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Text Chapter 424 Four Kings Conference (please subscribe)

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    He Hongyang just wanted to tell Niu Haoling one thing, that is, it is difficult to obtain the silver medal.  Niu Haoling smiled and said: "Take it one step at a time. If the task is too difficult, I will give up at worst. If you want to make a name for yourself in the Four Kings Association, you can't just be influential in the Kung Fu faction, right?" Niu Haoling has another purpose,  That is to establish a foothold in the Four Kings Association as soon as possible. Everything he has is given by the Kung Fu faction. They give it to you. You can stand in this position. Even if they give up on you, they can still beat you to the clouds. The Heart Organization alone,  The kung fu faction can easily eradicate it.  It¡¯s very simple. As long as the Kung Fu Faction claims that the Heart Organization is no longer an organization under the Kung Fu Faction, Heart may be in trouble. There are many people in the world who are interested in the Heart Organization.  Niu Haoling must find a way to go out on his own, at least maintain an ambiguous relationship, and maintain a distant relationship with the four kings. Now he has not even seen the four kings, let alone maintain an ambiguous relationship.  The only path he can choose now is to become a silver general as soon as possible and then be promoted to a gold general. As long as he becomes a gold general, he will have a certain say in the Four Kings Association.  The Four Kings Association is an organization, which not only includes the Four Kings factions. Although the Four Kings are leading the way, there are also tens of thousands of wall-riding forces. These forces will not actively favor one side, they will only rely on the Four Kings.  Under the King's Association, these forces are the backbone of the Four Kings' Association.  It¡¯s a pity that few people pay attention to this force. Niu Haoling learned about such a force from the historical documents of Hongtao. His current goal is to get the recognition of that force.  Two hours later, Isadora Crank came back with satisfaction, and with him came the North American mercenary regiment, which was originally Isadora Crank's people.  Now that the extortion is over, they all return home with a full load.  Only now did Niu Haoling understand why Isadora Crank didn't let them follow. If Niu Haoling followed, if he accidentally killed several members of the mercenary group, Isadora Crank would feel distressed.  Isadora Crank did not live alone. Mallory paid more than five billion US dollars before his death, and he also gave Niu Haoling and He Hongyang one billion US dollars each.  At this point, Jack¡¯s mission has been successfully completed.  As the leader of the Heart Organization, Niu Haoling stayed in Las Vegas for almost a month. This month, he has been arranging future affairs. This month is also the most conscientious time for him, and he has been fulfilling Hongye's obligations.  responsibilities.  At noon on the thirty-first day, Niu Haoling received a postcard. After reading it, he was silent for half an hour. On the postcard on the table, there were only a few short words: Invitation to the Four Kings Conference  .  Invitation letter to the Four Kings Conference!  The Four Kings Meeting, which is held every three years, has finally begun.  Every time the Four Kings Meeting is held, the underground order will be overthrown and restarted. This is almost an eternal law.  As a member of the Kung Fu faction, Niu Haoling is indeed qualified to participate in this grand event.  The meeting location is still set at the place where Niu Haoling once passed - Honolulu.  For such a grand event, Niu Haoling did not dare to neglect or be careless. He immediately called Hongmei and Honglan, and the three of them quickly flew to Honolulu.  At the same time, all the power leaders from all over the world flew to Honolulu on special planes, which attracted the attention of many countries. The US government even dispatched an aircraft carrier battleship group to take care of security work outside Honolulu.  The identity of everyone gathered in Honolulu today is not simple. If a small country known for its madness drops a missile, the joke will be big. The survivors of the Four Kings will first use the United States  The government takes action. After all, Honolulu belongs to the U.S. government.  