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Text Chapter 304 An accident within an accident

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    Having said this, Yang Zhen looked at the director of the Political Department who looked a little nervous, and said with a smile: "Lao Yuan, you can rest assured that everything will be fine. This is only a few kilometers away from the battlefield at Niulanling.  The army is weak and can only control some key points and infiltrate some enemy forces. "

    "In addition, this area was the main battlefield of the Fifth Regiment and the Old First Regiment, so there will definitely be some rout of the 40th Division. Even if a small group of enemy troops appears around us, it shouldn't be a surprise. But based on my understanding of the troops  , It is possible that the defeated troops of the Forty Division, with their morale dispersed, would take advantage of our stragglers.

    "But as long as our marching troops are not in disorder, they will not have the courage to take the initiative to provoke us. As for the enemy troops infiltrating from the Niulan Ridge line, it is impossible for a large force to take the initiative without gaining a complete advantage.  They don't have a strong sense of attack, so they usually don't send a large force deep into our hinterland. At most, it can only be a battalion, or even a search company. "

    "It's certainly not easy for us to find them in such a large mountainous area. But as long as we hide well and don't take the initiative to expose our targets, it won't be easy for them to find us. So as long as we are more cautious, no stragglers will be caught and completely exposed by them.  We don¡¯t have to worry too much about our whereabouts, at least for a short time.¡±

    Yang Zhen said so, but only he knew whether the actual situation was as easy as he said.  The gunfire in the direction where the military headquarters was originally stationed has not subsided, and there is even a tendency to become more intensive. It is obvious that the number of troops that have penetrated is definitely not a small number.

    Otherwise, the battalion of the special agent after the whole army was interrupted. With a large amount of automatic firearms, and strengthening the configuration of machine guns and magazines, how could it not be resolved for such a long time?  You must know that the special agent regiment directly under the army is the essence of the southern Anhui army, and it is also the regiment with the best combat effectiveness and equipment in the entire southern Anhui army.

    ?Compared to several other regiments that were transferred back to southern Anhui from southern Jiangsu and were formed one after another after the New Fourth Army moved eastward.  Since its establishment, the special service regiment that has been serving as the main bodyguard of the military has no heavy machine guns, but only has 14 light machine guns, and all of them are Qingyishui Belgian-made light machine guns, Hanyang-made rifles and Type 38 rifles.  .

    Almost all of them are veterans with more than one year of military service and have participated in anti-mopping up battles.  Cadres at all levels are veterans who have experienced three years of guerrilla warfare and have extremely rich practical experience.  Although he lacks experience in head-on offensive and defensive battles, he is an expert in mountain warfare.

    This time, of the 1,000 submachine guns brought by Yang Zhen, the Secret Service Corps was given priority to equip more than 100 of them. The light machine guns were also strengthened and given to the Secret Service Corps five crooked machine guns.  As the rear-end unit of the entire army, a group of experienced veterans were specially adjusted for this battalion before departure.

    After some reorganization, this battalion, which has seven light machine guns and more than 40 submachine guns, can be said to be the battalion with the most automatic firearms and the most veterans with actual combat experience among the entire southern Anhui military headquarters.  For such a battalion, whose equipment and combat effectiveness are almost the best in the entire army, more than ten minutes have passed, and the sound of gunfire still has no tendency to weaken. This shows that the number of enemy troops that have infiltrated is not a small number.

    Since the opponent¡¯s reinforced battalion can infiltrate, how can enemy forces from other directions not be able to infiltrate?  It's not scary for a company to infiltrate. What worries Yang Zhen the most is that the other party adopts the method of infiltrating in small groups in batches and through multiple channels.  If this happens, the guard strength of one company will not be enough anyway.

    ¡°Perhaps it was intended to test Yang Zhen¡¯s judgment and command ability in battle.  It had not been two minutes since the director of the Political Department calmed down under his comfort.  On the mountain ridges on both sides of the mountain road, gunfire sounded almost at the same time. It was not dense, but it definitely could not be described as sparse, and was mixed with the sound of grenades and grenades exploding.

    From the gunfire, Yang Zhen clearly heard the unique gunfire when the Czech light machine gun burst fire, the French Hotchkiss 1922 light machine gun, and the Chinese formal rifle fired.  The military guard company only has three Belgian machine guns and one Soviet rotary machine gun picked up in southern Jiangsu, but no Czech or French light machine guns.  The rifles are all made in Hanyang, and there are no Zhongzheng rifles.

    This shows that at this time, the firing sounds of Czech light machine guns and French light machine guns came from the ridges on both sides of the mountain. There is no doubt that these are enemy troops that have penetrated in.  From the limited intelligence before the war, Yang Zhen knew that the 52nd Division in the northeast was equipped with a large number of French light and heavy machine guns and rifles.  As a direct line unit of the Central Army, the Forty Division is equipped with a large number of Czech light machine guns and medium-sized rifles.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: and there are no bursts of gunfire. Yang Zhen can clearly tell that the person using the machine gun must be a veteran.  Although gunshots were heard from the ridges on both sides at almost the same time, Yang Zhen's heart relaxed slightly after hearing that the shooting conditions on both sides were different.

      From the firing sound of the Czech light machine gun coming from the ridge on the west side, it can be clearly judged that there is only one.  The sound of rifle shooting was also somewhat chaotic.  In other words, the Czech light machine guns used on the ridge on the west side should be the scattered small forces of the 40th Division.

