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Volume 1 On the Songhua River Chapter 868 Easily Succeed

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    Chapter 868: Easily Succeed

    After learning that Liu Tiehan's troops had successfully captured Fengtian, Tang Qiuli's telegram further clarified the troops' next course of action and the key points that should be mastered.

    To be honest, Liu Tiehan's battle to capture Fengtian was not exciting at all, not interesting at all. Even Liu Tiehan, who commanded the troops, did not take this battle seriously. It was not that he did not pay attention to it, but that he could not cheer up.  Come.

    Liu Tiehan's troops, who had been prepared for a long time, were ready to go. Six field brigades, three artillery brigades, and two air defense brigades totaled nearly 100,000 troops, plus a tank brigade transferred from the directly affiliated corps. After receiving the order,  A violent surge broke out of the Jinzhou defense line. More than 300 tanks opened the way and attacked the city all the way. The Japanese strongholds along the Jinzhou to Fengtian line were like snowballs in a pot of boiling water. They swirled and disappeared instantly without a trace.  trace.

    In one day, the East Point troops captured more than 80 small and large towns along the way and annihilated more than 4,000 sporadic Kwantung Army garrison troops. Those strongholds and towns along the line defended by the Kwantung Army's second-rate troops, the defending Kwantung Army troops wanted to fight to the death.  , but a cannonball, city wall fragments and the corpses of Kwantung Army soldiers flew into the sky together. Moreover, when the troops captured these strongholds, the main force did not make any stop at all. At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon that day, the forward troops arrived at Fengtian City.

    This is Liu Tiehan¡¯s style of fighting. He is flamboyant and domineering. He does not hide his intentions at all. He plays with great fanfare and fierceness, just to let the Japanese know that we are coming to attack Fengtian City.

    Liu Tiehan had a tank brigade and three artillery brigades, but the commander of the Kwantung Army garrison in Fengtian, Ono Yuuo, did not have so much capital. The Kwantung Army guarding Fengtian was organized as a brigade, and it was a second-rate brigade.  The brigade commander, Major General Ono, couldn't help but feel his calves twisting as he looked at the dark pressure of the Chinese army outside the city.

    The Ono Brigade, at full strength, has only more than 8,200 troops. It still has to defend the surrounding areas of Fengtian. The defenders in Fengtian City are only more than 3,000 people, plus the military police from the Military Police Headquarters and other armed personnel from the Japanese and puppet agencies.  , the strength of a full attack is less than 6,000 men.

    As for the equipment, it is even more inferior. Because it is a second-rate garrison, the Kwantung Army headquarters has no intention of sending it out for field battles. There is only one artillery brigade. It is called artillery, which is nothing more than a dozen Type 92 infantry cannons and more than twenty  With mortars and even heavy machine guns considered heavy firepower, is there any way to fight this battle?

    For the Northeast region, which the Kwantung Army has always regarded as a stable rear base, stationing a brigade of troops is an absolute priority. Even Xinjing has a regiment-sized garrison. As for other towns, at most one squadron is dispatched.  Soldiers, or even just one instructor and a military police squad, can control tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Chinese people. If they want food for food and labor for labor, no Chinese dare to say "no".

    But now these have become the fatal points of the Japanese army in Fengtian. Looking at the tanks of the squadron and countless cannons outside the city, Ono's hand holding the telescope trembled uncontrollably. He knew very well that as long as  With one attack wave from the Chinese Army, Fengtian City would be immediately lost. The city walls were useless. With just one salvo from the Chinese army's artillery, these city walls would turn into a pile of broken bricks and rubble.

    It's not that Ono didn't want to fight. If it were the Kwantung Army during the Manchuria Incident, Ono not only had the confidence but also the courage to fight with the invading Chinese army for seven or eight days with the thousands of men at his disposal. At worst, they would all be shattered, but now  The huge disparity in military strength and huge difference in firepower gave Ono Yuuo no chance to even break his jade.

    After several battles, including the two southbound corps formed by the Kwantung Army, especially the Battle of Niuxin Mountain, the Kwantung Army's elite troops were almost completely lost. The training level and fighting will of the newly added soldiers were much better than those of the previous Kwantung Army soldiers.  , cannot be compared.

    The troops who had regained some strength were all dragged to the battlefield in the Far East by Commander Ueda Kenkichi, and fought to the death with the Soviets. The remaining old and weak soldiers, Ono had no confidence that they could defend Fengtian City. Although Ono was arrogant, he was not stupid, nor was he  Planning to be a deserter and abandon Fengtian City to escape, he issued an order. The troops around Fengtian immediately moved closer to Fengtian, broke the encirclement of the Chinese army on the outside, and entered the city to wait for reinforcements.

    After receiving the order, the Kwantung Army troops immediately left their original station and rushed to Fengtian day and night. This move played into Liu Tiehan's plan. He dispatched three field brigades and all tanks and rushed to set up an ambush around Fengtian to reinforce the Kwantung Army troops in Fengtian.  , with the heaviest blow, although the elimination of the effective strength of the Kwantung Army troops is not the main purpose of this battle.

    But if you don¡¯t eat the fat meat that comes to your door, you¡¯d be a fool. Even if all the Japanese troops around Fengtian are concentrated, there will only be about 20,000 people. As for the combat effectiveness and equipment, they will not be as good as a fraction of the East Point troops. When the troops enter Fengtian  Under the city, ambushing the Kwantung Army troops coming for reinforcements can be said to be another way of encircling a point for reinforcements.

