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Text Chapter 337 That¡¯s it

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    For the thousands of troops led by Yang Zhen, once the war is delayed and the troops are divided, disaster awaits them.  Especially since the Forty Division still had a cavalry company in Sanxi, Yang Zhen had to consider the consequences if the smuggling in batches was discovered.

    So after arriving at the scheduled location, after comprehensively considering the enemy situation on the highway and the deployment of troops on the front lines of Sanxi and Caijiaqiao, Yang Zhen made up his mind to change the original pattern of using the patrol gaps of his patrol team in batches and paralyzing the guard posts in all directions.  Careless plan to try not to shoot across the road.  Use a tactical formation, concentrate the limited firepower currently on hand, and rush over at one go.

    In fact, Yang Zhen¡¯s worries have some validity.  As soon as the troops approached the foot of the mountain, they were discovered by the 79th Division security post posted at the foot of the mountain.  It's just that the guard posts here never thought that the New Fourth Army, which was currently trapped in the northeastern mountainous area of ????Jingde and was already struggling, as Shangfeng had been reporting, would suddenly appear in front of them.  He even asked innocently who he was.  He obviously regarded the people on the mountain as his friendly forces.

    The sentry¡¯s question received only a 7.65mm bullet fired from the speed machine.  As this gunshot, which was equivalent to a general attack order, was heard, the road from Sanxi to Caijiaqiao, which had always been quiet, suddenly erupted with intensive grenade explosions and gunshots.

    The first echelon, which took the lead, had concentrated almost all the troops of the special agent group at this time, concentrated all the troops and firepower, and quickly defeated the surrounding security posts from other directions who came for reinforcements, as well as the patrols who heard the gunshots and came to support.  After the team arrived, they quickly passed the road without stopping and rushed towards the pontoon.

    Before the 79th Division Engineer Company guarding the pontoon had time to react, its so-called defense line consisting of a few simple sandbags was breached.  The firepower coming from the flank was originally coming from the direction of one's own friendly forces, which accelerated the collapse of the defenders.  The engineer company, which had few guns, was defeated without even resisting.  In addition to the pontoon bridge captured by Lee Myung-bak, the remaining two pontoon bridges also fell into the hands of the first echelon intact.

    Behind the first echelon, as the second echelon, the Laoshan Regiment, which had been organized into three organic companies at this time, spread out to the two wings, preparing to block enemy reinforcements on both sides of the road and cover the teaching corps and Yang Zhen in the middle.  Leading radio stations and other non-combatants through the highway.

    At this time, the battalion of the 79th Division on the highway was beaten and turned around by the sudden appearance of the enemy.  After they reacted and regrouped, all the troops led by Yang Zhen had crossed the Huishui River in the shortest time.  And before leaving, he used the captured kerosene to burn all three pontoons.

    When a battalion and cavalry company of the Forty Division stationed in Sanxi, as well as the troops of the Seventy-ninth Division who heard the gunfire and rushed from the Caijiaqiao line for reinforcements, arrived.  There was no one on the ground except for a pile of corpses, three pontoons burning on the river, and a pile of bullet casings.

    Wang Yongshu, leader of the 235th Regiment of the 79th Division, who personally led the team from Caijiaqiao, was furious when faced with such a scene.  He directly ordered the battalion commander in charge of the line from Sanxi to Caijiaqiao to be tied up. If he had not had the authority, he would probably have shot the battalion commander directly.

    In contrast to the furious rage of Wang Yongshu, whose own defense line was breached within a few minutes, he stood beside him and stood with him on the bank of Huishui River, but his eyes were looking at the three flaming pontoon bridges on the river. The staff officer of the 79th Division  Chang Hu Bihua was relatively calm.

    After stopping Wang Yongshu from shooting the company commander guarding the pontoon bridge and the squad leader responsible for several security posts at the breached point, he said: "Chongsan, why are you so angry? The responsibility for this battle does not lie with you.  As for them, as for Shangfeng, they were just misled by the intelligence. Not to mention them, weren't we the officers also kept in the dark? Didn't Shangfeng give us the order to follow Jingde with all our strength?  Encirclement in the Northeastern Mountains?"

    "Not only you and me, but also the generals and the theater, how many people would have thought that the New Fourth Army in southern Anhui not only did not go eastward into western Zhejiang as they expected, but did the opposite and broke out westward? Those of us who put our minds on Jingde  None of the officers expected this, so how could they, who are just lower-level officials, expect this? "

    Having said this, Hu Bihua bent down and picked up a cartridge case from the ground that was longer than a pistol cartridge but much shorter than the popular full-charge rifle cartridges. After staring at it for a long time, she smiled slightly and said: "The funny thing is, the president still has it."  I have always stubbornly believed that the New Fourth Army troops in southern Anhui would move eastward into western Zhejiang after their northward route was blocked by our army. As a result, they were fooled. "

    "When they entered the Jingde Mountains, they were just taking a false shot. The actual purpose was exactly the opposite of what the Central Committee had judged. They were not going to western Zhejiang, but were going westward into the Huangshan Mountains. They had consciously exposed their position.  After that, ?Taking advantage of the gap left by our army's eagerness to encircle it in the mountainous area northeast of Jingde and adjust its troop deployment, it quietly retreated westward.  "

    Wang Yongshu disagreed with Hu Bihua's judgment: "Sir, you are worrying too much. The New Fourth Army that broke out from Sanxi to Caijiaqiao was only a thousand people. And their troops in southern Anhui were nearly ten thousand. Such a small number  To put it bluntly, the military strength is just a trick to attract our attention and cover their main operations. "

    "At the beginning of this campaign, the General Assembly, with the assistance of the war zone, mobilized a large number of radio stations to monitor their positions. Didn't the leading search company of the 62nd Division also encounter them in the mountainous area northeast of Jingde? Don't worry.  , what they broke out from here is just a chess piece they used to attract our troops. Their main force is still in the mountainous area northeast of Jingde."

