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Text Chapter 358 The man ran away

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    The chairman and the boss listened to Yang Zhen's explanation in detail.  From Yang Zhen's words, the chairman learned the true situation of Northeast military production.  The boss, on the other hand, has a new understanding of Yang Zhen's intentions.  Who is the boss?  It was battle-hardened.  He has fought more battles than Yang Zhen has ever experienced.  After Yang Zhen explained it briefly, the boss understood the truth.

    Since Yang Zhen had this foundation, the boss said nothing more about Yang Zhen's lavish spending in daily training.  The boss will naturally understand what training is about.  However, when the entire army is used to hardship and there is a severe shortage of equipment, it is somewhat wasteful for the boss to take out thousands of rounds of artillery shells for training.  But since they have this strength, it¡¯s hard for the central government to say anything.  This matter is over.

    However, the conversation did not end there.  In the following time, the chairman gave Yang Zhen another shock that made him feel surprised but not surprised.  The chairman hesitated for a moment before handing Yang Zhen a piece of intelligence from the Northeast Military Region.

    Looking at Yang Zhen who was deep in thought after receiving the telegram, the chairman said: "This telegram was sent on the third day after you set off northward in Yunling. Considering the tense situation and in order not to affect your command, this telegram is  The matter is not related to the overall situation, so the central government has never forwarded this telegram to you. "Yang Zhen took the new telegram handed over by the chairman and thought about it for a while, but smiled indifferently and said: "  This result was both expected and unexpected. The Korean Peninsula has been occupied by the Japanese army for nearly fifty years, and the Japanese rule there is extremely strict, even above the Northeast. "

    "In addition to garrisoning troops in North Korea, the Japanese also have a large number of Japanese police and Korean police, as well as a variety of intelligence agencies that work for the Japanese specifically to suppress resistance. These intelligence agencies have sensitive ears and eyes.  The efficiency is far beyond what can be compared in Guan Nei.¡±

    "Moreover, the Korean people's imperial-people mentality is also quite serious, and there are not a few who are steadfastly loyal to the Japanese. Even among ordinary people, there are quite a few loyal to the Japanese. When we first fought in Korea, it was because of this  It was a bit of a lack of judgment and I really suffered a lot and suffered considerable losses.¡±

    "And his methods were too bloody and even indiscriminate. He executed the middle and lower class people who were forced to serve the Japanese and those who were determined to serve the Japanese without distinction. He did not pay attention to the establishment of the Japanese government at all.  National united front and winning over the masses.¡±

    "Instead of establishing a good impression among the masses, it actually gave ordinary people a terrifying impression. The most important thing is that North Korea does not have underground organizations, but the underground organizations there are different from those operating in the Northeast.  It is not surprising that the so-called former Korean Revolutionary Army cannot stand without the source of intelligence and the support of local party organizations.¡±

    "However, I didn't expect that this guy didn't retreat to the base area when he saw that the situation was not good. Instead, he retreated to Jiangbei. This is quite intriguing. Is he afraid that if he doesn't do a good job, we will hold him accountable when he comes back. Still.  There are other reasons in between, which are worthy of our careful study.¡±

    Regarding Yang Zhen's words, the chairman did not answer him directly, but gave him a meaningful look: "Comrade Yang Zhen, it seems that you still know the situation in North Korea very well, and your judgment is also very accurate. So when you sent  He took dozens of people to North Korea to fight guerrillas. Have you considered whether they can stand in North Korea? "

    "Without the support of local organizations, and the enemy and puppet rule is so tight, it is very difficult for them to stand firm under normal circumstances. The reason why they did not retreat to our base area, but directly retreated to Jiangbei  , is it really like what you said?"

    Yang Zhen was slightly shocked by the chairman's words: "Did the chairman see my original intentions? This is impossible. Sending that person back to North Korea to fight guerrillas was basically within the internal authority of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. There is no need.  Report it to the central government. The central government should have known about it only after receiving this notification.¡±

    "Chairman, could it be that just from this telegram, you can see his original intentions?" Thinking of this, he realized that his little conspiracy was probably nothing in front of the talented and strategic man in front of him.  Facing the chairman's questioning gaze, Yang Zhen suddenly felt as if he was standing naked in front of the chairman.

    After thinking about it, Yang Zhen rubbed his nose in embarrassment and said, "This person may be in the army to establish a prestige, or to gain real power in the Korean division. For the Koreans from the pass,  Cadres have been ostracizing and attacking them, and have engaged in forced confessions.

    "Many cadres who were squeezed out by it said that they would rather be ordinary soldiers in other units than return to work in the Korean Division. Some evenA considerable number of people were captured and killed by them.  Considering that the establishment of the Korean Division was not easy, in order to protect the cadres transferred from the pass, we decided to revoke his original position after careful consideration.  "

    "Later, we considered the protection of the original North Korean cadres in the Anti-Japanese Alliance and the maintenance of the stability of the original North Korean cadres in the Anti-Japanese Alliance. It was also based on his personal application and also considered the struggle situation in the entire East Manchuria area, so after discussion, it was decided  A Korean guerrilla detachment was established. With him as the detachment leader and political commissar, a group of old Korean cadres from the Sixth Division of the Second Army were selected from the army to enter North Korea with our East Route Army to fight guerrillas."

