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Text Chapter 455 The Patron Saint of the Former Soviet Union (Please subscribe)

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    "Don't you think it's funny? This is just a myth." Niu Haoling smiled indifferently.  Mengxin said: "Every myth and legend has factors that have existed in its past. No myth or legend is fabricated out of thin air. You'd better be careful." Niu Haoling still doesn't believe in this kind of chaos.  His curiosity has been aroused now. If he doesn't go in and take a look, how can he be willing to do so?  After receiving Meng Xin¡¯s warning, Niu Haoling became more cautious in his actions. He let go of his entire body¡¯s vigilance and walked step by step into the depth of the gap.  Walking to the end of the gap, a stone door appeared. The stone door was at least four meters high. Niu Haoling pushed hard and found that the door could not be pushed.  "This is a mechanism door. You have to find a way to open it first." This stone door weighs at least tens of thousands of kilograms, and Niu Haoling's current huge strength has no way to do anything with it.  Following Mengxin¡¯s prompts, Niu Haoling carefully searched the area. Because the Shimen Mechanism was not alive, Mengxin could not search it at all.  After searching for about ten minutes, Niu Haoling found a slot on a stone wall. The slot could accommodate a cube of stone. Niu Haoling thought about it and carved a cube of stone with his fingers.  Embedded into the card slot. ? ? Almost none of these ancient mechanisms have any technical content. Sure enough, after Niu Haoling put in the imitation cube stone strips, the stone door slowly opened.  "Bang!" Niu Haoling threw a handful of stones at the door of Shimen, tentatively testing whether there were any living things inside. After a few minutes, there was no movement inside.  Niu Haoling chuckled and said, "I knew this would happen. I don't know how long this stone gate has been here. Even if there was a turtle inside, it would have died long ago." Niu Haoling used iron blocks to prevent any arrow traps here.  Then he cautiously stepped into the stone door.  "What a fuck!" Niu Haoling stepped in and couldn't help but murmured: "As expected of Africa, a stone chamber is so luxurious." This stone chamber can be said to be a golden city, covering an area of ??thousands of square meters.  Indoors, the floor is covered with bright gold bricks, and the ceiling is inlaid with fist-sized luminous pearls. The luminous pearls emit a faint light, and under the reflection of the gold bricks, they show a magnificent and unique beauty.  This - this is simply a work of art.  Niu Haoling walked into it and carefully looked at the gold ornaments in the stone chamber. Each ornament was exquisitely carved, reflecting the development level of handicrafts of that era.  It can be said that every item in this golden stone chamber is enough to drive those archaeologists crazy. Unfortunately, Niu Haoling is not an archaeologist, and he is not very interested in so-called art. His only thought now is-these things  How much money can be sold?  "There is someone on the throne." Mengxin said suddenly.  Niu Haoling also saw the skull on the throne at this time. He walked into the throne and said softly: "Who is this person? He would build a golden stone chamber here, and then die alone as a polished commander." Even though Africa produces a lot of gold.  , but it can¡¯t be so extravagant and wasteful. Look at the gold in the stone room now, there are at least dozens of tons of gold, right?  Although Niu Haoling is not an archaeologist, he is now curious about the identity of this skeleton.  "Enluowu?" Walking in front of the throne, Niu Haoling read the identity of the skeleton from the king ring hanging on the skeleton's hand bone.  "Huh!!!" Just when Niu Haoling guessed the identity of the skeleton, the skull on the throne suddenly flashed with dazzling golden light. Niu Haoling subconsciously raised his hands to protect his eyes. At the same time, the gold brick floor under Niu Haoling's feet suddenly opened.  A gap.  "Fuck, no!" Niu Haoling was too late to use Yue Xiang. His feet suddenly became weightless, and he couldn't find any point of leverage.  And because of the golden light just now, Niu Haoling had focused all his attention on the light. He never expected that a mechanism would suddenly appear under his feet.  The body fell rapidly, and Niu Haoling had no way to stop the fall.  After falling for dozens of meters, Niu Haoling felt that he had fallen into a pool. The water in the pool was very cold, which at least made him feel the biting coldness. With Niu Haoling's current energy, it was a bit unbearable.  , if ordinary people fell in, they would be frozen to death in an instant.  Niu Haoling drank several sips of the pool water in a row, and climbed to the shore in some embarrassment. This was a pool. The pool was surrounded by stone walls. The only exit was just above where Niu Haoling fell. There were three small rocks in the pool.  It can barely accommodate others.  Niu Haoling sat on a rock,He was filled with regret, but Mengxin's ability to sense danger was still better than his.  "What the hell is this place?" Niu Haoling stood up and looked around hard. It was really too dark here. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he could not see his fingers. With Niu Haoling's eyesight, he could only barely see.  There is no way to escape from something two meters away in such an absolutely dark place.  "It's trouble this time." Mengxin said, "I use my mental power to spy on the surrounding environment, and then transfer the image into your mind, so that you can see the surrounding objects clearly at the same time." "Okay.  "Niu Haoling nodded. At this point, he couldn't find any other way.  "Hahaha - it's been more than fifty years since the last time, and I actually met a living person again." Meng Xin had just connected her mental power with Niu Haoling's sea of ??consciousness, when a creepy old voice sounded from the side.  stand up.  Niu Haoling, who was connected to Mengxin's spiritual power, could already see the environment in the pool. He glanced in the direction of the source of the sound and saw an old man sitting on a rock like an old monk in trance.  Above, his eyes had almost disappeared, as if he had no eyes at all.  The voice was made by this old man. Niu Haoling did not expect that there was someone inside, and judging from the old man's aura, this old man was definitely a king-level powerhouse!  Niu Haoling stood up and said respectfully: "Junior Niu Haoling has met my senior." "Oh? From the tone of your voice, you are Chinese, right?" The old man's ears twitched and he asked.  Niu Haoling responded: "Yes, this junior is from China." "Then we are still neighbors, haha." The old man smiled happily.  "Be careful, this person is very strong and you can't handle it." Meng Xin warned.  "What's the specific strength?" Niu Haoling asked in his mind.  Mengxin said: "It is estimated that only the King of Kung Fu can rival him." "So strong?" Niu Haoling was really shocked, and he couldn't help but look at the old man with more respect.  The old man chuckled and said: "You're good, you didn't show any ill will towards me." Niu Haoling said cautiously: "Dare you ask me, senior, where is this place?" The old man said in surprise: "Huh? You don't know where this place is?"  Niu Haoling smiled bitterly and asked: "Is this place famous?" The old man's expression became exciting, and he laughed and said: "Famous? Yes, this place is very famous, haha!" The old man's tone was full of unwillingness and ridicule, he  He said to himself: "The king's cemetery, don't you even know the king's cemetery?" Niu Haoling felt a little creepy just hearing the name. He said softly: "This - this junior is really  "Have you ever heard of the Ottoman Empire?" the old man asked again. The language used by the old man was English, which Niu Haoling could easily understand. The old man obviously also understood Chinese and could understand it.  Understand Niu Haoling's words. ???????????? In fact, when all methods return to the sect and truly reach the king level, language is basically no obstacle to the strong ones at this level.     Ottoman Empire?  If Niu Haoling has never heard of this empire, he is really an idiot.  At that time, this huge empire spanned three continents, Asia, Africa and Europe, strangulating the throat of the continent's transportation. It was one of the most powerful and prosperous empires in the world for a long time.  Niu Haoling asked curiously: "What does this have to do with the Ottoman Empire?" The old man chuckled and said: "This cemetery was built by Prince Enlovu, the second son of Selim I, the ninth emperor of the Ottoman Empire. Strictly speaking, this cemetery is  The place where Prince Enluowu died for his love." "The place where he died for his love?" Niu Haoling became more and more confused as he listened.  The old man had obviously not communicated with humans for a long time, although he kept trying to sell it off, looking for the excitement brought by language communication.  