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Text Chapter 330 The gap is too big

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    The other leaders who followed the military operations were opposed to the military commander's original choice to change the route and go directly to Nanyi Lake.  I am just worried that I will not be able to collect enough ferries in a short time.  In the battle of Shuiyangjiang, although Zhongyijiu's defense was broken through, the whereabouts of the main force had also been exposed.

    If there are not enough ferries, the troops can only cross the lake in batches.  In this way, the troops, which are already insufficient in strength, can only be further dispersed.  Once each batch of troops crossing the lake loses its size, it is easy for others to take advantage of them.  And the time to cross the lake will be very long.

    Once the second guerrilla zone reacts and before troops are sent back for reinforcements, the troops who are in the most dispersed situation will be unable to complete the crossing and will encounter catastrophe.  It doesn't take much. As long as the second guerrilla zone deploys a brigade on the east bank of the lake, it can eat up the extremely dispersed troops one by one.  Even a fool would choose this best tactic to strike halfway across the river.

    But beyond everyone¡¯s expectation, the military commander collected ferries that could carry half of the military headquarters and the main force in a short period of time, leaving those who had previously opposed no excuses.  As for the possible enemy situation when crossing, no one cared about it.  As long as the troops crossing the lake are large-scale, even if they encounter enemy troops after crossing the lake, it will not have much impact.

    Although Nanyi Lake is not out of the control range of the Second Guerrilla Zone of the Third War Zone, it has a significant advantage when crossing it, that is, there is no interception by Japanese gunboats.  Except for the Shuiyang River, there is no major river connection between Nanyi Lake and the Yangtze River.  The Shuiyang River Basin is the only waterway in and out of Nanyi Lake from the Yangtze River, but it is basically controlled by the Third War Zone. It is impossible for Japanese warships to enter Nanyi Lake.

    Without the obstruction of the well-equipped gunboats of the Japanese and puppet troops, the commander was not afraid even if they were encountered on the lake by the few patrol boats using wooden sailboats in the second guerrilla zone.  Before the crossing, the commander of the fleet specially designated the oldest regiment with the strongest combat effectiveness in the fleet and set up a convoy in accordance with the method discussed with Yang Zhen in handling unexpected situations.  And all the heavy machine guns and grenade launchers were allocated to the old regiment.

    During the crossing, all the light and heavy machine guns were loaded with bullets and placed on the bow.  For all grenades, unscrew the safety cover and pull out the safety rope.  Once you encounter the enemy, use firepower to suppress it first and cover the main fleet to rush out.  As long as they can safely cross Nanyi Lake before the main force of the second guerrilla zone returns, there will be no force that can stop the Wannan troops from moving north on the rest of the way.

    At a small fishery wharf in the reeds north of Mocun, the military commander held up his binoculars and looked at the first batch of fleets crossing the lake that were getting further away, and then turned to look at the operations section chief beside him.  He said: "You haven't contacted the political commissar yet? Tell the Communications Department that no matter what method they use, they must contact the political commissar for me."

    Looking at the commander who now looked a little more energetic compared to the previous Xiao Suo, Li Zhigao, the combat section chief next to him, said: "Commander, why did you think of coming to Nanyi Lake? I'm really convinced. In such a short time,  , you can get so many ships at once. You can predict that the Japanese army will be dispatched in advance, so you have made preparations in advance. "

    Regarding Li Zhigao's words, the army commander shook his head and said: "This was not my pre-arrangement, but the political commissar had made preparations in advance. When the two of us were studying the route of retreat to the north, he thought of a lot. For  We have prepared for all possible surprises along the way.¡±

    "Before the political commissar was transferred, he had drawn up a number of contingency plans based on the different terrains and enemy situations on several routes. This trip to Nanyi Lake was because the political commissar was tired after our army might have fought for a long time and encountered the Japanese army.  One of the contingency plans that may put us in danger."

    "Although our military political commissar is young, his careful thinking and meticulous and solid work are rare in my many years of service in the army. Although he was successful at a young age, he became the commander-in-chief of hundreds of thousands of troops at a young age. But he is not like ordinary young people.  Impetuous. I am far inferior to him at his age. It is definitely not an accident that he can achieve such results."

    Having said this, the army commander sighed slightly, as if to Li Zhigao beside him, but also to himself: "What a young and promising political commissar, what a young hero. How can our army have such a young but talented young general?"  , the good fortune of our army and the good fortune of the Chinese nation.¡±

    Li Zhigao did not answer the military commander's words and could not answer them.  When the new political commissar arrived in Wannan and took office, Li Zhigao was honestly a little unconvinced.  When he was only twenty-seven years old, he served as the chief of the operations section of the New Fourth Army, and he already felt that he had achieved success at a young age.

    But this new military and political commissar in his twenties is actually one year younger than himself, even younger.  When he joined the Red Army in 1929, he was still studying.  Although during the Red Army period, many division cadres were young.  He served as a military political commissar in his twenties, and even served as a division commander in his teens.??, the political commissar is not new either.

    "But at the age of more than 20 years old, he served as the commander of the Northeast Military Region and the political commissar of the New Fourth Army, and the commander-in-chief of a strategic area, with hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers and generals under his command.  The troops in hand are larger than the three front armies combined during the Red Army. The most important thing is that they are the only ones in the entire army who are extremely well-equipped.

