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Text Chapter 445 Two Choices (Please subscribe!)

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    This bodyguard's identity is very unusual. He is also a gold medal fighter in the Oude Group. When he heard Sha Sang's threat, he almost did not hesitate to bend his elbow and slapped the tip of his elbow on Sha Sang's cheek.  "Huh?" This bodyguard was nearly twenty centimeters taller than Sha Sang, and he was also very muscular and round. With such an elbow, ordinary people would have been lying on the ground and unable to get up, but Sha Sang was only crooked.  There was no sign of pain on his face, which surprised the bodyguard.  This was the first time that Sha Sang could remember being attacked. He held the bodyguard's hand stupidly and didn't know how to react.  Parfrey¡¯s brother is called Keeles, and he is the legion commander of a major family in the Oud Mafia Council. There are 142 families in the Oud Mafia, including 42 large families.  Families communicate with each other through a committee.  In Italy, every province with a mafia has a committee, and the committee can kill people within the sphere of influence of any family without notifying its family members.  When the committee decides to kill, it organizes a firing squad, and the firing squad captain has the right to select the members.  Their actions are unknown to all but those who carry them out.  There is also a committee composed of 11 people above the committee, called the 11-member Committee, located in Palermo. It is above all Mafia families and is also the highest authority of the Mafia.  There is a pope or godfather within the 11-member committee, which is the highest position within the mafia.  There are also a large number of "legions" within each mafia family. Usually each family has 4 to 6 "legions", and some may even have more than 7 to 9, and each "legion" consists of about 20  ~Composed of 30 "soldiers" to perform specific operations.  Each legion is led by a "commander".  Commanders are also known as "first-class soldiers". They are nominated by the second boss, but the final choice rests with the boss.  Therefore, the commander is directly responsible to the boss.  Whenever the boss makes a decision, he will never convey the order directly to the soldiers responsible for execution. Instead, a series of corps (general) commanders will convey instructions on his behalf.  In this way, when lower-level members are captured by the judicial department, higher-level members can escape and avoid legal sanctions.  This structure was immortalized artistically in "The Godfather".  The initiation ritual is secret and inherited from oral tradition, and is rumored to involve lighting a card with an icon on it and then passing the burning shards around one another.  Those who join are called "honorable men" or "heroes" or "perfect men" and accept the protection of their families.  The thugs of the Old and German Mafia have a very strict hierarchy. Their classification is based on the stars on their chests.  Stars are made of four metals: gold, silver, copper, and iron, and the levels decrease in order. Venus represents the highest level, and iron star represents the lowest level. This level division also draws on the hierarchy of the Four Kings to a certain extent.  "An ordinary thug would only wear a piece of clothing with the mafia logo on it, without any stars.  It is said that there is a kind of thug at the top of the Mafia, who is the most powerful in the organization. Their stars are made of natural crystal, and they often give people a black handprint when they act.  The thugs¡¯ assassination operations must be approved by the family leader, otherwise private revenge may trigger a war.  In a war situation, the family's thugs would go to "mattresses," renting empty apartments and letting the soldiers take turns resting on mattresses on the floor of the apartment while the rest of the men on duty stood by the windows, ready to attack.  Enemy family members within range opened fire.  It is because of the strict hierarchical system that the European and German Mafia is what it is today. As the legion commander of the Bond family of the European and German Mafia, Keeles also has a very high status in the European and German Mafia. The Bond family  The patriarch is one of the eleven members of the committee and can be regarded as one of the actual controllers of the mafia. As his number one confidant, Killes's status is naturally conceivable.  These more than twenty bodyguards are all Silver Star fighters directly affiliated with the Bond family. Their strength is equivalent to the peak of Ming Jin. Ordinary fighters are no match for them.  "Bang!" The bodyguard punched Sha Sang on the cheek again. The punch was so strong that Sha Sang took four or five steps back before he could stabilize his body.  Is this a joke?  After the bodyguard punched him, he became more and more surprised. This was a punch with all his strength, which was enough to punch a hole in the car door, but this punch hit the short man's facial vitals.  Not even a nosebleed occurred.  "Silly Sang." Aisha ran over distressed and hugged Silly Sang.  Sha Sang shook his head and looked at the bodyguard with some doubts in his heart. He was very surprised. Why did this bodyguard show mercy to him?  During these two attacks, I felt no pain at all.  "How dare you hit someone!" More than a dozen villagers with bad tempers swarmed towards the bodyguards.  closest to himThe bodyguard behind him took a step back slightly, and flexibly jumped on the spot a few times. Then he punched more than ten times in a row. With each punch, a villager fell unconscious and fell to the ground. He continued to punch.  After seventeen or eighteen punches, the dozen or so villagers lay on the ground without even touching the corners of his clothes.  The bodyguard said to the bodyguard who was confronting Sha Sang: "Okay, stop playing and get down to business." The bodyguard murmured: "Oh my god, it's really like hell. I swear to God, just now I  I will definitely use my full strength." Killes threw away the cigar in his hand, stamped it out with the toe of his shoe, took off his sunglasses and said, "No need to talk nonsense, prepare to demolish all the villagers, and I will be responsible for anything that happens."  Palfrey said softly: "Brother, is this okay? This is a society ruled by law." Kiles cursed impatiently: "I am the law, are you timid and want to join Oude? Go away and play with your eggs! Come on!  I'll beat you to death!" More than twenty bodyguards received the instructions and rushed into the crowd without saying a word. They were all specially trained thugs. How could these villagers who only know how to work be their opponents? More than twenty bodyguards rushed into the crowd without saying a word.  Rushing into a group of hundreds of people, he was like a wolf rushing into a flock of sheep. In a short time, more than ten people fell.  "Stop!" This was the first time Sha Sang saw such a scene. He forced his way to the front of the crowd, grabbed a bodyguard's fist, and pulled it back. The tall black bodyguard didn't even notice.  He fell to the ground without any resistance.  Sha Sang¡¯s move shocked the entire audience. All the bodyguards stopped and looked at Sha Sang stupidly.  Time seemed to have stopped, and everyone¡¯s attention was focused on Sha Sang.  Including Killes himself.  To the surprise of Palfrey on the side, the eldest brother who had just dragged him away for 2,580,000 yuan suddenly turned pale after seeing the young man knocking down a bodyguard, and there was even blood on his cheeks.  Fine beads of sweat broke out.  ¡°Pafrey really despised his brother in his heart. It was so embarrassing, guarding so many people so rudely.  No one knows how shocked Kiles is now. His mood is like a grenade detonating in a small pond, with turbulent waves and splashing water.  Gilles hurriedly put on his sunglasses to hide the shock in his eyes, murmuring in his heart: How is this possible?  How can this be?  Why does this adult stay in this small village?  Isn't he launching a purge operation against the Beast King family?  Kiles's face changed several times, and he immediately changed to a flattering one, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, get out of my way." Because he was so excited, his voice seemed to be strangled by someone, making it look like  Somewhat sharp.  Then, with a humble gesture that no one could imagine, Kiles quickly ran up to Sha Sang and said with a most despicable smile: "I didn't expect to see Mr. Niu here. I was lucky enough to meet Mr. Niu in Hawaii some time ago.  Zunrong is still fresh in my memory. " Jing!  There is a sound when a needle drops.  Everyone¡¯s mouths were open, looking at this weird scene in shock.  God, this person who seems to have a good background is so afraid of Sha Sang. Who is Sha Sang?  Sha Sang frowned and said, "Do you know me?" "No, no, no, how can a villain be qualified to know an adult? I am just lucky enough to have met the adult a few times from a distance, especially the adult's meeting with Mr. Peter in the intermediate martial arts arena.  That amazing competition will never be forgotten by this villain in his life." Kiles was very careful with every word he said, for fear that if he said anything wrong, he would offend this adult.  