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Text Chapter 386 Another blessing in disguise

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    Fortunately, the performance of these American-made trucks is also excellent. There is nothing wrong with transporting five tons from a three-ton load, and there is no decrease in performance.  A three-ton IWC truck made in the United States can carry two Soviet-made GAZ 2.5-ton trucks or Japanese cars.  The sufficient transportation capacity of American trucks makes the actual transportation capacity of each directly affiliated car group far greater than it appears.

    Although usually each regiment can only dispatch one battalion.  The mobilization of various materials relies more on railways.  But in non-war times, it is mainly used to cooperate with the railway for material transfer and transport ammunition and food for the next battle to various secret material storage points near the front, but the transportation capacity is sufficient.  After all, there is still plenty of time during non-war times.

    On the one hand, this can not only save precious gasoline but also reduce the daily wear and tear of the vehicle.  Moreover, two battalions share the equipment of one battalion and are dispatched alternately, which can also improve the familiarity of new drivers with the equipment.  It's better than sending out a whole group and most of them sitting around because they can't afford gas.

    The reason for this establishment is that the gasoline supply is severely blocked by Jiangbei and a considerable amount of inventory must be maintained.  At the same time, the number of trucks must also ensure a certain reserve so that they can be quickly replenished after a large number of battle losses occur during wartime.  It is impossible to equip all imported American trucks at once.

    You must know that although the Japanese planes are not as many as the American planes when they were fighting against U.S. aggression and aiding Korea a few years later.  Throwing bombs is as generous as Americans.  But the degree of risk-taking of the little Japanese pilots is unmatched by Americans.  Coupled with the cooperation of the Japanese army's long-range artillery.  According to Yang Zhen's requirement to estimate the worst possible outcome, it is also necessary to maintain a certain number of trucks in stock.

    Although the Northeast Bureau obtained Yang Zhen¡¯s consent at the beginning of the year, it had already sent a telegram to Peng Dingjie, who was currently in the United States while treating stomach problems and serving as a purchasing representative, to order 3,000 five-ton trucks and 5,000 three-ton trucks produced by Wanguo Company.  After taking over the first batch of American cars, the excellent performance of these trucks produced by IWC greatly satisfied the military region's logistics department.

    Therefore, when ordering subsequent trucks, directly specify those produced by Wanguo Company.  As for Studebaker's equally excellent products, the Military Logistics Department placed an order for another 3,000 vehicles after careful consideration, and after Pearson made various demands and even threatened them, and promised to coordinate a partial loan.

    Although another batch of trucks will arrive before June, for Yang Zhen, these vehicles are far from enough to meet the needs of future operations.  Moreover, not all of these scheduled trucks can be reserved for combat troops.  Various large factories that are about to start construction in the spring of this year will also need a large number of transportation vehicles.

    It can be said that of the second batch of 11,000 trucks ordered later, it would be good if half of them can be allocated to the army.  As for US aid, Yang Zhen knows that it will not be his turn until at least the middle of next year.  Fortunately, the army now has these trucks. As long as it does not face explosive growth and the establishment expands too quickly, it is barely enough for use.

    Although various troops are "self-serving" to the logistics department, they leave high-performance American-made trucks to their own automobile regiments.  Except for the artillery units, which are all American-made trucks, the other field units still use Soviet-made trucks with poor performance and Japanese-made trucks with small load capacity, and there are many complaints.

    But in the current situation, it is much better to use captured Japanese-made trucks and Soviet-made trucks that are relatively bulky and have a small load capacity than when all the equipment can only be carried on shoulders.  Especially after hearing that this equipment plan was decided by Yang Zhen himself, no one dared to speak out.

    Although Yang Zhen, the de facto number one in the entire Anti-Japanese Alliance, is about the same age as the battalion and company commanders under these column commanders and division commanders.  But after these few years of fighting, no one, whether it was the commanders of the various columns or the division commanders, dared to question Yang Zhen's decision.

    Fortunately, the military region also gave each division a disguised form of compensation in other aspects.  Although there are no American-style trucks with excellent performance, they have been supplemented by a large number of thoroughbred horses and mules that are stronger than horses for use as pack horses, which can be considered as some compensation in other aspects.

    In terms of the rationing of transportation horses, all divisions and animal-drawn units below the division are equipped with captured high-quality horses and Mongolian horses collected after the recapture of the Longjiang area.  After these high-quality pack horses were put in place, they effectively made up for the lack of number and performance of vehicles for troops below the regiment level.  It is enough to meet the transportation capacity of the division's troops.

    You must know that no one dares to play tricks on the establishment of these animal-powered transport units and change these transport units into combat units.  When each division was reorganized, after the transportation horses allocated by the military region arrived, each division commander honestly established his own animal transport unit in accordance with the requirements of the military region.

    Although there are not many cars, they are only enough to transport artillery shells and ammunition.  However, after several efforts by the military region, the troops at each regiment level?, the number of pack horses is definitely quite sufficient.  Including troops below the regiment level, the number of horse-drawn carts to make up for the lack of cars is quite sufficient.

    Since the recapture of Longjiang Province in Manchuria, which borders the Hung Yen provinces where the Mongols are inhabited and are rich in horses, the army's original shortage of pack horses has been fundamentally alleviated.  Although because the time is still too short, there are not many qualified war horses.  However, the number of available pack horses is quite sufficient.

