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Text Chapter 381: All-round entertainment (finale)

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    What Zhong Chuhong didn't expect was that this time they would be separated for more than a year.

    The day after Wang Wei returned, Zhang Yukun, the head of the artist department of Yanhuang Pictures, came to the Zhong family in person to sign Zhong Chuhong. This accident made the Zhong family overjoyed, but only Zhong's father knew that this matter might have something to do with Wang Wei.

    In November, The Pianist was released in North America, and the release of The Pianist once again shocked the world of film circles. Its appearance proved that Wang Wei is not only an outstanding director, but also an outstanding actor.

    On January 20, 1981, Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as President of the United States.  In February of the same year, Reagan attended the 53rd Academy Awards ceremony as a friend of the great director Wang Wei.

    At this Olympics, Wang Wei won four awards including Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor, and Best Film for The Pianist.

    The four awards brought Wang Wei's film career to a higher level, becoming the youngest person in history to win the Oscar for Best Director twice.  Winning the Oscar this time has also made Wang Wei one of the most powerful actors in the world's film industry.

    In March, the global box office results of A Better Tomorrow and The Pianist were released. The former became the first Chinese-language film to break the $100 million mark with a global gross of US$300 million.  The latter became the box office champion of the year with a box office of 500 million US dollars.

    In April, Wang Wei began filming Titanic.  The total investment in this film is US$250 million, which is the largest investment among all Wang Wei's films so far.  In this movie, Wang Wei used Johnny Bellucci, who was still in high school, and Johnny Depp, who had just made a name for himself in The Vampire Diaries.

    The film took more than five months from shooting to post-production and editing.  The film is released in mid-October.  On the day it was released, it was a grand scene.  And the theme of romantic love detonated all theaters in North America. On the second day of its release, the box office was in short supply.  In November, the Titanic landed simultaneously in many places in Europe and Asia.  As in North America, Titanic captivated all moviegoers upon its release.

    At the same time as Titanic was released, Wang Wei, under the recommendation of the mainland news director, met with the mainland-invested crew of Shaolin Temple, which had just been released.  And signed Jet Li, who had only made one movie.  Being appreciated by Wang Wei, a world-class director, made this young man who had lost his father and trained hard since childhood and never seen the world so excited that he didn't sleep all night.

    Of course, what this young man never expected was that Wang Wei had already created a movie tailor-made for him.

    October.  Directed by Wang Wei.  With Bruce Lee action director and Yuen Woo-Ping as assistant director, Fist of Heroes has started production in Hong Kong.  The shooting took two months.  When the movie was finished, it was already the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month.

    After filming "Fist of Heroes", Wang Wei specially asked Lin Qingxia to buy a lot of things for this young man from mainland China whom he admired.  This little brother was so moved that he burst into tears.

    This happened twenty years later.  Jet Li also recalled when he was a guest on Art Life: "When I met my eldest brother, he was already one of the world's top directors at that time. But he had no airs at all, he was very kind and took good care of me. To be honest  , without my eldest brother, there would be no me. At that time, this place was not developed and I had never seen anything. When the movie was finished, my eldest brother asked my sister-in-law Qingxia to buy me a lot of things. I didn¡¯t know what to say at the time.  Later, Brother Long told me that my eldest brother was rich and had enough, so I accepted it.¡±

    On the third day of the Lunar New Year in 1982, Heroes of Fist was released simultaneously in Hong Kong and Taiwan. It was the first film to co-starring actors from the three places across the Taiwan Strait and to be released simultaneously in the three places.  The release of "Fist of Heroes" not only made Wang Wei famous in mainland China, but also proved Wang Wei's wide network of contacts.

    In April of the same year, a film company called New Art City was registered and established in Hong Kong. Because of Wang Wei, the members of New Art City changed. Tsui Hark, Shi Nansheng, and the famous Zeng Chiwei from Kuaibao Base Camp did not join.  This company, however, has not affected the development of New Art City.

    As soon as New Arts City was established, it became famous as the best partner. Because of the support of its financier Lei Guokun, New Arts City continued to produce excellent films, and even became the fourth largest film company in Hong Kong at one time, threatening Golden Harvest and Shaw Brothers.

    With the establishment of New Art City, Hong Kong movies have finally entered a golden period.

    In January, Wang Wei took the lead in establishing a non-profit professional organization dedicated to promoting the development of film art - the Academy of Chinese Film Arts and Sciences, with the purpose of promoting Chinese films.