That's right, Sha Sang's true identity is Niu Haoling. Due to the explosion of his whole body's energy and faith, he fell into a state of emptiness. After falling into the water, he still maintained a state of emptiness. His whole body  There is no difference between it and water. Even the piranhas in the Nile River cannot smell whether Niu Haoling is a human or water.  In this way, Niu Haoling floated along the Nile River to the Mediterranean Sea, and was finally salvaged ashore by Aisha's father.  The so-called state of nothingness is to forget all the previous moves and truly achieve the legendary victory of having no moves and having all moves. This state is very difficult to enter.  As long as the realm of nothingness is truly consolidated, his body will only be left with absolute strength and speed, as well as a unique king-level combat skill that is a combination of all previous moves.  This realm of nothingness is said to be the key to unlocking the king-level realm. If Niu Haoling floats for another ten and a half days, it may be possible to directly enter the king-level and possess king-level combat skills. Unfortunately, he only floats for four or five days.  Being fished out interrupted this hard-won realm of emptiness and lost his memory.  Originally, the realm of nothingness is to create something from nothing. First, let people forget everything., then combine these things to reawaken your memory and discard all the moves you have learned.  ¡°If we were to count the people in the world who have good intentions and do wrong things, then Aisha¡¯s father should be one of them.  "My name is Niu Shisan?" Niu Haoling said softly.  "Oh, I don't dare to listen to these words. This is not what I am allowed to hear. Mr. Niu, you - you -" Gilles gradually discovered that there was something wrong with Niu Haoling. He saw it at the Four Kings Conference in Hawaii.  Niu Haoling, like an unsheathed sword, could not hide the sharp edge in his body. He stole the show at the Four Kings Conference, but the person in front of him who was suspected to be Niu Haoling did not have the slightest aura of a superior person. He was just like an ordinary person.  Exactly the same.  If it weren¡¯t for the fact that this man looked exactly like Niu Haoling, Kiles would have suspected that he had seen the wrong person, but when he saw Niu Haoling¡¯s blank look, he seemed to understand something.  Aisha heard that Kiles seemed to know 'Silly Sang', and she didn't care if this person was the leader who led people to demolish the village. She quickly ran to 'Silly Sang' and asked timidly: "You - you  Do you know Sha Sang?¡± Kiles frowned and asked, ¡°What happened to him?¡± Aisha shook her head and said, ¡°We don¡¯t know either. We rescued him from the sea. He seems to have lost his memory. Do you know his family?  "Oh my God." Kiles wailed in his heart. It was rumored outside that Niu Haoling was leading the elite of the Four Kings to annihilate the Beast King family, but everyone expected that the real leader was squatting in a small village.  He stood up for the right to belong to a village.  The Oude Mafia is a wall-riding force of the Four Kings Association. Keeles knows how powerful the Four Kings are. To put it simply, if Niu Haoling wants to destroy the Oude Mafia, he does not need to spend much effort.  There are more than a hundred families, the 11 strongest committee members, and the ultimate godfather, all of them are probably bullshit in Niu Haoling's eyes.  Kiles is now extremely conflicted. He now has two options. The first option is to claim credit and report to the Kung Fu faction as soon as possible and ask them to send someone to pick up Niu Haoling and leave. The second option is to claim credit and report to the killer faction.  Let them take advantage of Niu Haoling's amnesia to kill this troublesome man.  Both of these options are very tempting to Killes.  "Do you know his family?" Aisha couldn't help but ask again when she saw Killes was silent.  Gilles nodded and said: "Well, I do know him. He has some connections with our Oude Group. Let's do this. Let him stay in your village first. You must entertain me well and don't show any slightness. This  He is a big shot. If he has any shortcomings and you all can't bear it, I will contact the people above to come and pick him up. " Is he from the Oude Mafia?  Many villagers looked at Kiles with horror in their hearts. No wonder this man had the confidence to order his subordinates to take action. It turned out to be a cadre of the Oude Mafia!  In countries around the Mediterranean Sea, the European and German mafia can definitely be regarded as a giant force. Their power extends to all aspects of many countries, and their power is outrageous.  ¡° Thinking that Sha Sang¡¯s identity can make mafia cadres bow to their knees, these villagers really feel that their brains are not working well.
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