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Volume 1 On the Songhua River Chapter 2487 Reasons to Stop the Bombing

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    Liu Hanzhang's telegram was for one thing, about the results of the trial of the former mayor of Zhuanghe Yu Shenghui and the former security commander Han Qingfu for corruption, corruption of military discipline, and dereliction of duty.

    Liu Hanzhang attaches great importance to this case, not because these are the two people who were escorted back by the division commander Tang Qiuli himself, but because Liu Hanzhang believes that the first is the scum in the administrative system, and the second is the military system, but he is now concurrently in charge of  The deputy commander-in-chief of the Liaodong Peninsula Theater had the right to participate in the trial of the scum in the military system. On the other hand, Liu Hanzhang was also heartbroken.

    First, Gao Diange, the former head of the Northeast Working Group, overstepped his authority. Then, among the local governments that had just been established within a few months, there were cases like that of Zhuanghe Mayor Yu Shenghui. Therefore,  Despite his busy schedule, Liu Hanzhang personally served as the president of the temporary military court. This case was not complicated, the evidence was conclusive, and the facts were obvious. After a brief interrogation, Yu Shenghui and Han Qingfu confessed everything.

    In a telegram to division commander Tang Qiuli, Liu Hanzhang reported that after the military court trial, Yu Shenghui and Han Qingfu were sentenced to death immediately, and the Zhuanghe Municipal Government and Zhuanghe Security Command were completely reorganized and rectified. All personnel involved in the case were  , all will be handed over to the temporary military court for trial, and those who should be detained will be detained and those who should be killed will be killed!

    At the end of the telegram, Liu Hanzhang said: "In troubled times, heavy codes must be used. At this juncture when the Liaodong Peninsula War is imminent, otherwise, it is not enough to deter those local military and political officials who are wavering and greedy for pleasure. In order to plan for the recovery of Northeast China, they should also  With this verdict, we take over the Northeast Work Corps and request the division commander to approve the verdict of the temporary military court!¡±

    Liu Hanzhang, who has never advocated killing more people, got angry this time. There was still a war in the Northeast, so the receptionists started to enjoy it. Don't nip this trend in the bud.  There will be big trouble in the future, and his other intention is to use this method to tell Tang Qiuli that I will manage the administrative system for you, so you can command the war with peace of mind!

    Tang Qiuli naturally had no objection to this.  He also understood Liu Hanzhang's approach and signed an opinion on the case file, "Completely agree with the verdict of the Provisional Military Tribunal. If we do not kill these two people, it will not be enough to correct military discipline. In addition, we must also impose this verdict on Yu and Han."  The facts of the crime, in the name of the head of the Northeast Working Group, are communicated to the troops of the independent division and the military and political committees of various places to serve as a warning! "

    The case of Yu Shenghui and Han Qingfu.  After the results were obtained, as Liu Hanzhang expected, Tang Qiuli could safely focus all his energy on the upcoming war. After calling Liu Hanzhang back, he called Liu Cuigang and Le Yi who were in charge of the Incheon Joint Air Command of the aviation force.  Qin, sent a telegram, "Liu Cuigang, Le Yiqin. A few days ago, the aviation force did a very good job in blocking the Japanese troops in the Liaodong Peninsula. It ensured the safety of my retreating troops and also made it possible to mobilize troops from elsewhere to win the battle."  When enough time has passed, I am very happy!¡±

    "Now. Two lines of reinforcements have arrived in the Liaodong Peninsula theater one after another and began to deploy in the defensive area. According to the battlefield conditions, starting from after 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, the bombing operations against the Japanese troops will be gradually reduced, but they must not cause the Japanese commanders to panic.  Doubtful, even to the point of failure, regarding this point, the two of you draw up a detailed plan and report it to the commander. Remember, this is the key point of the Liaodong Peninsula campaign! "

    The telegram was not long. It just told Liu Cuigang and Le Yiqin that the blocking force was in place and there was no need to continue the air attack on the Japanese army. Let the little devils come over. This order is very easy to execute. The key to a telegram is the division commander¡¯s last words.  Please don't alert the little devil commander.

    It's difficult. Even now, we are still dropping bombs on the heads of the little devils day and night. Suddenly, there are no planes. A fool will be suspicious. Besides, the little devil commander is not stupid. Gradually reducing the bombing intensity will also  A seemingly reasonable reason is needed, to put it another way, to make the commander of the little devil believe that the aviation force had to reduce or even stop air strikes because of other circumstances!

    Liu Cuigang and Le Yiqin looked at the division commander's telegram and stared at each other. They didn't have any good ideas. It was easy to send out troops but difficult to withdraw them. It was even harder to withdraw them seamlessly. Le Yiqin was easy to say and didn't feel too much pressure.  , anyway, Liu Cuigang is in front, Liu Cuigang is good at this trick of playing tricks!

    Several plans emerged in Liu Cuigang's mind, but they all had obvious flaws and could not be perfect. He was very distressed. The commander's seemingly simple order was actually very difficult, and the heat involved was difficult to accurately grasp.  , if due to aviation reasons, the Japanese army that attacked the Liaodong Peninsula retreated midway, and the division commander's plan to encircle and annihilate the Japanese Third Army failed, he would be the sinner of the independent division!

    "Report!" Dong Ning, Chief of Staff of the Northern Aviation GroupXuan's report interrupted Liu Cuigang and Le Yiqin's thoughts. Liu Cuigang raised his head and asked, "Chief of Staff, what's going on?"

