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Volume 1 On the Songhua River Chapter 832 Air Encirclement

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    Chapter 832: Air Encirclement

    After leaving Haishanwei, more than a hundred warships of the Soviet Pacific Fleet, under the control of Tang Qiuquan, the captain of the special warfare detachment of the ** Division, sailed for three days without any danger in the white-capped Sea of ??Japan.

    The Soviet sailors were dumbfounded by the aerial escort of the ** Division Aviation. They couldn't understand how a fighter jet taking off from the shore could stay in the air for such a long time. The Chinese were always mysterious, especially those who were originally waiting for a price.  The Soviet carrier-based aircraft pilots in Gu became confused and felt that they might have overestimated their own weight. Without them, the Chinese could still complete the maritime mission. The arrogant Soviet carrier-based aircraft pilots became more and more attitudinal.  A lot of humility.

    Qiuquan saw this and sneered secretly. Ever since they boarded the ship, these guys have had an attitude of just watching the fun. Compared to other members of the fleet, they were much more arrogant. On the afternoon of the third day, the fleet had sailed to the vicinity of the Ozaki Islands.  , in one and a half days, it will enter the Korean Strait, which is also the most dangerous moment for the fleet.

    Qiuquan was on the deck of the aircraft carrier, looking as if he was about to cross the Korean Strait and see into the hearts of the Japanese. A communications staff officer ran over: "Report to the detachment leader, an urgent message from the commander of the escort fighter group," Qiuquan took it.  At first glance, it was an urgent telegram, "Captain Tang, the outer surveillance aircraft of our fleet have discovered an unknown number of aircraft flying in from the direction of Honshu Island, Japan, approaching the sea area where the fleet is located. Please order the fleet to enter combat status.  Order, my escort fleet is responsible for intercepting."

    Qiuquan looked up at the blue sky. What was supposed to come finally came. He turned around and walked towards the command room. The Soviet captain quickly followed.

    Qiuquan was a complete amateur when it came to commanding the fleet, and he couldn't be careless at all. Although after a few days of hard work, he could only understand a superficial understanding, he made a bold decision to grant the command of the fleet, and he got along very well with him.  Captain Magotrovsky, the aircraft carrier captain.

    Qiuquan said: "Your Excellency, Colonel, I now grant you full authority to command the fleet. I believe that with your experience and ability, you are fully qualified for this task. Go ahead and do it boldly. Don't forget, this is a sincere entrustment from a friend." Translation  Immediately pass Qiuquan's words intact.

    After hearing what the translator said, the colonel pointed to his chest in disbelief. There was doubt and confusion in his blue-grey eyes. You must know that he is still a prisoner of war, but he has changed from a Japanese prisoner to a Chinese prisoner.  The human captives were at a loss when faced with the sudden command and found it difficult to adapt to this change.

    Qiuquan nodded affirmatively. This was the most appropriate way. After Magotrovsky received the affirmation, he suddenly became excited and his eyes seemed to be covered with tears. After solemnly saluting a military salute, he walked up  At the command podium, at this moment, Qiuquan saw a temperament in the back of this Soviet soldier, the kind of confidence that everything was under control.

    Colonel Magotrovsky's orders were passed on one after another, and the translator translated each of his words to Qiuquan. Qiuquan was also worried about the soldiers on other warships, who did not know the situation here, and specially treated himself  The decision was notified to all team members. He finally emphasized: "All members of the special operations detachment must not interfere with the normal command of the captains. It is necessary to tell the Soviet friends around you that we are on the same ship and the common enemy is  Japanese plane."

    Following the command ship's order, all surface ships immediately dispersed in battle formation, and shrill sirens sounded on each warship. The well-trained Soviet sailors seemed to have forgotten their identities as prisoners of war, and quickly rushed to various places.  In combat positions, the skilled movements dazzled the special operations team members. This is what the so-called "every row is like a mountain" means.

    The fleet entered a state of war. Colonel Magotrovsky saluted Qiuquan: "Your Excellency, Commander, the fleet is ready for combat. Please give your instructions." Qiuquan couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this. This excitement is too stereotyped. I don't know anything about it.  Are there any instructions, or are there any risks that allow you to command these hard-earned warships?

    Qiuquan returned the courtesy, and then asked: "Your Excellency, Colonel, what should we do next?" The tone was somewhat unnatural. With Qiuquan's character, this was the only time that he didn't know which leg to move first. Magotello  Fsky replied respectfully: "Inform the escort group of our fleet's readiness status, and then enter the air defense state."

    Qiuquan smiled and said: "Your Excellency, Colonel, follow your command. I completely trust you. There is no need to ask for instructions on everything, and I will not interfere with your command. Just go ahead and do it." Colonel Magotrovsky  He gave the Chinese general a complicated look and put all his energy into commanding the fleet.

    The fleet is like a beast with claws exposed, waiting for the Japanese plane to arrive. Today, the escort fighter formation is commanded by Liu Cuigang, deputy commander of the ** Division Aviation. He has just taken over from the previous wave of fighter jets.When the situation emerged, he was also worried about how Captain Tang and the others, who were laymen, could command the fleet to fight.

