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Text Chapter 455: Fight to the death

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    What makes Yang Zhen even more angry is that since these Mongolian troops have penetrated into the Yakeshi line in the hinterland of the Greater Khingan Mountains, they should have taken action on the day the 23rd Division contracted.  Since they had penetrated into Yakeshi at the first line of the Japanese army's retreat in Hailar, they would definitely not know anything about the actions of the 23rd Division in Hailar.

    If these Mongolian troops that have entered the north bank of the Hailar River are even making a symbolic attack, they have fought against the Soviet-Mongolian coalition forces in Nomenhan and suffered severe pain, and the 23rd Division was in a hurry to retreat.  The regiment will never have the courage to massacre the city without any taboo.

    Despite the Battle of Nomonhan, the so-called Mongolian army and the puppet Khinggan Army assigned to the command of the 23rd Division were both in a soy sauce role.  But for an army that is no longer interested in fighting, although it may not be too much, it will still pose a certain threat to a certain extent.

    "But these bastards sat back and watched the 23rd Division massacre the city of Hyrule right under their noses, but they turned a blind eye to it.  Instead, they took advantage of the rare opportunity of the 23rd Division to shrink to the front line of Hylar and continue to advance eastward.  This kind of behavior that does not care about the life and death of others and only cares about taking advantage of oneself, in Yang Zhen's opinion, he will not forgive his hatred even if he buries them alive, and scolding them is light.

    Venting out the long-suppressed anger in his heart, Yang Zhen took the reins handed over by Xiao Huzi, got on his horse, and galloped away to Hailar ten kilometers away with the reins.  When Wang Guangyu saw Yang Zhen getting on his horse, he didn't dare to stop and immediately got on his horse to follow.  Yang Zhen's special car is still in Harbin.  If you want to enter Hyrule from the airport at this time, you can only ride a horse.

    When Yang Zhen and his party entered Hylar, Yang Zhen's face became abnormally green when he saw the ruins and corpses all over the city.  Especially on a street, Yang Zhen's teeth clenched when he saw a row of infant corpses nailed to the fence and a pregnant woman's corpse with her belly ripped open and her fetus thrown into a pot to be cooked.  There was a loud noise, and two tears fell from his eyes.

    But Yuan Zhiruo, who insisted on following, could no longer hold on any longer. As soon as he entered the city, he was made to vomit by the tragic scene in front of him and the pungent smell of blood.  The staff of the military region's political film team were crying while following Yang Zhen's order to film the scene in front of them.

    ¡°Compared to Yang Zhen and his team, they were even more stimulated by having to shoot closely and carefully.  The bodies on the ground that were nailed to the ground and crushed into meat patties by trucks.  There were rows of heads on both sides of the street, as well as the piles of corpses washed up here by the current at the corner of the Hailar River. If it were an ordinary mentally fragile person, I am afraid that they would not be able to bear the stimulation and collapse.

    But in order to record the criminal evidence of these Japanese troops, let the people of the country know the atrocities committed by the Japanese troops, and let the people of China know the tragedy that happened in Hailar, these film crews are still persisting.  While holding back the tears in his eyes, he kept filming the tragedy in front of him.

    And their supreme leader, Yang Zhen, was standing on what was originally the busiest street in Hylar City. He looked at the ruined houses on both sides of the street and the piles of corpses on the street, with no expression on his face.  .  However, Zhang Zixiong behind him saw Yang Zhen's hand trembling slightly.

    Yang Zhen, who thought he was used to seeing mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield, had already developed a heart of stone, but his heart was trembling after seeing the corpses of people all over the ground.  There were no old people, children, women, or any of the tens of thousands of men, women, and children left in the city, and almost all of them were exterminated.  But he couldn't let the culprit escape, and Yang Zhen even felt that he had become a sinner.

    When the Sole Brigade troops who were cleaning up the corpses saw Yang Zhen arriving, they consciously put down their work and stood around Yang Zhen.  Yang Zhen could tell that the eyes of these cadres and soldiers were red, and most of them had cried.  A deputy battalion commander who was a veteran who had participated in the Battle of Qunce Mountain under Yang Zhen's personal command could no longer restrain the sadness in his heart after seeing Yang Zhen, and immediately burst into tears.

    The deputy battalion commander looked at Yang Zhen with tears on his face: "Chief, not even one is left. Of the tens of thousands of civilians in Hylar, except for the dozens of children rescued by the scouts, not even a single one survived.  None. Of the tens of thousands of people, not even a single person was found alive.¡±

    "Chief, how could they be so vicious? These are defenseless old and weak women and children. There are also those suckling children who can't even walk or speak. How can they be threatened?  Come on. Chief, I want to take revenge for the tens of thousands of people who died tragically in this city."

    As soon as he cried out, the surrounding soldiers burst into tears.  Seeing the cadres and soldiers of the Sole Brigade crying around him, Yang Zhen also suppressed the sadness in his heart.  Wait until the soldiers are allAfter he finished ejaculating, Yang Zhencai said: "Why are you crying? What is there to cry about?"

