit defeat, if he took action again, he would inevitably be criticized.  The King of Kung Fu stood up slowly and said, "Your aura is strange. I don't know where it comes from." The King of Kung Fu stared at the Ice King with burning eyes. If the Ice King's answer was inappropriate, he would immediately  Will take action.  The King of Ice looked at the King of Kung Fu and said with a smile: "Don't you know me?" The King of Kung Fu said with a smile: "You are kidding, I must know you!?" "Oh, you don't know me, then this kid does.  Me." The Ice King pointed at Niu Haoling who showed his figure.  The King of Kung Fu looked at Niu Haoling, his eyes full of inquiry.  Niu Haoling cupped his hands and said, "Ancestor, this senior is the mentor of this junior." The King of Kung Fu was shocked.  The Ice King said with a smile: "You guys are having your meeting, I just want to take a look, haha." After this laughter, the Ice King relaxed his momentum.  All the four kings present felt a vast aura similar to that of the King of Kung Fu when he entered the arena. However, the aura of the King of Kung Fu was as vast as the sea, making people seem to have lost their footing, while the aura of the old man was as cold as ice.  It's like being in a vast land of ice and snow.  The intensity of the breath is not much different.  Everyone understood that at this time, another strong man appeared who could compete with the King of Kung Fu.  Although Stephen had hatred in his eyes, he still chose to remain silent. This old man was not someone he could offend.  The gloom on the King of Kung Fu's face gradually dissipated, and he laughed and said: "I see, no wonder Hao Ling's strength has improved so rapidly. It seems that he got the guidance from brother. I thank you." Niu Haoling didn't expect the King of Kung Fu.  Having said these words, I couldn't help but glance at the King of Kung Fu.  The Ice King laughed loudly and said: "Little Friend Niu and I are at odds with each other, and it is normal for me to give some pointers. However, these suggestions from me are only superficial, and it is because Little Friend Niu himself has extraordinary talent." The King of Kung Fu laughed loudly and said, "The members of our Kung Fu faction  My disciples are naturally gifted. On this point, my brother and I agree. Please take a seat!" The Ice King still squatted on the edge of the rooftop and refused: "Oh, I won't go over. My status is not suitable.  "Go on, don't pay attention to me." The King of Kung Fu said in a deep voice, "Brother, are you looking down on me?" The King of Ice said with a smile, "Don't belittle yourself, I don't have any such intention."  As warriors, should we bear some social responsibilities?¡± The Ice King smiled and said, ¡°Of course.¡± The Kung Fu King added, ¡°Well, I¡¯ll be honest, now there is a monster in the world, and we are.  Is it the responsibility to eradicate him? "Here he comes!  Niu Haoling saw the intention of the King of Kung Fu. This old guy planned to use the King of Ice as a spearman.  The Ice King laughed and said: "How did this monster come out?" The Kung Fu King sighed: "This is embarrassing to say, he was accidentally created by our Four Kings." The Ice King said: "Then  That's it, since it was created by you Four Kings Association, you should be given a chance to redeem yourself. If I kill this monster first, wouldn't I be looking down on you Four Kings Association? " Niu Haoling is here.  I mentally gave a thumbs up to the Ice King, Jiang is indeed very old.  The King of Kung Fu found that he could not incite the Ice King, and he laughed and said: "Brother, you are right. As far as I know, that monster is very powerful. If we are unable to do so -" "It is obligatory!"??The Ice King did not want Emperor Yan to cause trouble to the world, so he said on the spot.  "Okay! Refreshing!" The King of Kung Fu laughed loudly and said: "Continue the meeting!" After saying this, he really no longer cared whether the Ice King was watching or not, and continued: "The winner of this competition  Because of Niu Haoling, the position of the King of Hackers will be handed over to Niu Haoling. Who has any objection? " "No objection!" The four kings shouted.  "This is not fair!!!" Seeing that the situation was over, Stephen couldn't help shouting loudly: "Is there no fairness in your Four Kings Association?" The King of Kung Fu's face darkened and asked: "How do you say this?"  Stephen yelled: "Everyone saw it just now. It was this old man's laughter that made me confused. This old man seemed to be the helper Niu Haoling found. He won by unfair means!" The King of Kung Fu sneered: "  Ridiculous!" "What?" Stephen was stunned.  ¡°Is there a rule in the ring that people outside the ring cannot laugh?¡± the King of Kung Fu asked.  ¡°This¡ª¡ª¡± Stephen was speechless.  The King of Kung Fu asked again: "Did Niu Haoling know in advance that you have the ability to have the Beast King's Illusion?" He definitely didn't know this. The Beast King's Illusion is originally Stephen's trump card, so how could he let others know about it? Since others don't know, then Stephen  There was no way to be certain that the old man was here to help Niu Haoling.  After all, his laughter only dispelled the illusion of the Beast King.  If Niu Haoling knew that he possessed the Beast King's illusion combat skills, wouldn't he be a prophet?  