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Text Chapter 450: The remaining part of the art of nourishing the soul (please subscribe)

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    "Thank you, my emperor!" The eyes of Liang Li and the others lost their clarity, replaced by an unprecedented loyalty and fanaticism. They knelt on the ground and gently touched the young man's shoes with the tips of their noses.  "Haha!" The young man opened his arms and laughed arrogantly and excitedly.  Next to the ruins of the nuclear plant, the guards led by Liang Li were wandering around the Land Rover in boredom. A man said: "Did you notice it just now? There seems to be some slight vibrations underground." "Well, I thought it was an illusion.  "You feel it too?" "Is everything going to be okay, Miss?" "Probably not, this is the territory of the King of Hackers, maybe it's related to the experiment." While more than twenty guards were talking, Peter's figure changed.  Appearing at the stairs of the ruins, when they saw Peter appearing, the guards stopped talking one after another. One guard asked curiously: "Mr. Peter, where is our lady?" "Dead." Peter said truthfully.  "What!" A group of guards were stunned at first, and then they all pulled out their firearms and pointed them at Peter. At this moment, Peter's figure disappeared from the place in an instant. When he appeared the next moment, the heads of more than 20 guards appeared.  All flew into the air.  A sharp spider thread ended it all.  Peter stood there, looked back at the stairs, and sighed: "Master, I will definitely fulfill your instructions." Peter knew very well what Master's wish was. To put it bluntly, he just wanted to become famous in the world, and how to become famous in the world.  ?  Naturally, we should release this monster and then have a certain influence on the world. Peter is a warrior who has obtained the title of Xia Zi. He does not want all living beings to be destroyed. The only way now is not to release the monster, but to release the king-level powerhouse.  put in.  Peter's first goal is to announce this news to the whole world, so that these strong men can spontaneously organize teams to go in and kill the monster. If this continues, they will soon understand how powerful the monster is, and for the creator hacker  King, they can also admit the research of the King of Hackers over the years. When the king-level powerhouse was almost dead, Peter took action to end it, achieving the most perfect ending.  The changes that occurred in North America did not affect the killer king in the Middle East. Although when the young man appeared, the king-level powerhouses all over the world felt a little uncomfortable, but they did not take it too seriously. King-level powerhouses  The premonition of danger is too strong, and they will be aware of any danger that can affect them.  There are too many dangerous things in this world that can affect them. For example, new missile explosion tests, such as nuclear test explosions, these will make them a little uncomfortable. After so many years, they have long been accustomed to this kind of sudden explosion.  Brief palpitations.  In an oasis in the desert, the King of Killers Constantine was listening to music comfortably while flipping through a yellow and old book. He flipped through the pages with relish and muttered: "Not bad, not bad.  , China¡¯s martial arts novels are still very valuable. Brother Shui Yong, long time no see?¡± Constantine said this to the man coming behind him in a wheelchair. This man¡¯s hands were  All the feet are equipped with prosthetics, and the whole person exudes a gloomy atmosphere.  "What do you think?" Shui Yong was being pushed by a man about 2.4 meters tall, who had just gotten off a private plane.  Constantine laughed, stood up and said, "My friend, I have been looking for you for a long time. What happened to you - your body?" When Constantine saw Shui Yong's appearance, a look of surprise appeared on his face.  "Are you asking questions knowingly? It's not your damn mission!" Shui Yong sneered. He was used to his current appearance.  Constantine chuckled and said: "Your prosthetic limbs are really real." Shui Yong snorted: "This is the craftsmanship of the hacker king, what do you think? I have paid a lot for this, and I came here just to find it.  You ask for something." Constantine shrugged and said, "Of course it should be, old friend, tell me, what do you want?" Shui Yong stood up from the wheelchair, moved a few steps numbly, and said  : "The art of nourishing the soul!" "Huh? How do you know the art of nourishing the soul?" Constantine's eyes suddenly became sharp.  