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Text Chapter 255 The Three Giants in the Retail Industry (Please subscribe)

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    The weather in Quan City is extremely inconsistent with the climatic rules. It was originally cool and breezy, but in a blink of an eye, it was already a scorching sun and sweating like rain.  Because of the weather, there were very few pedestrians on the road. On the side of the road, two gangsters were smoking cigarettes next to a tree. They seemed to be doing nothing, but from the corner of their eyes, they passed by a villa from time to time.  "Master, there are all Niu Haoling's people outside." On the second floor of the villa, a middle-aged man in a suit said angrily: "He deliberately created these little bastards to disgust us, so he directly asked the Chen family to send people to kill these people.  Forget it." Han Ruilin stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and said with a cold face: "What reason should we use to arrest them? This is not the responsibility of the military!" "Then let's call the police!" The middle-aged man was still a little angry.  Han Ruilin frowned and said, "It's useless. Now that the Xin family is on Niu Haoling's side, how can the police serve us?" Han Ruilin, who comes from a wealthy family, distrusts the police the most.  The police serve the country and only serve the rights. Whoever has the power, they will serve.  Just five days have passed since the shareholders' meeting of Hongye Group, and the swelling and pain on Han Ruilin's face have not disappeared. Niu Haoling has already taken the lead in launching an offensive. First, the entire public security department was dispatched to search for suspicious people. All the bodyguards Han Ruilin brought this time were recruited.  .  Even though the police knew that these bodyguards had special status, they still temporarily detained them for investigation on the crime of obstructing official duties.  The Provincial Public Security Department issued a crackdown order, and Quan City became a key target of care. The public security department has the responsibility to eliminate all unstable factors in Quan City.  Han Ruilin's bodyguards all hold guns and are not affiliated with the military system. It is only natural for the public security department to invite them to drink tea. If they insist on arguing, it is just arguing with each other. Anyway, the public security has not convicted these bodyguards.  For a time, Han Ruilin was left with only three bodyguards and one housekeeper. The housekeeper had taken care of him since he was a child and did a good job in daily housework. Unfortunately, his scheming and personal abilities were basically zero and could not be put to great use.  This is Han Ruilin's move to deal with others. Now that he has come to Qizhou, he has become Niu Haoling's main force to deal with him.  In addition to these, there are also some staff working near the villa, which interferes with all communication signals. It is extremely difficult to contact the outside world.  Han Ruilin did not dare to leave the villa easily now. He knew very well that as long as he stayed in the villa, Niu Haoling would never dare to send someone in to kill him. As long as he waited for a period of time, the contact person in the Han family would get the news about Chen Jiaze.  At that time, the special forces within the Han family rushed over and the situation was easily reversed.  The housekeeper looked around anxiously: "Hey, young master, why did you provoke that man named Niu this time? Look at his information. He climbed up on the corpse. Even if we deal with him, we have to let the young master come."  Yeah, you are too delicate and expensive to bear such trouble. The same goes for Chen Jiaze. I'm really worried if you don't send the message home for me right away." Han Ruilin frowned and said, "Chen Jiaze is a wallflower and can't be relied on.  "What he regrets most now is pointing a gun at Kong Yangxing's head. If he hadn't offended Kong Yangxing, he wouldn't be in such a passive situation now.  He was very curious about what Niu Haoling planned to do. Judging from the data, Niu Haoling's greatest influence came from the private sector. In the past, all the forces under the Fushou Hall were now Niu Haoling's forces. In the eyes of ordinary people, those forces were very vicious, but in the eyes of ordinary people,  Han Ruilin looked dismissive.  Because most of those forces are organizations similar to the underworld, which organization is the weakest in China?  It's the underworld!  The state of Huaxia will not give the underworld any chance to develop unless the underworld rises to the top of the local government or someone protects them.  There are at least 100,000 of these forces in Qizhou. They used to be protected by the twelve big brothers of Fushou Tang, but now they are all protected by Niu Haoling. Strictly speaking, Niu Haoling is now the well-deserved underground emperor of Qizhou.  However, this title is nothing in the eyes of Han Ruilin and other second-generation military personnel. As long as they are willing, they can just nod and someone will come out to clean up this social garbage.  If Niu Haoling was not too stupid, he would never use this power. This power is okay if used well, but if it is not used well, he will be trapped and unable to extricate himself.  "Director Niu, this is an industry owned by the Han family. They have thirty-six Jinlong supermarket chains in Qizhou. They are basically the boss of the retail industry in Qizhou. This is also the largest source of industry for the Han family. They have a background in military procurement.  "The Han family's retail industry can be said to be hugely profitable. The only retail giants in Qizhou that can compete with it are our Qishang Supermarket of Qizhou Commercial Group and Carrefour Supermarket in France," said a person from the Hongye Group Chairman's Office.  A very shrewd middle-aged man placed a printed document in front of Niu Haoling's desk and said with a flattering smile: "I've always heard that Director NiuThis time we finally met Mr. Niu¡¯s famous name. Our chairman really hopes to have dinner with Mr. Niu.  " Niu Haoling picked up the document, flipped through a few pages and said, "I can't believe that the profits of the retail industry are so impressive.  "The smart man smiled and said: "Of course. The things that everyone needs every day are combined into the retail industry. This is a big business that brings in money every day. It covers the four major items of food, clothing, housing and transportation. It is difficult to think slowly.  