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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 363 The Japanese Army Eager to Avenge Humiliation

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    The Japanese were full of enthusiasm, but ended up getting a cold reception, despite their reluctance.  But in the face of reality, there is no choice but to accept Germany's kindness.  Who makes his aircraft company fail to live up to expectations? The new fighter jets developed for the army have been delayed in production.  The Army had to lower its head and open its mouth to its old rival the Navy, hoping to borrow the Navy's newly finalized Zero fighter jets that had shone brightly on the battlefield inside the pass.

    In the end, the Navy, which was reluctant and looked down upon the Army, only lent twenty-six of the initial mass production models despite the Army's humiliation.  After all, the Navy also has a large number of aircraft that are in urgent need of replacement. In addition, the factories that manufacture aircraft for the Navy also have insufficient production capacity. It is not yet a year and a month until the Navy has completed the replacement. If there are any surplus, the Navy and its German allies will also be disappointed, and even  The Army, which suffered humiliation from the Navy, had no choice but to be picky about food.  In addition to the 120 me-109 c-type fighter jets sold by the Germans, as well as the 110 legal-made fighter jets that came with it, all were accepted according to the order.  He also set his sights on Italy, where he had already suffered a big loss.

    Fortunately, the Italian prime minister is much happier than the German head of state.  Faced with the so-called ally of the Japanese who came to the door, the prime minister said nothing and immediately agreed to sell Italy's latest 110 re-2000 fighter jets to the Japanese.  And it is guaranteed to be delivered within two months.

    After receiving this batch of aircraft, the Japanese discovered that in addition to the Germans selling used second-hand goods, the Italians once again regarded themselves as being taken advantage of.  If the Japanese aircraft are congenitally lacking in high-power engines, and can only be weakened to ensure maneuverability, or even not equipped with bulletproof armor and self-sealing fuel tanks, they appear to have poor survivability.

    ? And these Italian aircraft equipped with wing-integrated auxiliary fuel tanks simply do not have self-sealing fuel tanks.  Once hit, the fate will be little better than those of our own fighters.  The most critical thing is that the engine is extremely unreliable and leaks oil in a mess.

    Although the combat performance has met the requirements of the Japanese army, which has always valued the combat capabilities of fighter jets, the battlefield survivability is still far inferior to that of the Type 97 fighter.  Not to mention the fuselage, even the wings will turn into a ball of flame if hit by a bullet with a slightly larger caliber.

    Not only is the protective performance extremely poor, but the two 12.7mm Breda machine guns it is equipped with appear to have a large caliber, but their rate of fire is slow and their penetration is poor. The key is that they keep jamming.  There are no weapons of the same caliber in the Japanese army's arsenal.  Ammunition replenishment was also something that troubled the Japanese army.

    "We can't just open a new caliber bullet production line just for these hundreds of aircraft.  Although this situation is not uncommon among the Japanese army.  The seven- and seven-millimeter machine gun bullets also used by army and navy aircraft cannot be used universally.  However, the quantity is always there. Although it is not universal, it is enough for the demand.

    "As for this kind of 12.7mm bullet, once more than a hundred aircraft are used up, the entire bullet production line will be useless.  This result is not only unacceptable to the Japanese who have always been stingy, but also cannot accept it even if the army is changed.  Of course, except for the fact that the caliber of domestic weapons is so complex that it can open a squadron of the World Gun Museum.

    Not only were these aircraft of inferior quality and high in price, but they also allowed the Japanese to offend two countries without their knowledge.  The reason is simple. The Italians pried these planes from Sweden, who were exporting them, and from the Hungarians, who were also extremely hungry for new fighter jets, in the name of taking care of their allies.

    The Swedes are indifferent to the Japanese behavior of taking food from the tiger's mouth.  Although the war has spread throughout Europe, they already have some kind of private guarantee from the Germans. There is no hard demand for the eighty fighter jets they ordered to arrive early or late.

    The key is that the Hungarians have given up on the Japanese behavior of taking food from their own mouths.  The Hungarians were inherently incompatible with their current neighbours, allies and rivals, the Romanians.  Thinking of a territorial dispute, these two neighbors are basically enemies.  This batch of fighter jets was specially ordered by the Hungarians from Italy in order to deal with the threat of new fighter jets produced by the Romanians.

    Unexpectedly, just when these so-called new fighter jets were about to be obtained, a Cheng Yaojin appeared on the way and was intercepted.  The Hungarians, who were extremely dissatisfied with this kind of prying behavior by the Japanese, even protested to the Emperor of Japan.  Fortunately, the Germans stepped forward to suppress the Hungarians' dissatisfaction, otherwise there might have been some kind of joke.

    It doesn¡¯t matter whether we offend the Hungarians or not. The two countries are thousands of miles apart and have little to no friendship.  But offending the Swedes is difficult for the Japanese to accept.  You must know that the precision bearings produced in Sweden are needed by the Germans, whose industry is far more developed than Japan, but they are strategic materials that the Japanese urgently need.  If the Swedes pursue it??, if the supply of precision bearings to the Japanese is cut off, the Japanese industry will be completely paralyzed.

