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Text Chapter 443 Son of the Sea (Please subscribe!)

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    After selling Hilto Village, he will also be able to join the management of the Oude Shipping Group. The Oude Shipping Group has many subsidiaries, mainly in the gaming and entertainment industries. There are Oude in many European countries.  The shadow of the group, three hundred million US dollars is not much, it is enough for Palfrey to bribe the upper management of the Oude Group, appease the villagers and pay taxes.  Smith was indeed very satisfied with the geographical location of Xiliduo Village. His female assistant said softly: "President, judging from the current data, the possibility of recovering our investment is more than 80%, and the possibility of making a profit is more than 60%. These will be further improved."  Accurate calculation." Smith nodded and said to Palfrey: "Mr. Palfrey, can you make the decision on the sale of Hilito Village?" "Of course," Palfrey said with a smile.  Smith said: "Please make a price. I hope you won't take me for a fool." "Of course not, sir, I promise to God." Palfrey said: "You can't think of the size and location of Hilito Village."  You see, the land price in Malta is very expensive now. I don¡¯t want more. Do you think it¡¯s 400 million US dollars?¡± ¡°Four hundred million US dollars?¡± Smith frowned slightly. Although he was satisfied with this price, the businessman  The profit-seeking character still wanted him to lower the price. He said: "Three hundred and seventy million is the amount I will accept. I don't like to bargain. If you think it's okay, we will make a deal, but you have to guarantee that you can sell the Hilito Village  Transfer it completely to me, including the land property rights." Palfrey cursed in his heart: You don't like bargaining and you still lower the price.  He thought this in his heart, but he still said: "Three hundred and seventy million, Mr. Smith, this price is a bit low, right?" After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, three hundred and seventy million is three hundred and seventy million!"  "You can't sell the village!" As soon as Palfrey agreed, a voice rang.  Thirty or forty angry villagers had arrived here at some point. The speaker was a very beautiful girl. The girl pointed at Palfrey and shouted: "You are not qualified to do this!"  He turned around unhappily and said with a smile: "Why am I not qualified? Hilito Village is the private territory of our Doha family. Even the Maltese government recognizes this. I can sell it if I want. How can I not be qualified?" Strictly  Speaking of which, Hilito Village is indeed the territory of Palfrey's family. Palfrey's grandfather once received the title of earl in the United Kingdom. At that time, in order to reward Palfrey's grandfather, the British government divided the area where the current Hilito Village is located.  It was given to Palfrey's grandfather as a territory.  With Malta¡¯s declaration of independence, the Maltese government still recognized their territorial rights in order to gain the support of Grandpa Palfrey. Only then did a large number of rights holders with British titles also gain independence and become the Republic of Malta.  Now only he and his brother are left in Palfrey's family, and his brother is an executive of the Oude Group and has already moved to London, France. Naturally, he will not object to the sale of the family territory. Forced by previous government documents, the Malta government  They won't interfere too much, as long as Palfrey pays the taxes, they are happy.  After all, the Maltese government is too small. The tax revenue of 300 million US dollars is enough to support all their civil servants for more than a year.  Aisha said: "Our ancestors have lived here for generations, this is our home, and we will not move away." Palfrey sneered: "Ancestors? Your ancestors have lived in our territory for generations, and we have not collected rent from you.  I'm so generous, but you're still not satisfied? Let's give you a subsidy of 1,000 pounds per person, but you have to move out within five days. After five days, I will bring people over to demolish it. " "We won't leave!  "Yes! Unless we are demolished too!" "Palfrey, this home was built by everyone. If the Earl of Doha was still alive, he would not let you do this."  The villagers thought of the amiable Earl of Doha and couldn't help but feel sad.  Palfrey shouted impatiently: "I have made up my mind. You can either take the compensation and move out, or you can wait to be evicted with nothing in five days. There is no other way. You can decide for yourself."  