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Text Chapter 412 Seattle Chinatown (please subscribe)

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    It¡¯s 11:20 at night.  A passenger plane from Nevada landed at the Seattle Airport. Strictly speaking, this plane also set many rare records. Rather, it could be said that the plane produced the man who is most hated by men.  Most of the male passengers on this plane hated a man deeply. The specific reason was because this man actually brought a dozen beautiful women on board the plane. The stunning scene while waiting to board the plane made many male passengers look at him with suspicion.  Especially the Asian passengers on this plane wanted to push the man who was surrounded by a group of beauties off the plane.  This man is naturally Niu Haoling.  After handing Yan Weiting's defense work to Honglan, Niu Haoling immediately went to the airport with three teams of hearts and boarded the plane to Seattle Airport.  Seattle is the largest city in the northwest United States, adjacent to the Pacific Ocean.  To the north is Vancouver, Canada's third largest city.  It is located in King County, Washington State, between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, about 174 kilometers from the U.S-Canada border.  ??In the eyes of Chinese people, Seattle is an incredible city.  It has the lowest altitude, but it has ancient glaciers, active volcanoes and peaks covered with snow all year round.  Seattle is also a city blessed by nature. It has green mountains, lakes, harbors and rivers, and a mild climate, like spring in all four seasons.  Whether it is in the United States or elsewhere in the world, there is almost no other city like Seattle. The mountains and plains are covered by dense, almost virgin forests.  Both inside and outside the urban area are lined with quiet harbors, rivers, green trees, and colorful streets.  And among the green hills surrounding the city, there are dozens of lakes of varying sizes hidden in scattered patterns.  The trees are lush, the grass is green, even the rain falling here and there and the wind passing by are all green.  It can be said that Seattle is a Western city with oriental charm, which conforms to the residential beauty, environmental beauty, visual beauty and humanistic beauty of all Asians.  It is precisely because of this that 12% of the people in Seattle are Asian, and this place has become a place where Asians flock to and has become the first choice for Asian immigrants.  Looking down from the plane, you can see the lights below, like a city that never sleeps.  Niu Haoling didn't know that he had offended the public yet. When he got off the plane, even the middle-aged and kind-looking first officer stretched his toes slightly in an attempt to 'accidentally' trip Niu Haoling. Unfortunately, he also  The price he paid for this was extremely heavy - he was 'accidentally' stepped on by Niu Haoling.  Walking out of the airport, a group of beauties once again attracted the attention of many brothers. Whistlings continued throughout the night sky, and even a few men who thought they were strong and elegant came to strike up a conversation. Now Niu Haoling finally understands that beauty is a curse.  Logically speaking, if I had known this, I would have asked the Heart members to wear gauze.  "You are an entertainment company?" The driver of the taxi Niu Haoling was riding in was a black man. To be precise, he was a black man who gossiped a lot.  In fact, this is also an occupational disease. The occupational disease of my brother is that he talks too much. There are many reasons for the formation of this occupational disease, such as preventing him from falling asleep due to overwork, and being bored while driving for a long time. This is because his brother likes to inquire about gossip, which also makes him  The Brother Group has become the information repository of each city. They will probably know all the questions you can ask them.  Niu Haoling chuckled and said: "Yes." The black man asked with great interest: "Which city's performing arts company are you from? In recent years, your Asian performing arts companies have begun to increase in the United States." Niu Haoling smiled and said: "  Not long after Hongye Performing Arts Co., Ltd. was established, the black man became even more interested. He kept asking: "Wow, do you have any famous artists under your banner?" Niu Haoling nodded and said, "There are quite a few, such as Zhang Zi.  "Long, Li Jie and others are all outside contract actors of our company," he said.  His hands no longer even held the steering wheel, he punched him several times, and muttered something in his mouth.  As early as in China, Niu Haoling heard that Li Jie's reputation was very big in the United States, and even all Asian artists grouped together were not as famous as Li Jie's personal reputation. Now it seems that this is indeed the case.  The black brother is a simple guy. It seems that in order to build a good relationship with Niu Haoling, he actually said in very unskilled and broken Chinese: "I - don't - charge - money - you, can - let -  "Let me see Mr. Li Jie for a moment?" It took a full minute for the black man to say this, which made Niu Haoling nod his head.  He didn't think about it carefully. If Niu Haoling was really from the entertainment company, why didn't anyone come to pick him up at the airport??Of course, simple people are the cutest in this world.  Niu Haoling smiled and said: "No problem, just leave me a phone number. If Li Jie has a chance to come to Seattle, I will ask him to call you." "Really? You are such a good person." The black man was inexplicably excited.  He took out a business card from his arms, handed it to Niu Haoling and said, "This is my business card. Please keep it. I will keep waiting for the call, no matter how long." Niu Haoling looked at the business card, smiled and said, "No.  I've been waiting for a long time. " Niu Haoling is a person who believes in cause and effect. He was obviously bragging but the black brother believed it. This made Niu Haoling feel a little touched. In China, trust between people has basically been abandoned.  , but in the United States, this kind of trust is still passed down, which made Niu Haoling feel a little sad in his heart.  