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Text Chapter 354: Kill one to serve as a warning to others

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    However, regarding the behavior of Colonel Shigetoshi Okajima who lost all his troops but managed to escape by chance, the new division commander Lieutenant General Honda Masakai, who succeeded Lieutenant General Tsukada, no matter how much he praised Lotus, he actually  It is difficult to accept this. I think this approach is quite insulting to the honor of the imperial officers and the spirit of fighting to the end with the soldiers.

    In addition, the very shameless Okajima Shigetoshi pointed at the bayonet scar on his face and kept shouting at Tseng Tianqi. He repeatedly said that he had been fighting bloody battles with the anti-Manchu forces to the end, even as the captain of the Colonel-General.  He personally went into battle and fought hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, and killed two enemy soldiers.

    Although he finally escaped alone, it was not because he was greedy for life and fear of death. It was because the overall war situation was irreversible that he finally chose to switch in. He did not abandon his subordinates. It was because they became addicted to drugs and lost all their ability to move. That is,  Unable to fight or break out of the encirclement, he had no choice but to move in alone.

    Although no one can prove whether this guy's name is Chuang Tianqu, no one can prove that what he said is a lie. Moreover, this guy is worthy of being a graduate of Army University. His eloquence is quite remarkable.  After he came down, the officer who reviewed him was moved. Not only did no one agree with the decision, but they all wanted to take credit for him.

    Coupled with the special situation that the entire Eighth Division was addicted to drugs at that time and was no longer able to fight, Lieutenant General Honda had to consider that after repeated inspections, no doubts about this guy were found, even if he did not  Believe him, Lieutenant General Honda could only find an excuse to transfer him to the reserve force.

    However, the Eighth Division, which was reorganized last year, was hit hard again. Of the three captains, only Kobayashi Shimaji remained. Now that the Japanese army is constantly expanding, there are not enough captains with actual combat experience like him.  His father-in-law, a former Army major general, and several Army University classmates fought hard to transfer him back to active duty.

    However, he was not offered a position or promoted to a military rank. After several discussions, and with the care and advice of his classmate and fellow countryman who worked in the Army Military Affairs Bureau, he was still allowed to return to the Fifth Wing to continue his post.  The captain of the regiment is euphemistically called the Imperial Soldier. Wherever you fall, you have to get up there.

    This man also became a hero during the Battle of Baoqing in 1940. After the entire Eighth Division became addicted to drugs and were wiped out, resulting in the largest capture incident in the history of the Japanese Army, the Eighth Division went from the division commander to  The squad leader below is the only one among all the officers who is still serving in the Eighth Division.

    The drug addiction incident that almost caused a sensation in the entire Japanese Army brought great misfortune to the Eighth Division from top to bottom, from the division commander to the ordinary soldiers below. There were no addicts among all the troops participating in the war, and almost all of them fought.  Those who died on the battlefield and were addicted to drugs basically went into prisoner of war camps, and the troops who stayed behind were also strictly purged after the war.

    All officers and non-commissioned officers who are addicted to drugs will be expelled from the military after compulsory detoxification. Those who are not addicted to drugs will also be transferred to the reserve force. Soldiers who are left behind and have not gone to the battlefield will be transferred to the military.  Those who served on the main fronts and became addicted to drugs were all forced to detoxify and then recover.

    The Japanese army's handling of this incident can be said to be unprecedented. In the Japanese Army's February 26 incident in 1936, only officers were dealt with. The non-commissioned officers and soldiers below were not implicated. However, this time those who were involved in the incident under unknown circumstances  , not only were all the officers and non-commissioned officers who were addicted to drugs rehabilitated, they were not even recruited into the reserve ranks.

    Even those who were not addicted to drugs were all forcibly transferred to the reserves. In the reorganized Eighth Division, not only all the officers were replaced, but also the ordinary soldiers, plus  After last year's loss, Colonel Okajima Shigetoshi, who was transferred back to active duty, almost became the only old man in the Eighth Division after the battle of Baoqing.

    And this old man reappeared in the list of first-level captains of the Japanese Army, but the Anti-Japanese Intelligence Department was confused. At first, they thought this guy had come back from the dead, or was a person with the same name, but  Judging from the resume, he was the same person. This fact made the intelligence department responsible for interrogating prisoners of the Anti-Japanese Federation unable to figure out what was going on for a long time.

    It wasn't until Guo Bingxun, who was rigorous by nature, immediately ordered the Intelligence Department to re-interrogate the officers and soldiers of the Fifth Regiment who were captured the year before last, that they found out the reason why this guy came back from the dead, and only then did he know that among the senior officers of the Japanese army, there was such a person who had drawn a gun.  He forced his subordinates to change military uniforms with him, looking for a different kind of guy who was looking for a chance to escape after the scapegoat escaped.

    This own incident also resulted in the Anti-Union Intelligence Department and the Political Department Enemy Work Department, which were responsible for prisoner interrogation and supervision of prisoners of war, receiving extremely severe punishments. Since being transferred to the Anti-Union work, they have been quite  Chen Long, the intelligence minister who was highly regarded by Yang Zhen, was also demoted. His military rank was demoted two levels to lieutenant colonel.??

    The Minister of Enemy Engineering in the Political Department, who was responsible for screening prisoners, also received the same punishment. His rank was demoted from deputy division to full regimental position, and his military rank was also downgraded to lieutenant colonel. The corresponding persons in charge of the Intelligence Department and the Enemy Industry Department, as long as they did not sacrifice  All of them were punished accordingly, and their military ranks were generally reduced by one or two levels.

