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Volume 1: The Battle between Emperors and Heaven Chapter 76: The Battle of the Purple Gold Temple with the Fierce Ghosts

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    Although the place they were in was still within the scope of the ancient tomb, there were no twists and turns in the passage. There was only one road extending to the end. The two did not stop, but after a slight pause, they pursued forward.  </p>

    Soon after, they heard the roar of the ancient demon again, with obvious anger, echoing in this mysterious space for a long time, and the two of them heard the sound of fighting. It seemed to be fighting someone.  </p>

    They all entered here through the mysterious light door. In this unknown space, the only things they knew were the evil ghosts crawling out of the ancient coffins, the ancient demons, and themselves. It can be imagined that the ancient demons were fighting with the evil ghosts.  Battle.  </p>

    Qin Luo was somewhat puzzled and asked doubtfully: "Isn't that ancient demon a little afraid of that fierce ghost? Why are you fighting it now?"</p>

    ¡°The rabbit bites people when it¡¯s anxious!¡± Jiang Xiaofan pursed his lips.  </p>

    He actually had some doubts in his heart. The ancient demon seemed to be very familiar with this ancient tomb. Just like before, it collided with the nearby stone wall and opened a stone chamber. If it was not familiar with it, how could it do it?  </p>

    Jiang Xiaofan even guessed that the owner of the stone room just now was probably the ancient demon.  </p>

    "There is light!"</p>

    Their speed was not slow, and there was a faint light coming from the front, which was a bit peaceful. They rushed over quickly, but at the next moment, both of them were stunned, as if they were struck by lightning, staring blankly.  Ahead.  </p>

    "Oh my god, can anyone tell me what's going on!"</p>

    Ahead is a majestic palace, with buildings standing side by side, and a temple in the center. It is majestic purple, made of red gold and divine jade, bright and crystal clear, shining with strange light, like transparent citrine, like a dream.  </p>

    After a slight hesitation, the two of them stepped into it. They had a very unreal feeling. The ancient tomb that was still dark and gloomy a moment ago was now standing in such a magnificent Baoque palace, as if they were in a fairy garden.  </p>

    They didn¡¯t stop too much and headed towards the depths. On the way, they saw a few drops of blood, bright red with a hint of gray, and a strong spirituality permeating the air, which surprised even Qin Luo, who was in the fantasy god realm.  </p>

    "Is it the blood of that ancient demon?" Qin Luo asked.  </p>

    Jiang Xiaofan nodded and said: "The aura is very similar, it should be that guy's."</p>

    At this moment, a loud roar came from the center of the palace, which shook both of their eardrums and caused some pain.  </p>

    "The sound came from the Central Temple!"</p>

    ¡°Let¡¯s go and have a look!¡±</p>

    The two of them keenly felt that there was a big secret here. They did not stop. Although they were very careful, their speed was not slow. They quickly reached the central temple and did not encounter any obstacles along the way.  </p>

    When they came closer, the temple became even more majestic and powerful. Just looking at it, the two of them felt breathless. They had an illusion at the same time that this temple did not seem to be  Belongs to the human world.  </p>

    This idea was so absurd that both of them were shocked.  </p>

    They carefully stepped into the temple and immediately felt the vastness of the ocean. They saw the blue sky and white clouds, the green mountains and green water, and even birds flashing by. It felt as if they had entered another world.  </p>

    "Mustard seeds are enough to absorb Sumeru!" Jiang Xiaofan was horrified.  </p>

    The Buddhist scriptures say that a grain of sand is a world, a blade of grass is a paradise. Everyone is a universe. Even if it is just a tiny grain of mustard, it can hold a big world. This is also the so-called world in the palm of your hand.  </p>

    He was extremely shocked. Who is the owner of this temple? He is so terrifying. He created such a scene in a temple. It is really appalling. This is clearly a model of the world!  </p>

    Qin Luo was equally shocked. Although he didn't know the so-called Mustard Seed Na Sumeru, he felt the mystery and depth here. He felt that even if the legendary ancient immortal reappeared in Ziwei, he might not be able to do this.  </p>


    Suddenly, there was another roar from the depths, shaking the sky and making the two of them tremble.  </p>

    The surrounding scenery was receding, and both of them doubted whether they were really in a temple. Not long after, another hall appeared in front of them, resplendent in gold and green, with steaming purple air, and the sound came from it.  </p>

    "That's right!"</p>

    The two stepped into it carefully, and their eyes widened in shock. They saw the ancient demon and the ghost shadow confronting each other. Behind them, there was a drooping light curtain, wisps of threads, exuding a primitive energy.  Qi machine.  </p>

    They carefully collected their breath and hid in the dark. They all felt a little dry.The drooping light curtain is clearly a patch of chaos. There is chaos energy here, a chaos energy that can overwhelm everything!  </p>

    The ancient demon roared. Although it was afraid of ghosts, it was blocking the front of the chaotic light curtain at this moment. The black light covering its body was already chaotic. It was obvious that it was seriously injured, but even so, it  But he never took half a step back, staring angrily at the black figure in front of him.  </p>

    The death mist outside Li Gui's body was beating. Jiang Xiaofan and Qin Luo finally saw its eyes, which were a demonic red with a greedy look. They stared at the chaotic light curtain and rushed towards it.  </p>


