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Volume 1 On the Songhua River Chapter 2671 Surrender

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    The two commanders of the Western Manchurian War Zone, Sun Zhenbang and Yuan Jinghao, did not expect that the final stage of the Western Manchurian Campaign would come so quickly and the remaining Kwantung Army soldiers would be compressed into a small area along the Qinglonggou line.  The meat that has been stewed in it can be eaten at any time.

    It is no exaggeration to say that concentrating all the artillery of the troops participating in the Western Manchu War Zone can wipe that pigsty-sized place off the map in less than an hour. Of course, with Sun Zhenbang's character, he definitely hopes to do this.  But I just couldn't. There was an order from the division commander, so when I gave the order to stop the attack, I was quite reluctant!

    Sun Zhenbang and Yuan Jinghao, who are located in the temporary headquarters of the Western Manchuria War Zone in the Nuruerhu Mountain District, listened to the report from Jing Zhanqi, the chief of staff of the war zone. Sun Zhenbang said: "Commander Yuan, the chief of staff has reported the situation.  The time for fighting has passed. Next, it¡¯s time to capture the prisoners. It¡¯s not an easy job, and I don¡¯t have the patience. I think it¡¯s best if you, Commander Yuan, take charge of it yourself!¡±

    Yuan Jinghao laughed loudly, "Commander Sun, you also know how to leave the hard work to me. Cheng, who made you the commander-in-chief? However, the heat is not yet high. My opinion is to let the artillery  If we bombard him for another half hour, the morale and will of the Kwantung Army soldiers will be completely destroyed. But pay attention to the density and intensity of the bombardment. They will all be killed, and we can't explain it to the division commander!"

    Sun Zhenbang raised his thumb and said, "Commander Yuan, Cheng, your move is really dark!"

    Yuan Jinghao ignored Sun Zhenbang's words and turned to Jing Zhanqi and said: "Chief of Staff, make arrangements immediately. Remind the commanders of each artillery group that our main purpose of this bombardment is deterrence. It is not a real attack. We must grasp the scale.  , and also, let the communication departments of each army set up high-power tweeters as quickly as possible outside the encirclement of Qinglonggou line to cover the entire encirclement! "

    Jing Zhanqi¡¯s eyes flickered, and he roughly guessed Yuan Jinghao¡¯s intention when he walked out of the tent.  He couldn't help but think, "The commanders of the several corps in the independent division all have their own characteristics and distinctive personalities. But they all seem to have the same qualities. For example, his old commander Li Honggang, his current two superiors Sun Zhenbang and  Yuan Jinghao! "Jing Zhanqi learned a lot from three bosses with different personalities. He benefited a lot from serving as the chief of staff of the Western Manchuria Theater Command this time!

    In the tent, Sun Zhenbang looked at the somewhat mysterious Yuan Jinghao and couldn't help but ask: "I'm talking about Commander Yuan. What kind of formation are you doing?"

    Yuan Jinghao smiled mysteriously and said: "Commander Sun. Do you remember that the battalion commander of my eighth brigade named Liu Guozhi captured the Kwantung Army major general named Akutagawa? He was also the chief of staff of the third army. Now, we must send  It¡¯s of great use!¡±

    Sun Zhenbang suddenly realized it and said with a laugh: "You, Commander Yuan, have a lot of tricks up your sleeve. It is right for you to do the job of persuading people to surrender and capturing prisoners. Well, as soon as the sound of gunfire stopped, the sleepiness started to rise again.  Go catch up on your sleep, it¡¯s nothing important, Commander Yuan will take care of it, don¡¯t disturb me!¡±

    Yuan Jinghao looked at Sun Zhenbang's swaying back, shook his head with a wry smile, and then called a staff officer over and ordered: "Find a quieter tent alone and escort the captured Kwantung Army major general over. In addition,  Go to the combat department and find two officers who are proficient in Japanese!"

    The Qinglonggou battlefield encirclement is simply a horrific hell on earth. In a small area with a radius of only a few dozen kilometers, the Kwantung Army soldiers who have been hit repeatedly are huddled on the ground in a disorderly and feeble manner, like fish exposed to the sun on the beach.  , craters everywhere, fragmented corpses, pools of blood, injured soldiers with missing arms and legs, lying helplessly on the ground screaming, but no one paid attention to them, despite their painful wails, now, the intact people,  Don't you know what kind of fate you are about to face?

    The weather in Western Manchuria in August, although there is a hint of coolness at night, the sunshine at noon is still extremely fierce, giving full play to the majesty of the autumn tiger, the scorching sunshine shines down unobstructed, consuming  The Kwantung Army soldiers exhausted their last bit of energy, and although the independent division troops stopped attacking, the fear of their fate being controlled by the enemy still shrouded the hearts of every Kwantung Army soldier.

    The five top commanders all committed suicide by caesarean section and were loyal to His Majesty the Emperor and the Empire of Japan. It can be said that the Kwantung Army troops in the Qinglonggou encirclement are now leaderless. From time to time, four or five officers gather together and shout:  His Majesty the Emperor used the command knife to cut open his own belly with the slogan of loyalty. Situations like this happened everywhere in the encirclement. However, the ordinary soldiers just watched the officers commit suicide by disembowelment with indifferent and dull eyes.

