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Text Chapter 416 Sakura Organization (please subscribe)

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    Chapter 416: Leave no grass behind (please subscribe) A good killer will give people an alternative visual beauty. If the killer is a beauty, this alternative visual beauty will be doubled.  "Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah!" A member of the Hearts fired five shots in a row, killing six snipers on the castle. Then with a wave of his hand, twelve masked women each held a short blade and shot quickly.  rushed into the crowd.  The three teams of Hearts rushed into the crowd of hundreds of people, like wolves rushing into the flock of sheep. They almost missed their shots. Wearing body armor, even if they were hit by bullets, they could continue to get up and kill.  The explosions of grenades terrified the gang members.  What is Death?  "These gang members who have been fighting for half their lives finally understand what real killing is. If Fushoutang launches such a wave of attacks on them, they will definitely stay away and not dare to have the slightest argument with Fushoutang again.  Because this is completely one-sided.  "Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!" Every member of the Hearts knew how to allocate their physical strength reasonably. As soon as they raised the knife and dropped it, heads were thrown into the air. At first, the gang members dared to fight back.  In the end, many people dropped their weapons and ran away screaming.  "Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Everyone who escaped from the battle had a trembling playing card embedded in their forehead.  The two leaders of the Ku Klux Klan and the Butterfly Party had been escorted into the castle by more than fifty of their subordinates. The castle hall had few shelters. More than fifty gang members guarded the stairs, all with the muzzles of their submachine guns pointed at them.  As they walked towards the main entrance, everyone had their hearts in their throats.  Twelve people versus three hundred people, it would be a one-sided situation. Even if it was twelve people versus three hundred pigs, it would take a while, right?  "Who is the other party??" Chelsea, the braided man, roared loudly, his heart was bleeding. In less than ten minutes, his subordinates fell like wheat, and they were all brothers who had followed him for many years!  "If it were normal times, they would still have the power to fight back, but now they are fighting intentionally but not intentionally, and under the cover of the vast night, they have completely lost their ability to fight back.  "Tsk, Mr. Mo can't even deal with such a weak organization?" Niu Haoling finished cleaning up the stragglers around him and walked slowly to the members of the Heart. The captain of a small team reported: "Lord, they have hidden in the castle."  "Yes, I saw it." Niu Haoling nodded and asked, "There are no casualties among our personnel, right?" "One was seriously injured, three were slightly injured, and there were no casualties." The captain reported truthfully.  The killer is not a superman. Twelve people against three hundred people can have such an impressive record, which is beyond Niu Haoling's imagination. This time it was also luck. If these people hadn't been in a hurry to wait to get on the bus without psychological preparation, if not  These people were too crowded and were killed and injured by grenades. Even if the Hearts members won, it would be a tragic victory.  After all, body armor is not a panacea. Body armor cannot protect the head. Once a stray bullet hits the head, even Niu Haoling will be dead if he does not use iron blocks in advance.  When the Heart Team performs operations, they often encounter situations where the entire army is destroyed.  A strong organization is to select elites through constant life and death experiences and move towards becoming stronger step by step.  "Huh!" Niu Haoling threw out the cigarette case in his hand. As soon as the cigarette case fell on the floor of the front door, it was immediately smashed into pieces by bullets. Nearly a hundred rounds of bullets poured into the place where the cigarette case fell, smashing the cigarette case into pieces.  A deep hole was made in the floor.  Niu Haoling took a breath and chuckled: "They have become frightened birds. Any disturbance can make their nerves tense." "Throw another magazine." Niu Haoling bent down and picked up a handle on the ground.  gun, took out the magazine and threw it to that place again, and then another burst of gunfire rang out.  Niu Haoling suddenly became happy and said with a smile: "Interesting, I want to see how much ammunition they have." As soon as he finished speaking, the pistol in his hand was thrown out again, another burst of gunfire rang out, and the pistol was immediately shot.  of fragmentation.  ¡°Come on, don¡¯t be idle, let¡¯s throw away the garbage together.¡± Niu Haoling, who was childlike, searched for things on the ground and threw garbage towards the door of the castle.  The people in the castle were very patient. No matter what Niu Haoling threw, they would smash it to pieces, obviously not giving Niu Haoling a chance to take advantage of it.  This castle is their ammunition depot, and they can have as many bullets as they want. The frightened Carmens will naturally not feel sorry for these ammunitions. Their worth can allow these fifty people to hold submachine guns day and night.  If you stop playing for ten days and ten nights, there will still be plenty.  Chelsea¡¯s pigtails were soaked with hairIn the chaos just now, he almost had his neck cut off by a Hearts member. If he hadn't known a little bit about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and was saved by a gang member who sacrificed his life, he would have gone to see God now.  "Who are these people!" All the surviving gang members are thinking about this question.  Fatty Carmen murmured: "They are professional killers, and they will kill people when they attack. They are definitely not gang members. Quick, notify Miss Nakagawa Mei, and say that we are under attack and need rescue!" Chelsea cursed: "That witch must be  "I think we should call the police." "Oh! Chelsea, I think you are as stupid as a pig! If the police come, we will spend the rest of our lives in jail!"  Said: "Hurry up and contact Miss Nakagawa Mei, only she can save us!" Chinatown Yellow River Guild Hall.  