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Volume 1 On the Songhua River Chapter 1189 The Opportunity Ito Sees

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    To be able to sit on the throne of the king of a country, to be able to command the proud and powerful Japanese army who have the following traditions and unruly Japanese army, to be able to incite more than 100 million Japanese people into confusion and forget how much they weigh.  , clamoring to conquer the world, Emperor Hirohito naturally has his own unique way. Of course, there are factors of the shadow of his father and the previous generation of emperors, but Hirohito's own head is by no means empty, and his methods are not bad.  (.)

    Hirohito saw something different from the essence of this intelligence. This kind of thing relies on understanding, the person himself is cunning, and a little bit of the vision and height of the king of a country. It is not those who have their heads buried all day long.  The experts in the intelligence community are comparable.

    Hirohito almost groaned. He came to the conclusion, "The Americans will definitely join forces with Tang Qiuli." Looking at the frightened eyes of Lieutenant General Nakamura Taro, director of the Military Intelligence Bureau of the General Staff Headquarters, Hirohito sighed and recovered.  With a normal expression, he said: "Nakamura Ai Qing, this analysis data of your Intelligence Bureau is very well done and very detailed. It can provide a valuable reference for the Imperial Army troops fighting on the front line. However, your conclusion is not  It's wrong. The Americans will reach an agreement with Tang Qiuli at any cost."

    Taro Nakamura almost collapsed, "My Emperor, can you not do such a scary thing? I thought you were going to die?" Hearing Hirohito praise the work of his department, Nakamura felt happy.  Evaluating that his department's intelligence conclusion was wrong, Nakamura was shocked again and asked almost subconsciously: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for being stupid, but I don't understand?"

    Hirohito couldn't help but want to curse "Pig head!" But he knew.  The frightened lieutenant general in front of him, his logical thinking has been confused, and he is in extreme panic. If he scolds him again.  This guy might just commit suicide by caesarean section when he gets back, that's all. For the sake of bringing something of value to him like a monkey offering treasure, give him a few words.

    Hirohito's face became softer and softer, and he said: "Nakamura Aiky¨­, as the head of the Imperial Army's intelligence department. You know more about the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Army, MacArthur, than anyone else. With the character of this American, he does not hesitate to  What does it mean to sacrifice the lives of thirty-eight soldiers of our country and suffer the blow to the reputation and dignity of the US military to please the Chinese devil Tang Qiuli?"

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Even with a lumpy head, it¡¯s time for some enlightenment.  As if enlightened, Nakamura swallowed hard, bowed deeply, and said with respect to a god: "Your Majesty is wise and wise. I am impressed and taught. I will go back immediately and do it all over again," Hirohito laughed.  No matter what, it is a very good feeling to be worshiped by one's subordinates.

    Hirohito shook his head and said: "That's not necessary. Although the conclusion is wrong, the other analysis is accurate and does not need to be changed. You can step back." Looking at Nakamura's back, disappearing in front of his eyes, he frowned again  Wrinkled.

    Just like Lieutenant General Nakamura Taro in the mist, he had an extremely complicated feeling that he had received His Majesty's approval but also made a fatal mistake. He admired Emperor Hirohito's thoughtfulness and was even more impressed by His Majesty's methods.  He came to an astonishing conclusion that no ordinary person could achieve, at least a demigod. He did not see Emperor Hirohito's worried eyes.

    Other Japanese commanders may not pay much attention to the intelligence analysis of the frontline Japanese troops issued by the Intelligence Bureau of the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters. However, General Ito Genzaburo, the commander-in-chief of Japan¡¯s Southeast Asia Expeditionary Force, is absolutely interested. In central Myanmar,  The stalemate in the Libo area made Ito, who had always hoped for a quick solution to the Myanmar issue, very uncomfortable.

    The ** Division troops neither attacked nor retreated, and always maintained pressure on the Japanese troops on the front line in Mandalay. This was not the problem that worried Ito the most. With the natural barrier of the Ribo Grand Canyon, the ** Division  If you want to attack, you will have to pay an unbearable price. What makes Ito most uneasy is the two main corps of the Japanese Army Division that are slowly pushing into the Mandalay line from the east of Indochina Peninsula.

    Although Ito worked hard to regain his strength, it took time. By early September, the Southeast Asian Expeditionary Force had only recovered to two-thirds of its heyday strength. At this rate, it would only be late October to reach a level beyond its original level. Here,  During this period, Ito's troops could never withstand the two-sided attack from the ** division troops.

    The dullness of the front, and the premonition of huge danger approaching step by step, kept Japan's sharp sword in Southeast Asia awake all night, thinking hard about a solution. There was only one way to deal with the Japanese division troops approaching from the north and east.  , concentrate troops and equipment, destroy one route, and then fight the other route, but this is a big problem.

    Leaving the Libao Grand Canyon defense line and taking the initiative to attack the ** division troops on the front line of Mogok?  Ito thought he was not crazy. Maybe Tang Qiuli, the Chinese devil, was waiting for him to leave the difficult terrain and take the initiative to attack. The competition between the two sides was patience. The one who couldn't bear it first and took action first wouldYou will fall into the opponent's trap.