    He joined the Red Army at the age of fourteen and made many military exploits.  Having been put into important positions at a young age, he already felt that he was outstanding during his time in the Red Army.  But compared with this 38-style cadre in his eyes, Li Zhigao felt that the experience he was so proud of was nothing.

    But after Yang Zhen arrived, his low-key but unswerving way of working made him feel convinced.  It wasn't the large amount of ammunition and equipment he brought, but the iron-fisted approach he showed, which was clean and neat without any sloppiness.  Once you make up your mind, never procrastinate.

    The former deputy army commander, who was the de facto political commissar, had been procrastinating and not taking action on the matter of moving north.  The new political commissar came and worked out a detailed plan in just a few days.  He also analyzed the enemy situations he might encounter in great detail.  Various plans have been made for possible accidents.

    As the chief of the operations section, many of these action plans were customized by Li Zhigao with the participation of the two best staff officers in the staff office.  During the formulation process, he discovered that this young political commissar was definitely not as simple as he seemed on the surface.  The thinking is clear and the vision is extremely broad.  The most important thing is that the mind is extremely delicate, and the use of military force is combined with the right and strange, and it can even be described as unconstrained.

    The mere appearance of these pre-prepared boats in Nanyi Lake shows the political commissar¡¯s careful thinking.  No matter which northward retreat route is chosen, although the vast Nanyi Lake is relatively safe, it is something the military is trying to avoid.  It is because it is not easy to recruit ferries temporarily, and the troops are too scattered when crossing, and they are easily attacked by the enemy halfway across.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡¯¡¯s will impound all the ships ¨C ¨C will not be able to collect ferries at all.  However, he thought that the political commissar had already made arrangements in advance and used funds to secretly recruit a number of ferries.  Although the quantity is not enough to transport all the troops at once, it can at least ensure that two main regiments of troops can be transported in one batch.

    This ensures that both the troops that have crossed the lake and those that have not yet crossed the lake have enough strength to avoid being surrounded and annihilated by the enemy.  In addition to the hundreds of small but numerous ferries seized along the Shuiyang River, it was enough to transport the general's personnel across the lake.

    In less than a month, Li Zhigao, who was in the Operations Section of the Military Department, turned from unconvinced to convinced by Yang Zhen. Coupled with the scene by the lake, he lost his temper even more.  It should have been thought of by me as the chief of the operations section, but I didn't think of going directly to Nanyi Lake when necessary, but this young political commissar thought of it.

    Seeing the first batch of fleets drifting away, the commander put down his binoculars and turned around, only to see Li Zhigao in a daze. He said somewhat angrily: "Xiao Li, why don't you go to the communications department and ask?  Have you contacted the political commissar? I don¡¯t know how the political commissar is doing or is he out of danger.¡±

    Hearing the somewhat angry words of the military commander, Li Zhigao said quickly: "Commander, I would like to ask for permission to change to a higher-power radio station? The power of the five-watt radio station is too small, and the political commissar doesn't know where he is now. Moreover,  They must be in a mountainous area and the terrain is very complicated, so it will be difficult for low-power radio stations to communicate.¡±

    "The political commissar taught the Communications Department some methods of using low-power radios for long distances before. But the Communications Department always couldn't figure it out. There is a vast plain here, and there is no pole that is too long to erect an antenna. The strength of the signal,  It is directly related to the length of the antenna. You can use the ground wire, but the communication department doesn¡¯t know how to use it.¡±

    "The methods taught by the political commissar are not ineffective, but they are too advanced. The staff officers in our communications department and confidentiality department have limited technical capabilities. It was okay when the political commissar was there, but when the political commissar is gone, we always can't figure it out.  The line is also down, but the communication distance is not as high as the political commissar's time. The gap between the military commanders is too great. We in the communications department have never heard of the political commissar's stuff."

    "Now our radio station can only hear the constant calls from the political commissar, but there is no response. Obviously the other party cannot receive our signal. The power of the five-watt radio station is too small, and the terrain there is very complicated and the mountains are high.  Lin Mi, the signal is greatly affected. In addition, the power of the radio is small, so it is normal for the political commissar and others to not receive the signal. "

    "Commander, the situation with the political commissar is very complicated. Judging from the enemy situation around us, it is obvious that the political commissar has attracted most of the enemy troops south. In particular, almost all the main forces in the second guerrilla zone have been attracted to Ningguo.  Within the territory. It can be said that the enemy situation around us has been fundamentally alleviated.¡±

      "It's just the political commissar's side, I don't know what's going on. There were only two battalions on the Xingtan front line before we left. I don't know if the special agent regiment and the teaching corps have joined them? There is also the third regiment, I don't know how it is.  After they were separated from the main force, they didn¡¯t know if they could get rid of the 52nd Division.¡±

    "I wonder if we should activate a high-power radio station and contact the political commissars. We are now basically out of the encirclement of the third war zone. There is no big enemy situation around. The situation is no longer the same as the situation in the mountainous area south of Xuancheng.  It¡¯s different. Should we turn on a high-power radio?¡±
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