    It can be judged from the sound of gunfire that the enemy troops on the ridge on the west side are veterans.  But there shouldn't be much fighting spirit in his heart at this time, otherwise the gunshots wouldn't appear so chaotic.  And there won¡¯t be too many people, at most there will only be a row of people.  What really caught his attention was the gunfire on the ridge on the east side.

    "Compared with the somewhat chaotic gunfire from the ridge on the west side, the gunfire from the ridge on the east side seemed much more orderly.  And in addition to the rifle machine gun, Yang Zhen also heard the brisk burst of the speed machine from the gunfire.  It was obvious that the enemy troops on the ridge on the east side were well prepared and were much better equipped.

    After quickly judging the enemy's situation, Yang Zhen immediately stood up and said to the director of the Political Department: "Go back to the army immediately. You must stabilize the army. You must not panic, let alone blow up the camp. If someone disobeys,  Orders running around will affect the safety of the entire military headquarters and expose the military headquarters' position. Don't show mercy. "

    After briefly explaining the director of the Political Department, Yang Zhen turned to Li Mingbo beside him and said: "Go and gather all the guards and grooms of all cadres above the regiment, except for leaving one guard for Director Yuan."  Outside. All the others, including Zhang Zixiong, will be led by you and immediately throw themselves into the east mountain ridge."

    Hearing Yang Zhen's order, Li Mingbo refused without thinking: "No. 1, I can lead the team up, but Zhang Zixiong must stay. You will definitely not be able to do it without someone around you. This is what the political commissar told me before I entered the customs."  The mission given to me. No. 1, this is a rule, and as your guard platoon leader, I must strictly implement it.¡±

    "Also, the security squad that came with you from Yan'an is now on Dongshanliang. This security squad was trained by you personally and is equipped with all automatic rifles. Even if it is just one squad, it is still difficult to deal with this group of people.  There is no problem, there is no need to light up all your guards. Don¡¯t you have confidence in the troops you have trained yourself? Don¡¯t worry, the battle will be resolved within twenty minutes at most.¡±

    After saying that, Li Mingbo, who was afraid that Yang Zhen would get angry, turned around and took off his body and faced the Type 81 automatic rifle specially approved by the chief of staff without waiting for Yang Zhen's answer. When setting off from the northeast, he hurriedly turned around to assemble the troops.  Looking at Li Mingbo's hurried away figure, Yang Zhen couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This guy actually put a hat on himself."

    But Yang Zhen then thought about it and realized that what this guy said was not unreasonable.  The class that followed him from Yan'an to Wannan as a temporary security class was part of the old direct reconnaissance battalion of the military region that he personally trained.  Even most people are still from the first batch.

    ? All automatic firearms, coupled with rich practical experience and strict, even seemingly cruel special training.  Although there is only one squad, there is no problem in dealing with a Japanese squadron in mountain battles and night battles.  What's more, there are no more than two rows on the ridge on the east side?

    Thinking of this, Yang Zhen smiled, but his mood relaxed slightly.  Seeing that Yang Zhen's expression softened a lot, a communications staff officer from the Confidential Department cautiously walked to Yang Zhen and said: "Political Commissar, the rearguard has found out the identity of the enemy who fought fiercely with them. Now the front line of Piling is with our rearguard.  The enemy force engaged in a fierce battle was a reinforced battalion of the 144th Division."

    "This battalion originally set out from Tongshan in accordance with the orders of the 144th Division to take advantage of the loopholes in our army's defense line between Shiziling and Gaoling, and prepared to bypass our army's flank at Niulanling. But because it was dark,  Coming down, and being unfamiliar with the terrain, they all took the wrong path and accidentally entered the Piling line, just in time to encounter our army's covering troops."

    "The correspondents sent by the rearguard battalion just found us after getting lost in the mountains and forests. While we were marching, we couldn't set up a radio station, so the news came a little late. They are currently fighting a fierce battle with this enemy force. This enemy force  Although the equipment is poor, they are fighting tenaciously. Commissioner Leite asked me to tell you that they will definitely find a way to drive out this enemy force, but please hurry up and move."

    "Also, the scouts sent in other directions have also returned. According to their reconnaissance, the New Seventh Division, which captured our military headquarters in Yunling, has now occupied the Zhangjiadu and Shuikou lines on the east bank of Shuxi River.  They are scrambling to build the pontoon bridge all night long. Our scouts can spot the bonfires they lit for lighting from a long distance away. The 108th Division has already crossed the Huihe River and occupied the line from Xixi Mountain to Taikang."

    "Political Commissar, based on past intelligence and combat experience, this new seventh division is composed of two brigades of the original Sichuan Army. Coupled with the Central Army's consistent practice of discriminating against miscellaneous brands, it is not a cause for concern that the combat effectiveness and equipment are very poor. Weapons and equipmentThe equipment is incomplete and incomplete, and most of them still use Sichuan indigenous rifles.  "

    "On the other hand, this 144th Division is an adaptation of the most elite model division of the Sichuan Army. Although the equipment cannot be compared with the elite of the Central Army, it is much better than the ordinary no-name troops. In the 23rd Group Army of the Sichuan Army in southern Anhui, it can definitely be  It is said to be the most sophisticated. They are all imitation Swiss Kirari light machine guns and Hanyang-made rifles, and the ammunition is relatively sufficient. "

    "There are other division-affiliated artillery units that the Sichuan Army does not have, and their training level is relatively high. During the Long March, the Central Red Army suffered a lot in the Battle of Tucheng. When the Red Fourth Front Army went south to the Chengdu Plain, they also  This 144th Division has suffered a big loss. We should treat this 144th Division as the elites of the Central Army like the 52nd Division."
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