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Text Chapter 359 The Cage Village (please subscribe)

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    The origin of the matter begins in 1937. At that time, Mr. Niu was twenty-three years old and had just killed a puppet army battalion commander stationed in Lu Town. He was forced to join the Mother Sacrifice Mountain Village and became a bandit. That year  The bandit industry was not doing well. As soon as Mr. Niu went up the mountain, he happened to catch up with the Japanese raids. At that time, the Japanese raids were mostly divided into three batches. The first batch was the front line for the puppet troops, the second batch was the main force of the Japanese army, and the third batch was  Most of the transportation teams robbed the surplus grain and money from surrounding villages to use as military expenses.  The leader of Jimu Mountain Village has dominated Lu Town for many years, so he naturally knows the habits of the Japanese army. With his clever arrangements, the brothers of Jimu Mountain managed to avoid two raids by the Japanese. Unfortunately, the leader of the village has taken a fancy to  Supplies for the Japanese transport team.  In order to obtain the materials for the Japanese transport team, they launched a very famous Tashan Battle around the famous Tashan Mountain at the entrance of Lu Town. The village leader blew up the only way for the Japanese army to pass through, and then started a hand-to-hand battle, causing the Japanese transport team to  More than a hundred people were wiped out, which alarmed the National Government at the time.  What followed was a crazy revenge by the Japanese army. Under the mortar bombing, more than 300 brothers in Jimu Mountain were killed or injured. In the end, less than 30 people were left, including some who were still young.  Mr. Niu.  I thought I would be left alone in this mountain, but on the night of the last raid by the Japanese army, two middle-aged men came from the south and found where Mr. Niu was hiding.  The two men are about forty years old. One man is of medium build, well-proportioned, and has an ordinary appearance. There is nothing visible from the surface. The other man is tall and full of explosive muscles. In this country where malnutrition is common,  Under the social conditions, the spirit of these two people seems a bit abrupt and alternative.  What horrified Mr. Niu was that as soon as more than 30 of them raised their weapons, the two men had disappeared in front of them. When they appeared the next moment, the 38 caps in each person's hands were all broken into two pieces, with smooth blades.  It was obviously cut with a sharp weapon.  The young man seemed to have not moved from beginning to end, and the sturdy man, holding a short blade as long as his index finger, was guarding the young man and looking at them with a smile.  The young people seemed to have not communicated with others for a long time. Only the burly man communicated with them. From this man's mouth, Mr. Niu knew that they were saved because of a deal.  The content of this transaction is very simple. The young man requires that every five years, Mr. Niu must hand over a certain amount of blood. At that time, the population of Niujia Village was very prosperous. He only needed to extract a few liters of blood from each person, and the total amount was reached.  the other party¡¯s requirements.  In exchange for this, the young man taught Niujiacun a kind of boxing called Ditang Fist. It is the latest type of boxing created by the young man. It is simple to practice and powerful. In addition, it can drive away the Japanese troops stationed outside.  town.  At the critical moment of life and death, Mr. Niu and others dared not to listen, so they naturally agreed with joy.  After receiving the boxing skills taught by the young man, Mr. Niu became stronger and stronger. He soon killed all the wealthy squires in Lu Town. He also established the first escort team in Lu Town and resisted the puppet troops at the entrance of Tashan Mountain several times.  Famous within a hundred miles.  After liberation, Mr. Niu gradually discovered that something was wrong. Every villager who left Niujia Village would become frail and sick within five years, and then gradually weaken and die. It would be fine if only one person was like this, but everyone  This was the case, and no one who walked out of Niujia Village was spared.  ¡°After all, Mr. Niu remembered that the young man had arranged something in Niujia Village, and perhaps it was the consequences of those things.  Old Master Niu was so frightened that he searched every corner of the village for the strong men. He actually found a lot of strange bronzes. Most of these bronzes were in the shape of birds. In the center of the village was a two-meter-tall statue.  There is a bronze statue of Nuwa, and there are Xuanwu sculptures of blue dragon, white tiger, and red bird in the other four corners of the village. The five bronze statues are so lifelike that they can almost look real.  After discovering the source of the problem, Mr. Niu wanted to destroy these bronzes, but thinking of the young man's extraordinary strength, he gave up the idea. After digging out the five bronzes, he built a well with a diameter of five meters to drain the bronzes.  Five bronze vessels were discarded in the well.  After that, Mrs. Niu strictly prohibited the villagers from leaving Niujia Village. It happened that the farmers' cooperative happened to be there at that time. Due to government policy, it was more difficult for the villagers to leave the village easily.  Decades passed like this. After the reform and opening up, two college students were admitted to Niujiacun. They moved to Hong Kong with their parents and relatives regardless of the opposition of Mr. Niu. Niu Haoling heard about this when he was a child and said  There was a company from Hong Kong that specially sent a special car to pick me up, and also sent a large number of daily necessities, such as the first color TV in the village.  This incident was once a legend in Lu Town. During that time, whenever people from Lu Town met, the first thing they said was that XX was really promising. A big boss from Hong Kong came to poach him and poached him with an annual salary of 100,000 yuan. At that time,  The year is 1998, and an annual salary of 100,000 is no longer?Small amount.  