    "But he is not simply fighting alone. We have deployed a certain amount of troops on the China-North Korea border and can respond at any time. And at the end of last summer's operation, when our army retreated from North Korea, we asked him to withdraw to the base together with the main force.  But it was a pity that he refused.¡±

    "Chairman, if he had not been transferred out of the Korean Division, the division would have probably collapsed under his massive campaign to establish prestige. Transferring him out of the Korean Division was also a dilemma. After all, the Korean Division  Most of the Korean comrades in the army, except those transferred from within the Pass, are mainly organized by the First Army.¡±

    "Among these people, he has the highest position. Transferring him out will be very detrimental to stabilizing the sentiments of comrades who were originally from the First Army. But we cannot repeat the mistakes of some aspects. For the so-called ambition of a certain person,  We have ruined an army, and we cannot give this person a heavy responsibility due to his work style.¡±

    Yang Zhen¡¯s words made the chairman fall into deep thought.  The chairman's nerves were obviously touched by some of Yang Zhen's words.  Seeing that the expression on the chairman's face gradually relaxed, Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help cursing in his heart: "Do you think that if you run to Jiangbei, I won't be able to do anything to you? You are a bastard, and you are dying.  You still have to hold me back. If you don¡¯t give me a good punishment, I will take your last name.¡±

    But he would never dare to say these words in front of the central government.  If the central government knew his thoughts, I'm afraid he would definitely not be able to escape a serious criticism.  Of course, there are many ways to deal with this guy, and there is plenty of time, but not at this moment.

    After the chairman's expression gradually softened, he looked at Yang Zhen and said: "The central government's intervention in this matter is not to hold anyone accountable, nor to deal with a certain person. But there are some things involving our relationship with Jiangbei and North Korean comrades.  relationship, so you have to be clear.¡±

    "Okay, this matter is over. As for that person, don't continue to pursue it. Since he chose to go to Jiangbei, let it be handled by Jiangbei. Although they are still in our party,  But after all, it¡¯s an international personnel matter. We shouldn¡¯t go too far with some things. If it rains and my mother wants to get married, let him do it.¡±

    "Furthermore, as North Koreans account for a large part of the basic party members in the Northeast, it also involves the stability of the party organization in the Northeast. When dealing with it, a cold approach must be adopted. After you return to the Northeast, you must unite the North Korean comrades, especially  I am an old comrade from the Northeast Anti-Japanese War, so don¡¯t engage in separatism.¡±

    "When doing things in the future, you should have a longer view. You should be more open-minded and don't care too much. As a commander-in-chief, you should be tolerant. Don't appear too petty and be generous. Of course, there are some things that you should fight for.  We still have to fight resolutely.¡±

    "As the strategic chief officer of a region, especially when it comes to foreign affairs, we must combine struggle with tolerance. This is true for Jiangbei, and the same is true for comrades who hold different opinions and styles within themselves. The truth is that steel is easy to bend.  , you should know it without me telling you.¡±

    "For certain things and aspects, we must learn to use both hard and soft tactics. We must fight what needs to be fought, and we must unite what needs to be united. This is true within the party, and it is the same outside the party. For some things, we must learn to be patient. It is not enough to just make drastic changes.  Solved. Fighting blindly will only make you passive."

    Yang Zhen understood what the chairman said.  He also understood what the chairman meant.  What the chairman said means that this matter has been put aside and the central government has no intention of pursuing it.  But in the future, when doing things, don¡¯t place too much emphasis on immediate interests, and take a longer-term view.

    Looking at the serious face of the chairman when he said these words, Yang Zhen could only smile helplessly in his heart.  What should he say?  Can we say that after the old gentleman returned to China after winning the Anti-Japanese War, he launched a war that dragged down the newly founded New China?  Can we say that the old gentleman, after the consolidation of power, almost wiped out the so-called Yan'an faction in the party?  Are we still pursuing a hereditary system under the banner of a socialist country?

    ??????????????????????????? The people of the Chinese zodiac sign are Dogs, and they will go backwards if they don¡¯t move forward.  As soon as one party gained some economic strength, it peeked into Chinese territory.  On the other hand, the poor can't even have enough to eat, and they think about begging for food from China all day long.  ?Although they don¡¯t say it, in fact they are always thinking about China¡¯s territory and are always ready to bite China¡¯s national characteristics?

    "As for the changes in that country in the next few decades, almost no one in this era can understand better than myself.  When it comes to treating others, it is not unfair to say that one's own vision is not long-term and one is criticized.  But when it comes to dealing with that person and that country, I'm afraid no one can compare to me in terms of whether I have a long-term vision or not.  It's just these that I can't say at all
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