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Volume 1 On the Songhua River Chapter 3141 The Final Blow

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    The Japanese ceded North American interests and gave gifts. They humbly roped in Mussolini and dispatched a naval fleet to intervene in the Australian war. It was a gamble, but it was also a conspiracy. They were fully planning to invite him.  A boxing assistant.

    The smoke of the war on the European continent has long since dissipated, and there are only two countries left. One is the well-deserved boss-Germany, and the other is Italy. This Italy is also a wonderful person. During the war, it did not contribute much and had no  No matter what brilliant thing he did, it was just because he followed the right boss and he did well. A little bit of scum between Hitler's fingers would be enough to make Mussolini feel fat.

    Nowadays, Italy can be regarded as a rich and prestigious country. Although the combat effectiveness of the army is not very good and it has become the laughing stock of all military units on the battlefield, the weapons and equipment are indeed quite advanced and many good weapons have been developed.  Guns and tanks and combat aircraft.

    Therefore, the leader of the Italian Nazi Party and Prime Minister Mussolini committed a common problem common to most people. He was rich and status, so he refused to be lonely and allowed the Japanese to dispatch a fleet to get involved in the Sino-Japanese War in Asia.  In addition to making a lot of money, he also had the intention of expanding overseas territories for Italy in Asia while the Germans were not interfering.

    The sphere of influence on the European continent has long been demarcated. How dare Mussolini compete with Hitler? In the ongoing North American war, Italy is just following the Germans and taking advantage of the opportunity. It is not even a supporting role.  After all, only the Asia-Pacific region is still blank. If the boss Hitler doesn't intervene, can't he get involved?

    Just right.  The Japanese took the initiative to come to visit and hit it off with Mussolini who was unwilling to be left alone. As for the Chinese, as for Tang Qiuli, who beat the crap out of the Japanese.  Mussolini had never dealt with it and didn't pay much attention to it.

    The bet made by the Japanese is obvious, which is to drag the Italians into the Australian war. Even if the Italian army is unable to cope with the task, the quality and performance of Italian weapons and equipment cannot be said.

    The Japanese¡¯s intention was very clear, which was to take advantage of Mussolini¡¯s greed and ignorance.  Dragging Italy into the Australian War, even though there are more than 30 warships without aircraft carriers, they are almost like paper in front of the independent division fleet.  But behind this fleet, which was more for show than actual combat, stood the whole of Italy. As long as Tang Qiuli had a conflict with the Italians.  The Australian War changed its original nature.

    ?Obviously.  The current situation is obviously developing in the direction that the Japanese expect. As long as Ito Genzaburo's Australian Front can hold on for another twenty days and the Italian fleet reaches the east coast of Australia, everything will be bright and clear.

    In order to strengthen General Ito's determination to stand firm and wait for help, waiting for the war situation to change, it was originally Japan's top secret.  The plan to lure the Italians into the water was also reported to General Ito Yanzaburo as an exception.  Moreover, General Mitsuichi Yoneuchi, Minister of Army and Chief of General Staff at the base camp, sent a secret message to General Ito with just two words, "Persevere!"

    It is easy to insist on saying it, but from the moment the commander of the Australian Front, General Ito, the more than one million Japanese soldiers in the encirclement began to suffer hardships. After the food supply was cut off, the Japanese soldiers killed all the mules and horses and held on for several days.  After that, they dug up all the edible things in the encirclement to fill their stomachs. Fortunately, the Japanese soldiers still abided by military discipline, and there were no large-scale riots for the time being.

    After persisting like this for two weeks, within the encirclement of hundreds of kilometers, there was only food that could not be eaten. The Japanese army truly entered a desperate situation. At this time, the Italian fleet had arrived on the Japanese mainland and was with the second Japanese army.  day, escorting a fleet loaded with food and military supplies, bound for Australia in a mighty manner.

    During the period when more than one million Japanese troops were surrounded, Tang Qiuli received a flurry of petitions from the brigade commanders of various corps. Fortunately, the commanders of several corps could keep their composure. The brigade commanders below  We, however, don¡¯t quite understand what the division commander is doing. The more than one million little Japs in the encirclement are like ripe melons that will fall off at the touch of a touch. But why hasn¡¯t the division commander yet issued the order for a general attack?

    In particular, the dozen brigade commanders directly under the corps were eager to fight and their words were a bit fierce. Tang Qiuli ignored this. He had his own plan. The division commander had already known that the Japanese troops in the encirclement had completely run out of food.  Just got it.

    In the first week of the food shortage, Ito Yanzaburo did not order the Japanese army to break out. Tang Qiuli confirmed Ito Yanzaburo's approach and stood by for help, waiting for the unknown Italian fleet to get involved in the Australian war, in order to change the situation.  The situation on the Australian battlefield made Mussolini wade through troubled waters.

    Of course, Tang Qiuli would never care about what the Italians thought, nor did he consider what would happen if the Italians got involved in the Australian war. The direct reason for his delay in issuing a general attack order was actually very simple.  Japanese soldiers, not so hungry that he is dying and unable to hold a gun.

