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Text Chapter 378: Face reality

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    Since the September 18th Incident, the Japanese army invaded Northeast China.  In order to better enslave the people of Northeast China, cultivate more lackey elements to work for them, and strengthen ideological control over the so-called Manchus.  The original education in Northeast China was completely disrupted and a large number of transformations were carried out in accordance with the Japanese education system.

    Under the Puppet Manchukuo education system, there was no such thing as junior high school.  The primary school implements a four-two system. The first four years are called primary schools, and the last two years are called national superior schools.  As for the original three-three system in middle schools, it will be simply abolished and unified into four-year national colleges and universities.

    A junior high school diploma in Guan Nei is a graduate of a national high school in Manchukuo.  In a county, the number of graduates from national high schools in one year is only over 100.  This is still in Southern Manchuria, which has a larger population, but in Northern Manchuria, which has a relatively sparse population, there are not so many people.  A county can have at most 180 so-called national high school graduates per year, which is pretty good.

    ¡°And some of these graduates will be selected to study abroad in Jiangbei, and some will be admitted to the Military Region Polytechnic University and the Military Region Medical College.  The remaining people were selected by the aviation corps to select pilots, and a considerable number of them were taken away.  The infantry school, armored force school and artillery school that the military region has just completed will also recruit some students.

    Among the remaining people, some will be selected to study in normal schools, or to serve as teachers in various places to make up for the shortage of teachers in primary and secondary schools after the implementation of the universal compulsory education system.  Some of them cannot be used at all due to family or political reasons.  After such an equal distribution, there were almost no remaining people in the original Manchurian high school in the base area.

    "He is a good guy like Xiong Dazhen. If he doesn't open his mouth, he will attract a thousand people."  He also specifically pointed out that he should be equivalent to a high school student who graduated from Guannai Junior High School, so he asked me where to go to get it for him.  Only if all the national high school graduates from at least half of the counties in the region are excluded, except for those who are continuing their education and enlisting in the army, can his big mouth be satisfied.

    Yang Zhen also knows that with the arrival of a large number of new American machinery and equipment, we are facing an explosive growth of the military industry, which requires more educated and knowledgeable workers.  But now that all departments are in need of people, they really can't find so many people at once.

    What makes Yang Zhen a little curious is that Xiong Dazhen should not come to him for this matter, but to the commander-in-chief who is the first secretary of the Northeast Bureau, Li Yanlu of the Northeast Working Committee, or the acting political commissar of the military region Li Yanping?  As for the distribution of non-military personnel, isn¡¯t this kind of thing your own responsibility?  Why did this kid think of looking for me?

    Perhaps seeing the doubts in Yang Zhen's heart, Xiong Dazhen opened his mouth and finally said: "No. 1, I have been to the political commissar's place many times, but the political commissar always emphasized that we must first ensure the recruitment of various military schools and the priority recruitment of troops.  . The commander-in-chief told me to ensure as many students as possible, so they can only give me 200 to 300 people at most this year."

    "I can get more points next year, but by next year the day lily will be cold. How about I lower the standards and recruit a group of graduates from the Puppet Manchukuo excellent schools in previous years. Where can this be done? This so-called excellent school in the Puppet Manchukuo  The graduates are no more than graduates from high schools in Guan Nei, and their educational level is simply not enough.¡±

    "I came today when the Northeast Bureau was having a meeting. I heard from the commander-in-chief that you were coming back today and ran to your place to hit the wooden clock. On the 1st, you also know that this military factory is going to be expanded, so you can't recruit a bunch of ligatures.  Illiterate people who don¡¯t even know the difference between meters and decimeters, or primary school graduates who don¡¯t even understand right angles and obtuse angles should become skilled workers.¡±

    Looking at Xiong Dazhen with a stubborn expression on his face, Yang Zhen couldn't help but feel headaches. He finally understood how this guy, whose bones would have almost rotted away if he hadn't done it himself, was so unlucky in Jizhong.  In addition to some unclear and unclear reasons, I am afraid that his stubborn temper and bookishness are also important reasons.

    This guy has a really strong working ability, and no one can fault him for that.  But this bad temper is also quite a headache.  In the entire military region, if anyone can convince this guy, there is probably no one but himself.  Even Li Yanping, who is the first secretary of the Northeast Bureau, the commander-in-chief and the acting political commissar, contradicts him as much as he should if his temper arises.

    What¡¯s even funnier is that the reason this guy is convinced of himself is not because he is the leader who single-handedly promoted him.  It's because of the excellent weapons he designed and the invention of penicillin.  If it weren't for this reason, I'm afraid this guy would still be doing the same thing.

    Fortunately, two people who can finally control this guy are about to arrive.  With these two people, I'm afraid this guy won't be able to act like he's always the boss in the sky, the second boss in the earth, and he is the third boss, and he is the fourth boss.  As long as he sees things clearly, he can change his bad temper even if ten cows can't get rid of it.  Yang Zhen doesn't have to worry about this guy with eyes on the top of his head going around to offendIt¡¯s over.

