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Main text Chapter 399: Heart card sent to Baimei at night (please subscribe)

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    Wow~!  !  !  There was an uproar in the audience, including the host Coker, who all stared at Niu Haoling with wide eyes, as if they had encountered a monster.  In foreign lands, scolding foreigners is not a good thing. Perhaps only Niu Haoling can do it.  The prince, who had been sitting on the Grand Master's chair, had a slight smile on his face and said softly: "This is the most interesting ceremony I have ever attended." He Hongyang, who was sitting next to the prince, smiled bitterly: "It's interesting, but this time  If the pole is struck, it will overturn a boatload of people." Niu Haoling ignored the protests from the audience and continued to laugh: "You can be angry and protest, but don't you think this is a fact in your eyes?  Have you ever looked at foreigners? Don¡¯t you think that yellow people and black people are all inferiors? Don¡¯t mention the black liberation movement to me, don¡¯t mention the improvement of black status to me. If you look at them squarely, wouldn¡¯t it be necessary?  This kind of movement and remarks? So, you have no reason to refute what I just said." The protests in the audience have not subsided, Niu Haoling said with a smile: "Of course, I don't mean to challenge the people of the world, I want to express it.  It means that our people always think that we are the best, right?" "Yes, our American nation is the best nation in the world." "We Arabs are also the best nation in the world." "So is our French nation.  The best nation in the world.¡± Perhaps because of their inner anger or driven by dignity, the reporters and guests in the audience started shouting loudly.  Looking at the noise and shouts, Niu Haoling smiled and said: "Yes, I also believe that your nation is the best nation in the world." This sentence made the noise and shouts in the audience quieter. Then, Niu Haoling  Then he shouted: "I also believe that the Chinese nation is also the best nation in the world!" The reporters and guests in the audience gradually understood what Niu Haoling wanted to express. To use a Chinese proverb, that is, if a dog is not too poor, a son will not be too poor.  Disrespecting one's mother for being ugly is the most basic morality for a human being. No matter what nationality one is, one will always have a moral character. Even a beast will not abandon this basic bottom line for a human being.  And there is a kind of person who just breaks this bottom line.  Niu Haoling stood up straight and said with a smile: "If people from your ethnic group feel that other ethnic groups are the best and want to leave your ethnic group to contribute to other ethnic groups, what kind of people do you think such people are?" "Scum!"  "Scum!" "In ancient times, you will be hanged!" "Not worthy of being a human being!" Niu Haoling's questions made the audience excited, and these noisy words were also transmitted through the camera to all parts of the world, Lasvi  Gass has representatives from major media outlets in the world in the United States.  In a mansion in Paris, France, a family of four is watching this channel. The man is probably in his forties. He has spent a lot of money and energy to immigrate to France. He is always secretly happy about his French identity. Every time he comes back  He looked down at the Chinese people in China with a condescending look. Although his status in France was not high, he liked this country, this nation, and this kind of romance. After he studied abroad once, he fell in love with it.  He fell deeply in love with this capital city, and just three years of studying abroad were enough for him to abandon the country that had given birth to him and raised him for decades.  And now, he regrets taking his children to watch this channel.  His wife, his youngest son, and his eldest daughter all looked at their husband and father thoughtfully, as if their father had committed some heinous thing.  Yes, his father is the target of condemnation by representatives from all over the world in the United States. This voice from all over the world makes this middle-aged man look pale.  After a while, his five-year-old son asked in a sweet voice: "Dad, what are scum? Why are we scum?" The middle-aged man's face became even paler, and he pulled the child away  Holding each other in his arms, he whispered: "No, we are not scum, we just stay in this country for special reasons. We are Chinese, and that is our root." "Then when will we go back?" Twelve  The eldest daughter, who is 6 years old, asked in a low voice. Ever since she could remember, she had never heard her father say that she was Chinese. Her father had always been proud of being French.  The middle-aged man looked at the young man on the TV and said softly: "I will go back." At the same time, as many as half of the tens of millions of Chinese immigrants around the world watched this program.  