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Text Chapter 361: The strongest birthday team (please subscribe)

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    The remaining people, except for three government personnel, are mostly senior executives of Hongye Group. They are working under Niu Haoling to earn a living. Do they dare to run slow?  "Why aren't Ma Dong and Feng Tang here?" Le Baiyuan looked around and said a little doubtfully.  The news that Mr. Niu was going to celebrate his centenary birthday was leaked by him. It cannot be said that it was leaked, but it should be said that he spread it.  Le Baiyuan himself is the leader of the black and white circles in Ziwu City. His network of relationships is the densest in Ziwu City, covering almost every corner. The last time he found Niujia Village, his network of relationships also extended here. In addition,  Later, with the rise of Niu Haoling, Le Baiyuan felt that it was necessary to keep some eyeliners in Luzhen. It would be convenient to flatter him, wouldn't it?  The news of the old lady's birthday was discovered by the 'secret agents' arranged by Le Baiyuan in Lu Town. In fact, it doesn't cost much to arrange such messengers, because most of these people are idle in this area. Each of you  Give them three to five hundred yuan a month for living expenses, and they will do whatever they can to you.  After Le Baiyuan learned the news, he told Ma Dong immediately. After Ma Dong found out that Niu Haoling and Tieniu had left Quan City early, he couldn't help but feel angry. He felt that Niu Haoling did not regard him as a brother, and the old man in his family celebrated his birthday.  He wasn't even informed.  Feeling unbalanced, Ma Dong immediately exerted his power as a big shot in the entertainment industry. In less than 24 hours, Ma Dong had spread the news through all his connections, which had simply changed the situation in Quan City.  High-end gift trends.  In this way, a large group of people, whether they knew Niu Haoling or not, arranged for their subordinates or brought gifts themselves, and came to Lu Town in a dusty way.  But it is a pity that the roads in Luzhen have never withstood so many vehicles. When a tractor drove over the road bridge, the piers of the road bridge suddenly collapsed. Fortunately, the tractor was a large trailer with a long queue, so it avoided falling into the road bridge.  River risk.  Ma Dong, Feng Tang, and Ma Ya were riding in a car. They were about to cross the road bridge when they heard a loud click. The road bridge broke off, and the one-meter-long crack announced to them the fact that this road  Doesn¡¯t make sense.  Ma Dong, who had bought a gift and planned to surprise Niu Haoling, suddenly became furious. He walked back and forth around the car like a trapped animal and shouted to Ma Ya: "Xiao Ya, see if there are other routes.  " Ma Ya, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned on the car navigation, looked at it for a while and said: "No, Lu Town is surrounded by mountains. Tashan Road is the only route into Lu Town, and this bridge is also the only bridge on Tashan Road.  "Obviously, we can only turn around and go back." "Maya is not interested in men, let alone old men. She came to Lu Town just because she was curious and wanted to see Niu Haoling's hometown. From the moment she entered the territory of Lu Town, Maya  I felt a little regretful. Apart from mountains, there was nothing to do along the way.  Turn around?  Ma Dong thought for a moment, looked back, and suddenly felt weak all over. He was still turning around now. The retreat was already blocked by five cars. Ma Dong walked to the second car in a few steps and knocked on the window.  Shouting: "Hey, reverse the car!" The window of the Audi slowly slid down, and a young man shouted angrily: "What are you doing blocking the road? You are delaying us from performing our official duties. I want you to look good!" This  Although the young man was wearing a jacket, his aura and sitting posture made it obvious that he was from the military. Ma Dong lowered his head and scanned it. It was a military vehicle starting with J. His face suddenly turned serious and he shouted: "What's going on? Come out in a military vehicle."  You feel so bad, don¡¯t you know that private use of buses is strictly prohibited now! Give me a try and see who looks better!¡± The road ahead is going nowhere, and Ma Dong is already filled with anger.  He is also polite to young people. Since the incident of the minister being sacked some time ago, Ma Dong, who caused this incident, has become famous in Quan City. Everyone knows that Niu Haoling went to war with a minister for Ma Dong, and he has this kind of relationship.  Now, who in the black and white circles would not give Ma Dong some face?  Military region?  Brother Niu¡¯s biggest background is the military region!  When Ma Dong became angry, the young man opened the car door and was about to get out. Feng Tang quickly rushed to Ma Dong and looked at the young man with a wary expression. Feng Tang's current skills were extraordinary. He had some foundation in kung fu and was familiar with martial arts.  He is also very savvy. During this period of time in the security company he managed, he often learned boxing and kicking skills from the instructors invited.  It can be said that Feng Tang¡¯s skills are now as good as those of Niu Haoling back then, and there is nothing that ordinary people can do to him.  Experts will know if there is any as soon as they make a move. Feng Tang stood sideways in front of Ma Dong, taking half a step away slightly. His whole body seemed to be wound up, as if he would burst out with terrifying force at any time.  "Is that Mr. Ma outside?" When the conflict was about to break out, a voice came from the military vehicle, the rear door opened, and a man stepped out of the vehicle.  "Oh, this is not?Young Master?  "As soon as Ma Dong saw this man get out of the car, he was immediately excited. There were not many people he was afraid of in Qizhou, and Chen Jiaze was one of them. The Chen family's background in Qizhou is too deep, although nowadays everyone thinks that Niu Haoling is better than Chen Jiaze.  The background is great, but if they really fight to the death, those people behind Niu Haoling may not really go to war with the Chen family for Niu Haoling. The Chen family's background is still the best in Qizhou, and it is worthy of the name. Chen Jiaze passed the Han family last time.  