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Volume 1 On the Songhua River Chapter 455 Return of the King

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    Chapter 455 Return of the King

    Tang Qiuli turned around and saw that this young man with strong lines, dark eyes, and a mighty uniform made him look particularly energetic. He recognized that this was the man who had come down from the ** Division Field Brigade and arrived at Dingbian Economy.  One of the veterans of the SAR Secret Service who is a policeman is named Liu Haoshan. We haven¡¯t seen him for more than a year, and he seems much more mature and experienced.

    Liu Haoshan stood at attention, with a standard military salute, "Reporting to the division commander, former soldier of the 2nd Brigade of the North China ** Division, current lieutenant colonel of the Dingbian Secret Service Bureau Liu Haoshan reports to you, welcome the division commander back to Dingbian," the voice was loud and very loud.  Penetrating, this Liu Haoshan, Tang Qiuli had a deep impression on him. At the beginning, he was one of the most resolute among the soldiers who were making trouble and were unwilling to stay in Dingbian as a policeman. At that time, he  In front of the platoon leader.

    Now it seems that this energy and spirit have completely convinced Dingbian's soil and water. Tang Qiuli appreciated the return gift, and Liu Haoshan's eyes flashed with tears of excitement. The old soldier of the army said to this young commander,  He admired and was kind to her from the bottom of his heart. He had not seen her for more than a year, and suddenly meeting her here unexpectedly made him feel indescribably excited.

    It didn't matter that Liu Haoshan called him "sir". The city government staff in the big restaurant suddenly realized, "Oh my God, I dare you. This young general is the founder of our Dingbian. Tang Qiuli, the chairman of the military and political committee, who has never seen the dragon, is present."  Yes, my ears have long been filled with his famous name, and I have always been fascinated by him. I know that he fought bloody battles with the Japanese in North China, and won repeated battles, beating the Japanese to the point where they could not leave Pingjin.

    Everyone crowded over, vying to get a glimpse of this legendary figure. The scene was just like today when the emperor and superstar suddenly appeared in front of the fans. Tang Qiuli looked at everyone with a natural expression, his eyes seemed to change from everyone's faces.  As the sky passed by, everyone's heart beat wildly a few times unconsciously. In a sense, they all depended on Tang Qiuli for a living. Without the bloody battle with the three horses, there would be no today.  There is no stable life for them in Dingbian.

    Tang Qiuli said a few words of encouragement to everyone, and quickly left the restaurant. If he stayed any longer, more and more people would gather, which would affect the normal work. He was very satisfied with what he saw in the city hall today, including Liu Hanzhang  The leadership of Dingbian has something that cannot be compared with other places, whether it is financial or mental state, which is full of vitality and health.

    Moreover, Liu Hanzhang also told him that we get along very well with the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region. The market there is completely open to us, and our products are sufficient to supply them. The Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region has also set up a market in Dingbian.  The office functions as a liaison office and represents the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.

    But there is one thing. When the director of their office wanted to develop a revolutionary organization in Dingbian, I flatly rejected it. My consideration was that after all, our Dingbian was under the leadership of the National Government. Although it was absolutely independent,  The national government has never interfered, but Chairman, you hold an important position in the national government, which will bring you a lot of trouble. Therefore, I did not agree and made a three-part agreement with them not to develop ** organizations in Dingbian.

    After Liu Hanzhang finished speaking, he looked at Tang Qiuli as if asking for advice. This made Tang Qiuli treat this pure scholar with admiration. He also knew politics.  It's not easy to do. Tang Qiuli completely agrees with Liu Hanzhang's approach. It's okay to do business with the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, support some guns and ammunition, or even give them things for free, but you can't make the border a fixed border.  The red city.

    "I am the second most powerful person in the National Government, but my hometown has become a paradise for the prostitutes. What's going on?"  Moreover, there are many inconveniences regarding his overall strategy for the future war of resistance.

    After coming out of Dingbian City Hall, he asked a few guards to escort Mei Ting home first. He must not be able to wait any longer at his father-in-law's house. He still had an important place to go. Just as he was about to get in the car, several police cars rushed over.  A large group of policemen jumped down. Tang Qiuli looked at the beautiful and mighty uniforms of these policemen. This was his handiwork. He put his chin on his hand to admire it. His heart was filled with a little pride. He was still comfortable in his own territory. Everything  You can do whatever you want.

    It turned out that when Liu Haoshan returned to the Secret Service Bureau, he said that our teacher was back. Hey, these veterans of the army could no longer sit still. Those in Dingbian all came together, euphemistically calling them the future.  Protecting the safety of the division commander is actually superfluous. In Dingbian, the Secret Service has its tentacles everywhere and has established a complete set of public security management systems. Let¡¯s put it this way, a stranger who comes through irregular channels can arrive in Dingbian within an hour.  His basic information and photos have been placed in the intelligence processing room of the Special Service Group of the Secret Service.