The old man said intermittently: "Back then, the Ottoman Empire dominated three continents, and its financial resources and manpower were almost at the peak of the world. All Islamic warriors were loyal to the Ottoman Empire, which also accelerated the expansion of the Ottoman emperor. And Selim I  He was also a man accustomed to implementing tyranny. He suppressed dissidents at home. At the end of 1513 alone, more than 40,000 people from the Shia Kezlibash tribe were beheaded. He continued to use troops externally to expand the empire's territory in August 1514.  In August, he defeated the Persian Shia Safavid army in the Battle of Chaldiland on the east bank of the Euphrates River, captured its capital Tabriz, and successively captured some of the Anatolian Kurds and Turkmens.  The principality was incorporated into the empire's territory. In August 1516, he defeated the Egyptian Mamluk army in the Battle of Dabiq Grassland north of Aleppo, Syria, and then in 151In January 7 AD, he captured Cairo, destroyed the Mamluk dynasty, captured the puppet caliph Mutawakkil (1466-1543), a descendant of the Abbasid royal family under the control of the dynasty, and obtained the position of caliph from him, thus becoming the orthodoxy of Islam.  The leader of the faction.  " "His successive campaigns also offended many ethnic groups and strong men with beliefs. In 1516, when Prince Enlovu, the second son of Selim I, was holding a wedding, the wedding venue was attacked by a king-level strongman.  , the wedding scene was filled with blood. Prince Enlovu¡¯s beloved wife was chopped into two pieces by this king-level strongman. Prince Enlovu was saved by his bodyguards. This incident deeply stimulated Prince Enlovu.  , for three or four years, he imprisoned himself in a house, and his inner gloom became more and more serious. Until 1520, he suddenly took away the weapons and classics of the king-level warriors killed by the Ottoman Empire, as well as his  All the property in the territory was used to build such a king's cemetery. After the cemetery was established, he released countless treasure maps, hid in this cemetery alone and committed suicide.  "What a madman. Niu Haoling has a definition for this Prince Enluowu in his heart. But strictly speaking, this Prince Enluowu is a lover. For the sake of the woman he loves, he will not hesitate to offend the strong men in the world. "What happened later?  ?  " Niu Haoling asked. The old man chuckled and said: "This cemetery gathered the top technicians of the Ottoman Empire at that time, and this project also received strong support from Selim I. Of course, he did not know that his son would die in love at the beginning.  Since the establishment of this cemetery, no less than twenty king-level experts have died in this pool over the past hundreds of years.  " "Twenty?  "Niu Haoling's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his ears. The old man stretched out his finger and said: "The golden stone chamber above, plus the mechanisms you and I encountered, there are at least thirty mechanisms, and they all lead to this passage.  The baits of those thirty mechanisms can attract the interest of king-level experts.  Human greed is the greatest murder weapon, and even a king-level expert cannot escape. It can be said that as long as he enters the golden stone chamber, his end is destined.  " Niu Haoling can imagine the scene. When a king-level expert avoids one mechanism and starts to relax in collecting treasures, he falls into another mechanism again. As long as he does not eliminate the greed in his heart, he will only face one mechanism after another. Someone  Can you stay vigilant at all times and survive the thirty well-designed traps? The answer is impossible! Even the strong people who entered in a team would feel more gloating and happy when they saw their companions falling into the traps.  He will never turn around and leave this place full of treasures. As the old man said, as long as he enters this golden stone room, he is destined to fall into the pool. Even if Niu Haoling does not fall into the throne, he will end up next to some exquisite gold crafts.  Misstep. ¡°Junior¡ªjunior still doesn¡¯t know the name of senior.  Niu Haoling calmed down and asked respectfully. "Me?"  The old man thought for a while, then laughed and said, "The last time I answered this question was fifty-four years ago. It's really nostalgic."  " "Have you heard of the Ice King?  "The old man's face was full of hope. "The King of Ice?" Niu Haoling had never heard of it. Just as he was about to answer, Mengxin said: "He is actually the King of Ice?" "Is he famous?  " Niu Haoling thought to himself. Meng Xin said in a deep voice: "The Ice King is the strongest king-level warrior in Northern Europe. When he became famous, the King of Kung Fu had not yet advanced to the king-level.  "
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