    It seems that all air battles must be undertaken by the escort fleet. Liu Cuigang flew the fighter plane in a circle. He found that the current formation of the fleet was definitely suitable for air battles. Although he did not know how to command the fleet to fight, he could also see that  Probably, he felt relieved immediately and secretly exclaimed: "Captain Tang is really amazing, he can even do this."

    The fleet was fully prepared. Liu Cuigang immediately ordered: "The first, third, fifth, sixth, and seventh brigades immediately climbed up and entered a favorable attack position. The remaining brigades are responsible for protecting the fleet." After the order was issued, he pushed the control  Rod, the fighter jets soared into the sky, followed by sixty-four fighter jets.

    The Japanese aircraft that came this time took off from the Naval Air Force Airport near Kyoto on Honshu Island. After receiving the order from Navy Minister Mitsumasa Yoneuchi, all the Japanese Naval Air Force bases from the Japanese archipelago to the Korean Peninsula became tense and captured.  How could the Soviet Pacific Fleet escape?  It's incredible.

    What worries these naval aviation commanders is that the two Soviet aircraft carriers are equipped with more than 160 carrier-based aircraft. This is an air force that cannot be underestimated, while the Japanese naval combat aircraft remaining on the mainland and on the Korean Peninsula are  However, there are more than 380 aircraft, of which only about 190 are fighter jets. The others are bombers, dive torpedo aircraft, anti-submarine aircraft, transport aircraft, etc.

    The navy's main aircraft fleet is following several fleets and wandering around the Pacific. With these winged guys in hand, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to carry out the task of sinking more than a hundred warships. What's more, it has to be done in the Sea of ??Japan.  A careful search revealed that the number of aircraft was even more limited.

    However, failure to implement the order issued by the Navy Minister Mi's cabinet would definitely lead to death. As the largest base of the Navy in the mainland, Kyoto Airport had to take off thirty-six fighter jets and twelve anti-submarine patrol aircraft to conduct a search first and then find the target.  , return immediately, and then organize a large group of aircraft to carry out bombing.

    This formation of Japanese naval aircraft on a search mission flew towards the Korean Strait like a stroke of luck. The original plan was to search from the Korean Strait to the Haishanwei direction. It was equivalent to combing the sea area between Japan and Japan, and happened to hit the fleet.  direction, an air battle is inevitable.

    Major Xiuyan Zhenzhao, who was in charge of avant-garde reconnaissance, led the five "Zero" fighter jets of his squadron through a thick cloud. The deep blue surface of the Sea of ??Japan appeared in front of him.  Trembling, on the sea, a huge fleet was sailing towards the Korean Strait in the wind and waves.

    "I hit the jackpot," Major Xiuyan Zhenzhao muttered to himself, and immediately reported what he saw to the formation commander. Commander Zhongxin Colonel was an extremely bellicose guy, and he ordered Xiuyan Zhenzhao to  Major, "Pay attention to whether there are aircraft carrier-based aircraft taking off," while ordering the formation to quickly concentrate in this airspace.

    Major Xiuyan Zhenzhao saw that there were more than twenty aircraft on guard above the fleet. He was an expert, so he couldn't understand what tactics this was. Aircraft carrier-based aircraft did not play like this. Besides, if  After discovering himself, he should come to fight. There was no reason to ignore him. With full of doubts, he reported the situation he observed to the commander, Colonel Zhongxin.

    When Colonel CITIC heard this, he was furious. He had nearly fifty fighter jets in his fleet. He had the upper hand against more than twenty aircraft. He couldn't miss this opportunity. He could start the fight first, and then notify the base aircraft to come to support him.  The credit belongs to none other than myself.

    If he could sink the escaping Soviet aircraft carrier, he would be famous in the imperial aviation community. "Order, all fighter jets in the formation to immediately shoot down enemy fighter jets, all anti-submarine patrol aircraft, and attack enemy aircraft carriers. Imperial air warriors,  Attack." After saying that, he was the first to rush forward.

    Colonel CITIC is also crazy enough. Using anti-submarine patrol planes to attack surface ships is unheard of in the history of air force operations in various countries. There are no anti-submarine patrol planes carrying aerial bombs or torpedoes. I am afraid they can only use depth bombs to attack submarines.  The probability of sinking a surface ship is almost zero. It is not the right thing for such a job.

    Of course, CITIC Colonel did not forget to report the discovered situation to the base. After receiving the report, the Kyoto base immediately became very busy. The ground crews were busy loading bombs on the bombers and attaching torpedoes to the torpedo bombers. The shrill sirens sounded.  Sounded over the airport, groups of Japanese naval air force pilots rushed towards the aircraft, a red signal flare was raised, and Japanese aircraft rushed into the sky one after another.

    At the same time, the Japanese naval aviation base stationed near Daegu on the Korean Peninsula also received a notification from the Kyoto base, and all combat aircraft took off at the same time.

    Japanese naval aviation taking off from both north and south directionsA total of more than 320 combat aircraft of various types were launched into the military combat formation, and they were clamped towards the fleet like a vise.

    (To be continued)
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