    Another week passed, and a large number of Japanese soldiers in the encirclement began to starve to death. The Italian fleet, escorting a fleet full of food and military supplies, had arrived in the northern waters of the Solomon Islands. In four or five days,  You can then reach the east coast of Australia, where warships flying the Italian flag sail arrogantly and unscrupulously on the sea, with the momentum of looking down on everyone in the world.

    That night, a telegram from the naval fleet arrived in Tang Qiuli's hands, "The division commanded that the Italian fleet escorted the Japanese supply fleet and has arrived in the northern waters of the Solomon Islands. Please direct the fleet to intercept it?"

    After reading the telegram, Tang Qiuli smiled coldly and immediately called back to Tang Qiuquan, "Brother Qiuquan, intercept the Italian fleet immediately. There is no need to warn. If it resists, sink it on the spot, but the main purpose is to capture its warships. Italy  The product, quality and performance are pretty good! ¡±

    After receiving the telegram, Tang Qiuquan, who was commanding the fleet and swimming in the waters of the Solomon Islands, smiled bitterly and said to Deputy Commander Amosiev: "Deputy Commander, it seems that the division commander is thinking about the Italians' thirty-something troops again.  A warship!"

    After replying the telegram to Tang Qiuquan, Tang Qiuli called Chief of Staff Zhao Yuhe over and said calmly: "Yuhe, immediately issue a combat order to all troops, field corps, aviation command, and armor command.  , the Artillery Headquarters, the Third Squadron, and the Division Commander decided to launch a full-scale general attack on the Japanese troops in the encirclement at 4:00 a.m. on December 10th! "

    "After receiving the order from the division commander, each unit must make all preparations before the general offensive within one day. The division commander's staff office will immediately issue the general offensive operation plan to you, and you must comply with it!"

    "Commander, you have decided to launch a general attack on the Japanese troops in the encirclement!" Zhao Yuhe said in surprise, "That's it, I'm almost driven crazy by these brigade commanders!" In fact, during this time,  The most troublesome person was not the division commander Tang Qiuli, but the chief of staff Zhao Yuhe. Those brigade commanders who were eager to fight did not dare to complain to the division commander, and at most they submitted a petition for war.

    But as the chief of staff, Zhao Yuhe couldn't hide. The staff office was almost flooded with calls from the brigade commanders. They all wanted to express their feelings to the division commander through the chief of staff.  There are also many brigade commanders who simply go to the division commander. For example, Liu Hongzhang and others who are directly under the corps do not dare to go directly to the division commander, but they are not so afraid to go to the chief of staff.

    Zhao Yuhe had to do a lot of persuasion work every day, sending away the brigade commanders who came to the division headquarters one by one or in groups. In the words he joked with Ge Zhenzhuang, the director of the staff department, "all feel  He¡¯s a master at telling lies.¡±

    Hearing the excitement and relief in Zhao Yuhe's tone, Tang Qiuli said coldly: "The decision to make a general attack was not because Liu Hongzhang and the others were eager to fight, but because the time was ripe and it was time to do it!  "

    "According to various intelligence reports, the Japanese army has been starving for more than two weeks. Not only have a large number of soldiers died of starvation, but the combat effectiveness of the remaining Japanese soldiers has also dropped to the lowest point. It would be a pity to delay the attack any longer.  The vast Siberia is the best place for these Japanese workers, Yuhe, when did you see me wasting resources? "

    Zhao Yuhe was dumbfounded. He never imagined that the division commander¡¯s true intention of launching a general attack on the Japanese troops in the encirclement was to attract the attention of the prisoners of war.

    At three o'clock in the morning on December 10th, a very ordinary day, the Japanese positions within the encirclement were still lifeless, with no signs of life. On the artillery positions of the Independent Division outside the encirclement, there were more than 23,000 Japanese troops.  Artillery pieces of various calibers slowly raised their thick muzzles, pointing at the Japanese position.

    Battelle sat on his chariot, looking at the eastern sky, the morning light emerging bit by bit. Behind him were more than 1,800 tanks, divided into multiple armored assault groups. The dim light of dawn reflected the tanks.  Metallic, this torrent of armor will tear through the Japanese defense line.

    In southern Australia, Liu Cuigang, commander of the Australian battlefield aviation force of the Independent Division, arrived at the control tower early. In less than an hour, more than a thousand combat aircraft under his command will be sent to the encirclement circle with the dawn of dawn.  The Japanese army sent tens of thousands of tons of bombs.

    On the island of Sulawesi in the southwest Pacific Ocean, Commander Le Yiqin of the Southern Flying Group was eating breakfast. Today, his appetite was particularly good. There were nearly two thousand combat aircraft in the field airports on various islands.  Stopped silently on the take-off runway, waiting for the order to take off.

    At four o'clock in the morning, Chief of Staff Zhao Yuhe walked up to Tang Qiuli, who was sitting on a chair with his eyes slightly closed, and said softly: "Commander, the time for the general attack has come."??!  "

    Tang Qiuli's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and two cold lights flashed, "Let's begin!" He said succinctly.

    (To be continued) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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