Seeing that Stephen had nothing to say, the King of Kung Fu glanced at the audience and said, "Who has any objections?" There was silence around. After five seconds, the King of Kung Fu sat back and said, "Then I  Announced, Niu Haoling is the new Four Kings!" "Thank you, ancestors," Niu Haoling said as he moved towards the VIP table.  The stepmother showed a smile and said: "It's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. The Four Kings Association is indeed full of talents. They are already among the kings in their twenties. They may be able to enter the realm of emperors in their lifetime." The King of Kung Fu smiled and said: "Emperor  The world is just a legend. We are still human. We can never get rid of this. We are just more responsive and more powerful than ordinary people. To use the explanation of the hacker king back then, it means that we have evolved more completely. "  After saying this, the king asked Niu Haoling: "You now have a chance to change your title. Do you want to change it?" "King of the Night!" Niu Haoling said respectfully.  "Okay! From now on, the name of hacker will become Dark Night!" The King of Kung Fu said directly.  It is very reasonable to change the title. For example, the King of Killers did not ask to change the title in the first place. Once the title is changed, he will not be able to inherit everything from the King of Killers, and he will have to start from scratch.  Niu Haoling is indeed not interested in the research of the hacker faction, nor is he interested in inheriting it. Since he is the leader of the killer organization and has stealth combat skills, the name of Dark Night is understandable.  The King of Kung Fu said: "Since you have changed your title, you have to form your own force. Your territory is the territory of the hacker faction. All the property of the hacker faction will be attributed to the organizing committee and redistributed to the four major organizations. The meeting is adjourned now!" No.  The Four Young Masters all regretted Niu Haoling's choice. It was the property of an entire faction, and the hacker faction owned the world's top research center and had all kinds of genetic medicines. I don't know how many people wanted to ask for one.  Niu Haoling actually gave up just for a title.  The King of Killers looked at Niu Haoling curiously, and was secretly surprised. When he inherited the throne of the King of Killers, the power of the killer faction was far behind that of the hacker faction, but he was still reluctant to give up that part of the power.  It¡¯s really surprising that this young man had such courage to give up.  "Haoling, you are too impulsive. For a title, you gave up such a large force, which is a hacker faction." As soon as the meeting ended, He Hongyang, who was most familiar with Niu Haoling, went over and said.  Niu Haoling smiled and said: "I don't like to use other people's things. I'm not used to it." Niu Haoling only needs the title of the Four Kings. As for power, it is dispensable to him.  Since Niu Haoling gave up inheriting the property of the King of Hackers, the King of Kung Fu and others held another small meeting to divide the properties of the hacker faction into three and put them under the names of the three kings.  Niu Haoling only stayed in Hawaii for a few days before he received the next mission, codenamed "Ace" mission. ?For Niu Haoling, this mission was extremely fucked up.  The mission requires him to go to New York, USA, to assist the police in finding a woman who brought a nuclear bomb into New York City, and to prevent the woman from detonating the nuclear bomb.  The biggest difficulty of this mission is the unknown when the nuclear bomb will detonate. Who knows when that woman will detonate the nuclear bomb. If the nuclear bomb detonates just after arriving in New York, then didn¡¯t he die in vain?  If this mission fails, Niu Haoling may not die, but his strength will definitely be severely damaged. At least his soul and vitality will be weakened a lot, and falling to the king level is not impossible.  Without further ado, Niu Haoling immediately left for New York. The Ice King returned to Qizhouquan City alone according to Niu Haoling's request.  I wonder if one more king will make the task more difficult. Niu Haoling doesn't want to take this risk, and having said that, even if the Ice King passes by, it won't help. This is a question of numbers, not strength.  A bay villa in Hawaii.  The King of Kung Fu was sitting alone on the beach sipping tea.  "King, why are we doing this?" The prince walked to the King of Kung Fu and asked in a low voice: "It is a good thing for us that Niu Haoling can be promoted to the king." The King of Kung Fu took a sip of tea and said slowly: "  "You don't understand." The prince said softly, "I would like to hear the details." The King of Kung Fu said, "Niu Haoling has a rebellious heart. His adoptive father Niu Zhishan's rebellion seems to have affected him, and he is advancing too fast now.  I don¡¯t hope so.¡± The prince thought to himself: ¡°What¡¯s wrong with the king? Isn¡¯t he choosing a candidate? He should be happy that the candidate¡¯s strength has improved rapidly.¡± The King of Kung Fu raised his hand and said, ¡°Go check it out.  "What is Niu Haoling's mission this time? You don't need to take care of it from now on." "Yes!" The prince was full of doubts, but he followed the order.  Snap!  The King of Kung Fu crushed the water glass and sneered: "No one can interfere with my plan."
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