    In response to Wang Yongshu's rebuttal, Hu Bihua did not get angry. She just smiled and looked at the main commander of the 79th Division next to her.  The whole division is still very taboo about this nail who was placed in the 79th Division by the Civil Engineering Department.  Although the 79th Division is part of the Central Army, it is not directly from the First Army.

    The roots of the 79th Division are the 26th Army that was adapted from the Zhejiang Army during the Northern Expedition.  Let alone the First Army, it has nothing to do with Huangpu.  With this in the eyes of some people in the Military Commission, although they are not a no-brainer and their combat effectiveness is not bad, they are not as considerate as the 52nd Division.

    Since the Battle of Nanchang, the teacher was killed.  After the new division commander was executed by the commander-in-chief of the group army who was currently responsible for encircling and suppressing the New Fourth Army in southern Anhui, in order to shirk responsibility and delay the fighter plane, hands from all sides continued to intervene.  Especially the civil engineering type who is really good at fighting on the battlefield but also has a huge appetite when it comes to annexing other people's troops is the most active.

    The current team leader is the boss of the civil engineering department who has been directly placed in the company beyond the level of military advisor.  It's just that due to the qualifications of civil engineering officers, the position of division commander was won by the so-called second person.  As the chief of staff of the division, wasn't he also the commander of the theater who got involved in order to control this army?

    And everyone knows the background of the deputy division commander.  It's just that they are not as domineering as this leader.  There have always been complex factions among them, and there are countless mountains, large and small.  Even the central military system, which is known as its direct lineage, is not immune to this.  Several factions are intertwined with each other. Although there is no major chaos, there are endless frictions.

    This regiment leader, who is known as a rising star in the Department of Civil Engineering, has had a smooth journey since graduating from the Advanced Education Class of the Central Military Academy.  In just a few years, he went from being an adjutant of a miscellaneous regiment incorporated into the 11th Division of the 18th Army, which was founded in the civil engineering department, to now being the main regiment commander of the main division of the third theater.

    He was young and successful, and he was a disciple of the emperor, so he won the respect of the boss of the civil engineering department.  As well as their usual domineering style in the civil engineering department, this person looked down upon others.  Aren¡¯t my classmates from the Central Military Academy the same?  Each eye is higher than the top, as if no one in China knows how to fight except himself.

    Thinking of this, Hu Bihua shook her head.  Although he has always stayed out of the situation, as the division chief of staff, there are some things that should be said.  After a few words, Hu Bihua said: "Chongsan, do you really think that the thousands of people they broke out from us were just to attract our attention and cover their main breakout? You underestimate them too."

    "I'm afraid it was their last unit in the encirclement that broke out from us. If we guessed correctly, this unit is probably staying to attract our attention, mobilize our troops, and give their military headquarters and main force  Look for opportunities to go north to create conditions, and consciously direct our attention and troops to the Ningguo Mountains at the junction of Jingde."

    "In other words, our readjustment of the deployment to prevent them from escaping into western Zhejiang is playing into their plans. Without the obstruction of the second guerrilla zone, and other troops that should be pursuing and suppressing have been attracted south, I'm afraid  Their military headquarters and main force must have arrived at the Yangtze River now. "

    "Chongsan, what the 62nd Division saw was all an illusion. How could a group of captive prisoners who knew nothing about anything be interrogated in such detail? I really didn't expect that among the people in southern Anhui, there was such a person.  Such talents can turn around tens of thousands of troops from seven divisions in the entire third theater."

    "If there is a chance for their commander, I really want to see what kind of person he is? He can play such a trick under our noses. Playing hard to get, making excuses to attack the west, that's a good trick. Brother Chong San  , This time the suppression of the New Fourth Army in southern Anhui will probably come to an end."

    "Chongsan, if there are no troops to break out from under our noses, I have some doubts about the gathered intelligence, but I have to believe it. But the current situation makes me firmly believe that we have no control over the mountains in the northeast of Jingde and Jingxian County.The clean-up campaign in the southeastern mountainous areas could only be in vain.  "

    "Because except for a very few stragglers, there should be no New Fourth Army there. Now all the 40th Division has moved south, and the 144th Division is also heading east. There is only a New 7th Army with weak combat effectiveness.  Division, plus the 108th Division, which had a friendly relationship with the New Fourth Army in Southern Anhui before the war. "

    "After they break out from us, whether they go north or west, I am afraid no one can stop them. Those divisions will not be able to come back even if they have wings. Our ambitious and talented but greedy  The Commander-in-Chief, who has been blamed for so many mistakes, may have his hopes dashed again. I just don¡¯t know who will be used as a scapegoat this time.¡±
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