    Because Wang Wei has a huge influence in the film industry, and as one of the founders of the academy, Wang Wei was elected as the first president of the Academy of Chinese Film Arts and Sciences.

    On the same day that the Academy of Chinese Film Arts and Sciences was born, Chairman Wang Wei proposed and Academy members voted together to set up an award for Chinese films in the name of the Academy.  So farThe Chinese Language Film Awards were born.

    Due to the birth of the Chinese Film Awards, the Hong Kong Film Awards, which historically would have been released in April, did not appear again. Compared with the Hong Kong Film Awards, the Chinese Film Awards have Wang Wei, a world-class director.  Taking the lead, the award attracted the attention of all directors in the Asian film industry as soon as it was established.

    Wang Wei chose the award ceremony on the second day of February of the lunar calendar every year, which is the day when the dragon raises its head. The reason why it is held on this day, in Wang Wei¡¯s words, is to make Chinese-language films start around the world.

    The first Chinese Film Awards recognized many outstanding films. Among them, Tsui Hark, a disciple of Wang Wei, won the first Best Director for his work, while Jet Li won the first Chinese Film Awards for his role as Chen Zhen.  Like an award-winning actor.

    On March 29, Wang Wei was invited to participate in the 54th Oscars. In this Oscar, Wang Wei once again won the best director, best screenwriter, best editing, and best film for Titanic.  Visual effects awards.  And once again won an Oscar winner and an Oscar winner.

    Because Wang Wei has an amazing record of winning two consecutive Oscars for Best Director, three Oscars for Best Director, and winning five Oscars including himself as Best Actor and Best Actress.

    Let a show in the world film industry say "Oscar's prize is the backyard of the Mike family.

    So.  In order to prevent Wang Wei, who occupies the position of best director, from occupying this position again, the Oscar organizing committee finally used its trump card and invited Wang Wei to be the chairman of the 55th Oscar jury.  Because as the chairman of the jury, Wang Wei cannot participate in the Oscar competition.

    After receiving the invitation letter, Wang Wei agreed without thinking.  With Wang Wei's agreement, the first Chinese jury chairman in Oscar history was born.

    In May of the same year, Wang Wei once again left a star on the Avenue of Stars.  Become the second star left by the Chinese on the Avenue of Stars.

    Wang Wei founded the China Film Arts University in Hong Kong in his own name, referred to as Huayi.

    In June, with Tsui Hark as the director, Wang Wei and Guan Zhilin.  Lin Qingxia, Zhong Chuhong and others joined the team of Swordsman: Dongfang Invincible to start the movie.

    In the film, Wang Wei plays Linghu Chong.  Guan Zhilin plays Junior Brother Linghu Chong, Zhong Chuhong plays Ren Yingying, and Lin Qingxia plays Dongfang Invincible.

    The filming period lasted for two months and was completed in August.  Premieres in October.

    "Swordsman" is released.  Provoking an immediate and violent reaction.  For a time, the streets of Hong Kong were full of Oriental Invincibles.  Lin Qingxia was therefore rated as the most manly man among women.

    September.  Wang Wei was invited to return to Taiwan to give a speech.  At Guoguang Art School, I met Wang Zuxian, who was still a primary school student at the time.  Because Wang Wei slandered himself at that time, Wang Zuxian scolded him.  Later, when Wang Wei took the stage to give a speech, Wang Zuxian suddenly discovered that the person in front of him just now was actually Wang Wei.  I was very depressed at that time

    In October, filming of A Chinese Ghost Story, directed and starred by Wang Wei, started. Joey Wang was invited to be the lead female lead, and Eric Kwan was the second lead. Filming wrapped in December.

    It premiered on the 15th day of the first lunar month in 1983.  The release of A Chinese Ghost Story ushered in the era of ghost movies in Hong Kong.  For this reason, Wang Zuxian was rated as the most beautiful female ghost and the most beautiful leg in Asia. The Hong Kong media called her the most promising new star in the Chinese film industry this year.

    On the fifth day of February, Lenovo¡¯s second-generation computers were launched in many places in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

    In March, Wang Wei went to the United States to participate in the 55th Oscar selection.

    In May, at the call of the President of the United States, the Third Bank participated in the Vantaa Plan against the Soviet Union.

    In May of the same year, Wang Wei, at the repeated request of ATV Huang Xizhao and others, went against Hong Kong to film the 83 version of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.  He also personally composed the music for The Condor Shooting, during which he developed a relationship with Weng Meiling.

