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Text Chapter 154 The Sword Points at Fushou Hall

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    Lei Xuanxuan was very confused these days. She couldn't distinguish her inner thoughts. Niu Haoling and Chen Lin were echoing in her mind, but they couldn't overlap for a long time. A ray of bond always lingered in her heart, making her helpless.  Relieved.  "You," Lei Xuanxuan pointed to the bandages on Niu Haoling's chest and neck, and said hesitantly, "What happened?" "I fell asleep and fell from the balcony on the second floor." Niu Haoling's mouth was full of smiles.  smiled.  Lei Xuanxuan knew in her heart that Niu Haoling was making up excuses, but she didn't ask in detail. She just sighed: "Does it matter?"  It's calm.  Lei Xuanxuan walked into the ward and sat on the bed. She didn't know what to say for a moment. There were some things she wanted to ask but couldn't.  ¡°I¡¯m going to go out for a walk first.¡± Luo Li consciously made space for the two enemies and walked outside.  After a while, Lei Xuanxuan gently stroked her hair on her forehead and said, "Is this your hometown?" "Yes." Niu Haoling responded and asked, "Isn't the road difficult to walk?" "Well,  It¡¯s okay.¡± Lei Xuanxuan replied.  The two seemed to be friends who had just met each other. They were chatting with each other. It was like there was a wall between them, which put a distance between them.  "You came at the right time. I have something to ask your opinion on." Niu Haoling raised his head and looked at Lei Xuanxuan seriously.  Lei Xuanxuan saw an obsession in Niu Haoling's eyes. This obsession was something that the carefree 'Chen Lin' didn't have. She subconsciously said: "What's the matter?" Niu Haoling said softly: "I recently want to set up a  Group, I want to ask you if you want to join. " "Establish a group? What to do?" Lei Xuanxuan was surprised. She kept looking at Niu Haoling's face in surprise, and she couldn't express the shock in words.  The man in front of him has a very different personality and temperament from 'Chen Lin'. If it were 'Chen Lin', he would never do such a troublesome thing.  "Making money." Niu Haoling replied concisely.  Lei Xuanxuan sighed secretly in her heart and asked, "How much money will it cost?" Subconsciously, she didn't want 'Chen Lin' to become a businessman, a person like her father who only knew how to calculate profit and loss ratios.  "It's almost enough to buy an aircraft carrier." Niu Haoling chuckled. The implication was obvious. He needed money, a lot of money.  "What do you want so much money for?" Lei Xuanxuan's heart was full of doubts.  Niu Haoling laughed and said: "What man doesn't like money? Only with money can you have status." Lei Xuanxuan shook her head slightly, knowing that she couldn't tell the truth, so she sighed: "Xuanxuan Culture Company already owns 30% of you.  Seven shares, if you want the company to be merged into the group, just do what you want. " "The two million is your father's money, not my shares." Niu Haoling also shook his head. Regarding money,  He has always been more stubborn than anyone else.  ¡°Since my dad gave it to you, it¡¯s your money.¡± Lei Xuanxuan was also stubborn.  Presumably not wanting to delve into this issue further, Lei Xuanxuan asked again: "Do you know the conditions for establishing a group company?" "Yes, I can find a way to solve this." For Niu Haoling, who is obsessed with money, everything has nothing to do with it.  He has a thorough understanding of everything related to money.  If you want to establish a group company, first of all, the group's parent company (core enterprise) has a registered capital of more than 50 million yuan and has at least five subsidiaries. Secondly, the total registered capital of the parent company and its subsidiaries must be 100 million yuan.  above.  "Are you planning to advance capital? Even if it is to advance capital, you still have to find five subsidiaries." Lei Xuanxuan quickly understood Niu Haoling's intention, but still warned: "Establishing a company is not a child's play. There is no deep-rooted relationship network.  Blindly entering the business world is an act of seeking death, especially for someone like you who plans to eat a fat man in one bite." Niu Haoling was filled with a bitter smile. He didn't want to eat a fat man in one bite, but the current situation did not allow him to take his time.  He is just fighting, using all the resources at hand to fight. If he wins, he can seize a glimmer of hope. If he loses, he can only be doomed.  Lei Xuanxuan didn't know that Niu Haoling inherited the position of Hongye, endured the danger of life and death, and his character had undergone a great transformation. Therefore, in Lei Xuanxuan's view, the gap between Niu Haoling and 'Chen Lin' was so big that it was impossible to  Comparing two people.  ¡°That¡¯s all, the existence of this company is all due to him. Since he wants to make troubles, let him go and make troubles, and forget my wish.  