    Some of those directly responsible were even transferred from their original work units. The battalion-level officer of the Political Department and Enemy Industry Department who evacuated the prisoners was directly dismissed from all positions, his military rank was demoted from major to second lieutenant, and he was transferred from his original job.  Transferred to the Internal Guard Corps as deputy company instructor.

    If it weren't for the fact that this officer had made two great contributions and received a third-level Liberation Medal, which in principle could reduce his punishment, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to keep the rank of second lieutenant. He might be directly demoted to a soldier, or even be expelled from the military.  Perhaps, this fine is almost the most serious punishment since the Anti-Japanese Alliance was reorganized.

    In the words of Yang Zhen, who personally handled the matter, this is not only a punishment, but also a serious warning, warning cadres in all departments to treat all work meticulously, meticulously, meticulously, conscientiously, and conscientiously.  Incidents like this caused by paralysis and carelessness must never happen again.

    This time, we will kill a few chickens as a warning to the monkeys. If there is a next time, no matter who is involved, they will be punished to the end. Those who should be expelled from the military will be expelled from the army, and those who should be sent to a military court will be punished.  Send him to a military court, and those who deserve to be sentenced will not be spared.

    Every job of the Intelligence Department and the Enemy Industry Department responsible for intelligence support is the most important guarantee for the victory of every battle. Every mistake they make means that the soldiers at the front have to pay more blood and costs to make up for it.  If you are not meticulous, you will have to pay for it with your life.

    Only when things first appear, can we deal with them more severely to serve as a warning to others, so that they can be more meticulous and have a stronger sense of responsibility in their future work, so as to prevent more people from making similar mistakes again.  If a similar situation occurs, the punishment will be increased.

    Those who should be expelled from the military should be expelled from the military. Those who should be sent to a military court should be sent to a military court. Those who should be sentenced will never be forgiven. This guy escaped the punishment of his own people and was eventually transferred to the reserve army to end the trouble, but he was implicated in the Anti-Japanese Alliance  A large number of people were unlucky and were severely punished. Now Colonel Shigetoshi Okajima made the Anti-Alliance Intelligence Department and the Enemy Engineering Department hate him to the extreme.

    However, although this guy had been reinstated and returned to his position as a regiment leader before this battle, after all, he had been out of the military for two years from the 1940s to the present. Coupled with the unique closed nature of the Japanese Army,  This man, who has never been abroad, knows very little about the weapons and equipment of other countries.

    Of course, except for the Chinese army, which had been fighting the Japanese army for three full years at that time, and the Soviets, who had always been the imaginary enemy of the Kwantung Army, he did not know much about the weapons and equipment of other countries, even Germany, Japan's ally. In his impression  Among them, the German weapons and equipment should be the same as the German armorers of the Chinese army.

    The small weapons are still the same Maxim heavy machine gun, Czech light machine gun, plus those long-handled grenades. As for the German army, there is also a machine gun with excellent performance called the MG 34 general-purpose machine gun. He is not an ordnance expert of the army, so naturally he is not.  clear.

    This guy who didn't understand anything in the business world and lost everything, otherwise he wouldn't have wanted to return to the army. He didn't even know that the German army had such a machine gun, let alone the troops that advanced into the army.  After receiving these trophies of the Soviet army, they were helpless in the face of the high rate of fire of this machine gun.

    Looking at the six machine guns on the opposite side that were constantly harvesting the lives of his men, he had never seen a machine gun with a terrifying rate of fire. When his own heavy machine gun fired at them, he was defeated in a short time.  Not to mention, two-thirds of them were shot down by the enemy's infantry artillery ambushed in depth. It was impossible to suppress the enemy's machine guns.

    In the past, grenades, which were used to deal with the Chinese machine guns, were now being used to kill one by one. Not to mention being unable to destroy the enemy's machine guns, he was also unable to protect himself. While he was helpless, Okajima Shigetoshi could only attack one after another.  The infantry team filled the fire net, hoping to open a first-line breakout channel in Damaigou as soon as possible.

    In order to knock out those machine guns as quickly as possible, even though he knew that the opponent had arranged sharpshooters to deal with his grenade launchers, he could only continue to send the grenade launchers forward one by one. It was only his efforts that  But it still didn't bring any gains.

    But his offensive was still in vain. The Japanese army was originally extremely sharp and had almost invincible tactics on the battlefield in China. However, facing the enemy's painstakingly set up positions, it was like running into an iron wall. Attack after attack, almost  Just like a moth flying into a flame, not only does it fail to achieve any results, but it also makes oneself?The losses are mounting.

    After losing a full third of their troops, the Japanese army commanded by Okajima Shigetoshi paid a heavy price. However, the front-line defense of Damai Gou was still unbreakable, and Okajima really did not dare to continue filling in.  Colonel Chongmin had no choice but to seize a few nearby hills and wait for darkness.

    Colonel Okajima Shigetoshi knew very well that he was lucky to be able to escape alone last time, but if he was defeated again this time, he might not have the same good luck as last time, so if he still wanted to escape, he could not  Fill in all the troops. If the few remaining troops around you are all used up, then there is really no hope.

    It's just that although he chose to wait for dark before breaking out, his opponent lost patience. Looking at the Japanese army that had been weakened to a certain extent, he faced the advancing brigade commander in front of him and made up his mind to start a full-scale attack, striving to win the battle.  All battles will be over before dark.

    But just when he was about to give the order to launch a general attack, Cao Yafan, who came from the Shijiazi front line, firmly disagreed with the idea of ????the brother brigade commander to attack now. Cao Yafan's attitude was very firm and insisted on using  The firepower cooperated with the multi-channel attack of small units, taking advantage of the fact that the Japanese troops in front of them were unable to get closer and could only stick to three isolated hills, and gradually eliminated the Japanese troops in front of them.
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