Ah, although our Qizhou Commercial Group is a state-owned enterprise, our chairman knows how to operate, which is not comparable to the CEOs of other state-owned enterprises. To tell you the truth, our chairman attaches great importance to this cooperation.  " Niu Haoling doesn't understand business. He never expected that the profits of the retail industry would be so high, even twice as high as the total annual profit of Hongye Group. No wonder the Han family has such confidence that they can start Hongye from the bank.  The output value of the Han family's business in Qizhou alone is almost the same as that of Hongye Group. Niu Haoling put down the documents in his hands and said, "I am really a fool. Compared with Qizhou Business Group, Hongye Group is really worthless.  carry.  " The shrewd man quickly smiled and said: "Chairman Niu is really funny. In less than two years, Hongye Group has risen rapidly and become the leading large group in Quan City. This is one of the few even in the national business community. You  So humble.  " After saying this, the smart man thought to himself: "Compared with our Qizhou Business Group?  Did he have a brain cramp?  ¡± Qizhou Commercial Group is the leading state-owned enterprise in Qizhou, and it is also an enterprise that the provincial government focuses on cultivating. If Niu Haoling can compare with Qizhou Commercial Group, it will be equivalent to comparing with the entire Qizhou. I ask, is this possible? People's hearts  When he saw the loneliness on Niu Haoling's face and felt sad for not catching up with Qizhou Business Group, the shrewd man had the urge to strangle Niu Haoling to death. Niu Haoling's first step was to bring the Han family together.  Eradicating all the industries in the state is much more effective than killing a young master of the Han family. Only by making the Han family feel the pain can he have the capital to negotiate with the other party. Niu Haoling has many ways to deal with it.  As a last resort, he can also let his hundreds of thousands of gangsters sweep into Jinlong Supermarket in various cities. Jinlong Supermarket, which has a military background of the Han family, has never been considered, even if they continue to expand in Qizhou, Qishang Supermarket and other supermarkets.  Carrefour Supermarket did not show any expression. On the contrary, it showed a sympathetic attitude. Everyone pushed against it. Niu Haoling suddenly turned against the Han family, which also gave Qishang Supermarket and Carrefour Supermarket hope. Niu Haoling's Hongye Group's power was restored.  Big, but not bigger than the entrenched Qishang and Carrefour. As long as they drive Jinlong Supermarket out of Qizhou, the big cake of Qizhou¡¯s retail industry will basically be divided equally between the two companies. Even if Niu Haoling¡¯s Hongye Group wants to intervene in the retail industry,  It is impossible in a short time. After all, a supermarket needs to involve all aspects of details. It is impossible to open this huge stall without two or three years, and even if it is opened, it will require a huge amount of working capital.  Come and support. Qishang executives have studied Hongye Group. This group has grown too fast. Behind the seemingly prosperous situation, there are many management problems. It is impossible for this kind of management team to control a supermarket system. Therefore, Qishang executives plan to do so.  In-depth cooperation with Niu Haoling, Qi Shang provided all support behind the scenes, and Niu Haoling stepped in to deal with Jinlong Supermarket, which was supported by the Han family. Niu Haoling threw the documents on the table and said with a smile: "We will skip the dinner, just tell your chairman the terms of cooperation.  Bar.  " The shrewd man stood up from the sofa again and said with a smile: "Our chairman said that it is up to Director Niu to set the conditions. As long as they are not outrageous, our chairman can agree to them all.  Niu Haoling sighed in his heart: It seems that the retail industry is really a sweet potato. If Hongye Group was not suitable for operating supermarkets, he would really like to get a share of the pie. Niu Haoling said without even thinking: "First, you guys  Qishang's real estate business was taken over by Hongye Group.  Article 2: Your Qishang advertising business will be taken over by Hongye Group.  To convey to your chairman, what I am saying is to take over completely, do not try to give me a handbag company.  " The shrewd man's heart skipped a beat, and he said with a look of embarrassment: "Chairman Niu, your condition - you also know that apart from the retail industry, our most profitable business in Qishang is real estate and media advertising. If these two  A business¡ª¡ª" "This is my condition, you just convey it to me.  "Niu Haoling didn't want to talk nonsense with a person who had no decision-making power. He stood up and said, "If you agree, we will cooperate. I can guarantee you that as long as I drive out the Han family's Jinlong Supermarket, I will never let it go."  They are back from the dead.  ¡± ???If you don't agree to the conditions, then I will cooperate with Carrefour, although I don't like dealing with foreigners.  Niu Haoling said decisively. The smart man smiled bitterly and said, "I dare to ask Chairman Niu, what can you do to drive away Jinlong Supermarket?"  This is also an issue that our chairman is concerned about. His dinner party in the evening was mainly to discuss this matter.  " Niu Haoling smiled and said: "I won't tell you the plan. The biggest reason why I want to cooperate with you is to find someone to fill the vacancy in Jinlong Supermarket. I don't want to affect the people of Qizhou because of my relationship with the Han family.  life.  " "That's it, that's it, Chairman Niu is really a promising entrepreneur who understands the sentiments of the people.  "The shrewd man's magical skill of flattery reappeared, but it was a pity that he met Niu Haoling, the master of flattery. His flattery skills were directly blocked by Niu Haoling. Niu Haoling raised his hand and said: "Just go back and convey my conditions exactly as you said.  This matter will not do any harm to you. If I drive Jinlong Supermarket away, you can be responsible for receiving it on the spot. Just wait until everything is received and then fulfill my conditions.  " The smart man was shocked by Niu Haoling's generosity. Eat first and buy later? He said half-jokingly: "I really admire Chairman Niu's magnanimity, but I have a question, I don't know whether I should talk about it.  "    "explain.  " "What if we eat it and don't fulfill our promise?  " "Then you will end up like Jinlong Supermarket.  Niu Haoling said with a bad smile: "I don't mind using some illegal means to destroy Qizhou No. 1 Group."  "
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