After that, he immediately changed his face and smiled fawningly at Smith: "Mr. Smith, why don't you go to my club to rest for a while? Although my club is average, it is quite famous on the island of Malta." Smith nodded.  He raised his head and said, "Okay, let's just talk about the details of the deal." Smith knew that this land was the territory of the Palfrey family. He believed that Palfrey could solve it very well. The only thing he wanted to think about now was how to solve it.  We will start construction as soon as possible and build this six-star resort in the spring of the following year.??center.  "You can't leave." When the villagers saw that Parfrey was leaving, they immediately panicked. As Parfrey said, this territory is their family's property. When the Earl of Doha was there, the villagers never  They have considered this. After all, in the eyes of the Earl of Doha, the beautiful Hilito Village is also his destination and will never be sold to outsiders. But now that the head of the family has changed, they know the seriousness of the matter.  Palfrey has been living in the UK for a long time. He came back a few years ago to serve as the village chief of Xiliduo Village. In the past few years, the villagers did not think that Palfrey was a person. Their impression of him was just that of a prodigal. Who would have thought that this prodigal son was a prodigal?  Not only their family's home, but the entire village was defeated.  Seven or eight of Palfrey's bodyguards stepped forward and stopped a group of angry villagers. These villagers were no match for the bodyguards. The few villagers who rushed forward were knocked down by the bodyguards in just one round.  On the ground.  If Sha Sang hadn¡¯t grabbed Aisha¡¯s arm, Aisha would have been at the forefront.  It is difficult to change the current situation. These villagers have no land use rights. Legally speaking, they do have to move out from here.  Watching Parfrey get into the car with the Americans and leave, each of these villagers lowered their heads like frost beating eggplants.  "Are we really going to move away?" Elsa also looked a little dazed. The land price on Malta Island is now ridiculously expensive. If they leave Hilto Village, they will no longer be able to live on Malta Island. This compensation,  It is estimated that even one square meter of land cannot be purchased.  "Si Sang, you are smarter than us, what can you do?" Aisha felt sick and hurriedly grabbed Si Sang's arm. She was closest to Si Sang here. In her eyes, Si Sang was nothing.  No, he is very strong, can fish, make handicrafts, do business, and is very smart. This is why the villagers call him the Son of the Sea.  It seems that this silly Sang is really omnipotent.  Silly Sang waved his hand, shook his head again, and said: "I-can't¡ª¡ª" Aisha's eyes dimmed slightly, yes, even people like them who have lived here for a long time can't do anything, let alone those who have just arrived.  Where's Silly Sang, who hasn't been in the village for long?  Sha Sang turned around and looked in the direction of the village for a while, and suddenly said: "Land - map -" "What is he talking about?" A villager couldn't stand Sha Sang's way of expression, and asked anxiously  .  Aisha translated: "Sisang said a map, it seems he is talking about a map of the territory." "A map of the territory? There is a map of the territory at the village committee." The villager asked in confusion: "What are you looking for a map of the territory? And this  What does it have to do with anything?" Seeing someone questioning Sha Sang's words, Aisha said angrily: "Why are you asking so many questions? Why don't you think about it?" The villager smiled more innocently and said: "  I just asked casually, let¡¯s go, I will take you to find the map.¡± All the villagers were very curious about the actions of the Son of the Sea. They did not believe that the Son of the Sea would have a way to solve this problem that even the law could not solve.  It was precisely because of suspicion and curiosity that all these people, No. 30 or 40, followed Aisha and Sha Sang and walked towards the village committee in a mighty manner.  Walking into the village committee, the two villagers who had already received the news quickly took out a map of the territory.  Sha Sang took the map, laid it flat on the table, and said: "Village - land - map -" "Here." A villager quickly took down a map of Xiliduo Village from the bookshelf.  , these maps are all the same size and are kept in the archives of the village committee.  Sha Sang looked at the two maps carefully over and over again, looking for differences.  "What on earth is he doing?" A villager asked in a low voice, feeling a little anxious while waiting.  "I don't know." The answers were all consistent.  