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Volume 1 On the Songhua River Chapter 2179 Want to move the capital?

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    Stalin had absolute trust in Molotov. Among the important members of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party, Stalin was the only one who had always fought side by side with him and had no hesitation in every critical stage of the bloody struggle between factions within the Soviet Communist Party.  Standing by his side, he has done many hidden things for himself that cannot be brought to the table, including eliminating Molotov, his political enemy. Stalin adopts an attitude of absolute trust. After years of political struggle, the local destiny of the two people has been closely linked.  are connected and cannot be separated.

    At this point, even the most favored former Chairman of the Soviet Counterrevolutionary Committee, Beria, who is now missing, and the current Chief of General Staff, Marshal Petroshilov, are not as good as this one.  In terms of treatment, Stalin could openly discuss all kinds of things with Molotov, whether they were honest or despicable, neither of them had any psychological barriers.

    Moreover, Stalin admired Molotov's talent and mind very much. Diplomacy and even government affairs were all left to Molotov. Stalin himself never asked about it. Even if he had control of the general direction, Molotov did not  It was done very beautifully. Now, Molotov, a close comrade-in-arms, a close confidant, and a wise man, kept winking at himself. Obviously, he had a better idea in his heart, but it was not appropriate to do so in front of him.  Just say it on such occasions!

    Stalin suppressed the urge to curse General Badachenko, but his tone was much colder and said: "Comrade Badachenko, you must always remember your responsibility and defend Moscow. The troops in your hands are for  This goal exists. In three days, I will go with some comrades of the Politburo to inspect the positions of the Moscow Military Region. I hope you can reassure the comrades of the Politburo that even if the German army arrives at the city gate,  Your troops are also capable of holding the German army at bay on the outskirts of Moscow!"

    "Yes, Comrade Stalin!" General Badachenko.  Feeling Comrade Stalin's anger, he quickly replied, secretly regretting what he was doing in such a limelight, and felt that such an answer was not enough to express his determination.  "All commanders and fighters in the Moscow Military District will remember your order and will never let the iron hooves of German fascism enter Moscow, even if it costs their lives!" he continued.

    but.  How to open a passage to the European battlefield for Vasilevsky's troops?  Is there any other solution? General Badachenko sat down at a loss. At this time, Molotov quickly wrote a line of words in his notebook and tore it out.  handed it to Stalin.

    Stalin opened it and said a few simple words, "Comrade Stalin, regarding the issue of the Outer Mongolia Front, please put it aside for the time being and concentrate on studying the issue of the Far East Front. After the meeting, I have important matters that I need to discuss with you in confidence! In addition, I have something important to discuss with you!"  , regarding the issue of the Far East Front. In my personal opinion, rescue is more appropriate!¡±

    ?That is, Molotov has the qualifications and power to state his views straightforwardly and suggest that leaders change the theme of the meeting, nothing more.  Molotov was very smart. He handed the note secretly. In doing so, he could avoid making the issue public and ensure Comrade Stalin's prestige. This man was the best at killing two birds with one stone.

    After Stalin read this note, he showed a clear look of relaxation on his face. Although Molotov's words left him with no clue, and he didn't know what he wanted to talk to him secretly, but he didn't know what it was.  The reason was that Molotov's note had such magical power. Stalin felt that Molotov had a good solution to the difficulties encountered by the Outer Mongolian Front Army.

    However, Stalin still felt uncomfortable. The obstacles that the Chinese Tang Qiuli had set up for the Outer Mongolia Front Army had to be put aside temporarily. The issue of the Far East Front Army still needed to be put on the table again. He felt sad in his heart.

    Stalin was silent for a moment and said: "Comrades, given that the problems encountered by the Outer Mongolia Front are very complex and require us to make more careful decisions, we will put them aside for the time being. Next, we will return to the issue of the Far East Front!"

    The big bosses of the Soviet party, government and military who attended the meeting were stunned for a while. The issue of the Outer Mongolia Front Army was still unresolved. Why did it come back to the issue of the Far East Front Army? Comrade Stalin's behavior today was very abnormal!

    The problem of the Far East Front seems to be very simple and not complicated. It is a question of whether to save or not to save. However, this simple choice involves the future and destiny of the Soviet Union. No one dares to express an opinion easily in a dilemma.

    After Stalin raised the question, everyone remained silent. In fact, silence is also an attitude. Whatever Comrade Stalin was hesitating, we were hesitating. The final decision-making power still lies in the hands of the leader.

    It can be said that the fate of more than one million soldiers of the Far Eastern Front was completely changed by a note from Molotov.