The reason why there is so much attention comes from Niu Haoling'sWith the declaration of war in Vegas, almost all Chinese people around the world want to see who this young man is.  "Haha, I really dare to say anything. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers." The prince had a smile of relief and encouragement on his face.  He Hongyang nodded and said: "I think what Brother Niu said is so right. Our Chinese people are really sick. Looking at the whole world, only we Chinese people are the most admiring foreigners. This is caused by the government and culture. Brother Niu this time  The speech can only be regarded as a shot in the arm and serve as a wake-up call. "People like He Hongyang have seen a lot of the world and have lived abroad for a long time. They are the ones who know the root of the problem of Huaxia Kingdom best at this time, and the country has the greatest development.  The root cause of the problem is that the pace of reform and opening up is too fast, blindly developing the economy regardless of people's livelihood, resulting in serious deformation of social development. The Chinese people, including officials, are like laggards who came out of feudal society. They feel that as long as they come from overseas, everything  It was an incredible item. In those days, as long as things were advertised as overseas, the prices were ridiculously high. More people were proud to own overseas items and showed them off to the world. What's more, if there was a relative who immigrated overseas,  It is also a great joyful event that honors the ancestors.  The second is abnormal education. In that era of openness, China felt that foreign countries were good from top to bottom. Some leaders were even proud to know foreign celebrities. At the same time, China became the only major country where foreign languages ????had a higher status than mother tongue.  Countries in the world where foreign languages ??have a higher status than mother tongue are all small and scattered countries that were once colonies.  Abnormal education and forced learning make Chinese children subconsciously believe that foreign countries are rich and powerful, and feel that if they don¡¯t learn foreign languages ??well, they will not be able to go to school or have food to eat in the future.  The prince nodded slightly and closed his eyes to rest calmly.  Niu Haoling took the lead in applauding and laughed loudly: "What you gentlemen and ladies have said is so good. I can't help but cheer for you. That's why I want to say that I am different from those Chinese scum who entered the United States and contributed to the American economy.  I came to the United States just to make money and make money from the world. If one day there is no money in the United States, my investment will be withdrawn immediately. Of course, the reason why I dare to say this is that I have this confidence. Now,  Ask my assistant to announce the preferential measures of Hongye Hotel for everyone. " Niu Haoling has believed in the saying since he was a child, that people will die for money and birds will die for food. As long as he offers preferential conditions that no casino can provide, he will not be afraid of these Americans.  Come on, are there still people in this world who have trouble with money?  Obviously not, as long as you give them enough benefits, no matter how you insult them and trample on them, they will hug your thighs and run up.  Soon, Hongju slowly came on stage and recited according to the preferential plan just formulated last night. Hongju's excellent pronunciation was no weaker than that of local Americans, and it also had a more melodious flavor than authentic Americans, which made people unable to help themselves.  A sigh of praise.  This preferential plan is already the maximum that Hongye Hotel can give now, especially the cancellation of the banker's commission, which is equivalent to breaking the rules of the entire gambling industry. Most of the casino's money comes from commission. If Hongye Hotel breaks  This routine will be subversive to the casino industry and will be enough to attract gamblers from all over the world.  Similarly, Niu Haoling will also become the enemy of all casino owners in the world. Many media reporters are wondering whether the next news report will become "Chinese businessman died violently in the desert, and the body needs to be verified."  ¡¯ After offending the major giants in the casino industry, few people can survive for more than seven days.  Niu Haoling walked back to the VIP table, bowed slightly to the prince first, and said: "I was so excited just now that I made senior laugh." The prince chuckled and said: "It doesn't matter, your words can be regarded as speaking to my heart.  Good! People who abandon their nation and worship foreigners are all the scum of the nation!" Seeing that he had made the prince happy, Niu Haoling suddenly felt happy. The reason why he said what he just said was not to offend the Chinese people all over the world!  