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Volume 1 On the Songhua River Chapter 714 Emergency Evacuation

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    Chapter 714 Emergency Evacuation

    The marathon plenary meeting of the Nanjing Military Commission finally ended in the dusk. The lights outside the window were beginning to light up. Tang Qiuli took office as the commander-in-chief of the Nanjing Air Defense Headquarters. The officials who attended the meeting had different mentality. Chen Guofu  The indignant and helpless face, Ye Xiufeng's gloomy expression, as if a disaster was imminent, Dai Li's heartfelt excitement and positive performance, Chairman Chiang's hidden unnaturalness, and Yang Yongtai's uncertain eyes all  He watched it in his eyes and smiled secretly in his heart. It was a dragon-tiger fight before it even started. It was interesting. During the stay in Nanjing, it must be exciting.

    I can¡¯t say I have a particularly good impression of Dai Li and his Military Command Bureau. Anyway, they are much more pleasing to the eye than Chen Guofu and the guys from the Central Command Bureau, and they have more common interests with each other. This is his way to deal with the Central Command Bureau.  He must not be suspicious of Chairman Chiang to make Dai Li fall out of favor. Chen Guofu's Central Bureau of Statistics dominates the family. This is not in his own interests, so he has to help Dai Li.

    Tang Qiuli looked at Dai Li and said in a serious tone: "Director Dai, at this critical moment in these troubled times, the interests of the party and the country lie, and all departments must cooperate sincerely to tide over the difficulties. As I hold this position, I will never favor one over the other.  Family and friends should be treated equally. If that person is slacking off, neglecting his duties, and treating the safety of millions of citizens as a child's play, I will definitely deal with it severely and will never tolerate it." Of course, this was what he said on the scene, for everyone to hear.

    Dai Li's positive performance made the old man uncomfortable, and he did not get the response he deserved from Tang Qiuli. He couldn't help but feel frustrated. He replied in a low voice: "I will bear in mind the teachings of Commander-in-Chief Tang and return to the bureau immediately to make arrangements." See  Tang Qiuli almost laughed out loud when Dai Li looked like a defeated rooster.

    While everyone was walking out in a mess, he approached Dai Li and whispered: "Brother Yunong, don't worry, you can say that what you did today is to gain Tang Mou's trust, but in fact it is to monitor all Tang Mou's actions nearby.  If you keep an eye on Tang for the old man, you can win the trust of Chairman Chiang." After saying that, he smiled faintly, ignored the astonished Dai Li, and walked away.

    Dai Li is such a shrewd person. He immediately understood what Tang Qiuli meant. This was a great idea. It revealed the old man's biggest worry in one sentence. However, the authorities were so confused that he did not think of it for a moment. It was rare for Vice Chairman Tang to have such thoughts.  For his own sake, if he were not in public, in full view of everyone, Dai Li would worship Tang Qiuli and consider him to be the noble person in his life.

    Tang Qiuli couldn't help laughing as he sat in the car. He could imagine that Dai Li was very busy tonight and would go directly to the old man's residence to express his loyalty. With Dai Li's shrewdness and good at observing people's emotions, he would definitely be able to  Can't you be grateful to yourself for bringing your own ideas to the extreme? In the future, you will have a good reason to have close contact with yourself. As a newly rising force, the Military Command Bureau has widely spread informants in Nanjing City and is well-informed. With these such as  With the local snake under his control, the rest of the matter will be much easier to handle. Coupled with his hidden power in Nanjing, this job is not difficult to do.

    The Nanjing Air Defense Headquarters is located in the Nanjing Garrison Headquarters building. The entire third floor was vacated. The Nanjing Garrison Commander, in order to curry favor with Vice Chairman Tang, selected the best office supplies and sent the most capable headquarters to  Personnel were selected to form the team of the Air Defense Command. Tang Qiuli had no intention of using the manpower of the Tang Qiuquan Special Operations Detachment. This was a hidden line. Hiding in the shadows was more effective than being exposed to the sun. At critical moments, it could also be used as a  A surprise force.

    In addition to the personnel selected by the Garrison Command, he also used the manpower of the Guard Brigade. This was an open line. After the brief ceremony, the Nanjing Air Defense Headquarters was officially established. Chairman Chiang attached great importance to this and specially appointed  Yang Yongtai, secretary-general of the Military Commission, came to deliver a congratulatory message and also inscribed the name of the organization in his own handwriting.

    Tang Qiuli's first order was to send it to the Nanjing Garrison Headquarters to immediately mobilize all troops and implement martial law in the entire city of Nanjing starting from about 10 o'clock tomorrow evening. Before that, radio stations and newspapers were used to vigorously publicize and carry out  When it becomes a household name, the reasons must be explained to avoid causing panic among the public.

    Then, an order was issued to the Nanjing Military Police Headquarters and the Nanjing Municipal Police Department to dispatch all military police and police to maintain order in the city and strictly prevent gangsters from taking the opportunity to cause damage, smashing and looting.  , be shot on the spot, severely punished, and reported to the Air Defense Headquarters for record afterwards.

    Dai Li's Military Control Bureau is responsible for the elimination of Japanese spies in Nanjing and intelligence on the Japanese army. It also has an important task, which is to find suitable hiding and evacuation places far away from Nanjing city, and to communicate with the ** Division Headquarters Guard Brigade  Together, they are responsible for evacuating and escorting Nanjing citizens as well as various party, government and military agencies. This is a very honorable job. Everyone responsible for this work has absolute authority. No matter how high your official rank is, you must obey the regulations.Row, the oil and water in it are naturally abundant.

