#"#合#合#, #何#合#, #奕# father#大#人#,#不#好#意#思#,#我#一#greedy#心#,#just#take#you #三#daughter#are#married#, is #this#not#different#demon#going#to#invade#my#universe#space##for#you#? #三#一个#宝#贝#女#子#hurt#that#there is no#way##,#不#要#我#come#here#please#father-in-law#大#人#come out #Guan#hosts the #situation#, #不#Ran#小# son-in-law# also#doesn’t#dare# come#to# disturb#the#father-in-law#大#人#修#修#ah#! #你#pretend to be stupid#老#子#also# and #you#pretend to be #stupid#, #see#who#will#hold#first#not#live#. ##look ?#. ?#net
#"#好#好#好#, #三#有#有#了#好#, #Yes#了#, #你# in the end# is # cultivating # what # Kung # husband #? #雪#狠#说#道#.
#南#宫#平#After thinking#, he# said#: #"#father-in-law#大#人#,#我# originally#came#to be#a#san#xiu#, #一#正# is #distressed# by the #thing#thing# of #神#bit#, #一# has been thinking of # ways# to # get #一#一神#bit#, #无#不了#天#不#不了#人#愿#,#修# practicing#many#years#also#get#不#to#,#change#雪#上#add# Frost##thing#, #Huan# was # arrested by the # people of # SI # Yuan # Da # Lu # Kun # Yuan # gate # to # dig # mines, # for # many # years #, # I # suddenly # # was # sucked into # a # space #, and # later # I # realized # that it was a # different # dimension # space # #.
#"#There#are#what#people##inside#?#all#see#what#what#what#?#"#云#Du#神#主#IMMEDIATELY#SERIOUSLY# AND # alert # to # ask # Road #.
#"#我#什么#人#不#have#see##,#when##get#go#,#I##faint##go#,#wake# up #At that time, a #gong#fa# appeared# in #my#mind##" #南#宫#平#说#.
#"#WHAT#WHAT#GONG#法#? #知#不#知#know#Who#gave#you#?#" #云#DU#神#主# and #LI #IMMEDIATELY # QUESTION #road#.
#"#野# father#大#人#, the #名#字# of #公#法# is called #《#无#中#生#有#》#,#是#一#a#called#天#义 #的人#gave#我#的#,#说#WHAT#WHAT#He#is#this#片#Universe#Space#Space#conceived#成#,#when#我 #也#真#不#believe#,#think#thathe#isa#liar#,#but#I#have#been#many#years#, #dig#mine#is also#life#notas#death#, #being #cheated#by#him#is#cheated#,#so#so#start#to#cultivate#him# #Gong#法#, #我#我#我# don’t#know#what#what#realm#realm##is#like#like#this#universe#space# #’s #round#man#神#isn’t#my#opponent#”
#南#宫#平#真#真#false#false#地#厰#拉#道#,#at the time of #breaking#pull#, #he#can#not#want to#mention# #天#真# and #天#道# are opposed to each other.
# "# originally # came # to be # like this # , # then # this # God # will # is # now # where #? # What is # his # situation # like #?# #云#度#神#主# again#IMMEDIATELY#QUE#WAY#.
#"#我#awoke#when# came#,#only#was#the #God#will#stay#in#my#mind#hai#, #a#wire#weak# #hun#read#,#he#told#me#thathe#will#quickly#disappear#,#at the same time#told#I#should#be#encounter#in the #day #道#,#Let#我#turn#report#,#要#天#道#avenge#for#him#,#his#enemy#人#is#天#真#,#要 #is#encounter#not#to#天#道#,#encounter#on#天#真#,#or#or#天#真##传#人#,#just#let#我#have # ability# the time# kill# the other# #"#南#宫#平#seems#老#老#真#真#道#.
# "#There is # such a # thing? # But # you # know # the # way # and the # sky # really # long # what # like #? #" #云#degree #神#主#asks#道#.
#"# If # is not # your # little # son # bothering #, # maybe # maybe # after # a few # millions # years #了#,#Now#is#being#taken#by#you#so#,#seems#that#is#just#a#point##"#云#度#神#主. #说#道#.