    Officers can be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor, but ordinary soldiers have no such awareness. They don¡¯t want to die. If you look carefully, most of the officers who commit suicide in desperation are young lieutenants and a fewMainly composed of junior officers, the entire encirclement was filled with the strong smell of blood and the terrifying aura of doomsday!

    Something even more terrifying than this happened again. The screams of artillery shells piercing the air broke the tranquility of the already silent battlefield. The sound of explosions shook the mountains, and the smoke and fire instantly enveloped the sky above the battlefield, without any cover.  There was no barrier and the area was small. The Kwantung Army soldiers could only lie helplessly on the ground, leaving it to fate. The shells exploded the bodies of their companions into a ball of blood mist, but it did not cause too much emotional fluctuations in them.  What's so strange, maybe, such a fate will be your turn next moment!

    Wang Qingshan and the two brigade commanders of the reinforcements observed the situation on the battlefield through the observation holes. He frowned and said in confusion: "You two, I really don't know what the headquarters is thinking? Kill the little devils in the encirclement."  , Why bother so much? With just one order, the troops charge and the tanks clear the way. Even if everyone pees, they can drown the little devil! How many shells will be wasted?"

    Major General Hasgetu, commander of the 7th Brigade of the Outer Mongolia Field Corps, did not think so. He said: "Commander Wang, you have forgotten that the theater command has repeatedly issued orders to each unit to capture more prisoners. It is still the order of the division commander. However,  , This is not right, such an intensive bombardment can leave a few prisoners, don¡¯t you want to stew the little Japs in the encirclement, right?¡±

    Wang Qingshan said coldly: "This is best. I have lost more than 8,000 people. I am not interested in capturing prisoners. Killing the little Japs is about the same. If the command headquarters had not issued the order for the final attack, I would have led  We went up with the troops, leaving no little Japs behind!"

    A few people were talking when the shelling suddenly stopped, just as suddenly as it started. A few minutes later, while the smoke on the battlefield was still filling the air, a Japanese voice came from the high-power loudspeaker erected on the outside of the encirclement.  A human voice said, "Fellow officers and men of the Kwantung Army, I am Major General Akutagawa Ichiro, Chief of Staff of the Third Army. Now, by order of the Commander of the Western Manchuria Theater of the Independent Division, I convey to you the following ultimatum"

    Strong military pressure, ruthless reality, desperate situation, and destined fate. Of course, what is more convincing is the black hole of the gun muzzle of the independent division soldiers on the outside of the encirclement, coupled with the personal statement of Chief of Staff Akutagawa, crushing  The Kwantung Army soldiers lost the last bit of their will to resist in their bones, and they made the only choice. Perhaps, when they set foot on the Northeast soil, the tens of thousands of Kwantung Army officers and soldiers who were lucky enough to survive would never have thought that it would be  Today's ending.

    Of course, their ending was much luckier than that of their companions who had no bones left. After all, their lives were saved!

    At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the Kwantung Army troops in the encirclement, desperate, chose to surrender and sent representatives to negotiate the surrender. Then, groups of Kwantung Army soldiers put down their weapons, their faces scorched.  The military uniforms were as tattered as a beggar, with empty eyes and dull expressions. With fear of the unknown fate, they lined up dejectedly and gathered at the designated place under the escort of soldiers.

    According to the results of the prisoner count, the number of surrendered Kwantung Army soldiers totaled more than 78,000. Among them, there were more than 400 officers from major to colonel, and more than 50 major generals. In other words, there were more than 300,000  The Kwantung Army soldiers fell on the land of Western Manchuria and became lonely ghosts in a foreign land.

    In this battle, the division commander Tang Qiuli mobilized two main field corps with nearly one million troops. It took several months to encircle the Kwantung Army troops in the Western Manchuria area with the cooperation of the aviation force, and then in Nuruer  Another battlefield was set up in Hushan District, and more than 400,000 Kwantung Army troops were finally wiped out in Western Manchuria. The participating troops of the Independent Division paid the price of nearly 30,000 casualties and achieved an unprecedented victory.

    As all the remaining Kwantung Army soldiers in the encirclement of the Qinglonggou battlefield surrendered, the Western Manchuria Campaign officially ended. Yuan Jinghao woke up Sun Zhenbang, "Commander Sun, all the Kwantung Army in the encirclement have surrendered. We are waiting for you, the supreme commander of the battlefield, to  Go and host the surrender ceremony!"

    Sun Zhenbang turned over reluctantly without getting up, so he lay down on the camp bed and said: "Commander Yuan, don't you know my temper? You can't hold back your temper when you see the little devil. What kind of surrender ceremony is there?"  You can take care of this bunch of defeated generals. I say, don't give the little devil any surrender ceremony. These bastards don't deserve it! In addition, you can handle the telegram to the division commander. I'm so tired.  I¡¯ll sleep a little longer, and let¡¯s have a nice drink tonight!¡±

    After saying that, Sun Zhenbang turned over, and then he started snoring. Yuan Jinghao was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do about Sun Zhenbang. He called over a staff officer and ordered: "Tell that Kwantung Army representative that there is no surrender ceremony! They are an invasion."  Those who don¡¯t deserve it!¡±

    Looking at Sun Zhenbang who was snoring loudly, he shook his head with a wry smile and came to another room.In the tent, I lay on the table made of shell boxes and buried myself in writing a telegram to the division commander.

    (To be continued) (To be continued)
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