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Text Chapter 323 Call from the Central Committee

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    Yang Zhen, who was leading his troops south to Jingde at this time, would naturally not know about the controversy that took place in the headquarters of the 32nd Army, let alone that his actions to lure the enemy had worked.  Under his repeated temptation to intentionally expose the radio signal, the Thirty-Second Army has mobilized heavy troops on the front line of Huangzishan, preparing to enter the mountain to clear up the enemy.

    And spent almost all their resources to mobilize heavy troops to go south to Jingde and blockade the junction of Jingde and Jingxian.  For him, how to attract more troops from the Third Theater Zone to surround him and minimize the possible interceptions that the exhausted main force with heavy casualties might encounter when heading north is more important.

    Because he knew very well that after the Forty Division lost traces of the main force, the Third War Zone would definitely mobilize the second guerrilla zone stationed in Xuancheng and Ningguo to fortify the main route northward.  This route has a large area of ??water in Nanyi Lake to the east, and the Japanese and puppet troops stationed in Wuhu to the west and have blocked the line from Chenggu Lake to Gaochun.

    ??And after crossing the Shuiyang River, you will find the Nanyi Lake Plain.  If they cannot pass through this plain terrain before the second guerrilla zone can react, the military headquarters and the main force will be in a state of being attacked from both sides.  If Langxi, southeast of Nanyi Lake, was not the core area of ??the second guerrilla zone, Yang Zhen would not have chosen Hubei at all.

    The Second Regiment of the Puppet Appeasement Army stationed in Wuhu, north of Nanyi Lake, is not within the scope of Yang Zhen's worries.  Although the Second Regiment of the Appeasement Army was equipped with captured equipment handed over by the Japanese army, it can be described as excellent.  However, as a puppet army composed of some local indigenous armed forces and scattered stragglers before surrendering to the enemy, its combat effectiveness is not strong.

    At this time, the establishment has not surrendered and become a puppet army. The Wang Puppet Government has just come on stage and has not yet had time to reorganize the puppet army.  The combat effectiveness of the Jiangnan puppet army is generally not strong.  Not only was it incomparable to the Manchukuo Army, which was formed and trained by the Japanese, a considerable number of its officers were themselves Japanese.  Even the puppet troops in North China have a level of combat effectiveness higher than that.

    Even though the Second Regiment of the Pseudo-Appeasement Army is the elite of the so-called Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui Appeasement Army, it can still be used to stand guard, guard the gate, and scare the common people.  If you want to fight with the military headquarters and the main force as a regiment, the second regiment of the Appeasement Army must at least train well.

    What really worried Yang Zhen was the 15th Japanese Division stationed on the line from Wuhu to Nanjing, guarding Nanjing where the headquarters of the Japanese invaders were located.  Although this 15th Division is a special division formed only in 1938, because the Japanese army is at its peak now, its equipment and combat effectiveness are among the entire Japanese army invading China, although they are not as good as those of the veteran divisions.  The group is also considered a leader.  It is far from the ad hoc divisions formed in the late war with old and young soldiers and insufficient equipment even with the most basic rifles.

    As a field division used to siege cities and territories, it has complete equipment and strong troops.  The division has three field infantry regiments and one field artillery regiment.  Among the Thirteenth Army stationed in East China, it is definitely first-rate.  The division commander, Lieutenant General Kumagai Keiichi, is fierce and cunning, and is extremely good at using troops.

    For the Japanese army, although they still focused on frontal siege of cities and territories, the New Fourth Army's guerrilla warfare in the occupied areas also gave them a feeling of thorns in their backs.  This is especially a great threat to its plan to use war to support war.  The Japanese are naturally happy to see the Chinese killing each other.  If the three war zones fail to do their best in this fight between brothers, I believe they won't mind helping out.

    Even though it completely eliminated the New Fourth Army, which was a close enemy, it also created a deep rift within the Chinese people.  At the same time, it gives people the feeling that there is no difference between the Nationalist Government and the Japanese Army on the issue of dealing with the New Fourth Army.  This kind of thing that kills three birds with one stone will never be missed by the Japanese.

    In fact, Yang Zhen also knew that it was absolutely impossible for the Third War Zone to openly join forces with the Japanese invaders to annihilate the New Fourth Army.  The Third War Zone is not so stupid, and the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government is not so stupid.  At this time, they will openly join forces with the Japanese army.  However, due to the same purpose, both parties have inadvertently achieved strategic coordination.

    Based on the intelligence gathering capabilities of the Japanese, they would not be unaware of such a big move in the Third Theater Zone.  At this time, they were also very aware of the subtle relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.  Taking this opportunity to let the Chinese kill each other and weaken the resistance, no matter what the intentions of both sides are, the Japanese are optimistic about the outcome.

    Once the Japanese 15th Division stationed in Nanjing and the surrounding areas of Gaochun, Jurong, Lishui and Jintan were dispatched.  Facing the Japanese army, which has absolute advantages in firepower, equipment, combat effectiveness, and extremely high maneuverability.  And it is located in the plains north of Nanyi Lake. The main force of the division, which is tired of veterans and has insufficient troops, will find it difficult to deal with it.  This is also the reason why Yang Zhen is unwilling to go to Hubei whenever he has a glimmer of hope.

    ¡°But the commander-in-chief of the Huangpu Phase 1 of the Second Guerrilla Zone, who was an experienced friction expert, was cunning. Even if he mobilized the main force of the Third War Zone of Southern Anhui to go south, he would not follow the orders of the 32nd Army Headquarters and go south with all his strength.  hand??Now there is one division, one brigade, plus a second column advancing from Jiangnan and some loyalists who saved him, so he will at least have a few regiments of troops around him.