    Of course Dai Li understood it and was very grateful. He changed his habit of not showing up in public, led the team in person, and devoted himself to this job that was prestigious, made friends, and well-paid. Last night, he followed Tang Qiuli's idea and arrived immediately  At Chairman Chiang's private residence, he cleverly explained the reasons for doing that at the meeting in his own way. Sure enough, Chairman Chiang's doubts were gone, and he praised Dai Li for his ability to do things, and even sent him to the gate for the first time.  This was a rare honor, and Dai Li felt hot in his heart just thinking about it. He felt that it was very satisfying to get along well with the two big figures in the government and prosper.

    The task given to the Central Statistics Bureau is very clear and single. It does not require the Central Statistics Bureau to do anything else. It is specifically responsible for requisitioning private vehicles. Every one hundred vehicles are organized into groups and are responsible for transporting evacuated citizens and agency personnel, as well as valuables and files.  Factories, enterprise equipment, etc. are always at the call of the Air Defense Headquarters. After receiving the order, Ye Xiufeng, the director of the Central Bureau of Statistics, stood blankly for a long time, with a sad face, and went directly to the real boss behind the scenes, Chen Guofu, with the order.

    When Chen Guofu saw the order, he was so angry that he cursed. The man named Tang took action so quickly. This order seemed simple, but in fact it was extremely cruel. Everyone knew that in China in the 1930s, only high-ranking officials could own cars.  It's the wealthy businessman who doesn't have a deep background or background. He usually walks sideways and dislikes the narrow road. He can challenge and argue with him at random, but he usually doesn't dare to offend or provoke easily.

    This is purely an offending job. How can those car owners willingly hand over their cars? They have to use force to do it. It is a thankless job. From now on, the Central Bureau of Statistics will have nothing to do on the ground in Nanjing.  It was very difficult. The most terrible thing was that Tang Qiuli clearly stipulated the number of cars that must be requisitioned in the order. He did not allow any loopholes to be taken advantage of, and it was not possible to exploit sloppiness. It was strange, how could this man named Tang treat Nanjing  Do you know the situation so well?

    Although he knew it was a trap, he had to jump in with his eyes wide open without complaining at all. Chen Guofu was so depressed that he almost vomited blood. He gritted his teeth and said to Ye Xiufeng: "Then carry out this order named Tang. Remember,  You must be flexible. He is trying to make trouble for our Central Bureau of Statistics. You can't be fooled. Explain it and let your subordinates open their eyes. Don't dare to offend that god regardless of him. Say more nice things and try to make things right.  It¡¯s all done.¡±

    Just as Ye Xiufeng was about to leave, Chen Guofu stopped him again, "Prepare a sum of money. If necessary, we can use hiring methods to reduce the hostility and resentment of the car owner towards our Central Bureau of Statistics." Upon hearing the word "money", Ye Xiufeng faced  He looked embarrassed and said hesitantly: "You also know that our bureau only has so much funds. If this is misappropriated, the brothers in the bureau will not be able to pay their salaries. If you are not able to explain to the superiors and get into trouble with Chairman Chiang, I will suffer.  No need to walk around."

    Chen Guofu was so angry that he almost slapped Ye Xiufeng in the mouth, and said viciously: "Why do I support you bunch of losers? I will pay for this myself and let you go to the flower head office, right?" Ye Xiufeng's face turned red and white as he left.  He secretly complained in his heart, "It's not because you are incapable of letting someone surnamed Tang ride on your neck to show off your power, which made everyone in the Central Bureau of Statistics look disgraceful to the point of complaining about me." Chen Guofu himself was stunned in the study.  After a while, I felt that my heart was congested and messy, like a ball of numbness. I kicked over the coffee table and sat down on the sofa sullenly.

    The evacuation order was issued. After the initial panic in Nanjing, the mood of the citizens quickly calmed down. This was not a disorderly escape, but an organized evacuation. According to the order of the Air Defense Command, the first batch of evacuated citizens were ordinary citizens.  , with the support of soldiers and police, and based on each street and alley, the citizens took a last nostalgic look at the place where they grew up, boarded various vehicles in an orderly manner, and drove towards the unknown distance, that temporary stranger.  's habitat.

    In this harmonious note, there are also unrest factors. The escort team composed of agents from the Military Command and soldiers from the Guard Brigade discovered many government officials disguised as ordinary citizens, including officers from various units under the Security Command. The incident was reported  Wherever Tang Qiuli was, he dealt with it very simply. All government officials were dismissed from their posts on the spot, escorted to the outskirts of Shanghai, and handed over to General Zhang Zhizhong to build fortifications. They would never be allowed to be released unless they received an order signed by him, which was equivalent to indefinite imprisonment.  imprisonment.

    As for those officers who fled before the enemy arrived, Tang Qiuli dealt with them very simply. He wrote four big words on the list: "shoot on the spot". There was nothing to say. They were not worthy of being soldiers, let alone being middle-aged soldiers.  If such scum remain in the army, sooner or later they will be a disaster, even more harmful than openly surrendering to the Japanese and becoming puppet soldiers.

    In the silent city of Nanjing, bursts of gunfire rang out. Immediately, large notices were posted in the streets and alleys. The people who wanted to do something were counted. More than 900 officers were shot. Tang Qiuli stopped them in one fell swoop with an iron fist and cold blood.  The unhealthy trend of government officials and soldiers fleeing first in Nanjing has also made people thinkI was struck by the character and ruthlessness of this young vice chairman.

    (To be continued)
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