    The ancient demon roared, its aura was violent, and it refused to let the ghost go by no matter what. It slapped out a claw, and black light danced around its body. There was no fear in its blood-red eyes. It was very ferocious, only powerful hostility.  </p>

    It¡¯s a pity that the ancient demon is very powerful, comparable to a strong man in the human emperor realm, but in front of this fierce ghost, it is no match. It was swept away directly. The black light on its body became even dimmer, and it seemed that it would disappear at any time.  </p>

    The roaring sound was weakening, but the ancient demon still refused to back down, falling down again and again, and getting up again and again. Jiang Xiaofan suddenly felt that although the ancient demon was ferocious and violent, at this moment he seemed to be a stubborn child, unwilling to give in.  , unwilling to give in.  </p>

    "It seems to be guarding something important!" Qin Luo whispered.  </p>


    Once again, the ancient demon was swept away. Its breath was already very weak. The black light outside its body had almost completely disappeared and became somewhat transparent. However, it still stubbornly stood up and rushed forward.  </p>

    ¡°Bang bang bang¡­¡±</p>

    Flying upside down again and again, the ancient demon was almost so soft that it fell to the ground. There was anger, unwillingness, and powerful hostility in its eyes. After it looked back at the chaotic light curtain, there was something different in its eyes for the first time.  Guang, a little pitiful and aggrieved, and another kind of indescribable emotion!  </p>

    The blood in Li Gui's right hand flashed with evil aura, and he shot mercilessly towards the ancient demon on the ground. The ancient demon also turned around, let out a roar, and looked at it fiercely, revealing a powerful anger and hostility.  .  </p>

    Jiang Xiaofan hesitated a little. At that moment, when the ancient demon looked back at the waterfall, he clearly saw deep longing in its eyes, like a child whose parents had been separated for a long time, stubborn and pitiful.  </p>

    Looking at the ancient demon waiting for death, he gritted his teeth and disappeared in front of Qin Luo in a flash.  </p>

    "Boy, you are crazy!"</p>

    Qin Luo changed his color and it was too late to stop him.  </p>

    The grim ghost's body was filled with the aura of death, and its blood-red claws were about to slap on the ancient demon's head. But at the next moment, a figure appeared, the divine light around it jumped, and a silver talisman appeared, accompanied by a dark rod.  The war spears all flew towards it, making the air vibrate.  </p>


    A terrible collision, filled with divine light.  </p>

    The fierce ghost flew out, and the dark war spear hit its body without pain or itching, but the silver talisman made it tremble, and the mist of death outside the body jumped and was unsettled, causing it to be slightly hurt.  .  </p>

    "You are so stubborn!"</p>

    Jiang Xiaofan held a dark war spear and looked back at the ancient demon.  </p>

    Although this ancient demon had chased him and Qin Luo before, but later, behind the Light Gate, because Jiang Xiaofan gave way, it opened the stone chamber for him, as if it was grateful, which gave him a very strange feeling.  </p>

    He and Qin Luo got enough benefits from it, especially himself, ten spiritual weapons, one treasure weapon, and the entire cauldron of treasures and elixirs. It can be said that he was able to obtain these things all because of this  The ancient demon.  </p>

    Now the ancient demon is in trouble and is about to die, and he is still trying to protect something important. If he doesn't take action now, he always feels that his conscience can't bear it, and it is very likely that it will leave a lingering shadow in his heart in the future.  </p>

    The ancient demon looked up and was a little surprised when it saw Jiang Xiaofan. Then its body trembled instinctively. It remembered the golden light in the passage before, and it was a little scared and curled up slightly.  </p>


    But although it was a little afraid of Jiang Xiaofan, it still roared twice in a low voice. This time it seemed much friendlier. Its IQ was still very high. It could be seen that the human in front of it had just saved it, otherwise it would have died.  </p>

    "You are really a madman!"</p>

    Qin Luo walked out bitterly and stood next to Jiang Xiaofan, complaining all over.  </p>

    Jiang Xiaofan heldStanding with his spear in hand, Qin Luo also took out the cyan dragon knife. Two powerful auras surged through the purple and gold temple, forming powerful hurricanes that swept around.  </p>

    This fierce ghost was filled with deathly aura, and black mist surged. Its demonic red eyes glanced at Jiang Xiaofan warily, but after seeing the chaotic light behind it, the ghost's eyes were full of greed and madness, and they were majestic.  Facing the black mist of death, he rushed over without hesitation.  </p>


    This time, Jiang Xiaofan is standing in front of him. He has practiced Buddhist scriptures and is not afraid of the aura of death outside the body of the ghost. He is not afraid at all of the poison that can kill people. There is a faint golden glow under the war spear in his hand.  </p>

    Qin Luo followed behind, the dragon knife in his hand burst out with bright divine light, and a loud dragon roar could be faintly heard. He pushed the cultivation of the fifth level of the phantom god to the limit, and rushed to kill with Jiang Xiaofan.  </p>

    The ancient demon roared, and the black light on its body jumped again. It was not to be far behind. Although it was extremely seriously injured, it still rushed over without fear of death. Jiang Xiaofan and Qin Luo were on the same front.  </p>
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