    Originally, in Stalin¡¯s examinationIn consideration of this, the troops of the Far East Front will not be rescued. The reason is very simple and cruel. The troops in the East cannot afford to be delayed. Once they are caught in a long-term battle with the Japanese troops in the Far East, all previous efforts will be lost.  It's all a waste of time.

    Stalin also clearly knew that sooner or later the German army would approach Moscow. The Moscow Military District could guarantee that it would block the German army from entering the city for a period of time. But in the future, if the city was besieged for a long time and could not be defended, the only way to break the German siege from the outside was  , Moscow can avoid falling. Therefore, the several front troops in the Far East are the only and most reliable trump card in Stalin's hands.

    Under such circumstances, if any of the front armies in the Far East region dared to fall into a long-term entanglement with the Japanese army again, of course, Stalin's heart would be absolutely painful. He could not sleep all night while weighing and thinking repeatedly.  If the Outer Xing'an Mountains Front and the Baikal Front did not turn around to rescue the Far East Front, Zhukov's troops would be completely wiped out. More than one million elite troops would be eaten up by the Japanese one by one. How could Stalin  Not heartbreaking heartache.

    There was also Zhukov, the general whom Stalin admired most. He was responsible for an independent campaign, and Stalin was also the most at ease. When he decided to abandon the Far East Front, Stalin issued a top-secret order to the commander-in-chief of the Air Force, General Kostadinov.  , "Before the Far East Front is about to be completely annihilated, send the best transport aircraft pilots and the best fighter pilots to bring Commander Zhukov back to Moscow!"

    This order was placed in the head of Air Force Commander-in-Chief General Kostadinov. Even Molotov and Chief of General Staff Marshal Petroshilov did not know about it. Stalin not only wanted to  Among them, Zhukov was rescued. He was also General Zhukov and was preparing to take on a new position. After integrating the troops of various military districts in Europe, he would be the newly formed commander and political commissar of the Moscow Front.

    The only mission of the Moscow Front in Stalin's vision was to defend Moscow and establish a defense line in Moscow to block the German attack on the Moscow front line. He believed that only Zhukov had this ability. The current commander of the Moscow Military District  General Badachenko, a member of the Communist Party of China, obviously does not have the ability and talent to turn the tide.

    However, it is undoubtedly a very painful decision to give up the Far East Front Army, which has more than one million troops and has been trained in several years of fighting against the Japanese Kwantung Army. Even Stalin, who was as ruthless as Stalin, was hesitant and unable to be cruel.  , which is also the reason why Moscow has not received a reply after Zhukov sent an emergency telegram.

    Facing the fierce offensive of the German army and the collapse of the Soviet army, Stalin once considered abandoning Moscow and moving the capital. Doing so might alleviate the huge pressure faced by the Soviet army. However, moving the capital there was the most difficult task.  The problem to solve is that all the cities in the European part of the Soviet Union are within the attack range of the German army. None of them are safe. Maybe the capital has just moved here, and the Germans will regard this as a target that must be captured.

    The European part has no place to stand. What about the Asian part of the Soviet Union, the vast land? In the dead of night, Stalin locked himself in the room, took a magnifying glass, and carefully looked at the cities in the Asian part. It was not that he didn¡¯t like the East.  , for example, Kurgan, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, and even Irkutsk are all good places to stay with the capital during wartime.

    It is far away from the flames of war in Europe and avoids the German offensive. It can also safely direct the war against the German army. It has the Ural Mountains and the Tannu Mountains. These two natural barriers are impossible for the Germans to defeat. However, Stalin finally gave up.  Once the capital was moved and Moscow fell to Hitler, it would be an absolutely heavy blow to the confidence of the Soviet military and civilians.

    Of course, this is not the main reason. The decisive reason that influenced Stalin not to move the capital was because of one person - Tang Qiuli, the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Committee and the man who controlled the largest armed group in the Republic of China.

    Stalin even thought angrily, "What happened to me? How could I have thought of moving the capital to the Far East and placing it under the eyes of any despicable, cunning, ruthless, and greedy Chinese? Stalin could imagine it.  Once the wartime capital of the Soviet Union moved to the east, the Chinese would soon be at the gates of the city as soon as they woke up, and they would soon become Tang Qiuli's prisoner.

    In Stalin's mind, Hitler and Tang Qiuli were equally hateful and terrifying enemies. Tang Qiuli was even more on Stalin's curse list than Hitler, even though the lunatic German head of state was fighting against the Soviet Union.  , Hitler came out of the blue, but Tang Qiuli used all his conspiracies and tricks, such as the current difficulties and threats to the Outer Mongolia Front Army.

    (To be continued) (To be continued. If?If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.  Mobile phone users please go to m. to read.  )
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