At the moment, the Honolulu Airport is overcrowded. After all, it is full of private jets. Many private jets cannot find the landing pad. They can only drop off their bosses and then fly to airports in other areas to park temporarily.  This time really opened Niu Haoling's eyes. He finally understood what it means to be a frog in a well. He was now a frog in a well. He thought he was successful enough now, but when most of the successful people in the world gathered here, he realized  How ridiculous are my thoughts.  Many familiar characters on the screen are just the little soldier Zhang Ga here.  As soon as Niu Haoling got off the plane, two rows of men and women dressed in red and black clothes came over and bowed in unison: "Welcome to the leaders." Niu Haoling clicked his tongue and said in wonder: "This service is really unspeakable." The plane Niu Haoling was on  There were also many tourists who came to Hawaii for vacation. When they saw this situation, they did not dare to go out.  Niu HaolingsanAs soon as they got off the plane and showed the invitation letter, a Rolls Royce drove over and took them to the meeting location, Songyang Villa in Haiqun, Honolulu.  Songyang Villa is a property owned by a Chinese and is very famous in Honolulu. Songyang Villa covers an area of ??more than 5,000 acres and has all kinds of facilities, including golf courses, contiguous artificial lakes, swimming pools, and buildings.  The small single-family villas are dotted here and there, which is quite spectacular.  Two service staff led Niu Haoling in. After checking Niu Haoling's invitation letter, they said: "Mr. Niu's residence is room 3001. Please come with me." They took Niu Haoling to a thirty-story building and took Niu Haoling with them.  When the others walked into the hall, Niu Haoling asked curiously: "Aren't those small villas outside a place to live?" The service staff who led the way chuckled: "Yes, those are for silver generals, gold generals and kings.  "Room." "Damn, so snobby." Niu Haoling despised the organizing committee in his heart. Of course, he only dared to express his contempt in his heart.  The two service staff in front of him were not ordinary people. He could tell from the pace of each other that these two service staff were definitely trained professionally and quickly. Their steps were extremely strong, and at least they had hidden strength.  Until now, Niu Haoling has a general understanding of the Four Kings.  "Haha, brother Niu, this way." Before Niu Haoling could reach the elevator, a person stood up at a sightseeing table in the hall and waved to Niu Haoling. Niu Haoling looked back and was immediately happy. It was Isadora.  ¡¤Krank, beside Isadora Krank, there were almost several strangers whom He Hongyang did not know.  Seeing an old acquaintance, Niu Haoling hurried over and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to come so early." He Hongyang said with a smile: "Of course we have to arrive early to wait for such a grand event, so we don't dare to neglect." Seeing Niu Haoling find a sofa  After sitting down, the two service staff said a little embarrassedly: "Mr. Niu, your room?" Isadora Crank waved her hands impatiently and said: "Go, go, there is no need to arrange it, we will arrange it ourselves.  "Go and do your work." "Yes!" The two service staff pushed it down without any argument.  Niu Haoling chuckled and said: "What do you call these people?" In addition to Isadora Crank and He Hongyang, there were two middle-aged men. He Hongyang pointed to a white-haired man and said: "This is from Taiwan.  The leader of the largest gang, the Bamboo Union Gang, is called Chen Guoqiang. He is also the backbone of our Four Kings Association. "The Bamboo Union Gang?  Niu Haoling has heard about the Bamboo Union Gang for a long time. The Bamboo Union Gang is a famous international underworld organization in Taiwan and the largest gang affiliated with other provinces in Taiwan.  The Bamboo Alliance Gang, the "Bamboo Forest Alliance", was founded in 1956. Its predecessor was the Zhonghe Gang, which was established in 1953.  With Taipei as the main base, Taiwan has its own forces or relations from north to south, as well as Hong Kong, Japan, Southeast Asia, the United States, Europe and other places. It is closely related to Hong Kong's Xin Ngee Ann, Hong Kong 14K, Japan's Yamaguchi-gumi, Southeast Asian secret societies and the United States.  Gangs such as the Huaqing Gang are closely related.  In the 1970s and 1980s, the number of Bamboo Union members reached 100,000.  Hearing that He Hongyang did not introduce which faction the Bamboo Alliance Gang belonged to, Niu Haoling understood the true affiliation of the Bamboo Alliance Gang - the wall-riding faction.  