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Text Chapter 295 New Mission-Sleeping Beauty (Please subscribe)

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    "Master, everything I said is true. If I don't rush over to solve this matter this time, I will definitely die!" On the stowaway boat to Hong Kong, Niu Haoling kept talking to Zhang Qingzheng about this mission again and again.  , persuaded Zhang Qingzheng to accompany him to complete this mission.  This mission is very strange and challenging. A woman named Fan Ling in Hong Kong is unconscious for some reason. His mission is to go to the woman's residence and wake her up.  Niu Haoling was a little dumbfounded by this task. What kind of task was this?  Bodyguard type mission?  Assistant type tasks?  Or a babysitting task?  This task is as bloody as a Western fairy tale. The princess is unconscious and the prince has to go through all kinds of hardships to defeat the evil devil and then kiss the princess awake.  Niu Haoling was very depressed. This mission came at the wrong time. He had just caused a huge disaster and killed a government official. Now he is probably wanted all over the world. During his trip to Hong Kong, he accidentally  You might get stuck in it.  What's even more cruel is that after You Rou was brought into the police station by the police, Zhang Qingzheng sneaked into the police station at night and set up a large evil spirit array in You Rou's corresponding detention room, introducing all the evil spirits accumulated since the establishment of the police station.  He entered Yourou's room. As a result, that night, Yourou, who had absorbed too much evil energy, fell into a coma. Her symptoms were exactly the same as Niu Haoling's goal in this mission.  Yourou was taken back to Hong Kong by Youshi Group because she was unconscious.  Zhang Qingzheng¡¯s purpose this time is to go to Hong Kong, lurk inside the Youshi Group, and wait for an opportunity to find out the whereabouts of his senior brother.  Zhang Qingzheng firmly believes that he is still alive, and his senior brother is definitely still alive.  Along the way, Niu Haoling almost begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother, trying to persuade Zhang Qingzheng to assist him in completing this mission. After all, he didn't understand medicine or physiognomy, so how could he know the cause of the girl's coma?  From what he has seen and heard these days, Niu Haoling vaguely feels that the girl's coma has something to do with Xuanmen. If matters involving Xuanmen are involved, it is natural that Zhang Qingzheng, the ancestor, needs to take action.  However, no matter how much Niu Haoling begged, Zhang Qingzheng always had an indifferent attitude. The reason was very simple. He believed that his own affairs were more important than Niu Haoling's. Moreover, he felt that Niu Haoling was making trouble unreasonably. Why did he suddenly go to save someone he had never met before?  woman?  The origin of this stowaway ship is Suizhou. It is a ship purchased by a group of Vietnamese. They shuttle through this sea area and only do business of human and snake trading and smuggling. Niu Haoling has seen the human and snake trade before and even destroyed a huge  He is a member of the smuggling group, so he also knows the rules of this stowaway ship very well.  After paying enough money, Niu Haoling and Zhang Qingzheng, two young and old men who were not neatly dressed and were not considered to be upper class people, easily gained the captain's trust. Niu Haoling spent thousands of Chinese coins to rent a room.  There are only four or five square meters of dilapidated cabins to live in.  The ship was about to sail into Hong Kong. Niu Haoling really couldn't convince this old stubborn, so he couldn't help stamping his feet and said: "Well, then you go find your senior brother, I will rescue my people, and we part ways." Zhang Qingzheng saw that what Niu Haoling said was not false.  After saying this, he couldn't help but raise his head, glanced at Niu Haoling curiously, and asked: "Is what you just said true?" Niu Haoling said angrily: "Do I need to lie to you?" Zhang Qingzheng stroked his beard and said: "You are  Say, if you don't complete this task, you will die?" Niu Haoling nodded, his expression a little helpless.  Zhang Qingzheng looked at Niu Haoling's face and said softly: "Is there a residual soul in your body?" Niu Haoling was immediately startled. It is estimated that no one knew about the soul body Mengxin in his body except the maker.  , how did this old guy figure it out?  If Zhang Qingzheng can see it, doesn¡¯t it mean that there are others who can see it?  Niu Haoling felt a little uneasy. In today's information society, news spreads too fast. If the outside world knew that he had a soul residing in his body, agents from other countries might secretly capture him and dissect him on the autopsy table.  .  Zhang Qingzheng saw through the shock in Niu Haoling's eyes. He chuckled and said, "You don't have to be surprised. Most people in the old Xuanmen know the method of residing in the body. In the terms of the Yin sect, this is called nourishing the soul." "  Nourishing the soul?" Niu Haoling was aroused.  Zhang Qingzheng nodded and said: "Yes, the so-called soul nourishing is to separate one of the six souls of someone, re-endow a part of the mind, and then live in someone's body. As the host grows, this residual soul will also  It will gradually mature, and the host will be equivalent to possessing the souls of two people, that is, dual souls. The strength of having dual souls is very terrifying and cannot be competed by ordinary people. " This is the first time Niu Haoling knows the use of this system.  It seems that ancient magic?I have become very skilled in using this technique.  Zhang Qingzheng continued: "The danger of raising a soul is very high. Whether it is the caster or the host, it is very difficult to choose the person to strip the soul first. The other party must have very high mental power, be able to withstand the sequelae of soul stripping, and be of an inappropriate age.  Above the age of five, the soul above the age of five has been finalized and has independent thinking, and it can no longer be peeled off. "Is it also dangerous for me?" Niu Haoling was startled.  Zhang Qingzheng said angrily: "What do you think? To raise the soul in the body, you need to provide nutrients. The task you are doing now is probably to collect the nutrients the soul needs. In Buddhist terms, it is the power of faith. You successfully saved  A person will have the power of faith in his heart. The more difficult the task is and the more special the person is, the greater the power of faith will be gained after success. " "In ancient times, many soul-nurturing warlocks traveled around to help people in need.  , benefiting all directions, is to gather the power of faith. "Zhang Qingzheng seems to be very interested in nourishing the soul in Niu Haoling. To be honest, Zhang Qingzheng's master also thought about nourishing the soul, but this old gentleman went all over the place.  From all over China, no children with up to the standard of mental strength were found.  Niu Haoling chuckled and said: "According to this, if I succeed in raising my soul, wouldn't I become very powerful?" Zhang Qingzheng smiled and said: "More than just powerful, this is not a simple 11=2, you two souls  When the time comes, there will be mutation, and this mutation will also produce a unique power called telekinesis. Telekinesis is also a power possessed by king-level experts. European and American countries call this ability special power. " "Special function?"  Niu Haoling was a little excited.  "Yes, during this period I have seen that you possess many strange martial arts, such as your weird light-body technique. These martial arts are all products of mind power and require mind power to control them. Those king-level powerhouses will have an endless supply of them in their bodies.  They can generate telekinesis, so these martial arts will be most powerful in their hands." After Zhang Qingzheng said this, he frowned and said: "The strength of this person who injects his soul into your body is really terrifying.  Opportunity, I really want to see it in person." "Chivalry is the power of mind!" Niu Haoling finally understood.  When he acts chivalrously, he is gathering the weak power of faith, which will be transformed into the power of mind. When completing a task, because the status of the task subject is different and the difficulty is different, the power of faith generated will be different, and the power of faith will remain the same.  It will be converted into telekinesis, which is the chivalrous value awarded after completing the task. ?That¡¯s it.  After figuring this out, Niu Haoling suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.  He hummed: "He seems to be one of the four kings of the Four Kings Association, and his status is very high. If the master can live for another two years, I may be able to work with the master to find trouble for that old boy." The system was completely disrupted.  Niu Haoling's life had turned his life into a mess. To be honest, Niu Haoling wanted to find that old man again, and then punch him hard and let out a bad breath.  Zhang Qingzheng sighed: "You'd better be careful. As the soul in your body becomes more and more mature, the power of faith required will become more and more. In other words, the tasks you have to face will become more and more difficult."  , this is also the biggest test for the host. Once the test fails, the host's soul and blood may be drained on the spot. "Damn it! Is it so scary?" Niu Haoling's body was filled with excitement. In the past two years, as he completed his tasks again and again,  He really didn't pay much attention to the task of protecting flowers. When Zhang Qingzheng said this today, Niu Haoling's face became solemn.  