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Text Chapter 355: The Chief of a Town (Please subscribe)

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    The next day, the headlines of all major media outlets in China were all about this explosive news. A mysterious person challenged the senior officials involved in the court. His tone was extremely disrespectful but it resonated with the people, causing tens of thousands of people to take to the streets to demonstrate.  , advocating severe punishment of the officials involved.  Although the appearance of the demonstrators was too strange, and many sensible people could see that this was a planned situation, people always like to have habitual amnesia. They only remember the parts they like, and the unreasonable parts,  I have long forgotten selectively.  On the Internet, Niu Haoling became famous. Netizens exposed his identity and dubbed him the "Niu Cha Emperor".  As Niu Haoling becomes popular in China, a large number of young people regard Niu Haoling as their idol, because Niu Haoling's personal resume explains everything.  Born as an ordinary farmer, in a short period of time, step by step, he has reached heights beyond the reach of ordinary people. This is obviously more in line with the tastes of young people than those entrepreneurs who have struggled all their lives.  Young people in this era are more impetuous. They like things that take a short time and have quick results. Niu Haoling¡¯s rapid rise in a short period of time is in line with this law.  ¡°Just when many media were actively discovering Niu Haoling¡¯s identity, a Hummer drove away from Quan City at a high speed.  Exactly eight days have passed since the day Wu Zhongyi was tried. Many things happened in these eight days. The biggest thing was that Zhang Qingzheng passed away. Of course, in Gao Tao's words, Zhang Qingzheng did not pass away, but  It's sitting.  Zhang Qingzheng's death made Niu Haoling really sad for a while, so that even now, Niu Haoling's mood is still very depressed. The past events in the imperial mausoleum are still vivid in his mind, from when he rescued Zhang Qingzheng, to when he accepted Zhang Qingzheng as his teacher, and then to follow him  With Zhang Qingzheng traveling around to practice Qi-entraining techniques, there was no intrigue during this period. It was indeed the most comfortable period in Niu Haoling's life.  Zhang Qingzheng passed away and left Niu Haoling a perfect formation. This formation is called the Seven-Star Heart Locking Formation. It is one of the advanced formations passed down by Taoism for thousands of years. It can be said to be a lost formation. This formation  It was not the formation that Zhang Qingzheng originally wanted to build, but the formation that he constructed on a whim as his research on the formation became more and more in-depth. It already represents the great secret of "Pingdi Yuanyan", Zhang Qingzheng's  The body was squatting on top of the formation.  Gao Tao said that Zhang Qingzheng died with peace of mind because before he died, he fulfilled his last wish in life.  Gao Tao activated the formation for Niu Haoling. Rather than suppressing the aura of the remnant soul in Niu Haoling's body, it was better to say that it cut off the connection between the remnant soul and Niu Haoling's brain. In this way, Mengxin could always communicate with Niu Haoling.  Communication just lost all abilities. Niu Haoling lost a combined combat skill, but gained true freedom.  Although it can only be suppressed for a month, it is already hard-won for Niu Haoling. No matter where he is, he will rush back within a month to continue to replenish the evil spirit of the formation and continue to suppress the residual energy in his body.  Soul breath.  " Several other things seemed a bit insignificant compared to Zhang Qingzheng's death.  Sun Shang has temporarily withdrawn from the political stage. Vice Minister Yan, who has no rivals, has almost become the best candidate for minister. Niu Haoling knows that as long as the Yan family and the Xin family are not at odds, Sun Shang will definitely not be given a chance to make a comeback.  From ancient times to the present, the struggle for power has been the most cruel struggle. There are no swords and swords here, but there are rivers of blood.  The Yan family and the Xin family have implicitly expressed their goodwill to Niu Haoling. In a word, Niu Haoling's foundation for entering the international market has been completely laid.  During this period, he and Tieniu were almost separated in the north and south, each busy with their own affairs. Without Tieniu, Niu Haoling's career would not have developed so rapidly. Tieniu is a seemingly inconspicuous character, but in Niu Haoling's world  plays an extremely important role.  Without Tieniu, Niu Haoling¡¯s position in Hearts would not be stable.  Without Tieniu, Niu Haoling would not be able to abandon the Chivalry Alliance with peace of mind.  The day after tomorrow is the 100th birthday of the old man in Niujia Village. As two boys born and raised in Niujia Village, they naturally have to rush back to Niujia Village to participate in this grand event in the village.  Growing up, the person Niu Haoling was most afraid of was the old man of Niujia Village. When he was a child, he was naughty and scheming, and he was often beaten by the old man.  When Niu Haoling goes back this time, he still has one thing to do, which is to realize his childhood dream, knock down all the houses in Niujia Village, and bring the villagers into the city, fulfilling the promise he made before leaving Niujia Village.  No matter what kind of danger he faced before, Niu Haoling had never been nervous, but this time, he was really nervous. Everyone said that Chinese people have no faith and no dreams, and they just follow the crowd and live their whole lives for money. But Niu Haoling has  Dream, his dream seems simple but extremely difficult. He just wants the villagers to get out of the remote villages and enter the prosperous world.?Urban.  A Frenchman once said this. An American child said: I will be the president when I grow up. Later, this little boy really became the president.  A French child said: I want to be a painter when I grow up. Later, this little boy really became a painter.  