Lei Xuanxuan herself is a resolute and resolute woman. Think about this clearly.?, she changed her words and said: "Xuanxuan Culture Company was founded by you. Since you established the group, leave a place for it." Niu Haoling said happily: "Then thank you Mr. Lei." He felt that he was very grateful to Lei Xuan.  Xuan owes something. A well-intentioned deception may cause a girl to be greatly hurt. The choice between 'Niu Haoling' and 'Chen Lin' is the biggest problem between them. This problem can only be solved  Take time to solve it.  Lei Xuanxuan put on a businesslike look and asked, "As the general manager of a subsidiary, I should have the responsibility to know the development direction of the group, right?" Niu Haoling collected his thoughts for a moment and said, "I'm just rationalizing  I have already thought about it, but I haven¡¯t thought deeply about the specific details yet. The development direction of the group is just two words - making money, doing whatever makes money, everything is about money.¡± Niu Haoling¡¯s naked remarks about money made Lei Xuanxuan frown.  .  Niu Haoling didn't pay attention to Lei Xuanxuan's expression and continued: "Now I have initially determined five projects, one is the advertising industry, the second is the film industry, the third is the hotel industry, the fourth is the security industry, the fifth is the entertainment industry, and the advertising industry is  Xuanxuan Culture Company, I have already selected the person in charge of the remaining four industries, and they will be finalized after the year. "Where will you find the initial investment?" Lei Xuanxuan asked worriedly.  It's huge. With Niu Haoling's net worth, it's obvious that he can't afford such a huge sum of money.  ¡°As long as you find the right person, money is not a problem.¡± Niu Haoling chuckled, his tone full of deep confidence.  He has many ways to get money, such as-going to talk to Mr. Le Baiyuan about some business on the road?  "How is the company's progress now?" Niu Haoling asked with concern. This time his concern was completely from the heart. After all, Xuanxuan Culture Company is the only subsidiary of his future group that does not require investment, and it is also the only company that is on the right track.  "The first tranche of funds from Baiyuan Group has been received. If there are no problems, the profit this year can reach 10 million." Lei Xuanxuan said.  Ten million, for a newly-born Xuanxuan Culture Company, this is already an astronomical figure, but for Niu Haoling, ten million is too little. Members of Hearts can make a profit even if they accept an ordinary assassination order.  reaching nearly one million yuan.  If you receive a difficult assassination order, you can earn tens of millions.  "Compared with the formal corporate profit model, the gray industry of killers is decidedly a profit-making industry with huge profits, even more profitable than the black trade of drug trade.  "The goal of Xuanxuan Culture Company next year is to make an annual profit of over 100 million." After Niu Haoling said this, Lei Xuanxuan stared at Niu Haoling as if he were a fool.  Annual profit of over 100 million?  This is simply a fantasy. Yipin Media has been established for so many years, and its annual profit is only just over 100 million.  This man is crazy?  An idea came to Lei Xuanxuan's mind.  He is crazy about money.  Niu Haoling is indeed crazy about money, because he doesn't know how long he can sit in Hongye's position. He is like those officials who are about to step down, planning to use their power to reap benefits.  ¡°At least he can have a big enough group to keep him safe until he gets raped by the girl in red.  The quickest, simpler and more effective way to speed up the development of an enterprise is to threaten.  Niu Haoling is not a good person to begin with, and he likes to be a villain because villains don't need to worry so much and can do whatever they want without caring about other people's nonsense.  "Leave the business to me, you can just manage the company with peace of mind." Niu Haoling pretended to be mysterious and smiled slightly, thinking: Fu Shoutang is the first pot of gold for my Hongye Group.  Ever since Niu Haoling had the idea of ??establishing a group, his goal has been on Fushoutang. It has to be said that in Qizhou, if any organization has more money, it must be Fushoutang. Ten members of Fushoutang  The two big bosses have apparently washed their hands in a golden basin, but they still maintain inextricable ties with the world. For example, those security companies have the shadow of Fushoutang behind them.  Niu Haoling knew very well that he was destined to have a showdown with Fushoutang. If he couldn't deal with even one Fushoutang, he would eventually become an insignificant speck of dust in the vortex of power. As the vortex becomes stronger,  Disappeared without a trace, not even a root hair left.  [Next month, the monthly ticket list will definitely be in a mess. It is easier to obtain monthly tickets. Spend 500 Zongheng coins on V2 and you will get a monthly pass. Spend one Zongheng coin on V3 and you will get a monthly pass. Dear friends who have monthly votes, please vote for them. Don¡¯t be too cold.  .  ¡¿
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