The so-called fence-sitting faction refers to those who obey the leadership of the Four Kings Association and pay management fees regularly, but do not belong to a certain faction.  There are many organizations like the Bamboo Alliance Gang, which are very powerful. They can even join forces to compete with a certain faction of the Four Kings Association.  Niu Haoling stood up and shook hands with Chen Guoqiang politely.  He Hongyang pointed at a foreigner and said: "This is Dan Cavell, the chairman of the European Goethe Group. You should have heard of the Goethe Group, right?" Goethe Group?  Niu Haoling was shocked when he heard this. The Goethe Group was more famous than the Bamboo Union Gang, and it was one of the largest arms sales groups in Europe!  !  !  Even rebellions and wars between many small countries were planned by them behind the scenes. Niu Haoling really couldn't connect the chairman of the Goethe Group with the obviously malnourished white man in front of him.  "Hello, Mr. Cavell." Niu Haoling stood up again and shook hands with Cavell.  Cavell is about the same height as Niu Haoling, which is relatively short among Europeans, and he looks sallow and thin, looking like someone who came out of a European refugee camp.  Cavell was a bit taciturn and just smiled without any expression.  Seeing that such a person was not qualified to live in a small single-family villa, Niu Haoling felt much more balanced.  Next to Cavill and Chen Guoqiang, there are two men in suits each standing. These two men are very strong. The bodyguard under Cavill at least has the peak level of strength.?, and Chen Guoqiang's bodyguard is also in the early stages of becoming powerful.  Isadora Krank pointed at Niu Haoling and laughed: "Let me introduce to you, Niu Haoling of the Kung Fu faction. Niu's status in the Kung Fu faction is not low. His strength has reached the sub-king level at a young age. Let us  How shameful." "Oh?" "Niu Haoling?" Cavell and Chen Guoqiang both looked up at Niu Haoling. Cavell was surprised that Niu Haoling had reached the sub-king level at such a young age, while Chen Guoqiang was surprised by the name.  Sure enough, Chen Guoqiang then asked: "I have heard of Mr. Niu's name. Mr. Niu's power in China is not small." Niu Haoling laughed and said: "Praise and praise, that is all in the past." Chen Guoqiang  He raised his glass and said: "When this meeting is over, I will host a banquet for Mr. Niu, and I also ask Mr. Niu to honor him." "Definitely, definitely." Regarding the fence-sitting forces, Niu Haoling has almost the same idea as He Hongyang, which is to try to win over him.  Niu Haoling is now used to Isadora Crank's character. Generally speaking, Isadora Crank has a character that is neither profitable nor early, but she is also relatively straightforward. If you have anything to say, you can say it.  talk.  Niu Haoling came close to Isadora Crank and said with a smile: "You two can't even enter the small villa?" Obviously, Niu Haoling is still upset about not entering the small villa, Yi  Sadora Krank snorted: "What's the big deal about a small single-family villa? We don't have that much time to perform any tasks. Let's go out and live together later. Brother Chen has an industry in Honolulu, and the environment is better than those of single-family villas."  The little villa is so much better. "Obviously, Isadora Crank's resentment is no less than that of Niu Haoling.  Who wouldn¡¯t want to attend such a big event in a glorious way?  It didn't matter where Niu Haoling lived. He asked again: "Are all the four kings here?" "Except for the King of Kung Fu, the other three kings are all here." When He Hongyang said this, he subconsciously looked towards  Niu Haoling seems to want to get the answer. The King of Kung Fu has only participated in the Four Kings Conference in these years. It even made many people think that the King of Kung Fu was seriously ill. This led to the King of Killers' tentative provocation. The result was that he was  The King of Kung Fu was almost beaten to the point where he couldn't take care of himself.  Now even if the King of Kung Fu is absent, no one will make random guesses unless they actually see the body of the King of Kung Fu.  Just as Niu Haoling was about to speak, he heard a very arrogant voice from the distance: "Hey, let's see who this is. Oh, isn't this He Hongyang and Krank? Tsk, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought  I thought you were dead, really, the rumors now are really hard to take seriously.¡±
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