Sha Sang compared the two maps over and over again. After about twenty minutes, he suddenly picked up a pen and drew a small mark on the map of Hilito Village.  "Silly Sang, what is this?" Aisha was also puzzled.  Sha Sang pointed to the territory map and then to the village map, and finally pointed to the marked place, and said: "This - is not - the territory -" "Ah, I understand!" A smarter villager shouted overjoyed  road.  "What's wrong, tell me quickly!" A group of villagers were really anxious. This silly Sang spoke so slowly and they didn't understand the way of expression. Isn't this torture?  The villager crowded at the table, picked up two maps and said: "Look carefully, everyone, the territory assigned to the Earl of Doha was so large. Over the years, our Xiliduo Village has been developing, and the development speed has long exceeded the original territory.  This small area does not belong to them.The territory of the Doha family belongs to the Republic of Malta and is our own land. Pafri is qualified to sell the territory of the Doha family, but he has no right to sell the land of the Republic of Malta!  "Looking carefully at the two maps, there is indeed a big difference. The map of Xiliduo Village is slightly larger than the territory map. "Haha, why didn't we pay attention before? Yes, let the American develop it.  Let them demolish it and keep all our surrounding residences so that they can't even get in with a car!  "Many villagers were inspired. It would be funny to build a six-star resort center among a group of small bungalows. "Silly Sang, you are so awesome!  "Aisha hugged Sha Sang happily. "Si Sang, thank you, you are really the son of the sea, and your wisdom is vaster than the sea!  "The villagers solved the crisis in the village and were full of gratitude to Sha Sang. But in Sha Sang's view, this matter is not so easy to solve. The biggest problem is still with Parfrey. If Parfrey  The execution required forced demolition, and then eradicated the nail households. It was estimated that there was no way to stop the villagers from having something to threaten Parfri, and they were all very happy. Many villagers who could not hide the problem rushed out of the village committee to tell the news.  , nearly 400 people from the whole village were summoned. ¡°Bang!  This unruly man!  "After Palfrey, who was chatting with Smith in a private club, got the news, his face suddenly turned black. He smashed the glazed tabletop on the coffee table with one palm, stood up and said angrily: "Go, contact my elder brother first.  Just say that I have something urgent to see him.  "    "yes!  "A bodyguard quickly lowered his head and exited the door. He did not dare to provoke his master at this juncture. "What's wrong?  Mr. Palfrey?  "Smith looked at Palfrey with some curiosity. "It's okay, these villagers are causing trouble," Palfrey said. "Don't worry, Mr. Smith. As long as your advance payment is credited to my account, I guarantee that within ten days  Take care of Hilto Village.  " Smith smiled, stood up and said, "Okay, in that case, I will notify the financial department to lend money as soon as possible. I hope we can have a happy cooperation.  " "Happy cooperation!  Palfrey shook hands with Smith and said, "Here, send Mr. Smith to the suite to rest."  "    "yes!  "Two scantily clad Maltese beauties came over to support Mr. Smith and walked out of the viewing room lightly. "Boss, we've got through.  "A bodyguard pushed the door open and entered, holding a mobile phone and saying. "Brother, the price has been negotiated, 370 million, but Xiliduo Village has a little trouble and needs your help to solve it."  one time.  " "What's the trouble?  "The voice on the other side was very rich." Pafrey said: "Those villagers, after the guidance of the experts, saw that our territory is not as large as the Hilito Village, so they plan to use the extra land to blackmail us. We must get Malta."  government support.  " Now every inch of land is at a premium, and the Maltese government is a member of the European Union. It should not agree to transfer the land to the Americans. The relationship between the United States and Europe is not that good yet.  The person opposite hesitated for a moment and pointed out the main problem directly. Palfrey said in a deep voice: "Can't we go to the Italian government?"  " "No, the Italian government will not come forward with more than 300 million funds. Even if the Italian government comes forward, your more than 300 million funds will shrink by at least more than half.  "The person opposite objected. "Damn it!  "Pavry kicked the coffee table in half and shouted almost in a roar: "Brother, are you going to let these villagers be proud?  Is there no other way?  "
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