    But it will be a matter of the future for someone to control him, and the problems that should be solved now still need to be solved.  After thinking about it carefully, Yang Zhen said: "Old Xiong, based on the education situation in the area, you should also know. With everyone currently asking for people, I can't allocate a thousand people to you at once. Commander-in-Chief  I¡¯ll give you two to three hundred people first, which is already my best effort.¡±

    "Do you think this is okay? You can accept as many people as the commander-in-chief gives you. The rest will be temporarily replaced by graduates from excellent schools. Although there are not many graduates from national high schools in the base area, graduates from excellent schools  The number is not large. I think these people will be fully qualified to work as skilled workers after short-term training. As for the other personnel transferred from the customs, I will give you another 500 people."

    Having said this, Yang Zhen looked at Xiong Dazhen, who was a little anxious after hearing what he said: "Old Xiong, there is no way. The foundation is too weak, we are already doing our best. In our world full of  In a country where there are illiterates and semi-illiterates, you should know the level of education of the people.¡±

    "Going to school is still out of reach for most people in this country who are barely struggling to make ends meet. Especially in a country where farmers make up the majority, the burden of one student is still quite heavy for a family.  Domestic education resources are now mainly concentrated in cities and towns. In many places, high school graduates are intellectuals.¡±

    "In the Puppet Manchukuo, in order to implement enslavement education and implement its policy of obscuring the people, the Japanese army also limited the number of students with tuition fees in disguise. You asked the Northeast Bureau and the Military Region to give you a thousand students at once under the current circumstances.  There is really no way to solve the problem for graduates of national high schools. Their foundation is too weak.¡±

    "Besides, why do we need graduates from national high schools to train our own skilled workers? I don't think graduates from top schools are fully qualified after short-term technical training. The cultivation of talents does not necessarily have to come from schools.  . We can organize some short-term technical schools ourselves to provide technical training to those people.¡±

    "As early as when the military factory was established, the military region tried every means to mobilize a lot of teachers for you. It set up various technical night schools and literacy classes to train technical workers. The results, as you can see, are still very good.  It¡¯s effective, isn¡¯t it? I think no matter what the academic qualifications of the workers are, as long as we train them carefully, I think it will still be effective.¡±

    "Although we may not be able to make up for all the shortcomings in nature, we can still make progress as long as we find ways to work hard and change. Old Xiong, people cannot live in ideals and must face reality. And then target them.  We should gradually improve our standards instead of blindly pursuing high standards and requirements, which can only be counterproductive.¡±

    "To be honest, a thousand national high school graduates, if you look at it from a national perspective, your request is not high. Even in some provinces within the pass, it is not too much. But for the current situation in the base area,  It¡¯s hard to force people to do it. It¡¯s easy to calculate the total population of the entire base area and the number of graduates from national high schools every year.¡±

    "If you are given a thousand graduates, except for those who continue to study, I am afraid that recruitment of all branches of the military will have to stop. In the words of the people in the Northeast, wouldn't that be called paying attention to the head but not the bottom?  I understand your feelings, but you can¡¯t be divorced from reality when considering the problem.¡±

    "Compared with the relatively small number of graduates from national high schools, the number of graduates from excellent schools is very large. Although these people with six years of education are not as well educated as graduates from national high schools, after all, they are better than those without a word.  It¡¯s much better to know. You must know that the reason why these excellent school graduates, who are equivalent to high school graduates in Guan Nei, do not continue their education is not because of poor study.¡±

    "Furthermore, we have implemented a universal six-year compulsory education system since last year, and outside the six years, admission will be based on merit. All students entering primary schools are at least guaranteed to graduate from excellent schools. At the same time, in order to ensure the need to cultivate talents, primary schools  After six years of graduation, the admission rate for further studies is generally guaranteed to be around 70%.¡±

    "That is to say, since last year, the number of primary school graduates entering higher-level schools has been much higher. Last year, in Jiamusi and our old base areas alone, nearly 10,000 students passed the exam and entered middle schools. I want to wait until tomorrow  In the next two years, your request will be effectively resolved.¡±

    "Now the Puppet Manchukuo primary school and the superior school in the base area have been merged into a six-year compulsory education primary school. As for the Puppet Manchukuo National High School, because of the urgent need for talents, it has not changed to a four-year middle school. I think, in the two  The number of college graduates within this year is not yet sufficient, but at least we can fully meet your requirements for high school graduates.¡±

    "But although it can't be solved now,However, accumulated during the previous Manchukuo period, there are still a lot of so-called excellent school graduates who did not enter higher education due to various reasons.  I think judging from the local population base, recruiting thousands of graduates from top schools equivalent to high schools in Guannei is not an insurmountable problem.  "

    "Although these people who have completed primary school education cannot take on high-level technical jobs, after training, they can at least make up for your requirements for worker quality in some aspects. Lao Xiong, everything in the world is not a matter of one touch.  The key is to accumulate it bit by bit.¡±
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