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Text Chapter 276 Unstoppable (please subscribe)

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    There are many legends about the Drought Demon in ancient times. For example, in "Shuowen", there is a saying that "the Demon is also a Drought Ghost." In the "Shen Yi Jing", there is: "There is a man in the south, two or three feet long, with his body exposed and his eyes in  On the top, it walks like the wind, and it is called a monster. The country it sees is suffering from a severe drought. "Yuan Mei's "Xu Zi Bu Yu" also said: "The corpse first becomes a drought monster, and then it becomes a beast." Ji Xiaolan's "Yuewei Caotang".  It is mentioned in Volume 7 of "Notes": "All drought demons mentioned in modern times are all zombies." Drought demons are the products of warlocks who have reached the top of their corpse refining skills. They prefer living specimens that are healthy and full of evil spirits. Those who have been fighting for a long time on the battlefield and kill like hemp.  It is most appropriate to drain all the blood from the human specimen while it is still alive, and then inject a unique medicine into its blood vessels. This medicine can gradually make its body become like gold and stone. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Refined according to the secret method of corpse refining for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, and then placed at the intersection of yin and yang to cultivate for a hundred years, and the drought demon will be completed.  This main tomb chamber happens to be at the intersection of yin and yang. This drought demon has been lying here for more than a thousand years. To use a more superstitious term, it would be a thousand-year zombie.  It is estimated that the warlock who created the Drought Demon was also interested in the yin and yang of this place, and wanted to cultivate a Drought Demon to protect the sect or leave a backup for future generations.  Just why this Drought Demon has not been taken away yet is something unknown. In short, now that the Drought Demon has awakened and lost the suppression of the coffin lid array, the super zombie that has been sleeping for more than a thousand years has finally appeared.  .  "Stop! Stop! Stop!" Gao Tao followed Meng Xin and others' escape. As he ran away, he turned around and threw out a bunch of talismans. He muttered something: "Urgent like a law, stay still!"  The talisman on the ground quickly flashed a slight light, and then the middle of the talisman became blurry, and a strong evil spirit appeared on the ground. The so-called body-holding technique only controlled the surrounding evil energy through the talisman to confuse the opponent's perception.  Nerves, putting the opponent's brain in a dormant state.  Gao Tao has never fought against zombies. He is also seeking medical treatment for illness. After scattering the talisman in his hand, it slightly hindered Han Ba's pace.  Hanbao was trapped in several talismans, struggling desperately, as if fighting against the evil spirit in the area. It waved its arms a few times, only to hear a few whirring sounds, and all the talismans attached to the ground burned.  Gao Tao's face turned pale and he shouted: "Hurry up, the evil spirit in its body is too strong, I can't stop it." The injured Morizi had been calmed down by Gao Tao with the only magic weapon in his life, the compass, and his face turned pale.  She looked a little better, but the wound on her lower abdomen was too serious. If she hadn't blocked the wound with her hands, her intestines would probably have leaked out.  Everyone can see that Moriko will definitely not live long unless she is sent to a large hospital for blood transfusion treatment immediately.  But under the current conditions, they don¡¯t even have time to rest.  "Hoo ho!!!" The Han Demon broke free from its restraints and became irritable. It looked up to the sky and roared, and quickly chased in the direction where Meng Xin and others left.  Having been dormant for so many years, it is in urgent need of fresh blood.  "Stop! Stop! Stop!" Gao Tao ignored the internal injuries caused by the evil spirit just now. Every time he ran for more than ten steps, he used talismans to set up a small formation to limit Hanba's pursuit speed.  After running out of this spacious passage, the talismans carried by Gao Tao in his bag were almost exhausted. This time he deliberately brought a thousand talismans that had been preserved in the Taoist door for a long time, and now he has used them all.  "Enter this room!" With Yue Ye's strength, she was still walking as fast as she could while holding Moriko in her arms. She kicked open a stone door and said, "We can't run anymore. If we run any further, we won't even be able to find the way back." Gao Taoda  She turned pale and said, "Don't do it. Entering the tomb is like entering a dead end. This stone door will never stop the drought demon." Yueye said coldly: "I have to bandage Moriko's wound." Mengxin said nothing.  He ran into the tomb in a hurry without expressing any objection.  "I - I can't run anymore." Li Hui panted and said, "I also want to take a rest." Gao Tao stamped his feet fiercely and said, "Then I won't care about you, let's go our separate ways.  "After hearing Gao Tao's words, no one said anything, even Meng Xin, who originally wanted to kill Gao Tao, didn't say a word.  After all - Gao Tao's departure might lead Han Ba ??away.  Facts have proved that their strategy was correct. Because Gao Tao's talisman completely angered the Han Demon, the Han Demon paused for a moment at the door of the tomb. After turning its blood-red eyes for a few times, it then moved toward the tomb with murderous intent.  Gao Tao chased him in the direction he left.  "Damn it! Why are you just staring at me!" Gao Tao screamed secretly in his heart as he ran away. If he had known this, he might as well haveHe is leading the troops into the tomb, so that even if he dies, he will have someone with him.  It¡¯s better now, he may be dead and no one will know.  "Roar!" As Gao Tao sharply reduced the number of talismans deployed in the formation, Hanba's pursuit speed became faster and faster, and he was already only more than ten steps away from Gao Tao.  "My life is at stake!" Hearing the sound of wind in his ears, Gao Tao closed his eyes in despair, and his whole body suddenly stopped in place.  "Whoosh!" Another sound of wind passed by, and a figure stepped on the wall of the passage and rushed over. The moment he almost jumped above Gao Tao's head, the figure quickly kicked out, and immediately kicked the drought demon away that was about to pounce.  After more than ten meters, he fell hard to the ground.  "Leader?" Gao Tao looked at the person in front of him and shouted in surprise: "Leader, are you alive?" The person in front of Gao Tao was Niu Haoling, who was looking for his enemy in the tombs. Niu Haoling was still nearby.  Searching in the tomb, he suddenly heard Gao Tao's shrill and desperate howl. He distinguished the sound and rushed over here immediately.  Gao Tao was so lucky that he saved his life in vain.  Niu Haoling looked at Hanba who had climbed up from the ground unscathed, and murmured: "Damn, what is this? Where is Li Hui?" Niu Haoling asked two questions in a row, and Gao Tao could only explain one by one: "That is  The combat weapon made by the warlock is called the Hanba. It is invulnerable and invincible. Let's run away quickly." Before Gao Tao could answer his second question, he saw Niu Haoling approaching the end of the corridor.  In the face of death, Niu Haoling became very conscious.  Gao Tao chased after him with a speechless expression. Perhaps it was due to the approaching death. Gao Tao could hardly feel the existence of his legs. He just gritted his teeth and ran away desperately. "Hey, where is Li Hui?  Niu Haoling and Gao Tao ran away side by side, asking as they ran.  Gao Tao said out of breath: "Leader of the Alliance, can we wait until it is safe to talk? Be careful of getting sidetracked." "Okay." Niu Haoling knew that what Gao Tao said made sense and continued on his way.  "We're here! Come with me!" Niu Haoling ran into a dark tomb with Gao Tao, jumped directly into the passage he had left through earlier.  Standing in the narrow passage, Gao Tao secretly asked: "Where is this place?" Niu Haoling said: "Don't worry so much, stop talking first, wait for that thing to leave." Hanba chased into the tomb and smelled the smell in the room carefully.  , stayed in the tomb for a long time, and finally gave up on its prey, roared unwillingly, turned around and rushed out of the tomb, running towards where Mengxin and others were.  "Why can't it find us?" As a warlock, Gao Tao felt a little hot when he asked this question.  Niu Haoling, an amateur expert, explained: "This is a special passage connecting the imperial mausoleums. It is responsible for transporting the corpses of the royal members of the Mongolian Empire. If you want to enter the tomb, you must walk at a unique pace, otherwise you will not be able to find the entrance to the passage." "Array  "Dharma and blinding method?" Gao Tao suddenly understood and admired the sorcerer who built this imperial mausoleum even more.  