    With thisAt the same time, Ono sent an urgent telegram to the commander of the Kwantung Army, General Kenkichi Ueda, truthfully reporting the dangerous situation facing Fengtian and the strength of the army.

    Ueda Kenkichi, who was commanding more than 300,000 troops in the Far East to attack Timoshenko's First Far East Army, was shocked when he received a telegram from Ono Yuuo. The China devil Tang Qiuli chose this time to launch the Liaoxi offensive.  It's definitely not good news for him.

    Kenkichi Ueda attacked Arsenyev, but could not take it for a long time. The Kwantung Army lost its energy. Similarly, Timoshenko was also gritting his teeth and struggling to hold on. The Japanese and the Soviets fought hard, and the Kwantung Army came first.  The army blocked the Soviet Transcaucasian Front in Khabarovsk, which was reinforcing Timoshenko.

    The Second Army was in a stalemate with the Soviet Kamchatka Front in the Kamchatka Peninsula. He commanded the Third and Fourth Army to besiege Timoshenko. Ueda Kenkichi really did not have any extra troops.  The troops have been mobilized, and even the second-rate garrison troops have gone to the blocking front line.

    What Ueda Kenkichi needs now is time. The Soviet Union's newly formed Far East Front troops are gradually gathering in the Far East. As long as he is given another four to five days, the exhausted Soviet Far East Second Army will be squeezed out by him.  A drop of blood, and he fell to the ground. At this critical moment, Ueda Kenkichi would never withdraw his troops from the front line and return to support Fengtian, even if he lost Fengtian.

    Here, although the situation on the battlefield does not allow Ueda Kenkichi to withdraw his troops, it is more due to personal vanity. According to time calculation, even if the troops return to rescue Fengtian, it will be too late. Once some troops are withdrawn from the Far East battlefield to return to Fengtian,  , Timoshenko, who has only half a breath left, will be able to breathe. It is difficult to predict how the next battle will turn out.

    Even if Fengtian is lost, all Timoshenko's troops cannot be killed. How can Ueda Kenkichi, who is bent on writing about the glory of the Japanese Emperor, accept such an ending? Therefore, the order he gave to the Fengtian defenders was made by Yoshio Ono.  The order was, "At any cost, defend Fengtian for more than seven days."

    The meaning of the order is very clear, Ono, just prepare to leave your life in Fengtian. Ueda Kenkichi also knows that this order is tantamount to a reminder for Ono and his second-rate troops. He hates, hates that China devil.  Tang Qiuli, at the most critical moment, stabbed him hard in the back, making his teeth itch and his heart aching with hatred.

    After receiving the order from Ueda Kenkichi, Ono, the commander of Fengtian Kwantung Army, could only sigh and bite the bullet to organize a resistance. Outside the city, the sound of gunfire and gunfire from the Chinese army massacred the Imperial Japanese Army made Ono realize that what he had done  What a stupid thing to do. Why let the imperial troops from around Fengtian come to Fengtian City to die?

    After thinking for a long time, Ono still risked violating military regulations and truthfully reported the dangerous situation in Fengtian to the general staff of the base camp. After doing this, Ono seemed to have no worries and wrote a final letter to his wife and children.  After that, he picked up his gun and went to the front line, ready to fight Liu Tiehan's troops.

    In fact, Ono and the Kwantung Army troops in Fengtian City could not hold on for even one night. At about nine o'clock that night, Liu Tiehan commanded the troops to launch a general attack on Fengtian City. Three artillery brigades with more than 2,000 large-caliber artillery were directed at them.  Fengtian was bombarded for an hour and a half. The Japanese defensive positions outside Fengtian were filled with dust and fire. Bunkers and fortifications, barbed wire and deerwood flew into the air along with the broken limbs of Kwantung Army soldiers.

    The aviation force of the ** Division, a bomber brigade and a fighter brigade, then arrived and carried out a deep attack on the Japanese army's deep defense positions. Fengtian City was shrouded in a bloody storm, and tanks attacked the soldiers of the East Point Army.  , sent to the remaining bunker, packages of gunpowder, and sent the remaining bunker to the sky.

    At about 6 o'clock in the morning, the troops entered Fengtian City. After more than three hours of street fighting, the East Point troops had taken control of the entire city. The Kwantung Army garrison, including more than 5,000 people under the brigade leader Major General Ono Yuuo, were all annihilated.  By about ten o'clock in the morning, Fengtian City was completely captured.

    Liu Tiehan, deputy commander of the ** Division and commander of the East Point Force, and Zhao Yuhe, chief of staff, studied together how to better complete the tasks assigned by the division commander. Zhao Yuhe looked at Liu Tiehan and said: "Deputy Division Commander  , the division commander¡¯s telegram has made it clear that there are two tasks, but the task of transferring Ueda Kenkichi back may be a bit difficult. "

    Liu Tiehan raised his eyebrows and said: "Oh, what should I say, Yuhe, what do you think?" Zhao Yuhe said: "Based on the war situation in the Far East, Ueda Kenkichi is obviously reluctant to part with Timoshenko.  Meat, otherwise, Fengtian has been lost, why is there no sign of the main force of the Kwantung Army returning? "

    Liu Tiehan dropped the pencil in his hand and said with a cold smile: "It's not up to Ueda Kenkichi. We haven't fought hard enough. Send my order and the troops will immediately attack the Liaodong Peninsula according to the plan. Remember, we mustBeat him hard, leaving no grass behind, until the little devil hurts.  "

    (To be continued)
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