Shui Yong said: "You don't need to ask me how I know it. Just tell me if you are willing to hand it over." Constantine chuckled and said: "There are still many loopholes in the art of nourishing the soul. You should also know this. As a friend, I  A few words of advice to you, try not to touch this thing. Take a closer look. Apart from the King of Kung Fu who is still studying the art of soul nourishing, who else in the Four Kings is studying it? Even the King of Hackers has been studying it for a while.  Also gave up.¡±p; Shui Yong said in a deep voice: "Constantine, don't you know why I want to learn the art of soul nourishment?" "Soul transplantation?" Constantine laughed dumbly and said: "My old friend, you don't really think that  Is the soul transplantation in the Soul-raising Secret Chapter real? " Shui Yong sneered: "You don't need to worry about this, Constantine, just give me the remaining part of the Soul-raising Technique in your hand.  The debt between us has been settled." Constantine curled his lips and said, "Old friend, you are too cruel. It is just a fragment of a book on the art of nourishing the soul. If you open your mouth to me, I will give it to you. Why bother?  What are you saying that makes people sad?" As he spoke, Constantine said, "Come, sit down and have a sip of tea. I'll get it for you right away." I have to say that Constantine values ??Shui Yong's ability.  Shuinaga's combat effectiveness may be at the bottom among king-level experts, but his mental control is too strong, which can play a very important role in battle, and his ability can be paired with strong people of any nature.  Any conflicts will arise.  Constantine opened the door to the basement, and walked down wearing flowery trousers and picking out his pockets. He had just walked halfway when a rapid ringing sounded. Constantine's 4W mobile phone was the one with the highest authority of the Four Kings.  The lowest number of mobile phones that can dial his number are those of golden generals, and there are only two golden generals under his command. One is Liang Li, and the other is his second disciple Isido. Isido's strength is only at the sub-king level.  At the middle level, like Liang Li, he likes to be in charge of management work. Liang Li is completely responsible for American affairs, and Isido is responsible for European affairs. In other words, Isido's authority is slightly lower than that of Liang Li, but it can still be considered  The third person in the killer faction.  Although the other three kings can also call him, from owning this phone to now, Constantine has never seen the three kings take the initiative to call him, including his ally the King of Hackers.  Constantine took out his mobile phone and glanced at the connection channel: "Tell me." "Master, I got news here that someone discovered Niu Haoling's whereabouts, and he seems to have lost his memory and has been staying in a village on the island of Malta.  ." Isido knew the Master's temper and immediately said something interesting as soon as the call was connected.  Constantine chuckled and said: "Really? Very good news." Isido said in a deep voice: "Master, what should we do here?" Constantine ordered: "Arrange people to control the situation, mainly to supervise  Good boy, I have someone here who wants him to die more than I do, haha. "Constantine knew about the European Beast King family. The entire Beast King family fell because of suspicion of killing Niu Haoling, and even the King of Kung Fu was involved.  After this battle, Constantine realized the importance of Niu Haoling in the King of Kung Fu. Knowing this relationship, Constantine did not want to get into trouble. He had experienced the anger of the King of Kung Fu once, and every time he thought about it, he  I feel a dull pain in my cheek.  ¡°Let this silly boy Shui Yong go. If Shui Yong really kills Niu Haoling, then the King of Kung Fu will definitely kill him. When the time comes to protect him, will this boy Shui Yong still not surrender to him?  After thinking about these joints, Constantine felt better. He took out the fragment of the soul-nourishing art he found in Qingcheng Mountain and quickly returned to it.  "Hey, old friend, this is the fragment of the art of nourishing the soul that I have here. There is no missing page. If my guess is correct, you should also get the share in the hands of the King of Hackers, right?" Constantine sat down.  He returned to the recliner and said with a smile.  "Yeah." Shui Yong got the remnant of the soul nourishing art so easily, and his mood improved. In fact, the King of Killers couldn't blame him for what happened last time. Not only the King of Killers, but probably everyone in the world would not think so.  He would fall into the hands of a sub-king boy, but unfortunately an accident happened. Who can blame him?  Strictly speaking, he has to blame himself for being too careless.  