The two of them squatted in the narrow passage, listening to the footsteps of Hanba gradually disappearing, and Niu Haoling asked: "Where is Mengxin? How could you provoke such a thing?" Gao Tao took these things seriously.  After narrating what happened that day, he sighed depressingly: "Leader, that's all. This is the first time I have experienced such danger. I really learned a lot." Niu Haoling could hear a trace of resentment in Gao Tao's words.  After all, it was he who invited Gao Tao into the imperial mausoleum.  It's just that Gao Tao didn't dare to have an attack due to Niu Haoling's identity and strength.  "Where's your oily palm wind?" Niu Haoling looked at Gao Tao and found that Gao Tao had even lost his precious pimple cat, and he felt a lot of apologies in his heart.  Gao Tao said: "I have let it leave on its own. There is a stream below the four-sided broken dragon wall, which can meet the water flow outside. The oil palm wind can leave through the stream." Is that still a cat?  Niu Haoling murmured and asked again: "Then why didn't you let us escape from the stream when we were at the main gate?" Gao Tao smiled bitterly and said: "How could we endure that kind of ice cold, with broken dragons falling straight down in all directions?  Ten meters underground, that area belongs to the underworld, and the groundwater ten meters underground is close to zero. We may have been frozen into popsicles before we dived in. " Niu Haoling nodded and said, "Well, I hope your baby.  The pimple cat is still alive. You should keep walking along this passage. Don't turn around in the middle. You will leave the imperial mausoleum. There is a cliff there. You can find a way to get down by yourself with a rope. " On the way here, Niu Haoling.  I took the rope with me??This is specially prepared for Li Hui and Gao Tao. These two people do not know any light body techniques and cannot jump off a cliff tens of meters high.  "What about you, leader?" Gao Tao took the rope and said a little worriedly: "Do you really want to go back?" Niu Haoling laughed and said: "Don't worry, I will be fine, even the zombies didn't kill me, then  I don¡¯t even care about Hanba.¡± Gao Tao knew that Niu Haoling wanted to take revenge, so he couldn¡¯t help but persuade him: ¡°Leader, that Miss Meng is very strong, and her mental power is very strong. If you fight her.  , be sure to pay attention to her ecstasy. "In ancient times, ecstasy was a secret technique used by the heretics in the world. It used mental power to control the opponent, or to confuse the opponent, so that the opponent would be distracted during the fight. In a battle between masters, even if they are distracted.  In 0.1 seconds, the head may be in a different place.  "I know, I will be careful. Even if I can't get revenge this time, I will at least rescue Li Hui. After all, I brought her here." Niu Haoling pondered for a moment and said.  Gao Tao said with some emotion: "The alliance leader is really emotional. In this case, Gao left in shame." Gao Tao didn't know any boxing and kicking skills. All he relied on was the oil palm wind and the talisman passed down from generation to generation by the Taoist sect.  , now that he has nothing to rely on, he knows that staying here is also a burden.  After Gao Tao groped his way away, Niu Haoling moved the stone slab on the passage, turned over and ran onto the floor of the tomb. He propped himself on the ground with one hand and leaned over to look around. He waited until he was sure it was safe before he stepped up.  Rushed out the door.  Walking to the corridor, Niu Haoling hardly needed to look for it when a dull banging on the door came from far away. Niu Haoling determined the direction and rushed over quickly.  "Palace Master, Moriko is dying." Looking at the bloodless Moriko, Yue Ye said sadly.  She and Moriko were both direct disciples of the Beast King and had learned skills together since they were young. Now that she saw her companion gradually losing her breath, Yue Ye's heart felt like a knife.  Mengxin said coldly: "You can't resurrect the dead, so you still have to find a way to get out of here." Her eyes were on Moriko's body, and a cold light suddenly flashed in her eyes, and a plan for a golden cicada to escape from its shell emerged in her mind.
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