    In July, Wang Wei returned to the mainland at the invitation of Deng Gong.  This is Wang Wei's first return to his hometown, and it is also Wang Wei's first contact with this old man whom Wang Wei has admired for a long time.

    During the conversation, the old man had a kind attitude, discussed the future development of the country with Wang Wei, and took the initiative to invite Wang Wei to come to the mainland for development.

    After the conversation, Wang Wei was deeply touched. After some consideration, Wang Wei finally decided to let his company enter the mainland.

    In August, Lenovo Electronics was the first to move into Shenzhen.  At the same time, flagship stores were established in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

    In September, Wang Wei¡¯s Yum Brand entered the imperial capital.  In October, KFC chain stores were successively established in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places.

    In October of the same year, Wang Wei bought the 50-year right to use the Shaolin Temple and several surrounding hills after many negotiations.  In his previous life's hometown, near Louguantai in the Qinling Mountains in Guanzhong, he bought the right to use hundreds of hectares of land for 50 years and set out to build the world's largest movie theater.

    In September of the same year, when Wang Wei was inWhen the Mainland was arranging investment, the Hong Kong dollar crisis broke out in Hong Kong. However, due to Wang Wei's advance arrangements, during this Hong Kong dollar crisis, the Third Bank mobilized all funds to fight an economic war with the British government and won HSBC's 100% in one fell swoop.  27/20 of its shares, making it the largest bank in Hong Kong.

    Afterwards, under the manipulation of certain people, Wang Wei¡¯s identity as the boss behind Third Standard Bank was exposed to the world for the first time.  It has become a topic of conversation among people after dinner.

    In February 1984, Wang Wei was invited to return to the mainland to film Journey to the West, one of the four famous novels.

    This TV series is Wang Wei¡¯s favorite TV series since he was a child, so Wang Wei is particularly interested in this TV series.  For this reason, Wang Wei spent nearly two months selecting actors himself.

    Because Wang Wei has a complete set of special effects team, the filming is much better than in history. It is just that the early run-in is a bit difficult. It took three months in history to finally complete the filming of this TV series, but it is different from that in history.  Yes, Wang Wei filmed Journey to the West and its sequel together, totaling forty-one episodes.

    Because of Wang Wei¡¯s relationship, Journey to the West was screened in Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China at the same time.

    As Wang Wei¡¯s painstaking TV series, Journey to the West was aired.  It immediately caused a sensation with crowds of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places.

    Because of the success of the broadcast of Journey to the West.

    In September 1984, Wang Wei took over the project of filming the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one of the four famous works.  Compared with Journey to the West, Romance of the Three Kingdoms has many more actors, so the casting preparation alone will take a year.  So it will be a year until it starts.

    During this period, Wang Wei went to France to personally select the new actress Sophie Marceau and filmed Brave Heart.

    During the filming, the two secretly fell in love.

    In January 1985, Wang Wei met the depressed Wu Yusen in Taiwan, enlightened and accepted this disciple who had admired him for a long time. In the same month, Wang Wei invested and supervised the production of "Across the World".  The filming lasted more than three months.  Released in May.  This film has completely made the Chinese film industry remember this hard-working director.

    April.  Wang Wei went to the mainland again and started filming Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Actor Wang Wei basically followed the original schedule without changing the filming techniques.  Wang Wei integrated Gao Xixi's version of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.  Wang Wei's version of the film can't help but focus on war scenes.  Pay more attention to the scenes of counselors' advice and vertical and horizontal debates.

    The filming lasted more than four months.  In August, Romance of the Three Kingdoms was released in three places on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.  Like Journey to the West, it has been released.  This resulted in a scene of tens of thousands of people sharing the alley.

    In September, at the invitation of China Television, Wang Wei once again filmed The Legend of the White Snake starring Zhao Yazhi.

    Like the previous two films, "The Legend of the White Snake" became a legend as soon as it was released.

    In February 1986, at the invitation of the country, Wang Wei¡¯s China Communications Company entered the mainland and began to build mobile base stations.  Became the first mobile company in mainland China.

    As the price of entering the mainland, ECCOM, owned by Wang Wei, must provide technology to help state-owned assets establish a company of the same nature.

    Therefore, in February of the same year, China Telecom was born fourteen years ahead of schedule.

    In March 1986, Wang Wei filmed the first Harry Potter film.  Released in September.

    In October 1986, Wang Wei responded to Yang?  ?  Are you invited to direct in the spring of 1986?  ?  Night.

    In March 1987, Wang Wei directed and filmed The God of Gamblers, with Zhou Runfa as the male lead and himself as the second male lead.