    Not only did it inexplicably offend two countries, but it also acquired a batch of aircraft with questionable quality, which naturally made some arrogant army personnel dissatisfied.  Although the senior figures in the Japanese army regard the ordinary officers and soldiers below as nothing more than consumables.  It doesn't matter whether it has bulletproof armor or a self-sealing fuel tank.

    "However, the poor maintainability of this kind of aircraft and the amount of trouble it caused caused some criticism from many senior people in the Japanese Army.  It's just that although these people strongly requested to return the goods, it was still far away before the new fighter jets were put into production, and they were ridiculed for borrowing navy fighter jets.  The Navy, which has always been stingy, actually strictly limited the number.

    This batch of Italian-made fighter jets and the ME-109 fighter jets sold by Germany were immediately supplemented by the frantic Japanese Army to the Kwantung Army, which suffered heavy losses in air battles last year.  After all, something is better than nothing.  And although these Italian aircraft have many problems, they still have good air combat capabilities.

    ¡°Simply due to the time constraints of aircraft transportation and the extremely slow conversion training of pilots, these two batches of fighter jets, known as the largest military purchase in the history of the development of the Japanese aviation force, have only been in combat effectiveness for a few days.  Today's dispatch is the first real combat for these aircraft in the hands of the Kwantung Army.

    As for the reason for the slow progress of flight conversion training, it is not that the conversion training of Japanese pilots is not hard, but that the Japanese pilots who are used to flying air-cooled engines are really not used to German fighter jets using liquid-cooled engines.  This batch of German-made aircraft did not achieve combat effectiveness as quickly as those Italian fighter jets that also used air-cooled engines.

    "It's just that although the time for these RE 2,000 fighter jets to form combat effectiveness is very short, the engine failure rate of these Italian products is really too high.  No matter how hard the Kwantung Army's ground staff worked, the attendance rate never improved.  Most of the time, I spend time at the airport undergoing renovations.

    In desperation, these Italian-made fighter jets can only be used by the Kwantung Army for air defense in important areas.  Each airport in important areas is equipped with more than twenty or more than a dozen aircraft, specifically used to protect the airport from enemy air attacks.  This allows you to return to base as quickly as possible to save the aircraft in the event of engine failure.

    Today, if it weren¡¯t for the new aircraft borrowed from the navy and the insufficient number of German-made fighter jets deployed in Taonan.  In particular, German fighter jets have the disadvantage of being born with short legs and short combat time in the air.  The commander who was frightened by the high engine failure and oil leakage of this aircraft would not send these Italian aircraft out to perform such combat missions far away from the base.

    No matter what, although this kind of aircraft has many problems, in addition to its excellent combat performance, its biggest advantage is that its range is longer than that of German-made fighter jets.  At least when the German aircraft runs out of fuel and can't survive, it can be used to cover the rear.

    As for the 110 French fighter jets that the Germans gave away for free, due to the lack of spare parts and the fact that most of them had some battle damage, they were basically unusable without thorough renovation.  In the view of the Japanese army, it has no use value.  And was thrown directly into a strategic warehouse north of Xinjing of the Army.  Anyway, it's free, there is no cost.  I don¡¯t feel bad if I throw it away.

    On the contrary, if these fighter jets are put into the sky again, the cost will be much higher than that of newly manufactured fighter jets.  The always stingy Japanese, after carefully calculating the cost of getting these fighter jets into the sky, simply left them in Manchuria without even bringing them back to China.

    But what the Japanese didn't expect was that half a year later, these aircraft, which they thought had a long lifespan but would never be able to fly again due to lack of engine parts, fell into the hands of Yang Zhen.  After the Ministry of Hands.  Surprisingly, it was all repaired in just three months.

    Except for a few that can still be used on these aircraft, all the French-made engines that have been scrapped and cannot be used have been replaced by Soviet-made engines used by the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  After the armor was strengthened and the Sanqi aircraft gun pod and rocket launch rail were installed, it was changed to be used by ground attack aircraft.

    It was this batch of French fighter jets that the Japanese believed had no value for improvement. After being modified by Yang Zhen's troops, they destroyed more than 60 Japanese tanks at once during the autumn battle of the next year and the winter offensive launched by Yang Zhen.  and several large-caliber artillery positions.  Of course, this is what happened later.

    Since the Japanese aviation forces at Zimiao Airport and Taonan Airport were previously equipped with Type 97 fighter jets, they never knew what it meant to gain the upper hand in many battles with their opponents.  This time, after receiving a telegram from an important commander who was rushing to Hailar, his plane encountered enemy forces in the air and was in urgent need of reinforcements.

    Receive new naval aircraft and German-made weaponsFighter planes came in as reinforcements, and they seemed much more confident.  During this period, the losses were considerable due to the gap in fighter performance.  Eager to use the newly replenished new fighter jets, the commander of the Japanese army stationed at Taonan Airport immediately dispatched all the fighter jets on hand.  In order to not only rescue the important commander, but also to cleanse the opponent of the shame of repeated defeats
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