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Volume One: On the Songhua River Chapter 3048: The Decadent Lieutenant General Morishita

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    Tang Qiuli was slightly curious that the Americans were already in a state of distress, so how could they still have the time to send out such a nondescript observation group? Even if there were legitimate reasons, the observation group should not rush to Chongqing. The place where the war was going on was not  In Australia, learning a craft should be done on-site, right?

    However, this curiosity flashed through Tang Qiuli's mind. Today's United States is not the fat and muscular United States in history. The Germans themselves can torture Americans to the point of death.  Facing the powerful German offensive, the Americans themselves were almost at the end of their rope, and they were not worried about causing any waves.

    The German head of state, Hitler, proudly sent himself a telegram two days ago, saying that the Americans and Canadians, under the attack of the heroic German army, were retreating step by step, suffering heavy casualties. By optimistic estimates, if  Without any major accidents, Germany can end the North American War before the end of 1943!

    Tang Qiuli believed Hitler's words. After Germany and Japan joined forces and beat the Americans half to death, Germany is now fully capable of challenging the United States alone and defeating it. However, if it wanted to defeat the United States in 1943,  Tang Qiuli was not sure about ending the North American war before the end of the year. After all, where was the foundation and national strength of the United States? There were Canadians helping with blood transfusions. It might not be easy for Hitler to end the North American war in more than a year!

    However, Tang Qiuli did not take it seriously. He reminded the head of state who was so hot that the Germans were hindered in the North American battlefield, which he was also happy to see. Therefore, for this so-called "military observation"  I don¡¯t really care if I go to Chongqing.¡±  He just said to Ge Zhenzhuang, Director of the General Staff Department: "Just send a telegram back to Shen Jun and monitor him closely!"

    Tang Qiuli's attention.  Or put it on the Australian battlefield, now.  The Sulu Mobile Corps and the directly-affiliated regiments commanded by Brother Qiu Sheng fought fiercely with the Japanese army in central Australia and gained the upper hand. According to Brother Qiu Sheng's telegram, the momentum of the Japanese army seems to have weakened recently. What is the reason?  Not sure, but the opportunity was not passed up.  The independent division troops moved to northern Australia, advancing an average of more than 100 kilometers and destroying a large number of Japanese troops.

    According to intelligence from the intelligence office, after Ito Yanzaburo arrived in Australia, the nearly one million Japanese troops that had gathered in northern Australia showed no signs of mobilizing to the battlefield in central Australia. Tang Qiuli did not know that Ito Yanzaburo's defeated general  , what was he doing, but it was enough to arouse his vigilance.

    In the telegram to Tang Qiusheng.  He specifically mentioned this point, "Brother Akio, based on the current concentration of Japanese troops in the Australian battlefield, he is fully capable of launching partial or even full-scale counterattacks. However, after Ito Yanzaburo took office, he stood still and continued to use the original Japanese troops stationed in Australia.  The motives for fighting our army cannot but be alarming.¡±

    "Therefore. The speed of the troops' attack can be reduced again. Focus on parallel operations and annihilate the effective forces of the Japanese army, and do not push too far into northern Australia to avoid being counter-encircled by the Japanese army!"

    Tang Qiuli's worry is not unreasonable. Although the Logistics Department is trying its best to transport troops and equipment to Australia, the sea transportation of such a large number of troops and equipment is still slow. The independent division troops now assembled on the Australian battlefield,  In addition to the two corps currently fighting, only the entire 29th Corps of Jingzhan Banner and most of Ma Chaoyang's Southeast Mobile Corps have arrived at the assembly point in southern Australia. The remaining corps, some are still at sea, and some are still at sea.  Still waiting for shipping.

    In a sense, Japan and the independent divisions are competing for the speed of transferring troops to the Australian battlefield. It is obvious that the Japanese troops transferred from the North American battlefield to the Australian battlefield have to travel across the entire Pacific because the sea transportation distance is too long.  In sea areas, the speed of troop deployment is slower than that of independent division troops.

    Despite this, in the past month, about 700,000 Japanese troops have arrived on the Australian battlefield. Together with Australia's original troops, the total strength has reached more than one million. Overall, it is more than the independent division.  Troop strength on the Australian battlefield.

    At this time, the shortcomings of the Japanese army's senior commanders who lacked strategic vision and talent were fully exposed. The Japanese army could fully use its existing strength advantages to launch a large-scale counterattack against the independent divisions on the Australian battlefield, at least  Pushing the front to southern Australia instead of waiting for all the troops to be assembled. Perhaps Tang Qiuli was frightened by the Japanese army's top-to-bottom competition for several years. Anyway, no senior Japanese general had proposed it.  Such a plan.

    Including General Minamino, who is known as the think tank of the Japanese Army and aggrievedly commanded 60,000 to 70,000 Japanese troops in North America. His previous advice to Yamamoto Isoroku was to wait until all the troops were assembled and had an absolute advantage before launching a counterattack.

