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Volume 2: The Four Immortal Sects Chapter 453: Thriller

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    Jiang Xiaofan was a little shocked. What was recorded in the golden iron book in his hand turned out to be the way of the soul.  You must know that the cultivation of the way of the soul is not very detailed even in the Taoist scriptures, and is far inferior to this ancient method.  In fact, there are even records of the rare objects of heaven and earth, Yuan Shen Tao Armor, and he happens to have such a pair of armor!

    "nice one!"

    Jiang Xiaofan was secretly happy.

    He put away this set of ancient books in a precious and heavy way, and then reached out to grab other ancient books.  Anyway, no matter what level it is, having more secrets is not a bad thing. In the future, you can also create a sect or something on a whim. It would be fun to be the leader of a party.


    He was the young supreme master of the Human Emperor Realm. As soon as he grabbed it with his big hand, dozens of secret books flew towards him, and he threw them directly into the space ring.  He had changed the storage magic weapon a long time ago, and now the space ring is comparable to a top-level treasure, with a space of hundreds of feet.

    "Zhanyue Sword"

    "Floating Cloud Sword"

    "The Art of Tongyou"

    "The heart of the cave is in charge"

    His spiritual consciousness is very vast, and he can see through the ancient books he has taken in with just one glance.

    Of course, he only scanned them briefly. Some of them even just looked at the names of the exercises, and did not read too much about the contents.  After all, no matter how strong his spiritual consciousness is, it is impossible to read all the contents of all ancient books in an instant, unless he has reached the realm of the Three Pure Ones.

    "Huh?" Suddenly, he paused for a moment, and a dark secret book appeared in his hand, with five cold characters engraved on it: "Master and Servant Son and Mother Curse, this thing, that bastard Su Xingzi seemed to have said it at the beginning.  With"

    The Master-Servant Son-Mother Curse is a kind of contract secret technique, which is divided into the Child Curse and the Mother Curse.  The caster controls the Mother Curse himself, and puts the Child Curse into the body of the person who is being cast. In this way, the person being casted will never be able to resist the person who controls the Mother Curse. As long as they have a little alien intention, they will suffer the pain of purgatory, and even directly  Death.

    On the other hand, those who hold the Mother Curse can completely control the fate of the person who is planted with the Child Curse, and can end the life of the person who is planted with the Child Curse at any time through the Mother Curse.  It can be said that this is a very unequal contract. It is precisely because of this that this secret technique is called the devil's way and is not tolerated by the righteous way.

    "I didn't expect that this secret method is hidden here"

    Jiang Xiaofan frowned slightly.

    Su Xingzi originally wanted him to plant a curse so that he could live an ignoble existence and let Jiang Xiaofan spare his life.  It's just that Jiang Xiaofan was furious at that time, so he couldn't let him live, so he ended his life with a burst of sword energy.

    "Well, put it away, maybe it will be used later."

    He thought for a moment and threw it directly into the space ring.

    In this Sutra Collection Hall, there are countless secret books of all kinds, attracting groups of monks to compete for them.  Soon some monks had a fierce confrontation over a powerful technique, and someone was beheaded. The stone palace was stained with blood, and the fishy smell was pungent.


    ¡°With the first person to take action, there will naturally be a second one, and a third one Soon after, the Sutra Collection Hall once again fell into competition, and divine power spread everywhere.  Moreover, because these are secret techniques related to cultivation, the competition between monks is more intense and cruel than in the treasure hall.


    The screams echoed, quickly staining the stone palace with a layer of blood red.

    Blood is flowing, the ground is full of mutilated corpses, internal organs are rolling on the ground, and white brains can even be seen lying on the ground.

    Jiang Xiaofan had a cold look in his eyes again. He took a slight step forward and was about to attack Wu Ming and Xia Fengming.  However, at the next moment, he trembled violently, and an extremely dangerous signal instantly appeared in his heart.


    He turned his head and looked into the depths of the stone palace, with two bright golden lights shooting into his eyes.

    "What's wrong?"

    Chen Yifeng transmitted the message.

    "There's something weird!" Jiang Xiaofan looked solemn and locked Wu Ming and Xia Fengming with a ray of spiritual consciousness. The golden light in his eyes became even more intense, like two suns burning.  After a moment, his soul trembled, and he directly sent a message to Chen Yifeng and Cang Muheng on the other side: "Go quickly, get out of here!"

    Chen Yifeng was puzzled, Cang Muheng also frowned slightly

    However, at the next moment, the entire hall trembled violently, and a monstrous aura of death came down in a mighty manner, as if a ghost realm had descended here, covering everyone in an instant.


    "This isis"


    Many monks were frightened, their facesThe color of his blood receded rapidly, and he fell to the ground in a moment. The fluctuations in his life completely disappeared, turning into mummies.


    "Nowho iswho!"

    Just for a moment, the palace was filled with screams of terror, and almost everyone looked horrified and panicked.  Their vitality is losing rapidly, their origin gradually becomes dim, their muscles slowly begin to atrophy, and they soon age, heading towards the end of their lives.