    In October 1987, Wang Wei went to New York¡¯s Third Standard Bank to personally take charge and start an economic war with the Morgan consortium.  Both sides spent hundreds of billions of dollars in a row in half a month, affecting dozens of industries in the United States.

    In this economic war, everyone is optimistic about the Third Bank, and when the two sides are fighting, Morgan Bank has also proved its strength with facts.

    But just when Morgan Bank pressed harder and gradually expanded its results.

    On October 16, Friday, the Dow Jones Index suddenly plummeted 91 points.  This plunge instantly reversed Third Standard Bank's previous disadvantage.  When the Morgan consortium realized the problem, it was already too late to withdraw. It had invested too much in the previous war with Third Standard Bank, so it was already too late to withdraw.  The war ended with Morgan's defeat.

    And this war made Third Standard Bank completely famous in the industry.

    Subsequently, Third Standard Bank successively launched operations around the world.

    In February 1988, Wang Wei directed a new film, Westward Journey: Moonlight Box, and cast the little-known Stephen Chow as the male lead.  Westward Journey was released in May, and Stephen Chow became famous in one fell swoop.

    In April, Lenovo¡¯s third-generation PC was launched.

    In May, Lenovo launched the world¡¯s first MP3 player.  But it will still be two or three years before it goes on sale.

    July, written by Wang WeiHand shot of Harry Potter and the Wizard.

    The filming lasted five months and was completed in December.

    It was released in March of the following year.

    1989 was also the last year of the 1980s.  During this year, Wang Wei did not work, but took a good rest with his children for a year.

    Since Lin Fengjiao gave birth to Wang Shengxuan in 1981, several of Wang Wei¡¯s wives have taken care of themselves.  In 1983, Hong Xiaoqiao gave birth to a son named Wang Yichao.  In the same year, Zhao Yazhi gave birth to a son named Wang Yuechao.  The following year, Teresa Teng gave birth to a daughter named Wang Lihua.

    In 1985, Guan Zhilin gave birth to a daughter named Wang Ruoyu.

    In 1986, Madonna gave birth to a son for Wang Wei, whose Chinese name was Wang Kai.  In the same year, Weng Meiling gave birth to twin daughters for Wang Wei, named Wang Zihan and Wang Ziyue respectively.

    In the same year, Zhong Chuhong gave birth to a daughter named Wang Jinxuan for Wang Wei.

    In 1987, Wang Zuxian gave birth to a son for Wang Wei, named Wang Li

    So Wang Wei has to take time to spend time with his children.

    In November 1989, Wang Wei went to Japan and mobilized a large amount of funds from Japan.

    In December of the same year, at the end of the 1980s, the Japanese stock market collapsed.

    By October of the following year, the stock market fell by half, from the original 38,915 points to below 2,000 points.

    Since the stock market crash, Wang Wei has successively acquired several large Japanese companies, including Sony, Toyota and other large Japanese companies.  Merged and acquired several media companies in Japan.

    In December 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed.  Leo Vantaa fled back to the United States and was arrested. The $27.5 trillion he obtained in the Soviet Union was injected into the Third Standard Bank by various parties.  As the planner and one of the participants of the Wanta Project, Wang Wei received a commission of US$10 trillion.

    In 1992, Tymoshenko gave birth to a son for Wang Wei and returned to Ukraine in the same year.

    When Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, Wang Wei received the Grand Bauhinia Medal.

    As the millennium approaches, Wang Wei personally directs and stars in an all-star cast film that travels through thirty years with the participation of popular movie stars from all over the world.

    The film records a modern man traveling through Hong Kong and leading the development of world cinema step by step.

    In the same year, Wang Wei invested in China¡¯s emerging Internet industries such as Tencent, Baidu, Shanda, and Sina

    In 2001, Wang Wei invested US$300 million to personally direct and star in a Chinese-style movie called "Heroic Blood" with the theme of the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony. In the movie, Wang Wei himself played the role of the Overlord.  Yu Ji is played by the famous Taiwanese model, Lin Chiling.

    The filming lasted more than five months, using the most advanced special effects technology in the world at the time.

    The movie has been released, and it immediately aroused heated discussions, and is known as the most classic costume movie ever shot.  During the filming process, Miss Lin was scolded by Director Wang and cried dozens of times because of her acting problems.

    In 2002, Wang Wei directed the filming of The Lord of the Rings.

    In 2003, Wang Wei directed the filming of The Avengers

    In 2004, Wang Wei directed the filming of Avatar

    (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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