???????????????????? # father-in-law #?大#人#?want?to?see?#,?#我#naturally#???# Both hands# offer#, #Yes#, #father-in-law#大#人#, #what#what#gong#法##you#practice#,#我 #Why#why#you#see#not#outof#your#realm#realm#and#cultivation#for#ah#? #”#南#宫#平#不#不#无#IMMEDIATELY#GET#WHAT#WHAT#GONG#法#,#but#is#re#ask#道#,#HE# must#BE #First#Make#Clear#The other# party#in the end#is#天#道#or#云#度#神#主#.
#要#是#云#度#神#主#,#事#事#Maybe#still#have#room#地##to discuss##,#要#是#the other#party#is#天 #道#,#he#can#only#be#a#fight#, #this#厮#now#has#some#regret#before#in#coming#, no# #GET#定#云#度#神#主#三# among the #daughters#, #一#一#了#, #要#是#get#定#they#三# sisters# #中#的#一#一#,#和#的两party#是#真#的#云# Degree#神#主#的#词#,#大#家#can#choose #choose#cooperation#, but#now#in#theactual#situation#is#he#has#not#fixed#one#of#three#sisters# # a#, #自#自#also#take#word#to#deceive#云#度#神#主#, #云#DU#神#主#知#道#后#, #自#自#will #定# I have to #pay more# for my mouth#tongue#.
#question#is#now#now#nan#gong#ping#is#not#out#of#the#other#party#’s#realm#realm#and#cultivation#for#,#even#worse# #is#南#宫#平#can#deal with#the #monster#beast#from#outside#to enter#this#, and #the other#party#already#knows #自#自#Absolutely#It is the #strength# of the #immortal#god#, the #realm#and #cultivation# of this #cloud#degree#神#lord# If the difference between # and #自#自# is not # much #, # or # exceeds # his #自#first#offend#the other#party#, #云#度#神#主#一#出#出#,#不#不看# whether #真#云# Degree#神#主# or #是 # False # cloud # degree # god # Lord #, # the other # party # is sure # will # choose # to # cooperate with # other # eight # great # gods # Lord #, # first #annihilation#his#this# #天#义##passer#人#.
#"#合#合#, #何#合#, #我#不#是#also#See#不#out of #your#的# realm# and #修#为#? #this#大 #Absolutely# is the #reason# why #our#each#practice#different#Gong#methods# #"#云#度#神#主# Explain#. #road#.
#“#你#Why#are#sure#that#my#cultivation#is#the#gong#法#of#天#道#?#”#云#DU#神#主# reply#answer #when#time#still#really#a#surprise#,#should#not#be#Nangong#平#now#in#cultivation#to#the #immortality#god# # realm # realm # and # repair # for #, it’s hard to # see # how # is # true #.
#"#总#不#不#可以#是#天#真#?#欧# father#大#人#,# If# it is#that#like#,#我#still#really#some#right #不#起#天#义#,#我#always#can#not#have#with#my#own#father#大#人#不#去#, #He#He#. #"#南#宫#平#说#道#.
#"#胡#说#八#道#, how #老#子# can#practice#the #天#真##Gong#法#?#I don’t#know#that#天#真# #this#bastard#still#save#ornot#save#, #but#then#I#will#defeat##" #云#度#神#主#说#道#.
#"***#, #this# Guy# is definitely #not# the #云#DU#神#主#, #definitely# is the #天#道#.#" #南#宫#平# I found that #the #cloud#degree#神#主# was #speaking#when #天#真#, my #face#trembled#, #severely#,# It's like # there is # deep # hatred # big # hate # like # got #, # therefore # Nangong # Ping # judges # the other # party # can # not # be # Yun # degree # God#lord#,#because#is#cloud#degree#神#主#and#天#真# and there is no#deep#hatred#big#hate#,#zai#says#云#degree#神# I have been practicing #for many # years, but I don’t think I will # lose my composure in this way.
#"#Yes#Yes#Yes#, #this#what# said that #father-in-law#大#人# is the #passion#人# of #天#道#, #我# is the #passion of #天#义# #人#,#this#is#too#good#,#wait#for#our#cultivation#to#a#certain##degree#,#that#is#天#真#appear# #, #我们#joining hands# can# #annihilate# #"#南#宫平# immediately#said#.