    Jiang Xiaofan dodged and appeared next to Chen Yifeng, but his eyes were always staring at the deepest part.

    At this moment, golden light spread all over his body, and a huge demon-sealing seal appeared directly above his head, completely covering him and Chen Yifeng below.

    "This breath"

    Chen Yifeng frowned slightly.

    This palace was completely covered by the waves of death, and the cold atmosphere poured down from the sky, making people feel even colder than being under the snowy abyss.  Moreover, this is no longer as simple as the coldness of the body, it has spread into the body, making people's souls tremble.

    Cang Muheng¡¯s eyes flashed with bright sword light, but his expression became serious.

    On the other side, Wu Ming and Xia Fengming stood together, guarding their heads with an immortal weapon, blocking all the breath of death.  Even so, the two young supremes still looked slightly pale, and they both looked towards the deepest part of the palace, with a hint of fear and solemnity flashing in their eyes.


    On the ground, the blood began to flow independently, gathering like a small river, flowing towards the deepest part of the ancient palace. Soon the blood in this place disappeared, leaving only a pool of red on the ground.  As for the remaining limbs and fragments, they soon shriveled up and became like dead wood.

    "Ah! Nono!"

    "There is a ghost! There is a ghost here!"

    The unknown is the most terrifying thing. At this moment, many monks did not see a single figure, but the vitality in their bodies was passing quickly.  Except for the powerful ones at the Human Emperor level, no one could withstand the disappearance of their vitality. They were all frightened, terrified and helpless.

    They wanted to rush out of the palace, but they were all disappointed in the end.  I don't know when an invisible barrier appeared in this place, and even masters as powerful as the Human Emperor Ninth Level couldn't break through.  Even when they refined the immortal weapon they captured, they could not open it even with the power of the immortal weapon.

    Fear!  disturbed!  Horror!

    Three emotions filled the entire palace!

    "What's there?"

    Chen Yifeng stood next to Jiang Xiaofan, with a faint mist flowing in his eyes, but it was difficult to see through.

    "A coffin, inside there is a corpse" Jiang Xiaofan's fairy light circulated outside his body, and the Buddhist scriptures in his body began to operate autonomously, and he said in a deep voice: "It started to move!"


    As soon as he finished speaking, a violent sound came from the deepest part.

    The tomb wall there was shattered, and many cultivators looked there together.  In their field of vision, there was another secret room, which was densely carved with countless complicated patterns, intertwined throughout the whole secret room.  And in the center of these lines, there was a blood-red sarcophagus. At this moment, there were streams of blood rushing towards the inside of the sarcophagus, which was full of weirdness and evil.

    "Thenwhat is that"

    The master of Emperor Jiuchongtian was so frightened that his lips trembled a little.

    Jiang Xiaofan, Chen Yifeng, Cang Muheng, including Wu Ming and Xia Fengming, all the five young supremes looked solemn.  As powerful as they were, they all felt threatened at this moment.  Facing that sarcophagus is simply more heart-stopping than facing a peak immortal, and one's soul is trembling.


    Suddenly, there was a slight noise.

    Everyone¡¯s minds were locked tightly because in the secret room in front of them, the blood-red sarcophagus started to move.  The lid of the coffin began to vibrate up and down, as if someone was pushing inside. Everyone who looked at it had a layer of white hair sweat, and their scalps were a little numb.


    There was a loud noise, and the blood-red coffin flew out directly.

    In an instant, a colder aura rushed towards his face, causing the monks under the Emperor to let out even more pitiful screams.  At this moment, the life force in their bodies passed even faster, and even strips of flesh and blood could be seen flowing towards the inside of the sarcophagus.


    "Devil! Devil!"

    The screams of terror echoed.

    Many monks looked frightened, and somePeople in the dust realm were quickly drained of their essence and flesh and blood, leaving only a piece of flesh and skin floating on the ground, which looked particularly terrifying.


    " Two blood-red arms poked out from the sarcophagus. The nails were longer than chopsticks. They shone with a cold luster, giving people a sense of oppression of death.  Even the experts from the ninth level of the Human Emperor were trembling with fear and subconsciously stepped back, their faces full of alertness and vigilance.

    "very dangerous!"

    Chen Yifeng whispered.

    Jiang Xiaofan nodded secretly. At this moment, the Buddhist scriptures in his body were running at super speed, and he obviously sensed this extremely strong evil aura and captured the aura of evil spirits.  Moreover, some of the secret techniques of Buddhism and Taoism that he had never used actually began to operate independently, flowing out wisps of sacred light.


    Another sound came out, like a ghost drum vibrating.




    Some monks with lower cultivation levels exploded directly and turned into clouds of blood mist.

    The blood mist surged toward the sarcophagus, like a small stream flowing into the sea, and disappeared without a trace.  Seeing this scene, many monks felt chills running down their spines and sweat dripping from their foreheads.  Many people have retreated to the most corner of the ancient palace, clinging tightly to the tomb wall, as if they felt that it would be much safer to be even an inch away from the coffin.
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