The biggest purpose of immigrants is to gain the appreciation of the senior in front of them.  Niu Haoling knows that the people of the King of Kung Fu faction have lived in Malaysia for so long and their nationality has not changed. They are upright Chinese people and a member of the Yanhuang people. The national mark on them can never be erased in their lifetime.  Even if the Chinese government abandons them, they still love this nation deeply.  Because they know that the government does not represent the nation. China has had countless governments for five thousand years, but the Yanhuang people have always remained the same. They are proud of their identity as the Chinese nation.  Niu Haoling's words are equivalent to a slap in the face of all the old members of the Kung Fu faction. Only Niu Haoling knows this benefit best.  For you, what if I offend the world?  At this moment, Niu Haoling felt a surge of bullish energy in his heart.  He Hongyang interrupted with a grimace: "Brother Niu, are you going to change your preferential policy? If you do this, our casino industry willBut things are about to change. If the casino doesn¡¯t take a commission, will this give the casino a way to survive?  " Niu Haoling chuckled and said: "Mr. He, what you said is that for a small business like mine, even if all three hotels are full, there will only be nearly 10,000 people. This is considering the huge passenger flow in Las Vegas.  , simply not worth mentioning.  Besides, everyone knows about the huge profits in the casino industry. Even if the casino doesn't take a commission, it still makes a lot of money. Why should you care about this little detail?  He Hongyang shook his head and smiled bitterly: "You can't say that. Every industry has its own rules. You are triggering a 'revolution'. If you are not careful, you can easily get killed."  ¡± He Hongyang also had good intentions, because he had dealt with many people who did not follow the rules and acted recklessly. He did not want Niu Haoling to become the enemy of the casino tycoons in the world. This would be a very scary thing. Niu Haoling seemed to be frightened.  He felt as if he was dying, and asked in surprise: "A fatal disaster?  Is there anything else to say?  " Before He Hongyang could answer, the prince beside him slapped the armrest and snorted coldly: "You can just go ahead and do it. I don't think any demon has the courage to touch the people of the Four Kings Association!  ¡± The prince made the decision, and He Hongyang didn¡¯t want to get into trouble with any further persuasion. Although he was also a direct disciple of the King of Thousand Kings, the prince¡¯s status in the Four Kings Association was extremely high. In terms of qualifications, the prince¡¯s status was second only to  The King of Kung Fu, from the establishment of the Four Kings Association to the rise of the Four Kings Association, he has experienced it all. The biggest reason why Niu Haoling risked the world's disapproval to introduce such preferential policies was to become famous as soon as possible. He was looking forward to the group of casino tycoons.  Come to provoke, only by constant fighting can the Hearts organization regain its former glory. At this time, the Hearts organization is not much different from its heyday in terms of number and size. The only difference is its reputation and background. The former Reds.  Tao belongs to the Kung Fu faction, and those years were also the strongest years for the Kung Fu faction. With this background, no one dared to mess with the Hearts organization. But the current Hearts organization is far from famous and has insufficient background. Now Niu Haoling.  Being tied to the prince, and not willing to offend Chinese immigrants all over the world to please the prince, all he asked for was a kind of protection. The prince had just made a promise in person, so Niu Haoling would not let go of this opportunity. As long as Si Si.  The other three factions of Wanghui will not interfere, and Niu Haoling is confident that the group of casino tycoons will be properly dealt with. It is time for Baimei Night Walk to regain its former glory.  After Hongju announced Hongye Hotel¡¯s preferential policies, the event entered the most important part - the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Many media reporters were shocked by Hongye Hotel¡¯s subversive preferential policies, which caused reporters from many Arab and Asian countries to crowd in.  When they arrived at the front of the queue, a man wearing an Arab press card pushed his way to the front of the queue, holding a recording pen and squeezing towards Niu Haoling's position. Among the many media reporters, this male reporter did not.  Attracting the attention of the Heart members ¡°Huh?  "As soon as Niu Haoling walked up to the ribbon, he suddenly felt the hairs all over his body explode. He raised his head suddenly, and his sharp eyes instantly locked onto the Arab man who was squeezing over.
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