    The Japanese and other powerful people have made up their minds. This is just a piece of DC oil fat. Without exception, the members of the organization have just been sent over, but before they can sit down, the police from the Secret Service have already come to the door.  Later, among them, the most Japanese agents were arrested in Dingbian.After making many mistakes, we no longer send agents to Dingbian. Every Dingbian person consciously protects his hard-won home. Every Dingbian person on the street is a member of the Secret Service.  Peripheral eyes and ears.

    Not to mention the excitement he felt after meeting the division commander, Tang Qiuli was very pleased. These veterans of the *** Division held positions at all levels in the Secret Service and became the foundation and backbone of the Secret Service. It was they  , allowing Liu Hanzhang not to be distracted by social security, Dingbian has today's prosperous, stable and harmonious scene.

    I couldn't help but think of the way they were upset when they heard that they were leaving the army. It was the ideological work they had done themselves. They couldn't help laughing. These people knew what the division commander was laughing about and were a little embarrassed. They heard that the division commander wanted to  Go to the Military Command College and be a guard no matter what.

    Tang Qiuli didn't like police cars clearing the way, and they had no choice but to suppress traffic along the way. They couldn't violate the wishes of these veteran soldiers. When the convoy arrived on the street, Tang Qiuli was also dazzled by the wide road.  The bustling flow of people, the tall buildings, and the shops one after another. If it weren't for the traditional Chinese characters on the plaques and the clothes of the people on the street, he suddenly felt like he was walking in a prosperous metropolis of later generations.

    The convoy attracted the attention of pedestrians, especially the police cars clearing the way. This was something that had never happened before in Dingbian. They all stopped to watch. Tang Qiuli looked at all this and had a feeling of success. In a sense, he  He is the king of this land, but he is not patrolling his territory, but with an appreciative look.

    Everything originated from a simple idea he had at the beginning. Now, the idea has become a reality. This touching feeling of making history is so wonderful. How could he not let the young man be so excited and excited that he started from the open top?  The military jeep stood up and waved frequently to the pedestrians on the roadside.

    Some sharp-eyed people learned from some source that Tang Qiuli had returned to Dingbian. They shouted in surprise: "Look, that's Chairman Tang! The one waving to us from the car!" The crowd cheered and tried their best.  Maybe ordinary citizens don't know much about the truth. They use their own personal feelings to evaluate a leader.

    In this era when wars are raging, foreign enemies are looking around, and people are in dire straits, it is their dream to have a few good meals and a stable place to live, and in Dingbian, a remote place in the northwest of China, all these have become  In reality, as long as you are willing to work, you can go home from work, drink some soju, eat delicious meat that you never dared to think of before, and look at the rosy smiling faces of your wife and children. They all have an unreal and dreamlike feeling.  There was a hard ocean in my pocket, and the spicy and mellow aroma of soju warmed my throat from my throat to my heart. In their simple words, this day was a comfortable one.

    And all of this was created by the young man who waved to them. Without him, there would be no fixed boundary. Now they may still be wandering around and collapse on the road at any time. Maybe they are at the bottom of a certain city and suffer  With the joint oppression of the police, gangsters and underworld.

    The simple new citizens of Dingbian can only express their gratitude with waves of applause and cheers, and send their deepest blessings and most sincere wishes to the king in their hearts.

    As the motorcade drove away, Tang Qiuli's ears were still ringing with the cheers of the citizens and the eager smiling faces. He did not feel proud at all, only deeply moved. The Chinese people did not have high demands.  As long as you can have a job, support your family, not be bullied, and don't have to worry about being dragged out of your home by a few big men in uniforms or embroidered tattoos late at night, you can live a comfortable, stable and solid life.  This is their most basic requirement.

    The name Tang Qiuli has been engraved in their hearts. If Tang Qiuli raises his arms and calls out, some foreign enemy wants to attack us and drive us away from this land. The army will be short of soldiers and the people of Dingbian will be taken care of.  , will send their best sons to the army, for no other reason than that they don¡¯t want to throw away today¡¯s good day.

    It is said that Tang Qiuli only stayed in Dingbian for a few days and only appeared in front of the public once, but he had already left a great impact. Several printing plants in Dingbian City responded to the general public's requests.  After a strong request and approval from the municipal government, a large number of huge photos of Tang Qiuli were printed. The first batch of 500,000 photos was sold out, and additional printings had to be made urgently to meet the needs of the citizens.

    Many ordinary families bought the photos, carefully framed them, and hung them respectfully on the wall of the main house. There were also some old ladies who went to bed in the morning and evening and said that this was a living Bodhisattva. Tang Qiuli in the photo was dressed in military uniform and had a look in his eyes.  It is penetrating and looks at the joy and daily life of thousands of ordinary families in Dingbian.

    Tang Qiuli only learned this later on the front line in North China. He did not expect that he would be so popular in Dingbian. If you think about it carefully, it was just a piece of land, and the subsequent construction was allHan Zhang and his group worked hard to get it done, and I feel a little ashamed of myself.

    He sent a telegram to Liu Hanzhang, requesting that he stop hanging his photos in every home. Liu Hanzhang only replied with two words: "Public opinion!"

    (To be continued)
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