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Volume 1: Songhua River Chapter 1621: Yamamoto Isoroku¡¯s Conspiracy (Part 2)

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    Lieutenant General Matsuda Shuyama, Chief of Staff of the Japanese Navy Combined Fleet, opened the door and came in. He did not report the situation, but apologized first, "Your Excellency, Commander, I am very sorry to interrupt your long examination. I received the message from the Commander of the Seventh Army on the battlefield on Hawaii Island.  Lieutenant General Hirano Ryoki¡¯s telegram. After careful consideration, the staff decided to disturb you!¡±

    His chief of staff said so. No matter how unhappy General Yamamoto felt, he was embarrassed to get angry. However, Yamamoto was also very surprised. Wasn't it just a telegram from Lieutenant General Hirano who didn't know the heights of the sky? Was it worth Matsuda's nervousness?

    Yamamoto looked at his chief of staff and asked with a smile: "Matsuda-kun, what did General Hirano's telegram say? Are you still asking us to combine the fleet and follow his combat intentions? Those guys from the Army  , just self-righteous!¡±

    Chief of Staff Matsuda hesitated for a moment and replied: "General, Vice Admiral Hirano did not ask us for anything, but his telegram contained a deep sense of reproach, blaming us for not intercepting the U.S. Pacific Fleet in time.  On the battlefield of Hawaii Island, the battle against the landing force of the US Second Army failed to achieve more results, and it also caused unnecessary casualties to more than 5,000 soldiers of the Seventh Army! "

    Yamamoto smiled coldly and said, "Army generals have always been like this. They are used to shifting the responsibility for failure to other people, ignoring him, and replying to him with a telegram. When the telegram is received, the content is  That¡¯s enough! It¡¯s ridiculous. The United Fleet has its own battle plan. When did it become necessary to act in accordance with the Seventh Army¡¯s battle intentions?¡±

    However, Chief of Staff Matsuda obviously did not finish his words. Looking at Commander Yamamoto's nonchalant expression, he reminded anxiously: "General, these are not the main issues. The key to the problem is with General Hirano. He said in the telegram that he has already  I have truthfully reported what happened on the battlefield on Hawaii Island to the General Staff and the Navy Department. Is General Hirano complaining? If so, it will be very detrimental to you, General!"

    General Yamamoto frowned and asked with interest: "Oh Matsuda-kun, what are you worried about?"

    Chief of Staff Matsuda replied with some concern: "Commander, General Hirano's efforts to block the US Second Army's landing force did not achieve the expected purpose, and caused the Seventh Army's accidental death of more than 5,000 Imperial Army soldiers. All responsibility for this has been evaded."  In your case, regardless of whether he is making excuses for his incompetence, the department believes that, Commander, you should send a telegram to the General Staff Headquarters and the Navy Department to explain! "

    Yamamoto Goroku glared and said nonchalantly: "Explain what? The pure will be purified by themselves, and the turbid will be turbid by themselves. There is no need for this. We have not received any orders. It is not Hirano's turn to cooperate with the Seventh Army's combat plan."  This guy Ryogi is dictating and being picky about the combined fleet, and he won¡¯t say anything like this until he takes the throne as the commander-in-chief of the Empire¡¯s Pacific Theater!¡±

    Looking at his chief of staff, who was still very entangled in this matter, General Yamamoto continued: "Matsuda-kun is overly concerned. A Hirano Yoshiki cannot make any waves in the Navy Department, and neither can the General Staff."  We have had trouble with the Navy because of a one-sided telegram from the commander of the Seventh Army. Don¡¯t worry, our attention now must be focused on the U.S. Pacific Fleet. I hope Matsuda-kun will not be distracted by such trivial matters!¡±

    Lieutenant General Matsuda thought for a moment, "That's right. Commander Yamamoto's status in the Imperial Navy can't be shaken by Hirano Yoshiki? The key is that there is no order from the base camp to cooperate with the Seventh Army's operations. That's it.  Lieutenant General Hirano is unreasonable, it seems that his worries are unfounded!"

    With his heart relieved, Chief of Staff Matsuda became happy and asked for instructions: "Your Excellency, Commander, what do we need to do now? Should we continue to wait?"

    Admiral Yamamoto smiled reservedly and said: "Keep waiting for the fighter plane, Matsuda-kun. Hunting requires patience. Without patience, you cannot become a good hunter. To convey my order, the submarine fleet of the fleet will immediately go deep into the Hawaiian Islands and the mainland of the United States.  Monitor the movements of the U.S. Pacific Fleet in all directions along the route, and tell them that no matter what happens, they will not be allowed to attack U.S. ships without my order! "

    Chief of Staff Matsuda was a little puzzled and asked: "Your Excellency, Commander, why don't you send out a reconnaissance plane? In this way, the scope and accuracy of the reconnaissance will be better!"