    The reason is very simple. His second guerrilla zone is not only bordered by the New Fourth Army base area on the Shuixi front line, but also bordered by the Japanese army on the Gaochun front line.  Although he cooperated with the 32nd Army to eat up the New Fourth Army in southern Anhui, he was not unwilling.  But he would not risk being taken advantage of by the Japanese and destroying his lair by going out with all his troops.  As a veteran, he will not leave a life-saving asset by his side.

    The troops currently following the military headquarters only have four regiments.  Moreover, after a hard battle, the casualties were not light.  The troops were extremely tired from marching and fighting for long distances.  The terrain there is an area of ??flat plains and dense water networks.  There are many non-combatants in the military department, so it is not a good idea to pass by their hometown at this time.

    So on the one hand, Yang Zhen ordered the military headquarters and the main force to go to the north bank of Nanyi Lake.  Although the terrain here is narrow, it is located at the junction of the Japanese-occupied area and the second guerrilla zone.  In that area, the deployment of troops in the Second Guerrilla Zone is relatively weak.  Even if the whereabouts of the military headquarters and the main force were discovered, the commander-in-chief of the Second Guerrilla Zone would not risk conflict with the Japanese and puppet troops at this time and send all the capital in his hand to intercept them.

    Even if the Japanese 15th Division dispatched some troops to intercept, there are still southern Jiangsu troops on the north bank of Nanyi Lake that can cooperate with the operation.  And that route was once a secret communication line communicating with the New Fourth Army.  The mass base there is quite good, and it is not difficult to recruit enough ferries.  When necessary, retreat to Nanyi Lake and use the lush reeds there as cover.  Or using the lake to evacuate is also a pretty good option.

    But there is a prerequisite, that is, you must be able to attract as many troops as possible from the second guerrilla zone southward to create conditions for the military headquarters to pass quickly.  Otherwise, if there is a delay, and the second guerrilla zone does not even need to dispatch the main force, the Japanese and puppet troops on the Wuhu front line may take advantage of the situation and rob them.

    Although he knew that his move would put him in danger, Yang Zhen's move southward was always somewhat unhurried, although he carefully avoided it.  Even when they entered Jingde territory and reinforcements came from western Zhejiang, they only reached the front line of Jingde and had not yet reached the north.

    At this time, Shangguan Yunxiang, who was in a hurry, captured the young man and fought with the 368th Regiment of the 62nd Division who went north to participate in the encirclement and suppression.  Before the main force of the 368th Regiment could arrive, they used an ambush to capture a leading company.  After giving a meal of fried rice to the captured prisoners of the leading company of the 368th Regiment, Yang Zhen released all the prisoners on the spot on the pretext of being unable to carry prisoners during the march.

    However, before releasing him, Yang Zhen still made some false appearances.  Not only did he give a brief speech to these prisoners of war in the name of the political commissar of the New Fourth Army.  Of course, some deliberately created illusions were interspersed in the middle, which successfully made these prisoners believe that these people in front of them were the headquarters of the New Fourth Army after receiving two ocean tolls and crying with gratitude to the New Fourth Army.

    Of course, in this fake show, the military commander will not appear, but will only be responsible for the rearguard containment task.  Of course, in order to enhance his persuasiveness, Yang Zhen also asked Li Huilan, the only female soldier in the army, to accompany him at the scene to talk to these prisoners as a propaganda officer.

    After sending these prisoners off, Yang Zhen avoided the marching route of the 386th Regiment as confessed by these prisoners.  Detoured to the junction of Ningguo and Jingde.  After ordering the radio station to contact the military and monitor the enemy troop movements around him, Yang Zhen stared at the map and frowned.

    Looking at the mountains and rivers of Jingde marked on the map, Yang Zhen didn't pay any attention to the map, but his thoughts were far away.  At this time, he was thinking not only of the military headquarters that should have crossed the Shuiyang River, but also of the old troops thousands of miles away in the northeast.  In the blink of an eye, it has been nearly three months since I entered the customs. I wonder if anything has changed in the Northeast?

    ??How has military construction been during these three months?  Have all the supplies and equipment the Soviets promised to exchange arrived?  Do the planes transferred by the Americans have combat effectiveness?  How is the troop training going?  How many troops have been replenished and have become combat effective?  The most important thing is, did the Japanese army make any changes?

    Yang Zhen realized at this time that he really missed the ice and snow in the Northeast, his old troops, and his old comrades.  I wonder how the commander-in-chief is doing?  Did Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun become even thinner again because of working day and night?

    Seeing the young military political commissar who had acted decisively and decisively after arriving in Wannan, and who was almost the same person as the former deputy commander, looked a little distracted. Li Huilan, who came to report the situation, looked at the telegram in hand, and then looked at the absent-minded person.  Yang Zhen, although she didn't want to interrupt Yang Zhen's train of thought, but due to the importance of this telegram, she could only wake up the absent-minded Yang Zhen.?

    Yang Zhen, who had recovered from his daze, looked at Li Huilan in front of him and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Xiao Li, I was just thinking about something and was a little distracted. How is it? What's the situation? Contact the commander and the others.  No, where are they now? Have they crossed the Shuiyang River?"

    Listening to Yang Zhen's barrage of questions, Li Huilan couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled before saying: "The political commissar has not yet contacted the military department, and it has not yet reached the prescribed contact time. But here is a letter from northern Shaanxi.  The telegram is for you to sign for in person. We don¡¯t have the password, so you can only translate it yourself.¡±
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