Constantine smiled and said: "As far as I know, that fat man is not so generous. What price did you pay?" Shui Yong said: "1000ml blood." "Tsk! He wants to create genetic warriors again, maybe yours  Genes can really create a group of powerful genetic warriors," Constantine said with a joking smile. He was not very optimistic about the research of the King of Hackers. He studied it all day long and has been ranked second to the king level so far.  Fighters at the level have not been studied yet. For Constantine, this is a waste of time.  In this world, only the sub-king-level powerhouses can have some influence on the king-level powerhouses. There is no use in creating so many strong powerhouses. They are not enough to kill the king-level powerhouses with one hand.  Constantine sighed and said: "Old friend, I'm really sorry for what happened last time. Just tell me what compensation you want, and I will definitely agree to it."Shui Yong looked up at Constantine, and after realizing that Constantine's expression was extremely serious, he replied: "I said, give me this fragment of the art of nourishing the soul, and we will have a clear relationship." Constantine  Ding shook his head and hummed: "I can't let my friend be hurt in vain. Since you don't want to be compensated, then I will take off Niu Haoling's head and give you an explanation." "Niu Haoling?" It's okay not to mention Niu Haoling.  At the mention of Niu Haoling, Shui Yong's face suddenly darkened. In the past, Shui Yong was arrogant and arrogant, and he was very flamboyant. Now, Shui Yong has washed away his prestige and become extremely restrained. But  With such a calm mind, he still showed a burst of anger when he heard the words Niu Haoling.  Constantine continued to sigh: "Brother Shui Yong, don't worry, I will definitely find an opportunity to kill that kid. Now that this kid is protected by the old boy, the King of Kung Fu, I'm afraid you won't be able to take revenge yourself." "Pop."  !" As soon as Constantine finished speaking, Shui Yong had already slapped the table and shouted with blood-red eyes: "Why should I take revenge on others?" Constantine sighed: "Things are not what they used to be.  He is just a local dog, so he will be killed if he is to be killed. But now he has climbed up a high branch and has become famous. He is not something that ordinary people can offend. Who in this world dares to offend the King of Kung Fu? " There are many hidden meanings in Constantine's words.  Firstly, although he was talking about Niu Haoling being different from what he used to be, he was also talking about Shui Yong who had lost his limbs. How could Shui Yong, who had a strong self-esteem, endure this?  Second, he said that Niu Haoling was not someone ordinary people could provoke. If Shui Yong didn't dare to take action, wouldn't he become an ordinary person?  Third, he stated that he was the only one in the world who dared to provoke the King of Kung Fu, which once again stimulated Shui Yong.  As a king-level strongman, Shui Yong may be regarded as the most miserable king-level strongman in the world.  Sure enough, Shui Yong said angrily: "So what about the King of Kung Fu? I, Shui Yong, am not that timid and afraid of death! As long as I know the whereabouts of this kid, I will definitely let him live and die!"  At these words, Shui Yong sneered and said: "Constantine, you don't need to use any provocations on me. Now that you know Niu Haoling's whereabouts, just tell him directly." "Haha, you saw it." His thoughts were caught.  Constantine saw through it without the slightest embarrassment. He said with a smile: "I did learn about Niu Haoling's whereabouts, but what I said just now was indeed from the bottom of my heart. I will give you an explanation." Shui Yongjian.  Staring at Constantine, he said in a deep voice: "He must be killed by me. Constantine, do you want to compete with me for this kind of thing?" Constantine met Shui Yong's gaze and said with a smile: "You  No match for the King of Kung Fu." Shui Yong said word by word: "Neither are you." "I can run." Constantine glanced at Shui Yong's wheelchair from the corner of his eye. This glance immediately made Shui Yong.  Infuriated.  "Poof! Poof!" As Shui Yong's eyes passed by, two warriors under Constantine suddenly drew their swords and committed suicide. They committed suicide very quickly without any warning at all.  Shui Yong said word by word: "Don't anger me, otherwise I will turn this oasis of yours into a dead land." "Tsk, tsk, it took a lot of effort to select the warriors." Constantine sighed softly and said: "  Since you insist on seeking death, I won¡¯t stop you. Go ahead. When you get to the island of Malta, someone will naturally guide you. I wish you a safe journey. "
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