After the incident, and after the "careful teaching" of the old man of the Chen family, he has begun to take on the restrained temperament of a superior, and can truly keep his emotions and anger hidden. Chen Jiaze seemed to have not heard what Ma Dong said just now, and smiled slightly.  Said: "Mr. Ma is still fine, what happened ahead?  " Ma Dong didn't expect that Chen Jiaze would also come to celebrate Mr. Niu's birthday. He didn't know that because of the minister's dismissal case a few days ago, Niu Haoling's status in the eyes of some people was higher. If Chen Jiaze wants to continue to climb higher,  It was necessary to have a good relationship with Niu Haoling. Ma Dong did not dare to make a mistake in front of Chen Jiaze, so he quickly said: "The road bridge ahead is broken and the road is impassable.  " At this time, there were more and more cars blocked on the road, dozens of them. Seeing the road blocked in front, these people all got out of the car and angrily walked to the front, trying to question the people who blocked the road.  People, these people are used to being arrogant in Quan City. When they come to a small place, they naturally feel like the emperor is on a southern tour. But without exception, as long as they see Chen Jiaze, they all have a smile on their face.  Chen Jiaze was very depressed, extremely depressed. He originally came here in a military vehicle, but he didn¡¯t want to attract too much attention. After all, his Hummer with a super license plate was attracting more attention. Who knew that God was not on his side, and Chen Jiaze wanted to give it to Niu Haoling quietly.  I wanted something to bring them closer together, but something like this happened. It¡¯s better now. The whole world probably knows that the eldest son of the Chen family gave Niu Haoling a gift. If it were Chen Jiaze in the past, he would definitely not be able to bear this kind of thing.  Others say that he fawns over Niu Haoling, but now Chen Jiaze doesn't care much about it. Letting others know about his relationship with Niu Haoling is not only a way to save face, but also a way to increase his reputation. Next year, Chen Jiaze may leave Qi.  Zhou Zhou entered the south and became the commander of the army. The south was the territory of the Han family. The old man of the Han family valued Niu Haoling very much. It was rumored that for Chen Jiaze, there were only advantages and no disadvantages. More and more people gathered together. At this time, a man.  The chubby man who was obviously an official said to a middle-aged man: "Director Li, there is such a shoddy project in Lu Town. This is a dereliction of duty on your part.  "This official Ma Dong knows. He seems to be a powerful figure in the Qizhou Provincial Government. He seems to be the director of some department. Ma Dong can't remember the specific position, but he is an official who came out of the provincial government, let alone a director.  Even if she is a virgin, she has more power than the top leaders of the district and county. The middle-aged man said with a look of shame: "Yes, what the leader said is true, I will call and ask."  "The middle-aged man's back was covered in cold sweat, and he secretly swore in his heart that when he returned to Quan City, he would kill the person in charge of the Qiancheng County Highway Bureau as soon as possible. His name is Lu Xiuyun, and he is from the Qizhou Transportation Department Highway Bureau.  Director. There are nearly a hundred people gathered on the bridge at this moment. Every person thrown out can make Qiancheng County tremble. This road administration problem will happen sooner or later, but Lu Xiuyun has a problem at this time.  He understood that if he didn't solve the problem at hand, he would probably be dead in the political arena. Lu Xiuyun checked the phone number of the Qiancheng County Highway Bureau from the office, and almost finished the exchange with the poor director in an angry manner.  After less than twenty minutes of work, a large group of people carrying stones and tools, led by a middle-aged man with a big belly, ran towards the road bridge quickly. If it were someone from Lu Town, they would definitely be here.  I didn't expect that Chief Wang Da, who was famous for his procrastination skills, would arrive so quickly. Although it was only a ten-minute drive from Qiancheng County Center to Lu Town by highway, he could arrive in just twenty minutes, which was also impressive.  Showing how serious Director Wang is about his work, from convening people to preparing tools and materials to arriving here, it takes less than twenty minutes in total. If Director Wang can pass the method across the country, the gross national product will be enough to jump three levels.  After all, half of the gross national product is wasted by the efficiency of government officials. ¡°Director Lu, it was my dereliction of duty this time, and I will be held accountable to the end.  "Director Wang ran so fast for the first time in his life. He almost breathed out of his lungs while running from the Tashan Expressway exit. Lu Xiuyun said expressionlessly: "Repair it quickly, we still have important things to do.  Do.  " Running all the way here, Director Wang was really frightened, because the license plates he saw along the way were either military vehicles starting with J or provincial government special vehicles starting with O.?, the rest are all kinds of luxury cars that even Director Wang has never seen a few times. The vehicles blocked on this road can easily hold a luxury car exhibition.  Director Wang Da did not wait to take a breath, so he led a group of civil servants and jumped into the river, drilling holes with electric drills to build temporary passages.  Ma Dong marveled and said: "It's not simple, this director's work efficiency is very good." No one present cared about Director Wang Da's work efficiency. They only hoped that the road and bridge would be repaired and opened to traffic as soon as possible.  Director Wang Da brought professionals from the Road and Bridge Maintenance Department. The roads and bridges in Lu Town were in disrepair for a long time, and it was unrealistic to fully restore them. The current plan was to re-insert steel bars, lay steel plates, and temporarily remove that piece.  The meter-wide gap was filled.
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