Zhang Qingzheng said: "You'd better be careful this time. If you really can't solve the problem, you can go to the entrance of Youshi Group headquarters and linger at their main entrance for a few minutes. I will naturally come out to see you." "Thank you, Master!" Niu Haoling  He was overjoyed when he heard that the difficulty of the task now began to exceed his capabilities, and he had to find a way to get help from outside.  In the evening, the stowaway boat slowly stopped at the edge of a rocky beach cliff. Under the captain's instructions, the more than thirty people who had stowed away this time got off the boat in an orderly manner and walked along the cliff.  Climbing up the wall.  Niu Haoling and Zhang Qingzheng stepped off the stowaway boat and climbed over the cliff easily. This stowaway was uneventful and the process was as smooth as water. There was no police pursuit or machine gun fire after landing in the movie.  After leaving Xiangsiwan on foot, Niu Haoling and Zhang Qingzheng officially parted ways. Niu Haoling headed towards Sai Kung District, where the mission target was located, while Zhang Qingzheng headed towards Wan Chai District, where Youshi Group is located. Fortunately, Hong Kong is not large, so the two  Individuals can meet at any time.  After separating from Zhang Qingzheng, Niu Haoling hitchhiked on the roadside. The owner was a talkative middle-aged man with a mustache at the corner of his mouth. He looked like a Hong Kong person. He was a salesman running a business.Niu Haoling is also a Hong Kong know-it-all. Sitting in this pickup truck, while chatting with the middle-aged man about daily life, he mentioned the target of this mission intentionally or unintentionally.  Sure enough, as soon as Niu Haoling mentioned Fan Ling, the middle-aged man's chatterbox opened up and he said non-stop: "Miss Fan family? Tsk, it's a long story -" In the middle-aged man's gushing words  During the story, Niu Haoling gradually understood the general outline of the matter. It turned out that before 1997, the Fan family was the largest wealthy family in Hong Kong. The old man of the Fan family was once a Chaozhou native. In that chaotic era, he smuggled over with a group of Chaozhou people and created a huge success single-handedly.  Chaozhou Gang.  Mr. Fan has been a righteous man throughout his life and has many friends in the world. For example, in these newly emerging societies in Hong Kong, most of the leaders of the societies are his subordinates. After 1997, the Fan family was completely eliminated and got rid of the society organizations.  When Mr. Fan was here, the power of the Chaozhou Gang was at its peak. But as soon as Mr. Fan became a white man and disbanded the Chaozhou Gang, the circle of influence in Hong Kong became more subtle. During that time, it could be said that a bunch of snakes were dancing around and a hundred schools of thought were contending, with Dongxing and Hongxing as the leaders.  There was constant fighting between the two major societies, and during this period, there were also some outside gangs making trouble.  One of them is a very powerful Filipino gang. Most of the members of this gang are Filipino refugees. In the past, they were afraid of the strength of the Chaozhou Gang, so they all sold salted fish honestly in a fishery market in Hong Kong. But Mr. Fan  The gang has become active since the time of the world.  Taking advantage of the ongoing war between Dongxing and Hongxing, Filipino gangs repeatedly broke the rules and organized members to rob gold shops in the streets of Hong Kong, which aroused the dissatisfaction of many gangs. Later, Mr. Fan couldn't stand it anymore, so he convened four gangs to rob this gang.  The entire Philippine gang was driven out of Hong Kong.  More than ten years have passed since this incident, but who would have thought that just last year, when Mr. Fan celebrated his 70th birthday, the leader of the Philippine gang who led people to escape to the Golden Triangle in embarrassment actually brought gifts to the  Come and meet Mr. Fan.  On the one hand, it was out of politeness, and on the other hand, it was also because Mr. Fan had not been involved in world affairs for many years and was no longer a member of the underworld. In order not to cause trouble, he accepted the gift from this man.  No one expected what happened next. Mr. Fan¡¯s granddaughter Fan Ling opened the gift box out of curiosity and fell into a coma on the spot. She remained in a coma for more than a year and never woke up.  This incident was also widely spread in Hong Kong. Coupled with Fan Lingsheng¡¯s beauty, Hong Kong people associated her with Western fairy tales and called her the ¡®Sleeping Beauty¡¯.
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