A Chinese child said: I want to be a scientist when I grow up. Later, this little boy became a civil servant.  This is a very simple sentence, which only implicitly explains one thing. Chinese people have no faith and no dreams. Because of the imperfect education system, all children with dreams can only keep changing their dreams with the tide, until  Later, the dream disappeared. Society does not need Chinese people to have dreams. If we insist on saying so, then the Chinese people¡¯s dream is to be rich. As long as they have money, they can have any career, because their education since childhood is¡ª¡ª  If you can't get into a key middle school, you won't be able to find a job. If you can't get into a key university, you'll be a scum of society. This is a perverted education.  The reason why Niu Haoling has a dream has a lot to do with him being in a rural area.  The trunk and back seat of the car were filled with gifts. Only Niu Haoling and Tieniu went together on this trip. As soon as the vehicle left Quan City, Tieniu said: "I still think you should give up that idea, even if it means doing something."  , it is best to wait until the old lady dies. "The old lady is already a hundred years old, and he really won't live much longer.  Niu Haoling shook his head and said, "I must change the old man's outdated ideas. I want him to understand that his previous ideas were completely wrong." Tieniu sighed and stopped talking. He understood Niu Haoling's thoughts in his heart.  Niu Haoling's dream since childhood was not so much to take the villagers out, but to gain praise from the old man.  Niu Haoling just wanted to prove that his choice was not wrong.  Ziwu City is not far from Quan City. After driving for more than an hour, they left the highway intersection and drove into Lu Town, where Niujia Village is located.  The economic development of Lu Town fully responds to the government's commitment to Hong Kong - it will remain unchanged for fifty years.  The bumpy roads gave Niu Haoling a different kind of familiar feeling. Most people in the town didn't know any famous cars or luxury cars. The only thing they felt about the Hummer was that it was quite big.  Niujia Village ranks first among the nine villages in Lu Town. The greatest credit should be given to the old man of Niujia Village. His name is Niu Pingchen. He was once a famous cultural person in Lu Town. In the late Qing Dynasty, he was a well-known scholar.  , the old man has experienced the Anti-Japanese War, the civil war, domestic turmoil, and reform and opening up, until he has reached the current era.  When he was a child, Niu Haoling heard many stories about the old man from the village. During the Anti-Japanese War, the old man was in his prime. At that time, there was a landlord in Lu Town who was backed by puppet army officers. He often led a group of puppet soldiers to wreak havoc in the countryside and bully men.  A domineering girl does all kinds of evil.  Lu Town has been the hometown of martial arts since the Song Dynasty. This landlord did all kinds of bad things, which also aroused public resentment in Lu Town. Under the excitement of the people, a man named Dong San Dongye led people up the mountain and turned the grass into bandits, specifically to deal with this  The landlords resisted and from time to time attacked the landlord's convoys transporting food and money, causing heavy losses to the other party.  Later, with the cooperation of a regiment of the puppet army, more than 70 people from the landlord's hospital guard team launched a siege on the mountain. Dong San was shot to death.  He led a group of copycat brothers to fight a bloody path. In the following years, he led the copycat heroes to continuously fight against the landlord, and finally defeated a pseudo-legion and killed the evil-doing landlord.  With the liberation of the country, the old man chose to disappear because of his past as a bandit leader, and even avoided the vigorous Cultural Revolution movement.  For decades, most people in Lu Town have heard of the legend of the old man. Some villages even erect stone tablets in front of the village to honor the old man.  The day after tomorrow is the centenary of the old man¡¯s birthday. Both sides of the only cement road in Lu Town are decorated with festive red flowers and celebratory red banners, as if it is a grand festival.  The people of Lu Town are all grateful to the old man. Every village in Lu Town is a village with the same surname, Yuan Zong. They have the same origin and are all clansmen with the same surname. The ancestors of these people have either been favored by the old man, or they are just good guys who followed the old man to live in the village.  .  "Go home directly." Niu Haoling felt a little excited. Now that he has everything ready, he only needs Dongfeng, so he no longer needs to be secretive. At first, he was worried about bringing disaster to Niujia Village, but Niu Haoling's current power can already protect him.  Niujia Village.  Lu Town People¡¯s Government Office.  The newly appointed mayor is named Wei Youdong. He is only in his early thirties and has only been in office for two months. He originally worked in an idle department in Ziwu City and has always wanted to enter a real official career. When he learned that the mayor of Lu Town  The position was still vacant, so he recommended himself to become the new mayor of Lu Town.    Wei Youdong did not expect that the so-called mayor of Lu Town was just a favor given to him by the people of Lu Town. Above Lu Town, none of the previous mayors had as much appeal as Mr. Niu.  Because it is located in a remote place, the people in the town do not have the concept of law in their minds. They only recognize people with high moral character and respect. What?  Who is the mayor of Lu Town?  We don't know each other!  Wei Youdong listened to the secretary's report while drinking tea. After a while, he said coldly: "An old man who is about to die can actually cause such a big fight. If everyone is like this, wouldn't society be like this?"  It's chaos." He took a sip of tea and said slowly: "No, I have to prove that I am the leader of the town!"
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