    After regaining Longjiang Province in Manchuria, which has a relatively large number of Mongolians and is now an area with developed animal husbandry, the tight supply of horses has also been fundamentally alleviated.  In particular, a large number of new horse breeds that the Japanese painstakingly improved on the basis of Mongolian horses were seized.

    After the September 18th Incident, the Japanese recruited a large number of horses from Mongolian herdsmen in the Northeast region for their own use in order to use local materials. They put a lot of effort into improving Mongolian horse breeds.  Using the improved horse breeds that the country spent a lot of money to introduce and improve from Western horse breeds, they followed the same method of transforming their own country's horses, introduced British horses, and made the same improvements to Mongolian horses.  A large number of excellent horses were bred.

    But before we had time to promote it, the entire Longjiang and Heihe areas adjacent to the Mongolian pastures were lost.  The promotion failed, but Yang Zhen got a big advantage.  In just a few Kwantung Army horse farms on both sides of the Nen River, more than 20,000 new horses were seized. Mongolian horses are resistant to rough feed, good at long-distance marches, and have much greater transport capacity than Mongolian horses.

    Yang Zhen knew that the Sanhe horse, the most famous draft horse in the Northeast in later generations, was based on the Mongolian horse improved by the Japanese after the September 18th Incident.  Improved stallion.  But the real foundation is the Mongolian horse that the Japanese improved by using British horses and Arabian horses.

    After getting these excellent improved horses, Yang Zhen could almost be described as ecstatic.  In addition to allocating 3,000 horses to the cavalry unit for expansion.  All the rest were kept as stallions by him as long as the existing Mongolian horses were enough.  As for the use of troops, they will be temporarily replaced by relatively inferior Mongolian horses.

    The pulling power of Mongolian horses is indeed inferior to that of these improved horses.  However, their endurance and ability to withstand roughage are incomparable to ordinary horses.  And the most important thing is the huge number. There are hundreds of thousands of horses in the Nenjiang area alone.  Even if it is overstaffed, it is still enough for the troops.

    However, although these excellent horses cannot be supplemented by the troops for the time being.  But Yang Zhen believed that as long as he relied on the high-quality grasslands of the Nenjiang Plain and the large-scale Mongolian horse herd to cultivate carefully, he could obtain a large number of excellent draft horses in at most two years.  By then, the Mongolian horses with relatively poor pulling power will be eliminated.

    There are a sufficient number of Mongolian horses and a large number of ready-made outstanding stallions.  In addition, before the military battle last summer, the military region introduced a thousand high-quality stallions such as Donhe and Zabaikal from Jiangbei. With the cooperation of experts from Jiangbei, they improved the new horses with the Mongolian horses commonly used in the Northeast.  The tens of thousands of new horses bred last year and the thousands of mules deliberately bred are gradually entering their maturity stage.

    These captured and high-quality horses cultivated by oneself are added to the large number of Mongolian horses and Northeastern indigenous horses in the Nenjiang area.  Of course, there are also mules that, although not capable of breeding, are much stronger than ordinary horses.  The army's need for excellent draft horses has been fundamentally alleviated.

    It was also the first time that Yang Zhen had a sufficient number of horses on hand that he decided to adopt a mixed approach to solve the army's growing dependence on logistics and transportation capabilities.  According to the current transportation capabilities of the army, instead of a quadruple-mounted anti-aircraft machine gun that can only be towed by a truck, only a twin-mounted anti-aircraft machine gun that can be towed by a horse seems to be a blessing in disguise.

    Based on the current situation of the army, Yang Zhen no longer cares much about whether a quadruple-mounted anti-aircraft machine gun can be produced.  For him, as long as a weapon can suit the current situation of the army, it is enough.  Of course, the quadruple assembly still needs to be developed as a technical reserve so that it can be put into production as quickly as possible when there is demand in the near future.

    Yang Zhen was extremely satisfied with the performance of the twin-mounted 14mm anti-aircraft machine guns produced.  The next demonstration of the 57mm anti-aircraft gun was also quite satisfactory.  Although there is no automatic compass and anti-aircraft gun shooting director, the performance in other aspects is quite outstanding.

    "Compared with the Soviet-made 37 anti-aircraft guns and 85-mm anti-aircraft guns that the military region has begun to equip, it is lighter, has a longer range, and is more powerful.  Combined with the 85mm anti-aircraft gun, it is enough to deal with the Type 97 medium bomber, which is the current main medium bomber of the Kwantung Army, and assume the task of air defense in key areas.

    And the anti-aircraft guns, which also belong to the column, cooperate with the Soviet??A single-barreled 37mm anti-aircraft gun is enough to support the task of strategic air defense at the military and division levels.

    This anti-aircraft gun with excellent performance came out, although it still lacks some key things, and its performance is somewhat lower than that of later generations.  But paired with a MiG-3 fighter jet, Yang Zhen no longer has to worry about the air defense in the hinterland of the base area in the future.  Yang Zhen, who put down the telescope, while applauding Xiong Dazhen, also secretly praised his own memory.  Surprisingly, after such a long time and after two lifetimes, I still have clear memories of these things
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