    Yamamoto shook his head and said: "Matsuda-kun, hiding and preventing the Americans from discovering us is the first condition for waiting for a fighter plane. Hunters must first hide themselves and not be discovered by their prey. I have a premonition that a fighter plane that is beneficial to us will soon come."  Appeared, that guy Hirano finally did something meaningful. The landing force of the US Second Army was severely damaged and was no longer able to launch a frontal attack on the Seventh Army. What will the United States do next? "

    General Yamamoto asked back, obviously testing his own participation.In response to the commander's battlefield wisdom, Chief of Staff Matsuda thought for a moment and replied: "Continue to increase the number of troops on the Hawaiian Island battlefield. As a result, we will need the Pacific Fleet to escort us. Your Majesty, our fighter planes will appear in the U.S. Pacific Fleet.  On the way back to the mainland, ambush!¡±

    General Yamamoto was very happy that his chief of staff could keep up with his own thinking, and said with appreciation: "Kaname, Matsuda-kun, I have been working on the plan for several days, and you hit it right. However, I want to  The result is a greater victory, not only a Pacific Fleet, but also the American Army. After this battle, that Hirano Yoshiki will no longer chatter about nonsense!"

    Matsuda's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Commander, I understand your intention. The combined fleet is escorting the Army troops in the US Pacific Fleet on its way to the Hawaiian Island battlefield. We ambush them and annihilate or defeat the US Pacific Fleet.  "Those unprotected troop carriers are just lambs to be slaughtered. General, among all the generals in the navy, you are the only one who has such courage and dares to make such a battle plan. The department admires you greatly!"

    Chief of Staff Matsuda's sincere compliments, General Yamamoto is not in a slump. The prestige of a commander is not established by relying on the compliments of his subordinates, but by relying on the victory of each battle, and he is brilliant again and again.  Achieve your reputation and prove your abilities!

    General Yamamoto waved his hand, stopped Lieutenant General Matsuda, and said with words of admiration: "Matsuda-kun, follow my orders!" After Matsuda saluted with a military salute, he left with an expression of reverence.

    The cabin became quiet, and a smile appeared on the corner of General Yamamoto's mouth, "I'm looking forward to it very much. The process of hunting and waiting may be boring, but once the prey enters the trap and the harvest is harvested, the excitement is unparalleled by ordinary people."  I feel it!" he thought to himself.

    The commander of the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet, Vice Admiral Fullwood, did not realize that he had become the prey of the commander of the Japanese Navy's Combined Fleet, Admiral Yamamoto. He had just received an order from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to return immediately.  Mainland, escorting the second batch of four divisions of the Second Army to reinforce the Hawaii Island battlefield.

    To be fair, Lieutenant General Fullwood was very dissatisfied with the order of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The situation of the Second Army on the battlefield on Hawaii Island was not optimistic. Seventy or eighty thousand troops were squeezed into a small area of ??less than a hundred square kilometers.  Within the area, if the fleet's naval guns and carrier-based aircraft did not provide a fire protection net for the Second Army, the Japanese artillery shells could level the landing site.

    Out of a sense of military responsibility, Lieutenant General Fullwood was deeply worried about the situation of the Second Army that lost the fire support of the fleet after the fleet returned to the mainland to perform escort missions. Regarding this, he and the commander of the group army, Lieutenant General Harrison, discussed the situation.  , exchanged opinions sincerely, hoping that Lieutenant General Harrison could join forces with him to persuade the Joint Chiefs of Staff to send other escort warships.

    In fact, Lieutenant General Harrison is not as clear about his current situation as Lieutenant General Fullwood. He also knows that once the Pacific Fleet leaves and loses air supremacy and fleet fire support, the Second Army will not be able to wait until the second batch of reinforcements arrive.  It would have been a hard time before, but he had to ask for more troops.

    From yesterday to now, sneak attacks by small groups of Japanese troops, the nuisance of sporadic cold artillery, and ghostly air strikes by Japanese aircraft have caused thousands of casualties to the troops. A single Japanese artillery shell or bomb fell.  , can kill more than ten or twenty soldiers. If they continue to be crowded in such a pigsty-sized place, the Second Army will be beaten to death by the Japanese. The only way to survive is to fight them out!

    Fighting out requires troops. Therefore, Lieutenant General Harrison faced Lieutenant General Fullwood's concerns and comforted him: "Commander Fullwood, you can safely command the fleet to complete the escort mission. With the presence of the Second Army,  If we have some troops on the front line at the landing site and can support them for a week, there shouldn¡¯t be much of a problem.¡±

    "The Japanese want to eat up my second group army in one bite, but they don't have such a big appetite! You also know that I am in urgent need of reinforcements! However, General Fulwood, I still want to remind you to prevent the attack of the Japanese naval fleet, the former Pacific  The lessons learned by the fleet aircraft carrier formation in the waters of Midway are profound!¡±

    Having said that, what else could Lieutenant General Fullwood say? The one who urgently requested reinforcements was Lieutenant General Harrison sitting opposite him. What's more, in the two days of entangled air battles, the fleet's carrier-based aircraft  The losses were considerable, and ammunition and fuel were in urgent need of replenishment. Lieutenant General Fulwood knew better that apart from his own fleet, the country might no longer be able to produce a decent escort fleet!

    However, for Lieutenant General Harrison's final words, which were almost a warning, Lieutenant General Fullwood felt very uncomfortable and could not refute the so-called "not speculative". The two lieutenant generals ended the conversation and each thoughtGoodbye.

    In the early morning of June 28, the U.S. Navy¡¯s Pacific Fleet weighed anchor from Hawaii Island and embarked on a voyage back to the mainland.
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