The Yellow River Guild Hall was established in the late 1930s. In the late 1930s, the Japanese army landed in Qinglao, Qizhou and pressed all the way to Quan City, Qizhou. More than ten famous Qizhou entrepreneurs jointly reported to Han Fuqu and donated more than 600,000 silver dollars to fight against the Japanese. Han Fuqu vowed to  He promised the entrepreneurs that he would live and die with Quan City. Unexpectedly, when the Japanese army approached Quan City, Han Fuqu chose to escape before the battle in order to preserve his strength, which led to the fall of Quan City and the loss of the Yellow River natural barrier. All entrepreneurs were disheartened.  They chose to travel far away to the United States. They missed their hometown days, so they donated money to build the largest club in Seattle's Chinatown - the Yellow River Club.  The Yellow River Club is so famous in Seattle that it has almost become a spiritual building for northern Chinese people. Since Fu Shoutang came to Seattle, the Yellow River Club has become the headquarters of Fu Shoutang. The current owner of the Yellow River Club has announced that he will join Fu Shoutang and become the left winger of Fu Shoutang.  Xuan protector.  As time went by, Mo Mingtang was invited to join the Yellow River Club and became a anchor of the Yellow River Club.  When you step into the Yellow River Club, your first impression is that you have entered a garden, with verdant trees and vermilion and simple pavilions everywhere.  Surrounding the garden is an artificial lake, full of red flowers, green trees and clear water. The scenery is beautiful and charming.  In a wooden house with simple decoration, a burly old man was quietly drinking tea. After a while, he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly raised his head and asked a middle-aged woman: "What are the details?  "Have you told him everything?" "Yes, I have told him everything." The middle-aged woman responded and said, "Sir, is it a bit ridiculous for Niu Haoling to fight against the Ku Klux Klan and the Butterfly Party on his own?"  The old man took a sip of tea and said: "He should have brought a lot of people. This is not the focus of our attention. As long as you provide him with all the information, the rest will depend on his personal ability. I don't think he wants to  He owes us a favor. This boy seems to be a loose man, but he is actually very strong at heart. "The middle-aged woman nodded and said, "Yes, that's true." After a while, the middle-aged woman's expression suddenly changed, as if she had thought of it.  As if something, a thin line of cold sweat began to appear on his face. The burly old man noticed the strange behavior of the middle-aged woman, and couldn't help but frown and asked: "What's wrong?" The middle-aged woman hesitated and said: "I-I seem to  "I forgot to remind Niu Haoling." "What's the matter?" the burly old man asked calmly.  The middle-aged woman said: "The cherry blossoms are still in Seattle." "Are they still there? How did you know?" The burly old man could no longer remain calm. He stood up and an aura like an ancient behemoth filled the entire room.  inside.  The middle-aged woman took a half step back and said, "I just learned yesterday that Mei Nakagawa from Sakura returned to Seattle for some unknown reason." "Do you know why you didn't remind Niu Haoling?" the burly old man asked word for word.  road.  The middle-aged woman said with a cold sweat: "I-I forgot." "Did you really forget or didn't tell you on purpose?" the burly old man asked straightforwardly.  The middle-aged woman trembled: "If I didn't say it on purpose, why would I say it now? Sir, is there any way to remedy it?" The burly old man looked at a centipede-like wound on his palm and said, "I can only do it myself.  "The crowd tactics are useless against Sakura." "I'll go with you," the middle-aged woman said through gritted teeth.  The burly old man shook his head and said: "You don't know martial arts, you will only become a burden to me. Lang Qin, please inform the other hall masters and let them stay vigilant. I am worried that my attack this time will have some collateral effects." "Mr.  , you - you must be careful." Sishe Langqin is very clear about the importance of Mo Mingtang to Fushoutang. Although Mo Mingtang rarely interferes with Fushoutang's main affairs, he is Fushoutang's biggest support.    If there are three advantages and two disadvantages in Mo Mingtang, then the entire Fushou Hall may collapse.  The strength of this woman Nakagawa Mei is very terrifying, with her ghostly movement skills and vicious mentality. Even Mo Mingtang paid a certain price for fighting with her. This is the first time that the Sakura organization has come into the public eye.  Sakura is a secret organization, formerly a Japanese fascist intelligence organization. Later, with the victory of anti-fascism, Sakura, one of the minions of Japanese militarism, went underground. In recent years, many anti-fascist organizations, including the Four Kings, have  After many searches for Sakura, no trace of the other party was found, but she did not expect to appear in Seattle.  Until now, no one knows who the leader of Sakura is, and this Nakagawa Mei is just Sakura's connector, that is, this mere connector, almost took away one of Mo Mingtang's hands.  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  Mo Mingtang asked about the location of the two organizations and walked quickly out the door. Sishe Langqin followed quickly. She wanted to arrange a vehicle for Mo Mingtang herself.  ¡°Moreover, although Mo Mingtang did not allow her to follow, she did not dare to really stay here. If any danger happened to Mo Mingtang, the other six hall masters would really kill her.  Watching Mo Mingtang¡¯s vehicle leave Chinatown, Sishe Langqin quickly called on his gang, leading more than 80 elite thugs to rush toward the outskirts of Seattle.  "Pah! Pah! Pah!" This was the nineteenth piece of garbage thrown out by Niu Haoling, and there was another burst of gunfire. The gang members in the castle all shouted angrily at the top of their voices. They felt that they  Like a group of monkeys, excited about a banana thrown in from outside.  Taking advantage of the roar of curses in the castle, Niu Haoling slightly hooked her finger and winked at a team of hearts. The captain of the team immediately understood. She nodded and made a gesture to the team members.  , the four Heart members quickly moved to the back of the castle.  On the smooth wall behind the castle, there are still two small stone windows. With the skills of the Heart members, it is not difficult to sneak into the castle through the stone windows with a little effort.
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