    Another object of Tang Qiuli's concern is what new measures Nagumo Chuichi will take after taking office as the commander of the Japanese Navy's Combined Fleet. What he is most worried about is the combined fleet's?The main force is all heading west to the East Indian Ocean to attack the maritime transportation lines of the independent divisions that are busy transporting troops to the Australian battlefield. If this is the case, they will be forced to stop continuing to transport troops because they cannot afford losses.

    But Nagumo Chuichi did not disappoint Tang Qiuli. According to intelligence, in the near future, the Japanese Navy's combined fleet will still mainly escort the army's troop transport fleet, and has no intention of marching westward into the Eastern Indian Ocean. In fact, according to the current situation,  Under the circumstances, there is no problem if the combined fleet uses one-third of the warships for escort. Even if the northern and southern fleets of the independent division are combined, their strength is only one-quarter of the Japanese combined fleet.

    Nanyun Zhongyi's cautious character and rigid command style allowed Tang Qiuli to safely and boldly mobilize troops to the Australian battlefield according to the established deployment. Therefore, in July 1942, around the Australian battlefield, Japan  Ren Ren and Tang Qiuli seemed to have no interference with each other, and were busy in the Pacific and East Indian Oceans.

    The rumble of artillery coming from the front line could be heard, and the thick smell of gunpowder smoke was gone. General Ito Genzaburo rushed to the front line of the battlefield in central Australia. After a few days of travel, he finally arrived at the latest station in Kerang.  Kerry's Central Theater Command.

    Speaking of this, General Ito Genzaburo was very angry. The original Central Theater Command was located in Daraja. It took more than two days to arrive, but he received a message from the commander of the Australian Army, Morishita Chu.  The general's urgent message said that the area around Daraja had been lost and fell into the hands of the China Independent Division. The imperial army was forced to retreat more than 100 kilometers.

    After reading the telegram, General Ito was so angry that he tore it into pieces. He couldn't understand how Morishita commanded more than 700,000 imperial troops who had reached northern Australia. How could he be defeated by the China Independent Division?  They were retreating steadily, and as the commander-in-chief, he almost threw himself into a trap!

    General Ito, who was covered in dust and full of anger, drove straight to the Central Theater Command after arriving at Creekside. He wanted to ask Koji Morishita face to face what happened?

    After entering the headquarters, the only person who came to greet him was Chief of Staff Colonel Iwata. "Chief of Staff Iwata, where is your Commander Morishita?" General Ito asked with a sullen face and very displeased.

    Chief of Staff Iwata¡¯s eyes were evasive and he said: ¡°I didn¡¯t know that the Commander-in-Chief would arrive so soon. The staff is a little disappointed. Commander-in-Chief, please take a rest first. I¡¯ll call Commander Morishita right away!¡±

    "No, take me to see him!" General Ito said in a deep voice with his eyebrows raised.

    Chief of Staff Iwata hesitated, seemingly in a dilemma, "Um, Commander-in-Chiefyou, or"

    "Take me quickly!" General Ito roared. He had already noticed that the situation seemed to be abnormal. He had already sent a telegram in advance to tell Morishita that when he arrived at Creek Lang today, why didn't Morishita personally greet him?  Iwata's chief of staff is still hesitant, there must be something fishy in it?

    Chief of Staff Iwata was trembling after being yelled at, and he did not dare to hesitate any more. He carefully led General Ito and his party to the best house in Cricklang, and pointed towards a closed door.

    As soon as General Ito stepped forward, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol. He was immediately furious. He raised his leg and kicked the door open with a "Bang!" sound. When he saw the situation in the room, he became even more angry.  My head is smoking.

    Lieutenant General Morishita was almost drunk. He was shirtless and his eyes were blurry. What was even more annoying was that he was hugging a half-naked, beautiful and plump female soldier. He was holding wine in his left hand and was pouring it into his mouth.  His right hand rubbed the female soldier's plump breasts vigorously, and even the loud noise of the door being kicked open did not attract his attention.

    "Baga!" General Ito roared angrily and said coldly to the female soldier: "Get out!"

    The female soldier half-hidden her military uniform and scurried away with a pale face. Lieutenant General Morishita's eyes were dull and his red eyes stared at the group of uninvited guests. Apparently, he was too drunk to see clearly who was coming and what his mouth was.  He was still cursing in a dirty manner, "Baga, who let you in?"

    General Ito had black lines all over his forehead, his face was ashen, and the veins on his temples were jumping. His hand was on the handle of the command knife, he was shaking it again and again, gritting his teeth, and his eyes were as fierce as a wolf, "Stop!" He said  He stopped yelling and was about to step forward to wake up his boss, Chief of Staff Iwata.

    The other officers who followed did not dare to show their anger, including the chief of staff, Major General Akutagawa, who also looked at Lieutenant General Morishita who was too drunk to recognize things with cold eyes and looked at him with contempt. Without saying a word, in the room,  He only heard General Ito's breathing like a bellows. He looked around and happened to see a basin of dirty water in the corner of the room. He picked it up and poured it over without any explanation.It hit Lieutenant General Morishita's head.

    "Eh? Baga!" Lieutenant General Morishita was so excited that he wiped the dirty water from his head and face while yelling angrily. He was awake and angry.

    (To be continued) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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