Seven years have passed, Mrs. Niu made a special trip to Hong Kong and saw a piece of news in the Hong Kong financial newspaper: Niu XX, a financial expert from Qizhou, died suddenly at home yesterday. This was the seventh Qi to die suddenly since Niu X died suddenly.  Brain experts from Hong Kong hospitals are conducting further investigation and analysis on this strange sudden death phenomenon, and have initially concluded that it is a genetic factor.  They were all dead. When Mr. Niu saw the news, he was immediately heartbroken. Even if he threw the bronze into the well, it would only slightly delay the onset of sudden death.  Mr. Niu did not dare to destroy the bronze. He was worried that the super strong man would become angry and implicate the entire Niujia Village. When he reached the level of strength, he understood that this kind of super strong man was almost invincible in the world, and no one could stop him in the slightest.  His life or death depends entirely on his mood.  In order to prevent more villagers from getting into trouble, Mr. Niu issued a strict order almost like a dictatorship, strictly prohibiting anyone from leaving Niujia Village without permission. Because Niu Haoling and Tieniu were picked up by Mr. Niu, Mr. Niu did not restrict them very much.  After telling the whole story, Niu Haoling had a ridiculous feeling in his mind. He said softly: "This - this can't be true, can it? It's too mysterious." Mr. Niu no longer wanted to use force at this moment, because he knew in his heart,  His own power could not gain much advantage in front of these two boys. He walked to the steps of the patio, sat down, put his trembling hands into his arms, took out a yellowed newspaper from his arms, and shook it  Hand, the newspaper shot towards Niu Haoling like a dart.  Niu Haoling caught the newspaper and opened it. The first line that caught his eye was a paragraph of traditional Chinese characters, which read: Financial expert Niu XX died suddenly at home, and the police have been involved in the investigation.  When I looked at the newspaper again, the date was 2006.  Niu Haoling's eyes widened and he said, "Damn, does such a thing really happen? What on earth is that bronze? Is that young man a charlatan? Old man, do you still need to donate blood now?" Niu Haoling remembered it. He remembered that when he was a child, he would do it every other day.  Blood donation vehicles have been driving into the village for several years. Niu Haoling didn't pay attention to it at the time. Thinking about it now, it is in line with what Mr. Niu is saying now.  After everything came to light, Niu Haoling was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Niujia Village, where he grew up, contained such a big secret.  When Niu Haoling looked at Mr. Niu again, his eyes were full of respect. He kept this secret in his heart for decades. It took a lot of perseverance and perseverance to do this. The villagers, including Niu Haoling, all thought that Mr. Niu was a  The stubborn old stubborns, now that I think about it, they are the ones who are ignorant.  "Old man, I was wrong." Niu Haoling bent down and gave a salute to Mr. Niu.  Old Mr. Niu shook his head. Over the years, he had become accustomed to laughing, cursing, and gaining and losing glory.  Niu Haoling said again: "Old man, don't worry, I will definitely find a solution." Old Master Niu sighed: "It's useless, that person has now become a land god-like existence, unless he is willing to let Niujia Village go, no one will  There is nothing you can do. When your adoptive father was a child, he was accepted as a disciple by that passerby. Over the years, he also began to doubt the affairs of Niujia Village. He has been in seclusion for twenty years investigating the affairs of Niujia Village. I have covered them up. Forget them all.  "It is strictly prohibited to leave the village. It is the rule of our Niu family village. No one can violate it!" Mr. Niu's tone was filled with deep helplessness. It was not that he didn't want to resist, but that he was unable to resist.  King-level experts are indeed like gods on land in the eyes of ordinary warriors. They have the ability to predict danger, and the chance of trying to kill them is almost zero.  The army can compete with them, but the army is not monolithic, and the army leader is also a mortal. Although the king-level strong men do not have the strength to fight against the army, they have the ability to take the enemy's head with thousands of troops. They do not dare to take risks.  Niu Haoling said softly: "Everything will be solved one day, old man, I think I'd better invest money in the village to improve everyone's living standards first and wait for this matter to be resolved." Mr. Niu still shook his head and smiled bitterly:  "No, now the people in the village have no money, I can suppress them. Once they have money, my order may be a piece of paper. If you have money, there will be fewer people who can stay in the village. You  My adoptive father also talked about this kind of thing with me at the beginning, but it was useless. The only way for Niujia Village to survive is to remain unchanged. " Mr. Niu is not ignorant of adaptability. On the contrary, he sees farther than anyone else.  How could he be a simple person after living through that war-torn era?  The courtyard fell into silence. Many things are like this. The more you know, the more troubles you have. At this moment, all the troubles that Old Mrs. Niu had for decades were grafted onto Niu Haoling. Although Niu Haoling was not from the Niu family, she could  He grew up here, and his feelings are similar to those of the natives.The eldest Niu family is not much different.  Niu Haoling clarified a lot of things and made Niujiacun become such a person. He was the master of his adoptive father, the legendary strongest of the Four Kings with the strongest martial arts value - the King of Kung Fu, and the person who gave him the system.  .  ??????????????????????????????????????????????  Niu Haoling is someone who has seen a king-level powerhouse. He knows what a king-level powerhouse represents. Strictly speaking, he is just a guinea pig under the King of Kung Fu. He can't even decide his own life or death. He doesn't even know.  What kind of person and temperament is the King of Kung Fu?  If it weren¡¯t for the dead Zhang Qingzheng, perhaps Niu Haoling wouldn¡¯t even be able to control his own destiny now.  Having controlled the remnant soul, Niu Haoling has the right to control his own destiny. His next goal is to control the destiny of Niujia Village.
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