Since Niu Haoling chose to trust this black man unconditionally, even if Niu Haoling was bragging just now, he had already secretly decided in his heart that after settling this matter, he would ask Ma Dong to organize a Chinese star performance in the United States, in major Chinatowns in the United States.  The reincarnation performance, with the current influence of Hongye Group in China, is enough to invite all the entertainment stars in China. Moreover, now that Ma Dong has become a rookie in the entertainment industry, this task can be completed well.  This black brother did not expect that his simple belief would actually touch Niu Haoling, and he would realize his Kung Fu dream. He personally received a call from Kung Fu Emperor Li Jie and took a photo with him.  This is something for later, let¡¯s not mention it for now. The Seattle Airport is very close to the center of Seattle. In less than twenty minutes, three taxis have entered the center of Seattle.  Seattle¡¯s city center is not very big. Most of it is covered with green space. It is a very green city. After a while, three taxis took Niu Haoling and others to Seattle¡¯s Chinatown.  Seattle Chinatown is very famous in the United States. Many Chinese celebrities have come here. For example, Mr. Sun Yat-sen lived in Seattle Chinatown for a period of time. Even Situ Meitang, the head of the Hongmen, once worked hard in Chinatown.  In Seattle, Chinatown has a great reputation. Especially in recent years, a brand-new Chinese organization has appeared in Chinatown called Fu Shou Tang. It seems to be reviving the power of Zhi Gong Tang. In just six months, Fu Shou Tang  Tang Bian annexed all the organizational forces in Chinatown, and used an extremely tough style to drive away many white organizations in Seattle, making many Chinese straighten their backs.  Although Niu Haoling hates those immigrants from the bottom of his heart, he does not reject the overseas Chinese before the 1970s, and even has some admiration for them. Most of the Chinese who chose to travel overseas to enter the United States in that era were forced to do so.  Everyone can clearly feel the ardent patriotism.  If the Chinese who immigrated after the 1990s are scum, then the Chinese who immigrated before the 1970s are heroes. The generation gap and the changes of the times are often so cruel.  The former has abandoned dignity and national honor, while the latter is burdened with dignity and national honor. The contrast between these two extremes makes people sigh.  When we entered Chinatown, it was exactly 12 o'clock at midnight. At this time, Chinatown was still showing a lively scene. The reputation of the city that never sleeps is not just talk. Many southerners in Chinatown still inherit the ancient tradition. At ten o'clock in the evening  At one o'clock, many overseas Chinese came to the street in twos and threes, entered the chess and card room, and started a day of leisure and entertainment, which would last until two o'clock in the morning.  So many beauties came in at once, which also attracted the attention of many Chinese people. A shirtless middle-aged man stood up, put on a vest as if he was a little shy, and then asked: "Hey, you guys  Are they Chinese or Japanese? "The reason why middle-aged people ask this is entirely because many Japanese brought women in to look for business, euphemistically calling them 'pimps.' Many Chinese in Chinatown were right.  These Japanese people hated them very much, especially the women in Chinatown.  Niu Haoling smiled and said: "We are Chinese." The middle-aged man looked at Niu Haoling with suspicious eyes and asked: "You are not from here, are you? Why haven't I seen you?" Niu Haoling said with a smile: "We are from Nevada  "Zhou, didn't you just get off the plane? I heard that there was a hero in Seattle's Chinatown, so I came here to see him." Hearing Niu Haoling's authentic Qizhou dialect, a smile gradually appeared on the middle-aged man's face.  He asked doubtfully: "Are you from Qizhou?" "Yes, is the eldest brother the same?" Niu Haoling asked back.  The middle-aged man laughed and said: "I am from Qinglao, haha. It is rare to meet people from Qizhou in the United States. I hang out with these southern barbarians all day long. I can hardly speak my hometown dialect."  Several of his poker friends shouted loudly: ???You are a northerner, do you believe that some of our brothers will beat you up?  "The middle-aged man turned around and laughed loudly: "Beat me?  Now that I have a fellow countryman, am I still afraid of you?  " Niu Haoling finally realized the feeling of meeting an old friend in a foreign country. He smiled happily and said, "How long have you been in the United States, brother?  The middle-aged man sighed and said, "It's been almost forty years. Hey, I haven't gone back to see it. I don't know what the scene is like in my hometown now."  Niu Haoling smiled and said: "It's good. Now Qinglao's economy ranks first in Qizhou. Brother should really go back and take a look."  " After a few words back and forth, Niu Haoling became familiar with the middle-aged man. This middle-aged man is named Yu Hongqiang. His ancestors have been officials for generations. His father Yu Xiaofeng once served as the deputy mayor of Qinglao City of the Communist Party of China. This middle-aged man  His identity was just as the middle-aged men called him, he was a real Northerner. Later, during the Cultural Revolution, the old man of the Yu family was labeled a rightist by the Red Guards because he had collected rice for Japanese warships during the Anti-Japanese War.  His father Yu Xiaofeng was also labeled as a rightist because he did not want to add insult to injury. Yu Hongqiang was brought to the United States by his uncle who was a businessman and settled in Seattle. That year, Yu Hongqiang was only seven years old. Now Yu Hongqiang runs a small business.  A large hotel. Although the hotel is small, it is decorated with Chinese cultural heritage. After learning that Niu Haoling's performing arts company planned to hold a theatrical performance in Chinatown, Yu Hongqiang immediately waived the accommodation expenses for Niu Haoling and others and arranged seven rooms for them.  room for two.
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