    Dong Ningxuan said: "The two commanders reported that they received reports from several ground radar stations located in the south of Incheon. Starting this afternoon, the radar stations successively discovered that a large number of Japanese aircraft were approaching Honshu Island from the direction of Tokyo, Japan's mainland.  The results of radar monitoring at the field airport on the coast of the Sea of ??Japan show that most of them are fighter jets, and the number that can be determined at present is between 500 and 600!¡±

    "Oh!" Liu Cuigang and Le Yiqin's eyes lit up at the same time. The reason for stopping the air raid on the Japanese army in the Liaodong Peninsula appeared. Le Yiqin's eyes shone even more and he said excitedly: "Cui Gang, there is another one.  The kid's fighter jets are here, okay! I'm waiting for these bastards! Should we transfer some of the fighter jets from various airports in Shandong Peninsula to the Korean Peninsula? Our field airports are quite idle!"

    Liu Cuigang nodded and said to Dong Ningxuan: "Immediately report this situation to the division commander and explain that this is the reason for our aviation force to reduce or even stop the Japanese bombing of the Liaodong Peninsula. The division commander will understand at a glance that this is the plan we reported to  !¡±

    After Dong Ningxuan left, Liu Cuigang said to Le Yiqin: "Yiqin, I estimate that these are just part of the Japanese army's combat aircraft to reinforce the Northeastern battlefield and the Korean Peninsula battlefield. You see, there will be more Japanese troops in the next few days."  The aircraft appears, so the forces we have assembled on the Korean Peninsula must be sufficient. The main battlefield in the air in the future will probably be in Northeast China and the Korean Peninsula! "

    "My opinion is to transfer all fighter jets and bombers from all over the Shandong Peninsula to the Korean Peninsula. If we want to fight, we will also fight a battle with superior strength. As for the air defense of the Shandong Peninsula, the North China Patrol Area troops can take over. You  What¡¯s your opinion?¡±

    Le Yiqin bared her teeth and smiled, and answered very simply: "No objection, you know my temper. I'm just afraid that there won't be enough planes coming from the little Japs. If there are too few, the fight won't be satisfying!"

    The next morning, the sun had just risen. The exhausted Japanese soldiers, hungry and hungry, emerged from the grass, woods, and cliffs. Before they could take a breath of the morning air smelling of gunpowder smoke, the first light appeared in the sky.  Under the dawn of the city, the roar of engines sounded like thunder, and the planes of the Independent Division arrived as scheduled. Immediately, the roar of bombs and the scream of bullets that the Japanese soldiers were familiar with and hated rang out!

    However, this time the number of fighter jets dispatched by the independent division aviation far exceeded that of bombers. The aerial bombs that fell were far less than the bullets that were dropped. For several days, the Japanese soldiers were confused and complaining after being bombed.  , taking these differences into consideration, he cursed as usual, and skillfully hid again to defend himself from the air.

    The commander of the Shinyuemon Division was hiding at the entrance of a cave, looking at the sky, where the independent division aircraft were strafing and dropping bombs without fear. There was no expression on his face. He was counting the time. Just now, he received a call from the Kwantung Army.  According to the telegram from the headquarters, the three fighter wings of the Army Aviation Corps have taken off from airports in Fukui, Toyama, Toyooka, Matsue and other places on Honshu Island. They are expected to arrive at Liaoyang and Fengtian airports at about 7 o'clock today. At about 9 o'clock in the morning, that is  It can provide air cover for the 107th Division on the Eastern Front and the 109th Division on the Western Front.

    Lieutenant General Shin Yuuemon couldn't help but feel excited. His troops only had to endure more than three hours of suffering, and under the cover of the imperial eagle in the sky, they would march openly on the land of the Liaodong Peninsula. Here they are.  At that time, he hoped that in the sky, the independent division aircraft that had bombed him for days and nights would not return so quickly, and let the empire's air warriors teach these hateful Chinese pilots a harsh lesson.  !

    For more than three hours, Lieutenant General Shinyuemon did not want his soldiers to make unnecessary sacrifices. Enough time had been wasted, and he still cared about these few hours. Therefore, he ordered the troops to continue to hide and not to  While marching at the risk of air raids, the Japanese soldiers could not hide. The Independent Division planes circled in the sky for more than an hour, but could not find their target, so they returned with unsatisfied intentions!

    After more than thirty minutes, another group of independent division aircraft flew in. As usual, the division dropped bombs and strafed. It was uncertain about the target and then returned. More than two hours had passed. As this group of independent division aircraft flew away,  , Lieutenant General Shinyuemon remained calm. Instead of ordering the troops to continue marching, he sat on the ground outside the cave, half-squinting his eyes, and enjoying the morning sunshine.

    The Japanese officers at the division headquarters, except for the chief of staff who knew what was going on, were all at a loss. "Is it strange? The division commander's behavior today was a bit abnormal. In normal times, when the Chinese plane returns,  I have already given the order to the troops to move forward like a ghost, what happened today? "

    (To be continued)

      Postscript: After reading the news, our island country to the east of China has lifted the ban on the "right of collective self-defense." In other words, 77 years ago, the Chinese paid tens of millions of lives for their waists and legs were broken.  , the mad dog that knocked out its canine teeth has another excuse to take the initiative to bite people. Faced with such a mad dog that bites people at any time, the Chinese people can only be a hundred times vigilant and strive for self-improvement to prevent the mad dog from opening its mouth!

    Or, do you think that we should take the initiative to kill the mad dog before it grinds its teeth to prevent history from repeating itself?
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