    First deal with the ** division troops coming from the east?  Perhaps, this is exactly the result that Tang Qiuli hoped for, weakening the defense force on the front of Libao Grand Canyon. The Japanese division troops on the front line of Mogok took the opportunity to attack. By then, it would be too late for his own troops to call back urgently.  If they are entangled by the ** division troops coming from the front, they will be attacked from both front and back.

    It is more likely that the Army Division troops coming from the east are Tang Qiuli's suspected soldiers, just to weaken the strength of the imperial army's Libao defense line and to take advantage of the opportunity to attack. This is not possible, and that is not appropriate either. It is a dilemma.  It almost drove Ito crazy, let alone standing still. The ** division troops coming from the east of Indochina Peninsula were actually two corps, and there were hundreds of thousands of people facing each other face to face.

    This kind of pressure is tangible and heavy. Ito still has one question. He still can't figure it out. Since Tang Qiuli formed a strategic encirclement against him from two directions, why didn't he attack immediately?  What is he waiting for?  What's the bigger conspiracy?  Could it be that he was waiting for his troops to be replenished in an attempt to eliminate more troops of the imperial army?

    It was a mess, and Ito's mind was full of these messy problems all day long. One thing, he clearly realized that if he did not break this deadlock, he would wait for the ** division troops to complete their strategic deployment and gradually reduce the mobility of the imperial army.  Space is a fatal danger to myself and the Southeast Asian dispatched troops, a danger of being slowly suffocated until painful death.

    This intelligence analysis from the Intelligence Bureau of the General Staff Headquarters at the base camp made Ito's eyes light up. He was especially interested in the analysis of Tang Qiuli's character. The duel between the coaches was no longer the level of ordinary soldiers fighting face to face.  In a battle of wits, Ito thought that he had enough brains and even some room to spare, so he took a series of actions targeting Tang Qiuli's character weaknesses.

    It can not only break the current deadlock, but also anger Tang Qiuli, causing him to make fatal mistakes and giving himself a chance to win. Ito's head is indeed spinning fast enough. He also has the same worries and worries as Emperor Hirohito. Once Tang Qiuli  Qiu Li reached an agreement with the Americans, and Chen Bing and the Americans in Luzon stabbed him in the back.

    Thinking about it, Ito breaks into a cold sweat. Although Ito sneers at the combat effectiveness of the US military, in such a passive situation of fighting on two, no, three sides, Ito even has three heads and six arms. No matter how brave and brave the soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Empire are in Southeast Asia,  The fate of the dispatched army is that the whole army will be annihilated, or all of them will be shattered, and the result will be an ugly death.

    Only a strange move can stir up this solid pool of water. Ito ordered the staff, "Immediately order each division to search for the captain of the brigade and go to the headquarters to attend an emergency military meeting." Seeing that the staff was a little confused, Ito cursed, "Eight  Ga! Come on, hurry up!" The young staff officer rushed out quickly and looked back at the Commander-in-Chief.

    No wonder he was confused. Since the establishment of the Southeast Asia Expeditionary Force, there has never been a precedent for a general commander-in-chief, leaving aside those generals at the level of division commanders and brigade commanders, to convene some majors and lieutenants to hold a military meeting. This is not a violation of the rules.  ?  Moreover, the ones summoned were those notorious rogue troops in the imperial army. Who are the people in the search brigade?  A soldier, a villain and a murderer.

    On the evening of September 14, the most upscale hotel in downtown Manila was heavily guarded. There was a post every three steps and a sentry every five steps. As if facing a formidable enemy, the US military police established a military restricted zone within a five-kilometer radius of the hotel.  The isolation belt formed by barbed wire fences turned the usually bustling hotel into a strict military fortress.

    The unsuspecting Manila rich and young people still come here to have fun as always. Not to mention anything else, the hot figure and revealing dress of the hotel waitress are a feast for the eyes. However, before they can get close, they are roughed up by the US military police.  He was stopped, and just as he was about to open his mouth to argue, the butt of the gun came up.

    These rich people and young people who can afford to spend money are not famous in Manila and can walk sideways, but in the eyes of the U.S. military police, they are still not good enough. They are no more than garbage pickers in the corner. They are just better dressed.  They are like higher-level slaves. These Manila citizens, who feel very good about themselves and feel that they are superior to others, realize the gap between themselves and Americans.

    That is the gap between status and identity, which cannot be changed by just two dollars. Looking at the ladies in military uniforms, suits and leather shoes, with jeweled ladies or socialite ladies on their arms, strutting into the Manila Hotel, those blue and blue  Westerners with blond eyes, yellow hair, and arrogant demeanor can only swallow their saliva.

    The reason for keeping Filipinos out is very simple. The commander-in-chief of the US military in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, MacArthur, the four-star general, will hold a grand welcome reception here today. Welcome to Manila to join the Allied Supreme Military.  At the meeting of senior generals from various countries, Americans can represent the Philippines, so people from banana countries are not invited.In other words, the generals of the Banana Country were simply ignored by the Americans because they were nothing more than dog meat.

    (To be continued) (To be continued Piaotian) This work is recommended by registered literature members
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