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Text Chapter 263 Bait and Surrounding (Please subscribe)

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    Experts will know if there is one as soon as they take action.  These two men, one is a disciple of Hong Quan and the other is a disciple of Tongjiquan. They are both boxing seedlings who have practiced martial arts since childhood. Although they have no business acumen, their personal skills are still not inferior to the backbone of Hongtao. The only thing they lack is  It is the murderous consciousness of the Heart members.  They are boxing masters who do not kill people, but only seek to defeat the enemy.  The beautiful woman raised her leg and kicked the Hong Fist disciple's punch aside. The powerful force caused her body to tilt to the left and fall.  The moment she landed, the beautiful woman put her right palm on the ground, stood upright, and rotated her body 360 degrees. During the rotation, she reached into her arms and took out a small pistol from her arms.     not good!  When the Hong Fist disciple saw the woman's movements, his face suddenly changed. He leaned down without thinking, and two bullets flew past the ends of his hair, sending sawdust flying from the bookshelf not far away.  The three members of the Chivalrous Alliance only knew boxing and kung fu. They had never fought with a gunman. As soon as the beautiful woman fired, they all looked for cover.  Taking advantage of this moment, the beautiful woman ran in front of Li Hui in a few steps. Just as Li Hui took out the pistol in her arms, she had already raised her palm and hit Li Hui hard on the neck with the edge of her palm, knocking the latter unconscious.  The beautiful woman picked up the unconscious Li Hui and ran quickly towards the exit.  "Hurry up and chase!" The Hong Fist disciple clapped his hands on the ground, jumped into the air, passed over a table, and quickly chased the beautiful woman in the direction she left.  Li Hui was Niu Haoling¡¯s favorite, and the three of them also attached great importance to protecting Li Hui. When they saw Li Hui being killed this time, they didn¡¯t care whether their opponent had firearms or not, and chased after her desperately.  ¡°Scoff!!!¡± The beautiful woman stepped out of the exit and dropped a small military tear gas grenade.  The choking mist dispersed near the door. The three members of the Chivalrous League, who still had insufficient practical experience, choked until their eyes turned red. They watched the beautiful woman get into a black sports car and drive away.  The series of conflicts just happened so quickly that all the museum staff were frightened into silence. Finally, they waited until the arrogant woman left before they had the courage to stand up from the ground.  "Hurry up and contact the leader, something happened to Mr. Li." The Hong Fist disciple said with red eyes and gritted teeth.  Their maiden battle to join the Chivalry Alliance ended in failure, which really made them feel bad.  "Something happened to Mr. Li?" Niu Haoling was receiving several provincial leaders at the Yuelai Inn. When he received a call from his subordinates, he jumped up suddenly, his tone was excited, and he didn't know what he was feeling.  "Okay, I understand. You go back to the inn to rest first. You will be responsible for what happens next." Niu Haoling hung up the phone and smiled at the four provincial leaders who came to hug their thighs: "Uncles, I'm in a hurry.  I have to deal with it, so I won¡¯t accompany you uncles this time. When I have time, I will come to apologize in person. " "Haha, Chairman Niu is too polite. We are just taking a look. You can go about your business without greeting us. "  A provincial leader smiled generously.  Ever since the incident of kneeling down at Hantianzhu Airport, Yuelai Inn has become a concentration camp for leaders. Many high-ranking leaders visit almost every day. Niu Haoling is really tired after receiving them these days.  Niu Haoling arranged for Ma Dong to come over to receive him and ran towards the second floor.  "Senior Yun, the prey has taken the bait." Niu Haoling smiled apologetically and leaned over, whispering: "They indeed captured Li Hui. Now it's time to close the net. If the net I laid is damaged somewhere, I hope Senior Yun can help.  " "Yes." Yun Wanli responded calmly.  Niu Haoling said excitedly: "When this matter is resolved, the development of our Chivalry Alliance will be smooth sailing." Yun Wanli stood up and said: "Let's go." Less than ten minutes later, four commercial vehicles drove out  Enter the courtyard of Yuelai Inn.  ??Four sides are surrounded by lotus flowers and three sides are willow trees. One city is surrounded by mountains and half is surrounded by lakes.  Minghu Villa is one of the three major scenic spots in Quan City. In the middle of the garden, there is a leisurely clear pool with clear blue water, embankments and willows on the bank, green lotuses and green pavilions dotted among them, forming a natural picture. The pavilions and pavilions along the lake,  The waterside pavilion corridors are well-proportioned. To the south of the lake, there is a garden built during the Xuantong period of the Qing Dynasty that imitated the gardens in the south of the Yangtze River.  The garden is very elegant with its winding bridges, flowing water, secluded paths, corridors, and rockery pavilions.  On the rockery by the lake, known as the "No. 1 Garden in Quan City", a woman wearing simple and elegant clothing stands quietly in the cloud pavilion on the rockery. She is wearing a light blue smoked gauze shawl, with her shoulders  If it is cut and the waist is straight, the whole person standing on the cloud pavilion will look like an exquisite painting of flowers and birds, giving people a comfortable and peaceful feeling.  The woman stood by the lake, next to her?A large group of red koi fish competed to play in the water. From time to time, a fish jumped out of the water and made a splash of water. The woman did not feed them. She just opened her fragrant lips and muttered something in her mouth.  Not far from the woman, there was a tall beauty wearing professional women's clothing. The beauty was holding an IPAD in her hand. While fidgeting with it, she said: "Palace Master, Feiying has completed his mission and is returning." Woman  She nodded, turned around, revealed her delicate and inhuman face, and said, "Get ready to leave. This place in Quan City was once my father's hometown. This time I came to take a look, and my wish was fulfilled."  "The tall beauty smiled and said: "The air pollution here is too serious, it is better for the palace master to come less often from now on." The woman walked slowly to the cloud pavilion, slowly sat on the mahogany round stool, and said: "Flying Eagle.  They should be being followed. Arrange the Flying Eagle Team and the Cheetah Team to prepare to stop the intruder." The tall beauty quickly clicked her fingers and said softly: "Well, the Flying Eagle Team and the Cheetah Team are ready. Palace Master, we are now.  Do you want to leave?" The woman shook her head: "Wait a minute, I want to see what the people here are capable of doing to stop our actions in the Northeast." The tall beauty smiled and said, "I heard from the Flower Snake Team.  I met a king-level powerhouse in Senziling. Palace Master, do you think there are still king-level powerhouses in Huaxia Kingdom?" The woman said, "It's hard to say. This time I just want to confirm if there is really a king-level powerhouse.  The existence of strong men will change the strategic plan this time. "Although her father is also a king-level strong man, it is always good to avoid fighting with king-level strong men.  No one wants to offend a king-level powerhouse. The feeling of always worrying that his head will move is enough to drive a normal person crazy.  There are only two ways to prevent the assassination of a king-level powerhouse. One is to have a king-level powerhouse to protect you. The other is to have an army to protect you. The premise is that this army takes turns on duty and surrounds you.  , equally inseparable.  Otherwise, as long as the king-level powerhouse is willing, they can take your head anytime and anywhere.  It can be said that the deterrence of a king-level warrior is equivalent to that of a top international long-range sniper.  Kill with one blow!  The tall and slender beauty nodded and said, "The palace master is considering it." Today, Minghu Villa is under martial law. This situation can explain one thing. There are important people present today.  Niu Haoling pushed the door open and got out of the car, and asked: "Tieniu, did the target enter here?" Tieniu got out of the car and said, "Well, according to the instructions, this is the right place." Niu Haoling waved his hand and said: "Will  Surround the place and conduct a blanket search to let Luo Li locate Li Hui again as soon as possible. "When sending Li Hui to the museum, Luo Li had already embedded a micro-signaler into Li Hui's ring, bracelet, and necklace.  Among them, no matter how Li Hui dresses up, these personal accessories are generally impossible to change.  Niu Haoling is not a prophet, but he knows who the target of this mission is. Since the system has selected Li Hui as the target of this mission, it means that Li Hui will definitely cause a big event.  Now Niu Haoling is no longer what he used to be. He no longer wants to use his unnecessary brains like before. In the face of absolute power, any strategy can be ignored.  At least in the Qizhou area, Niu Haoling already has absolute power.  With the full support of all major departments in the province, coupled with the force possessed by the Chivalrous Alliance and Hongtao, Niu Haoling is enough to control the current situation.  Fifty-seven people from the Chivalry League and twenty-three from Hearts all rushed into Minghu Villa according to Niu Haoling's order.  The security guard at the door obediently remained silent after Niu Haoling showed him the document approved by the director of the Public Security Department.  "The other party seems to be waiting for us." From the moment he entered Minghu Villa, Niu Haoling had this strange feeling.  Is the other person stupid, or is the other person too confident?  ¡°Woooo¡ª¡ª¡± ¡°Woohoo¡ª¡ª¡± As soon as they entered the bamboo forest of Bieyuan, a series of sharp screams sounded nearby, and then, a famous man and woman began to appear on the outskirts of the bamboo forest.  The man is holding a ferocious leopard in his hand. The leopard's eyes are cruel and bloody, and its eyes are full of bloodthirsty light as it stares at everyone. An eagle with sharp eyes stands on the woman's shoulder. The eagle holds its head high, as if patrolling.  The beast king of the territory.  Looking at the numbers alone, there are at least twenty-three men and twenty-three cheetahs, and sixteen women and sixteen eagles.  Seeing this posture, the heroes of the Chivalry League became ugly. Their opponents were not only human beings, but also ferocious beasts!    Even one-on-one, their winning rate against a bloodthirsty cheetah is not high. Cheetahs are different from tigers and jackals. They are the fastest moving animals on land. A cheetah running at full speed can reach a speed of more than 110 kilometers per hour.  , at the moment when the cheetah attacks, few people dare to boast that they can completely avoid it.  In addition, there are people nearby to restrain them, and they feel that the pressure on their shoulders has doubled.  Niu Haoling separated the crowd, walked up slowly, and said with a smile: "It seems that you are indeed the Beast King's people. I really want to know what the purpose of the Beast King came to Qizhou all the way and why he kidnapped his friends.  "The men and women didn't say anything, they just stood in a row, blocking everyone's progress.  Niu Haoling scratched his hair and said in embarrassment: "The King of Beasts is my senior. If I say that, I don't want to do anything disrespectful, but judging from your posture, there is no possibility of peace talks, right?" "You guys?"  Retreat, let's make peace." A sturdy man about 1.8 meters tall said, his eyes full of vigilance. The murderous and fighting intent exuded by the group of people in front of them had already made them feel the pressure.  Especially the more than 20 women in red shirts, each one is like a sharp sword, and blood will be seen when it is unsheathed.  Niu Haoling chuckled and said: "I'll give you ten seconds to let your supervisors talk to me here, otherwise - I don't mind causing an accident here." His laughter was full of a strong murderous aura.  .  [Due to the wireless launch, the number of words has been changed from 2000 to 3000 words, and the number of words that were given away before has also disappeared. I really feel bad about it. When I finish the two days of work, I will start giving away words again, and 3000 words will become 3900 words. I hope  Dear friends, I would like to thank you for your understanding and support by subscribing. Your subscription will be the greatest encouragement to the author.  ¡¿
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