    "Instead of crying here, it is better to cheer up and think about how to avenge the tens of thousands of people who died in Hyrule. I want you to remember that no matter when you arrive or what position you achieve in the future, never forget today.  Everything that happened in Hyrule."

    "Not just you, but all our resistance soldiers, should never forget the crimes those two-legged beasts committed against our Chinese nation. I want you to remember those who committed such heinous crimes against our Chinese nation.  People, no matter how far they go, don¡¯t let them go.¡±

    "You have to remember, no matter it is a child sucking milk or an old man with no strength, as long as he is Chinese, these two-legged beasts will not let him go. Because as long as he is Chinese, even if he is in their eyes  Submissive people or babies will also be regarded as threats by them. "

    "We should never put down the guns in our hands in the future, because as long as you put down the guns in your hands, you will be the fish on someone else's board. They can kill you whenever they want. Even if you are a compliant citizen, they will not let it go. Because  You are Chinese, and in their eyes, you are not even as good as an animal.¡±

    "You must always remember this place, and always remember these compatriots who died. No matter what the position of the person who committed this crime is, no matter who he is, even if he is an ordinary soldier of the 23rd Division, do not let him go.  No matter how far the world is, we will fight until death."

    At the end of the sentence, Yang Zhen used almost the loudest voice he could make to face all the cadres and soldiers of the One Brigade, and some even shouted at the top of his lungs: "Never let a beast go, no matter where it ends, we will fight to the death."  . I want you to pay blood for blood and tooth for tooth.¡±

    Yang Zhen's words shook the spirits of all the officers and soldiers who had just been filled with an atmosphere of grief and indignation. Following his voice, all the officers and soldiers roared in unison: "Never let a beast go, no matter where it is, no matter where it is, it will not stop until it dies. No matter where it is, it will never stop."  Blood for blood, tooth for tooth."

    When the voices of all the officers and soldiers fell, Yang Zhen raised his blood-red eyes, turned his head and pushed away the soldiers in front of him, as well as Zhang Zixiong, who saw that he was about to take action himself and came up to take over.  He bent down and gently took out a towel to wipe away the blood on the face of the corpse of a child who had been nailed to the door panel with a bayonet. He picked up the corpse himself, turned his head and said in a very calm voice to the cadres and soldiers behind him: "Now  , let our villagers rest in peace.¡±

    Yang Zhen took action himself. Behind him, Wang Guangyu and other senior cadres bent down one after another, lifted the body and walked towards the temporary cemetery outside the city using the anti-tank ditch built by the Japanese army.  There were not so many coffins in the rush, not even a straw mat or white cloth.  All the bodies could only be simply buried.

    Although Yang Zhen personally took the lead, even though the only brigade had been cleaning up for a day, even though the entire brigade was mobilized except for the security troops.  However, there were too many corpses abandoned in the Hailar River, and there were also many corpses whose heads were chopped off with swords by the Japanese army. In order to ensure that the whole corpses were buried as much as possible, temporary assembly was needed.

    There are also the shapeless corpses on the ground that have been run over by cars, and people even need to lift them up little by little.  All officers and soldiers moved very carefully, fearing to wake up these compatriots in distress.  The Solitary Brigade worked almost without sleep for two full days before clearing up all the corpses in Hyrule City and burying them in their graves.

    Although there are dozens or even hundreds of corpses buried in one tomb.  Although no burial ceremony was held, the procedures that all Chinese people should have have been simplified to the extreme.  But because there were so many people killed, the entire cemetery was densely packed in the west of Hyrule City.

    As for the corpses of tens of thousands of workers who were found massacred in Aobao Mountain and Beishan Mountain north of Hailar, because it was impossible to transport them out, they could only blow up the entire slopes on both sides of the ravine and bury them on the spot.  Yang Zhen knew that the Hailar Fortress Group, the largest among the several fortress groups on the Western Front of the Japanese Army, could never have so many workers.

    These are probably only some of the workers who were massacred in Hailar Fortress. I am afraid that more workers were directly sealed in that fortress by the Japanese army with poison gas.  The Japanese army would not allow the secrets of these fortresses to be leaked in the slightest.  Not only are they faced with the threat of the Anti-League, but they also have to kill people and silence them even after all the projects are completed.

    And in this vast jungle, how many laborers have been massacred since the construction of this fortress began? I am afraid that apart from the burned-down information in the Japanese headquarters in Hailar, which is almost full of more than half the house, the only ones who planned all this are the Japanese themselves.  Clear.

    This Hailar Fortress Group is just one of the larger projects in the first phase of the so-called border defense line built by the Japanese army after occupying the entire Northeast.  Starting from Dongning Fortress in the east to the Hailar Fortress Group in the far west, it is densely covered withA group of large and small fortresses and border garrison areas on the so-called Manchurian-Soviet border, including the Japanese army, covered almost the entire Northeast, large and small field airports and secret warehouses.

    ¡°I¡¯m afraid even the Japanese themselves don¡¯t know how many Chinese workers were enslaved by these so-called military facilities, and how many of them were massacred after the projects were completed.  The only thing that can be used to prove the numerous crimes committed by the Japanese army in the Northeast are the mass graves scattered all over the Northeast
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