#"#Yes#Yes#Yes#, #我们#我们#老# Son-in-law# join hands#, #sure# we can# annihilate# #天#真#, #Yes#, #我 #Although#although#obtained#the#gong#法#of#天#道#,#but#was#disturbed#by#you#this#is#still#not#completely# # Recovery #, #you# give #天#意#公法# to #father# for reference# one #under#, #maybe# Xu# my # practice# will be # fast #一#Some#. #"#云#DU#神#主##asks#道# again.
#"***#, #无#不了#不了#不了#,#不#know#this#ass#bastard#is#what#realm#realm#and# repair# Because of #'s #strength#? Because #should#should#not#be#higher# than #me#, #开#出#了#, #老#子#re#changed#the# #无#中#生#有#》#给#你#看#,#Look back#to find#an opportunity#to#make##”#南#宫#平#hunt#思#道#.
#"#That#老#夫#is#not#courteous#!#"#云#度#神#主#笑#MI#MI#地#went #to pick up #南#宫#平# delivery #来#的#《#无#中#生#有#》#公#法#,#在#his#hand#got#《#无#中#生#有#》#公#法# #时#时#, #云#Du#神#主# suddenly# takes #action# against #南#宫#平#, #“#时#空#杀#!#时#空# forbidden #锢#, #时#空# suo#博#, #时#空# compress# shrink#, #天#之道#! #…#…#…#…#” #云#度#神#主 #Use all the # that # should be # used # on #.
##South###is###? #His #idea#is#the same# as #云#degree#神#主#,#when#云#degree#神#主#takes#action#, #He# also# made # a move#: #“#无#中#生#有#!#romantic#情#情#…#…#…#…#”
#"#bastard#,#你#dare#to#take#action#on#老#husband#?#No#right#,#you#are#天#真#!#?#"#一#take#moves #, #云#度#神#主#, #(#不#correct#, #should#should#be#天#道# residual#hun# invading#occupation##云#度#神#主#, #We#we#will#change#the#name#back#after#the#下#来#, #should#should# be called #天#道#, #天#道#神#主# will #follow #南#宫#平#'s #stroke#several# is #see# and there is #天#真##影#子#.
#"#ha#ha#ha#ha#ha#, #this#time#you#can#not#have#answer#right#, #老#子#不#是#天#真#,#but #我#got#the #inheritance# of #天#真#, #天#真# is #我#师# father#, #我#now#is#为#师# father # revenge #! #" #南#宫#平#一一#出#tactic#to#FU#天#道#一#平#说#道#.
#"#咩#哩#咚#,#咋#火#火#…#…#…#…#"#Explosive#Explosion#The sound#不#不了#,#Lucky#Good#this#is#天 #道#When the #big#formation# was deployed in #year#, #otherwise#this #monster#star#ball# would have #been #destroyed# long ago.
#shu# Zhao#下#来#, #two#人#all#know#that#双#方#eye#下#’s#strength#is#that#the flag#gu#is#equivalent#,#at least# # short # time # is # who # will win # no # who #.
#"#bastard#, how can #you#have #the #tricks#number# of #天#义#? #Is it possible that the #inheritance# of #天#义# is also #taken by #you #got#arrived#? #"#大#狠#中#,#天#道#very#quickly#discovered#that#Nangong#平#'s#number#has#天# #Intention#’s #component# points#, #IMMEDIATELY#I’m #shocked#to#angrily# Road#.
#"#Answer#Yes#, #you#don't#see#what#I#am#is#?#now#is#just#less#you#天#道# # residual #hun# is #, #As long as # I # get # your # residual #soul#, #我# will be #complete#, #我# will be #this #yu The #controller# of #天#空#间# is #, #天#道#, #你# is just #一丝# residual#hun#, #why#necessary# # reluctantly #? #平#一#外围#回#answer#一#外围#发#取#.
#this#水#中#拉#月#可以#是#天#真#的#的#综合#一#, #南#宫#平#可#是#要# Either#borrow#this#one # Move#, #Pull out the #broken#soul# from the #天#道# from #云#都#神#主#中#天#道#.
#"#bastard#, #我# is #the #universe#space#space#gestating#and#coming#,#what#do you#count#东#西#?#Only #If I #kill#you#, #我#can#get#the #inheritance# of #天#意# and #天#真#, #我#是#this#yu The #controller#of #Cosmo#Space#! #HA#HA#HA#HA#HA#, #天#道# reincarnation#! #"#天#道#也#出 #The #own#own#trick#.